
CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages
I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.

CameronPoe wrote:

That reference to dinosaurs in Leviticus is the clincher.
Yea creationism also doesnt believe that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs on the entire planet.
Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?
Because of the flood? You know, the flood that isnt just referred to in the bible but in many other ancient civilizations historical texts.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-07-26 08:20:33)

. . .
I am serious, how old are you?


How I am supposed to know what particular form of creationism is it - that you believe-in?

Old earth or young earth? Or, maybe Itelligent Design? I am not a mind reader. Also your age is going to influence how I respond to you.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-26 08:21:53)


[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.

Yea creationism also doesnt believe that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs on the entire planet.
Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?
Because of the flood?
I thought it was a meteor.

If it was the flood then why didn't Noah take one male and one female from each of the dinosaur species?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-26 08:20:56)

16 more years
+877|6569|South Florida

jetxburned wrote:


... This has got me so mad (as you can probably already deduce, I live in Texas, but this should be an outrage for anyone in the US).

I know, this is very much expected from one of a few states which requires its office holders to believe in a supreme being.

http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/cgi-bin/cqc … C_TEXT=YES

The fact still remains, THIS IS ABSOLUTE FUCKING BULLSHIT. This is anti-science as much as it is anti-truth (please note I'm not saying science is complete or absolute truth, but it's mark is much closer to reality than the pixie dust intelligent design idea). First the ten commandments outside of the city's muninciple court and now this?

I think I'm starting to believe the States are deviating to far from the constitution. I'm shaking from anger right now.
This is why i constantly go on insane flaming sprees completely bashing religion. Because theres really no words that can describe the amount of BULLSHIT this is.

Its wrong firstly because forcing kids to believe something (whether right or wrong) is not fair to them.

And secondly, Religion is SUCH BULLSHIT, such a lie!, complete and utter close minded fictional bullshit of a fairy tale, that forcing someone to believe it is beyond UNFAIR!

If i still went to school and they tried to teach this shit in my class, i would contradict EVERY SINGLE THING the teacher said and ask for facts, bash god, and just laugh out loud at the fairy tail.
15 more years! 15 more years!
Do we have to roll out the banana videos again for this one?
Real Хорошо
+826|6563|Adelaide, South Australia

Braddock wrote:

Do we have to roll out the banana videos again for this one?
Don't forget the peanut butter video.

topal63 wrote:

I am serious, how old are you?


How I am supposed to know what particular form of creationism you believe?

Old earth, or young earth? Or maybe Itelligent Design? I am not a mind reader. Also your age is going to influence how I respond to you.
I believe the form of creationism taught in the Bible involving God creating everything in 7 days. Why would my age influence how you respond to me? Ill simply say Im between 14 and 18.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

topal63 wrote:

Also your age is going to influence how I respond to you.
I dunno.

I think it'd be best to do it with big simple pictures, no matter what his age.
+11|6194|Some Pub in Valletta
RUN! get to Europe, things are here still in status quo.
Can't even imagine what the next generation of Texans will sound and look like

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?
Because of the flood?
I thought it was a meteor.

If it was the flood then why didn't Noah take one male and one female from each of the dinosaur species?
You realize he did do that dont you? Scientists have found fossilized dinosaur skin and DNA that would have lasted millions of years and through a huge explosion.

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Do we have to roll out the banana videos again for this one?
Don't forget the peanut butter video.
The Ultimate Orgy!
I'll point to this thread..
+100|6542|State of RETOXification

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

topal63 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real.
How old are you?
Typical response. You cant defend your belief so you stick with idiotic questions. Not impressed.
I'll bite.


Ian Johnston
Malaspina University-College
Nanaimo, BC


The first step in demonstrating the truth of evolution is to make the claim that all living creatures must have a living parent. This point has been overwhelmingly established in the past century and a half, ever since the French scientist Louis Pasteur demonstrated how fermentation took place and thus laid to rest centuries of stories about beetles arising spontaneously out of dung or gut worms being miraculously produced from non-living material. There is absolutely no evidence for this ancient belief. Living creatures must come from other living creatures. It does no damage to this point to claim that life must have had some origin way back in time, perhaps in a chemical reaction of inorganic materials (in some primordial soup) or in some invasion from outer space. That may well be true. But what is clear is that any such origin for living things or living material must result in a very simple organism. There is no evidence whatsoever (except in science fiction like Frankenstein) that inorganic chemical processes can produce complex, multi-cellular living creatures (the recent experiments cloning sheep, of course, are based on living tissue from other sheep).

The second important point in the case for evolution is that some living creatures are very different from some others. This, I take it, is self-evident. Let me cite a common example: many animals have what we call an internal skeletal structure featuring a backbone and skull. We call these animals vertebrates. Most animals do not have these features (we call them invertebrates). The distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates is something no one who cares to look at samples of both can reasonably deny, and, so far as I am aware, no one hostile to evolution has ever denied a fact so apparent to anyone who observes the world for a few moments.

The final point in the case for evolution is this: simple animals and plants existed on earth long before more complex ones (invertebrate animals, for example, were around for a very long time before there were any vertebrates). Here again, the evidence from fossils is overwhelming. In the deepest rock layers, there are no signs of life. The first fossil remains are of very simple living things. As the strata get more recent, the variety and complexity of life increase (although not at a uniform rate).  And no human fossils have ever been found except in the most superficial layers of the earth (e.g., battlefields, graveyards, flood deposits, and so on).  In all the countless geological excavations and inspections (for example, of the Grand Canyon), no one has ever come up with a genuine fossil remnant which goes against this general principle (and it would only take one genuine find to overturn this principle).

Well, if we put these three points together, the rational case for evolution is air tight. If all living creatures must have a living parent, if living creatures are different, and if simpler forms were around before the more complex forms, then the more complex forms must have come from the simpler forms (e.g., vertebrates from invertebrates). There is simply no other way of dealing reasonably with the evidence we have. Of course, one might deny (as some do) that the layers of the earth represent a succession of very lengthy epochs and claim, for example, that the Grand Canyon was created in a matter of days, but this surely violates scientific observation and all known scientific processes as much as does the claim that, say, vertebrates just, well, appeared one day out of a spontaneous combination of chemicals.

Yep, creationism = /fail

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am serious, how old are you?


How I am supposed to know what particular form of creationism you believe?

Old earth, or young earth? Or maybe Itelligent Design? I am not a mind reader. Also your age is going to influence how I respond to you.
I believe the form of creationism taught in the Bible involving God creating everything in 7 days. Why would my age influence how you respond to me? Ill simply say Im between 14 and 18.
Ricky Gervais explains my views on that particular story quite well...

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Because of the flood?
I thought it was a meteor.

If it was the flood then why didn't Noah take one male and one female from each of the dinosaur species?
You realize he did do that dont you? Scientists have found fossilized dinosaur skin and DNA that would have lasted millions of years and through a huge explosion.
We have a live one here people. Using scientists to prove creationism. I've seen it all now. I can die happy.
biggie smalls
+72|6497|Ontario, Canada
I'm happy, well done.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I thought it was a meteor.

If it was the flood then why didn't Noah take one male and one female from each of the dinosaur species?
You realize he did do that dont you? Scientists have found fossilized dinosaur skin and DNA that would have lasted millions of years and through a huge explosion.
We have a live one here people. Using scientists to prove creationism. I've seen it all now. I can die happy.
You do realize that there is such a thing as creation science and there are creationist scientists?
Ah, the science of creationism


[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

You realize he did do that dont you? Scientists have found fossilized dinosaur skin and DNA that would have lasted millions of years and through a huge explosion.
We have a live one here people. Using scientists to prove creationism. I've seen it all now. I can die happy.
You do realize that there is such a thing as creation science and there are creationist scientists?
Hold on, can we get back to you trying to suggest Noah took dinosaurs on the ark?
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Yea it makes sense that a completely random explosion, not triggered by anything because nothing existed created the universe and everything in it.
The big bang theory and the theory of evolution are two separate things. The big bang theory actually has 0 evidence, it is completely theoretical, but then again so is the theory of god. Evolution has scientific backing, fossils, relation in embryo -fetus production to the evolution of feathers, similar bone structures in related animals from today and from 100 million years ago. The marine iguana is a blatant example of evolution; it gained webbed feet and other features do to its long term isolation on the Galapagos Islands. I want you to give me ONE reason why your god, ruler of the universe, is anymore plausible than Ancient Greek Mythology or the Hindu gods. And, holy shit, if you say "because it says so in the bible", then I strongly suggest either chemical castration so you can't spread your fucked sperm or suicide.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2007-07-26 19:50:16)

+302|6779|Salt Lake City

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages
I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.

Yea creationism also doesnt believe that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs on the entire planet.
Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?
Because of the flood? You know, the flood that isnt just referred to in the bible but in many other ancient civilizations historical texts.
So how did Noah store the fish on his ark?  The reason I ask is that most salt water creatures cannot survive in fresh water, and vice versa.  That means if the flood was salt water, which is most likely, then all the fresh water creatures would have died, or vice versa.  How is it that we still have an abundance of species for both?

I have no doubt that there may have been a flood due to a tsunami or tidal wave, or whatever they call them in that part of the world, but the flood most certainly did not cover the entire planet.  If it had there would be geological proof of this.  This flood occurred in the too recent past for geologists to have not found substantial evidence of such a worldwide flood.

Oh, and while you're bashing science.  Lets play this little game.  Science can't explain how gravity works.  We can see its obvious effects, we can measure it, and can even calculate its effect on objects...but we still can't explain where it comes from or how it works.  So you're right, in that science can't explain everything.  Now, since science can't really prove anything, and we don't know how gravity works, why don't you go to the top of a very tall building and see if the one time YOU step off that building that gravity ceases to work in the manner in which science has described.

Braddock wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

We have a live one here people. Using scientists to prove creationism. I've seen it all now. I can die happy.
You do realize that there is such a thing as creation science and there are creationist scientists?
Hold on, can we get back to you trying to suggest Noah took dinosaurs on the ark?
He could have easily taken smaller dinosaurs, you know, babies? No one said he had to take huge grown dinosaurs.
+133|6340|Bloomington Indiana

Braddock wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

We have a live one here people. Using scientists to prove creationism. I've seen it all now. I can die happy.
You do realize that there is such a thing as creation science and there are creationist scientists?
Hold on, can we get back to you trying to suggest Noah took dinosaurs on the ark?
no he's right...the t-rex ate the unicorn
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?
Because of the flood? You know, the flood that isnt just referred to in the bible but in many other ancient civilizations historical texts.
So how did Noah store the fish on his ark?  The reason I ask is that most salt water creatures cannot survive in fresh water, and vice versa.  That means if the flood was salt water, which is most likely, then all the fresh water creatures would have died, or vice versa.  How is it that we still have an abundance of species for both?

I have no doubt that there may have been a flood due to a tsunami or tidal wave, or whatever they call them in that part of the world, but the flood most certainly did not cover the entire planet.  If it had there would be geological proof of this.  This flood occurred in the too recent past for geologists to have not found substantial evidence of such a worldwide flood.

Oh, and while you're bashing science.  Lets play this little game.  Science can't explain how gravity works.  We can see its obvious effects, we can measure it, and can even calculate its effect on objects...but we still can't explain where it comes from or how it works.  So you're right, in that science can't explain everything.  Now, since science can't really prove anything, and we don't know how gravity works, why don't you go to the top of a very tall building and see if the one time YOU step off that building that gravity ceases to work in the manner in which science has described.
Also, nemisis, you big genius, dinosaurs were not around the 4000 or so years ago. They died out 65 MILLION years ago. I want you to disprove that a large meteor could not kill off most of the surface dwelling life on earth...come on prove it. Also, all of those historical texts tell of a flood, yes. And there is scientific evidence of a flood around then...in the Fertile Crescent area, where all of those texts come from, because the Fertile Crescent was all they knew as the world then.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2007-07-26 08:44:02)


[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Braddock wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

You do realize that there is such a thing as creation science and there are creationist scientists?
Hold on, can we get back to you trying to suggest Noah took dinosaurs on the ark?
He could have easily taken smaller dinosaurs, you know, babies? No one said he had to take huge grown dinosaurs.
Then what the fuck wiped out the dinosaurs and why didn't it wipe everything else out?

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