Honestly, I'm all for gay rights. Let gay people get married. Let them adopt kids. Let them do whatever the hell they feel like. But even I get a little annoyed when I see gay pride parades, because, frankly, it's not necessary. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that most of the United States doesn't really give a crap about homosexuals (which isn't to say that they 'like' gay people, in fact, the studies I've read while researching this post indicate that the majority of the population doesn't like homosexuality if even on a superficial level), its just that the religious right makes far more noise than their relative size would merit.
Society will eventually check these people as far as public opinion and policy is concerned. Every relevant medical and psychiatric association came to the conclusion that homosexuality is perfectly normal and healthy decades ago, and it is only the self-deluded and or irrational among the public that believe that homosexuality is either immoral or unnatural. To those who disagree with me, I challenge you to provide even a modicum of evidence to support your position, because, thus far, the only people arguing that being gay is 'wrong' in some respect have nothing to draw upon but their own bias. I would also note that my earlier contribution to this thread, namely, the links providing support for the notion that being gay is not a choice (also a conclusion that the relevant medical and psychiatric communities reached some time ago) were ignored in their entirety.
I'll make this point one last time, just for the sake of being thorough. The APA, the AMA, every doctor and psychiatrist worth his or her title, and practically every medical professional who places his professional integrity before religious conviction will tell you that homosexuality is not unnatural or a choice. The studies to back this up are everywhere if you choose to look. Scientists have provided statistically damning evidence that genetically determined physical characteristics such as finger length and hair pattern collate with being homosexual. The number of biological brothers born to your mother is statistically relevant in terms of how likely it is that you will turn out gay. Efforts to 'turn people straight' via psychiatric methods have been dismissed by the larger medical community as the proverbial pipe dream of fundamentalist christians.
all objective evidence supports the notion that homosexuality is a normal occurance, and is perfectly natural (as far as the occurance of homosexuality, which, it appears, extends across every cultural, economic and social boundary).Honestly, it boggles my mind that in a world with so many problems, people choose to be upset by which consenting adults choose to have sex with one another in private.
In conclusion, if you feel disturbed by homosexuality, fine. Humans are programmed, for lack of a better term, to be disturbed by that which is different than what they know. It is one thing to see two men kissing each other (something that even I find discomforting) and feel disturbed, but it is entirely another thing to say that that is 'unnatural' or 'immoral' for the simple reason that you do not like it.
I submit to you (again):
http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/RootW … cal_ba.htmhttp://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/readi … inger.htmlwww.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0511152103v1.pdfAbove are just a few of the many, many studies being done on homosexuality, and you'll be hard pressed to find any (other than from sites like 'narth.com') that provide viewpoint that support the 'homosexuality is a choice/is immoral' perspective. If you want to believe that homosexuality is immoral, fine. I can't stop you, but don't make the mistake of believing for a moment that your view is based on any kind of objective reality.