Line hopping=win. Reminds me of Paramount Great America and Top Gun. I had very little time left in the park (we were on a school trip), but wanted to go on Top Gun. Being the best coaster in the park, and considering that I get the chance to go to theme parks very rarely, this was reasonable. Anyway, I went through the normal part of the line in about ten minutes. However, PGA doesn't split you up into the train location (i.e. which car you are sitting on in the train) after you get through the line. They let you choose which train location you want, and you have to wait in a line for this location. Essentially, there 60% of the wait in a single file line, and then the last 40% stacked up behind other people in a line for a certain row in the train. Naturally, more desirable locations, such as the front and rear, have the longest lines.
Back to the story, I got through the single file part rather quickly. Unfortunately, it was already 5:05 by the time I had finished this part, and I needed to be back to our bus by 5:30. This meant leaving the park by 5:20, to ensure arriving back on time. There weren't very many lines in this second part that were short enough to suit my tastes of getting through quickly.The front certainly wasn't one of them, while the much worse second row was. However, I was determined to have my last ride be in the best location possible. I paused momentarily, disappointed, knowing I wasn't going to get a chance to go back. It was then when I noticed that three people from my school were in the front of the line for the front row. While I knew that I could probably line hop directly and just go up to them, I didn't feel like having to explain to a ton of people why I was skipping ahead of them in line for prime real estate. Instead, I decided to use a much more ingenious plan. The line for row 2, directly behind them, was filled with only three people. Meanwhile, there were only three people in the group of people from my school. A quick surveillance of the rest of the front row line showed that there was no single people in the line. This was perfect. I joined the row 2 line, pretending to be the fourth riders in the group there. Then, once we boarded, I asked a ride attendant if I could be the single rider to fill up the front row. They cheerfully obliged, and I successfully got my front row ride, while ensuring on-time arrival back to the bus.
Edit: That was a little longer than I thought. Oh well.
Last edited by nukchebi0 (17 years, 8 months ago)