wheee... another succesful night.

so I'm in an apc with some clanmates.. I look on my minimap to see what is in the UAV... so I see somebody in the corner of the hanger(the one on the mainland in 32 Clean Sweep) and he isn't moving... so I tell my guys I'm gonna knife this guy.. don't kill him... so I jump out of my APC, run towards him and I see him look towrds me(I guess he was commander and heard my apc) and I say to myself *you are not getting me* JUMP PRONE KNIFE... he got a hit on me.. but not enough.. wooooo.. haha he had a g36C too.. lol.

so, this guy drives up in a boat(same round as the last one*I think*) I chase after him.. he doesnt see me... he goes around the hanger thing and kneels down to zooka my team up to the left.. I come around SLICE... I actually took three diff screenies of this guy because on the first two my game didn't freeze so I thought I pushed scroll lock or something.

SHARQI PENINSULA! haha.. saw a guys feet through the back of the fence.. came around (knowing there was a bunch of enemies to my left...) knifed him and screenied... I think it's worth dying when you screenie.. haha.

this was a funny one... haha.. I chased this guy around the corner and he knew I followed him ( he was shooting at me) and I layed at his feet which made him go crazy.. so he starts unloading his G36C at the ground while spinning around.. I sat still and waited til he reloaded and knifed his legs... lol.. he onloaded two freakin clips. hilarious crap.

yet another good one... I heard a sniper.. so I was following the sound(like always) well.. while I was looking. I found a Vodnik.. so I kept my distance ( as I was support and not gonna kill anyone fast) well he ended up rolling the vodnik around a tight turn and then jumped out and ran for a ladder... haha... (he was specops) so I see him go up.. I wait for him to get settled.. I run up get up the latter.. and lie down behind him and *SLASH*
sadly that's the last one.. I got a lot of knifes.. but some I was in a hurry to get away (getting sniped and crap.. and my clanmate was depending on me to get over to him. I only played as support tonight (trying to get good at it so when I unlock the pkm I can own B) )