will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

McPwned wrote:

The saddest knife kills are when the person is running in the opposite direction as you, you start chasing them from behind, and when you're one foot away from stabbing them, you run out of sprint.  Then they turn around for one reason or another and shoot you in the face.  Happened a few times; it frustrates the hell outta me.
interesting. i call it: "Revenge at the Bates Motel"

psycho anyone?
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

zeppelin wrote:

Because he has the German version of BF2.
Flagge erfolgreich verteidigt!
when somebody has the german version of bf2.. when they're dead and they talk with the chat messages does it say *TOT* instead of *DEAD* because this one German guy that I play with was chatting while he was dead and it showed up as *TOT*
Yep, it says: *TOT* ....never realized that in chat    rofl

@Mcpwned: I feel u, m8! Happens 2 me, too....

@bluehavoc666: For sure, m8 - i love Hitch

Destroy Noob Cannons
Two more I got tonight (same round)

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-09-18 22:04:52)

Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
Another one and a funny story!
Combat Report:
"......crk...enemy infantry spotted!....crk....." I heard the radio voice, but it sounded miles away....
I already saw the enemy sniper. 'That'll be a nice knife kill', I thought to myself.
Pulling out my knife while running across the dusty streets of Sharqi, heading for the flag, aware of the snipers position, I suddenly jumped over the sandbags, diving towards the enemy, ready to kill him as....
a voice in my head said: 'Hit Print Screen'! And tbh i did - next thing i can remember, lying awake in the hospital asking a doctor what had actually happend. He explained: 'Well, u have been critically wounded!'
Damn....i'd never hit that ScreenshotButton again in front of someone....coz i know my pc freezes for a short time.....damn... /me=B00n ..AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
ROFL....yeah he killed me, coz like i said, my system freezes for a short time during screen capturing...

Destroy Noob Cannons
yeah I kinda left out part of the story for this one:
I hit printscreen.. it froze... when it came back he was standing up looking over me.. still didnt see me.. so I got up and I HIT HIM WITH MY KNIFE (made the noise and everything but he was still alive.. I swung at him 5 more times (by this time he was running around trying to switch weapons because I dodged his AT rocket)  I hit him all 5 times all the noises and everything.. he still didnt die.. he ended up pullingout his SMG and plastering me.. BUT BUT I HIT HIM!  this game is one big glitch I swear.
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
MUAHAHA very kewl.....good to know i'm not the only one with a freezing system

Destroy Noob Cannons

Ag3nT-()r@ng3 wrote:

MUAHAHA very kewl.....good to know i'm not the only one with a freezing system

haha I think it does it for everyone.. my computer is really good and it does it :p it has to have toime to capture the screen.
anyways.. have you ever knifed and heard the noise but it didn't kill? I did it to a guys face before and it didn't work. it sucks.
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
@Slaythem:'s annoying....u hear the sound, u're SURE u hit him, turn away coz thinking u got him and *blam* right in your face, ehrm a$$......gggrrrrrr...... 

Destroy Noob Cannons
I GOT 4 MORE TONIGHT IN ONE ROUND! WOOHOO hahaha. SOOO much fun.. Songhua Stalemate 64 players, owns.. sooo many people just standing there.
first one.. haha while it was frozen, my clanmate shot me in the face (he was on the opposing team)
this guy I followed up on to a roof and he layed down, I knifed him it didnt register but made the sound, he turned around shot me once with the sniper then stood up and I knifed his leg and he went flying off the roof. so I jumped down after him
this guy I heard sniping.. so I went through the bamboo to find him.. turns out he was at the bottom of the hill almost in the water so I slid down the hill and knifed him.
this was the last one of the round(I swear I got more, oh well) he was anti tank shooting at a apc and I just ran up and knifed him... if you look upwards there is an enemy running to the right... me and my squad chased him to knife him and he got into a boat and murdered us with the turret
Twas a fun night!
Destroy Noob Cannons
Oh yeah.. I have a story for you.

You know how we were talkign about Honor in another thread? about knifing and crap. wel I was sniping and I heard a guy sneaking up behind me so I turn around to him swinging at me.. well I grab my pistol and think.. wait.. I'm gonna knife him.. so I pull out my knife and go after him and he pulls out his pistol and shoots me. WTF. so then I was like "WTF man, I pull out my knife to knife you and you pistol me" and he's like "I SURVIVED AND YOU DIDNT IT DOESNT MATTER NOOB" such BS. well when I respawnd I sniped him while walking( without scope)

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-09-19 02:33:32)

Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
@Slay: Very nice story and pics
Ok, remember my shot with the 2 Shock Paddles - that was just the beginning of that Karkand round....
Here is the rest    --- as u can see the 1st pic was about 20 min, 2nd pic about 15, 3rd pic about 5 min left...

I know this guy was lying on the roof...but i saw the claymore. A guy of my team don't saw it KABOOM
So i was able to sneak up the ladder. The sniper was just placing a new claymore...
He saw me and shot me with the silenced (look my health) during climbing up the him first

A teammate has been shot - i checked and cleared the area (eliminated an enemy with the AK).
I revived my teammate. Suddenly i hear an enemy gun above me.....HM, A PADDLE KILL, NICE.
Climbed up the ladder, the guy saw me - hah, but too late. Only one shot hits me, than   *BUUZZZ*
Shock Paddled him    MUAHAHA           This is so much fun...i love it!!!

Destroy Noob Cannons

Ag3nT-()r@ng3 wrote:

@Slay: Very nice story and pics
Ok, remember my shot with the 2 Shock Paddles - that was just the beginning of that Karkand round....
Here is the rest    --- as u can see the 1st pic was about 20 min, 2nd pic about 15, 3rd pic about 5 min left...

I know this guy was lying on the roof...but i saw the claymore. A guy of my team don't saw it KABOOM
So i was able to sneak up the ladder. The sniper was just placing a new claymore...
He saw me and shot me with the silenced (look my health) during climbing up the him first … een082.jpg

A teammate has been shot - i checked and cleared the area (eliminated an enemy with the AK).
I revived my teammate. Suddenly i hear an enemy gun above me.....HM, A PADDLE KILL, NICE.
Climbed up the ladder, the guy saw me - hah, but too late. Only one shot hits me, than   *BUUZZZ*
Shock Paddled him    MUAHAHA           This is so much fun...i love it!!! … een085.jpg

hahaha very nice, man. I'll have to start trying to get some shock paddle kills. it's too hard on big stages like songhua and operation cleansweep.. I'll have to play karkand eventually and just go on a knifing/shock paddle spree. I only have 6 shock paddle kills.. I have like 140 knifes
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
@Slay: Hehe, i feel u.....look at my knife and paddle kills.....
they will tell u why i am shock paddling atm
(K...go2bed now......nightshift......cya l8)

+66|7155|Missoula, MT
I get so much satisfaction from those kills, they take true "skill".  Any idiot can shoot a gun in these games, but to use a knife or the paddles, genius!  Got two more defib kills myself yesterday.  Shocking...hehe 

Plus it seems like the shock throws their bodies a little bit too.  Is it just me or anyone else notice this too?

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-09-19 07:33:41)

+1|7158|San Antonio, TX
To me its worse for someone to Shock you then to knife you!
+20|7152|government yard in trenchtown.
I have 50 paddle kills, pretty good compared to my 35 knife kills!

I'm going to get those screenies and stories since you like them so much

Wish I'd got one when I paddled 3 guys in a row @ Sharqi. Without taking a scratch, and they weren't snipers back turned off me
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
Whhooohoooo......SLAY: what a morning     ROFLMAO.....c the pics.....
today morning 8-11am.....almost got a nervous breakdown coz of these noobtubers....this morning it was awful....
The most ones ran straight into my way .....sometimes i got a death too much,
coz of this knife/paddle/screenshot thing
Look carefully: 2x this [NVW] guy and 3x the >Red guy with different weapons....think they h8 me now
I'm preety sure i can live with that......hahaha

just nothing
Hahahaha, wow, nicely done
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
"We're not worthy, we're not worthy!"   Cheers ()r@ng3!
More TK's than you can poke a stick at
+5|7123|Canberra, Australia
DAMNIT! 5 kills in a round. This stupid Basic Knife will kill me.. I think I made up some new swear words during that round.
Nice, once I ran up to a fellow team member that had been critically wounded, I looked up and saw the guy that shot him and lunged forward with the shock paddles, I zapped him and went back for my comrade, then another guy comes around the corner and he cops the shock paddles, then I finally revive my team mate. I wish I had of screen shotted that. Pure gold that was. I have about 12 shock paddle kills and 100 knife kills.
Destroy Noob Cannons
wheee... another succesful night.
so I'm in an apc with some clanmates.. I look on my minimap to see what is in the UAV... so I see somebody in the corner of the hanger(the one on the mainland in 32 Clean Sweep) and he isn't moving... so I tell my guys I'm gonna knife this guy.. don't kill him... so I jump out of my APC, run towards him and I see him look towrds me(I guess he was commander and heard my apc) and I say to myself *you are not getting me* JUMP PRONE KNIFE... he got a hit on me.. but not enough.. wooooo.. haha he had a g36C too.. lol.
so, this guy drives up in a boat(same round as the last one*I think*) I chase after him.. he doesnt see me... he goes around the hanger thing and kneels down to zooka my team up to the left.. I come around SLICE... I actually took three diff screenies of this guy because on the first two my game didn't freeze so I thought I pushed scroll lock  or something.
SHARQI PENINSULA! haha.. saw a guys feet through the back of the fence.. came around (knowing there was a bunch of enemies to my left...) knifed him and screenied... I think it's worth dying when you screenie.. haha.
this was a funny one... haha.. I chased this guy around the corner and he knew I followed him ( he was shooting at me) and I layed at his feet which made him go crazy.. so he starts unloading his G36C at the ground while spinning around.. I sat still and waited til he reloaded and knifed his legs... lol.. he onloaded two freakin clips. hilarious crap.
yet another good one... I heard a sniper.. so I was following the sound(like always) well.. while I was looking. I found a Vodnik.. so I kept my distance ( as I was support and not gonna kill anyone fast) well he ended up rolling the vodnik around a tight turn and then jumped out and ran for a ladder... haha... (he was specops) so I see him go up.. I wait for him to get settled.. I run up get up the latter.. and lie down behind him and *SLASH*
sadly that's the last one.. I got a lot of knifes.. but some I was in a hurry to get away (getting sniped and crap.. and my clanmate was depending on me to get over to him.  I only played as support tonight (trying to get good at it so when I unlock the pkm I can own B) )
+45|7107|South Cybertown, Texas
Knifing someone in BF2 is too easy, any noob can do it! It almost takes the fun out of it, at least in BF42/DC you had to really know how and you worked for it.



Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (2005-09-21 07:17:44)

Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany
Cool i'm a noob and Slay, too...and every other knife user....b00ns.....hrhrhrhr
Says the man with a KDR of 1.25 and a knife accuracy of 16%  ROFLMAO....
If u would read our posts and watch the pics carefully, u would find out, that we use the knife/paddles
mostly in open fights!
Phoenix ur da man!!! Nuf said....

Destroy Noob Cannons
Yet another great night... this time.. Shock paddles.
Not doing stories.. lol theres too many of them.
his next one if you look int he top left you'll see I got two guys.. one was behind me the other guy is right in front of me.
I woulda had more... but a lot were on the run.. and also I died after like 3 or 4 of them so no screenies.
but just as proof.. I went from 6 shock paddle kills to 17

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-09-22 02:32:33)

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