bad touch

yea ive noticed that the BSF members come in like they own the place. which makes it unfair for everyone else when you take the blackhawks with noone else in them, or force people out of a vechile so your mates can come in. very dominating people


There is more than one Nastie Butler imposter btw.  Comfort and Del Boy show us the pics then. I want to see these pics.
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
hmm... interesting.

What does 'FFS' mean? Sorry I seem to be older than most of you, I don't know what that means.
+4|6819|Los Angeles, KALIFoooNIaaa
we sayed butler, this game is all about teamwork and leadership... if you know how to do both you will dominate anyone.....
+41|6882|200m out and smiling at you.
does that include threatening ppl out of choppers? cuz he seems like the biggest chopper whore to me.
+50|6841|Southern California
I think it's funny that people scrape at anything to try and insult these guys. One minute they're hackers and the next minute the only ammunition people have is to call them arrogant. As if that's some horrible crime. Seems like a lot of people have a huge emotional investment and/or obsession with hating these people. You must really have to worship these people to get frustrated that they aren't humble and cordial in your presence. I'm not gonna make the argument or say that the BSF people's responses are valid, because in my opinion getting into a fight is stupid on their part since they don't have to answer to anybody - but the argument to be made is that killing a person for a chopper is inline with a "team victory" attitidude since having BSF members fly choppers has a huge effect on the game. That doesn't mean it's ethical to destroy the experience of other players who are trying to enjoy advertised game features, like using vehicles.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

ComradeWho wrote:

I think it's funny that people scrape at anything to try and insult these guys. One minute they're hackers and the next minute the only ammunition people have is to call them arrogant. As if that's some horrible crime. Seems like a lot of people have a huge emotional investment and/or obsession with hating these people. You must really have to worship these people to get frustrated that they aren't humble and cordial in your presence. I'm not gonna make the argument or say that the BSF people's responses are valid, because in my opinion getting into a fight is stupid on their part since they don't have to answer to anybody - but the argument to be made is that killing a person for a chopper is inline with a "team victory" attitidude since having BSF members fly choppers has a huge effect on the game. That doesn't mean it's ethical to destroy the experience of other players who are trying to enjoy advertised game features, like using vehicles.
I've got a question for you ComradeWho. How much did BSF pay you to "bend over" for them?
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village
You are right....I shouldn't have even answered this thread.  People form their own opinions and stick to them no matter what the circumstances. 

I have to put up with people such as those on that screen shot in-game I should stop going on forums for more punishment.

We have enough ragers and stalkers as it is and these mislead posts tend to create more.   I am done with this thread.  If you want to play us you know where to find us.
+50|6841|Southern California

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

I think it's funny that people scrape at anything to try and insult these guys. One minute they're hackers and the next minute the only ammunition people have is to call them arrogant. As if that's some horrible crime. Seems like a lot of people have a huge emotional investment and/or obsession with hating these people. You must really have to worship these people to get frustrated that they aren't humble and cordial in your presence. I'm not gonna make the argument or say that the BSF people's responses are valid, because in my opinion getting into a fight is stupid on their part since they don't have to answer to anybody - but the argument to be made is that killing a person for a chopper is inline with a "team victory" attitidude since having BSF members fly choppers has a huge effect on the game. That doesn't mean it's ethical to destroy the experience of other players who are trying to enjoy advertised game features, like using vehicles.
I've got a question for you ComradeWho. How much did BSF pay you to "bend over" for them?
Why am I not suprised to see another post involving BFS and anal sex from somebody who can't stop talking to them/about them and clearly seems to thrive on their attention.

The only thing people who derride these guys seem to want is for them to take notice. Especially since these posts, and this is a perfect example, seem to just degenerate into things like "you guys are so arrogant!" and "omg you said you didn't do something but you really did it omg liar!" Do you realize how obsessive you look?

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-01 22:58:22)

I crap bigger than you
+0|6859|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!

imdead wrote:

hmm... interesting.

What does 'FFS' mean? Sorry I seem to be older than most of you, I don't know what that means.
FFS = for fuck's sake

At least I think that is what it means, I'm old too.
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
OH! I thought it was a computer term of First Fighter Soldier or something; hah! Gotta get with these terms of the now!
+19|6987|Toronto, Canada
Nastie butler lost his stats.

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