Marinejuana wrote:
DeathBecomesYu wrote:
Marinejuana wrote:
the link you posted was to a radical neo-conservative racist that was angry with the Muslim people AS A WHOLE for their lack of a unifying condemnation for terrorist attacks committed by other Muslims. My posts are actually perfectly on-topic because I show how this radio host's point of view is completely backwards with respect to casualties, both Western and Muslim. I'm sorry that your Muslim bashing thread didn't go as smoothly this time as they normally do . You will have to live with the fact that we are the violent aggressor sooner or later.
First, don't try to derail a thread and call it a Muslim bashing thread. That shows your ignorance right there. READ what the OP says. There is a double standard of what moderate Muslims speak out about. I do not bash Muslims because that would be bashing my family. My ex-wife is Muslim and my daughter is Muslim, as well as my step parents, grandparents, aunts, forth. So you do not know of what you speak.
You are debating with a man(me) that has a Muslim family and debating with a man(Gunslinger) who was in Iraq and has first hand experience of what is going on there. You, my friend(sarcasm), have what kind of first hand experience?......oh that is right...weblinks. So honestly, when you try to say that this is a Muslim bashing thread...your credibility and intelligence go out the window. You are so blinded with internet "facts" that you barely read what some of us are writing. Good Job!
all those words and you never address my point. i dont see why u think my analysis somehow doesn't apply when talking to Muslims or soldiers. its not like my flawless logic only applies to certain people. and whether or not you are Muslim doesn't change the fact that this thread is full of insensitive people that expect apologies from an oppressed people that deserve nothing more than your mercy. i correctly apply the phrase "Muslim bashing" to educate the public about the much greater double standard u hold against Muslims when u claim that they should "speak out about" some terrorist attacks that pale in comparison to our military occupation (again, i don't care if ur family is muslim, it has no bearing on the facts of the iraq war).
The more you talk the more you show your utter stupidity. First...who in the hell is asking the Muslim people to apologize to them in this thread???????????????HUH????????? You can't even remember what this post is about. No one is asking for them to apologize. I am asking them to stand up for their religion and kick out the bastards who pervert their religion so they can go out and kill and maim. True Muslims are not a threat to anyone, the threat comes from those who want to kill in the name of Islam. To change the world towards their beliefs or die if you don't
Case and point. 3 young girls were beheaded in Indonesia....why, because they were Christian. So tell me in the hell does the Iraqi war have anything to do with that. There are many countries OUTSIDE of the Middle East that are dealing with Muslim extremists on a daily basis and those extremists could care less about what America is doing in Iraq. DO NOT TIE all problems to the Iraqi war.
Another laugher is that you believe Muslim people are oppressed??????????HUH????????? Wow..what world do you live in. Yes there are pockets of the world where Muslims are fighting for something and are the minority. The true oppression in many...NOT ALL...Muslim countries is the oppression of woman, gays and anyone that is not Muslim. 2 men were recently hanged in Iran for what? Because they were gay. Women are killed in "honor" killings, women are stoned for what the west would consider minor offenses. Hundreds of thousands of women are not allowed to drive, to go to school, to even leave their homes without their husbands and you are telling me that the religion is oppressed by us? The Taliban were throwing their brand of justice by wiping out anybody who was educated, teachers, doctors and turned that country back to the dark ages.
Did you forget that the NATO with the help of the United States actually helped stop the slaughter of Muslims in Bosnia...Oh...I forgot, it must have never happened because America wants to oppress all Muslims. Why the hell did we help then? Muslims can come to America and practice their religion the way they wish, they are free to live the way they want to in America. So if America was all about oppression then why in the hell are they allowed to live among us. How in the world was I able to meet, date and eventually marry a Muslim.
One last thing.....I was right about are a conspiracy freak. You have a link on your sig that leads to a 9/11 conspiracy site. I will not get into how stupid those conspiracy is....MORONIC is the perfect term for that BS. Have you seen any little green men running around or are you stuck in your house hiding from the black helicopters. Your credibility is lost with me on that one. Finally, obviously you are so filled with conspiracy that your rational has taken a flying dump. I know why you have said what you have said...Your words and your link speak for themselves.