=VEN= Squirrel
Wow, there's a lot of blindness I'm gonna have to reply to in this thread. Before I do, however, I would like to say the following: I am not a noob when it comes to planes. I am close to it, but not a noob. Seeing as I am damn near a noob and yet can own with a jet/plane, that alone is Evidence #1. Yes, my case is against jets. As they are currently, they are the largest imbalance in the game. Somebody else already said why - it's because if your team doesn't have any good jet flyers and the enemy has one that is, the enemy jet is literally unstoppable. For the time being, aircraft counter-measures are useless against planes and jets.

Here's a sad fact: the MEC/China FAV is the most effective anti-air weapon, especially against helicopters (gasp! I took the time to type 'helicopters'!). Anti-Aircraft Missiles are quite literally useless - their lock-on capabilities are non-existent. If a friendly flies closer to you than the enemy you have already "locked on" to, the missiles will hit the friendly.

Think about how slow a helicopter moves, in comparison with jets. Now if it's quite difficult to shoot down ever helicopters with missiles, don't you think that jets going 800km/h are going to be considerably harder? Especially when after-burning up to over 1000km/h?

The Phalaynx on the Essex is crap versus helicopters. I'd say it's great versus planes since it takes so few shots to kill one. BUT - the Phalaynx's armor is equivalent to that of a box of cereal, and any intelligent pilot (including helicopter pilots) immediately goes for the Phalaynx. Since the ship can't move, it's always right where the pilot is expecting it to be, and they can line up before it's even in view. The person in the AA has to watch not only 360-degrees on the horizontal plane, but on the vertical as well, since they never know where a plane will come from. (Two things that would make more sense: The Phalaynx ought to have it's own wide-area radar. Why it doesn't is beyond me. Second, the Phalaynx, in real life, is FULLY AUTOMATED! No human intervention required in most cases!)

Now, back to missiles. If a stationary ground AA site launches two missiles at a plane, all the pilot has to do to avoid them is make a sharp turn - the flares are not even needed. (EA has said this will be not necessarily "fixed" as it should, but the lock-on "improved" in version 1.2)

Don't even bother with mobile AA - I think I've seen maybe 5 aircraft (including helicopters) get shot down with those in my 200+ hrs of playing. They have no armor, the guns suck, and the missiles are the same.

However, I have managed to bring repeat offenders by shooting down helicopters with an FAV. I'll generally kill them before they kill me, even when they see me when I see them! I've even shot down a couple planes with FAVs! Why they make better AA than anything else in the game is beyond me...

Now, on to individual replies.

stryyker- "with tanks and transport, all you do is point and click, and kills appear, a monkey with half its frontal lobe can do that"

Wrong. I shouldn't have to explain why, but I will.

With any ground vehicle, you must be on the lookout for: a) Other vehicles APC and larger, b) TOW/HJ-8 sites, c) AT Infantry, d) AT Mines, e) C4 clusters, and getting away from Spec Ops who are too close to the vehicle, f) aircraft (planes/helos), and g) artillery strikes (albeit these rarely kill tanks or APCs, but it is at least likely.

With a jet or plane, you only have to be aware of: a) other planes, b) AA missiles. The latter can be easily avoided - THAT is what takes a monkey with half a frontal lobe.

BladeRunner - "The vehicles piss me off, but it seems if you waste someone with any weapon in BF2 they stick the noob label on it. Batter them with a 203 and it's a noob tube. Batter them sith a sponge and it would become the noob sponge."

Sidetrack: Yes, people would put "n00b" on anything if it pisses them off. I've been called a noob for knifing people while they were trying to shoot me. Go figure. Anyhow, it's just a matter of skill requirement. The GLs do take some, but minimal. They are probably the "noobiest" weapon on foot.

Mason4Assassin444 - "Jets take NO skill."

I'm sorry to say, that even as anti-jet as I am, you are wrong. They take some skill - just the least amount of anything in the game besides calling an artillery strike (To All: Which also takes skill, believe it or not. If you don't know why, then you can truly be called a "n00b".)

=[4th]=SlayThem - "There's THREE different spawns for the USMC in Wake Island. Each spawn has a way of getting to the mainland. Nice try."

Two of which are on the Essex, effectively making it one. Boats are likely to become jet cannon fodder, and anything on deck is likely to become a heap of twisted metal as soon as it spawns. The third (the island spawn), shouldn't be called a spawn point. It's only there to repair the artillery. On top of everything else, that little island is almost always camped by people in FAVs or Type 98s on the mainland. Getting a boat off of it is next to impossible as a result of TWO imballances; mainland defense, and aircraft. You can claim that all you have to do to take care of people in FAVs is to snipe them. That's all fine and dandy, provided you can cap a point with your bolt-action while forty-six launched grenades land around you. If there's a tank camping you, then you have no recourse. You'll run out of AT missiles in most cases before being able to destroy such a ranged target. Nice try.

Mason4Assassin444 - I won't quote, I'll just say this - AT missiles should easily take out Humvees (kudos to anyone who can actually identify the word "humvee" properly without having to look it up), as well as Vodniks and NJ2016s. Realisticly, though, they should take down helicopters in one shot, too. That's probably why they don't take out Hummers in one shot. I also agree that shoulder-fired stingers should definitely be available. If not as part of a pack, at least as a kit you can pick up from some location on the map (several locations, anyhow).

Hyper - "flying commander...you should be shot"

Notice how nobody else is playing on that server. It's likely he was by himself, and the flag capture bar appeared, but wouldn't move from either side. Considering the number of AA emplacements and enemy aircraft on Oman, capping a flag is impossilbe as long as not all of the other 31 players are jars of Miracle Whip.

I2elik - "I get quite annoyed by players saying the US is at a disadvantage, for one thing, they get 2 F-35's, a Black hawk, 3 spawn points, a Cobra Attack Heli, and alot of boats, now if I hear one more prick say that they're at a disadvantage, I'll snap."

Well, then I hope you're made like a Goody comb, because the USMC is at a disadvantage on Wake. All counter-arguments: the Chinese get 2 J-10s (smaller than an X35 and white, so they blend in with the sky better), a Z-8 transport chopper, 5 spawn points, a Z-10 attack helicopter (which, both the Z-10 and Mi-28 are far superior to the Cobra in armament), don't get boats, but they have no need and they're useless anyhow, and they get tanks to begin with. On a logical scale, all of those counter-arguments effectively destroyed your post; however, I do believe the imbalance to be minimal - I frequently see the USMC winning on that map.

phynfrhwk - "Ive found that even a boat can get to where you need it to go with two j-10s coming after you."

This is obviously a rare instance, and in that, you were being chased by pilots with no skill. It only takes ONE shot from a plane to kill the people in a boat.

Now, all arguments aside for the time being, I should point out the following: the next patch (v1.2) is due in the month, and it will do these very important things:

1) Lower the hitpoints of all aircraft.
2) Make missile lock-ons better.

Ok, one more argument - all of you that say that the planes are not an imbalance, you have just been smited by the gods (ok, so EA hasn't bought the title to Heaven yet, sue me). If the developer agrees with the rest of us, you are wrong.

Then again, it's a game, so every viewpoint is always an opinion. Plus, the jets don't kill the game so bad that we've all stopped playing it, so it hasn't gotten (or wasn't to begin with) too bad. It's like Counter-Strike - people have been playing it for over seven years, and they've been bitching about it even longer... but they're still playing.

(I can't help but continually think "Arguing about BF2 is like the special olympics... even if you win, you're still retarded"... and yes, I include myself in that.)

EDIT: Holy hell, I didn't realize I had typed up that much... my post just BECAME page 3 unto itself... o.0

Last edited by =VEN= Squirrel (2006-02-01 17:21:54)

The Microwave Man
UPDATE : ok its been a few more days and a few more kills . I've been playing FPS's for literally 15 yrs and I'll tell you this - jets take skill no dout . I 've been flying for about 20 hours now and I still have trouble hitting targets on the ground . I used to be a solid infantry guy and i uderstand the frustration of getting killed by a jet just as you spawn but please - jets take some skill . I get my usual helicopter kill here and there and sometimes even get a lucky ground troop kill with bombs or using the connons but damn , i either fly into objects , get killed by other jets or get killed by AA all the time . Anyone who says jets don't take any skill isn't taking something into cosideration . Some people who fly the jets are actual pilots of the Navy , Airforce of any nation - they do it for a living for real . So yeah some people are so skilled that it seems like they have a hack . I saw one pilot fly through the tunnel on Kubra dam ! Yeah thats right , through the friggin tunnel on Kubra dam . I was like WTF !?!?!?!??!
Today I was just messing around on a server with like 2 people on it . Some pilot was amazing . I ask him to stop spawn raping the aircraft on the carrier so i can try and pratice flying . He was cool enough to agree . We dog fight for a while and he kills me over and over . I told him he was a killer pilot . He laughed and said he was in the USAF . He then tells me to stand in the middle of the carrier . I was like "ok" . He swoops down at 600 PMH and cuts me inhalf with the wings of his jet 1 foot off the ground of the carrier . Sorry whine asses but that shit takes skill , no dout . I told him to do it again , he did 5 more times .
Finally there was enough people to start a game . I got on the ship's AA . He took me out 3 times with MACHINEGUN ONLY when I was in the AA . That people , takes skill - a lot of skill . Deal with it and die like a noob .
+85|6787|good old CA
Jets take skills fella
bad touch

very persuasive arguement, but my point is i dont like people that whine about getting carrier raped
All that i want to see is a screenshot of a so called "skilled" pilot racking up over 50 kills with no more then 1 or 2 deaths as a US on Wake... Haven't seen much screenshots of "skilled" pilots playing as US.... Why is that im wondering???

Then all of u that are complaining over being baseraped as US on wake.... JUST choose another server that doesnt allow such behavior and kicks/banns the one breaking those rules.... How hard can it be?? Or are all of u that complains only playing there so u can rape as soon as u play as China and have no problem with it then???

Last edited by Zorken (2006-02-01 20:45:20)

Bah, go play a wake server, last one I was on one of the J10's had 70-0.  I was in the Z-10, so I wasn't up there, but close

EDIT: Doh, just saw the 'US' part, hehe.  It happens less often, but there are still some F35's that get some good points, seen 100+, but not often.

Last edited by Nodrak (2006-02-01 21:16:04)

=VEN= Squirrel

jonnykill wrote:

I saw one pilot fly through the tunnel on Kubra dam ! Yeah thats right , through the friggin tunnel on Kubra dam . I was like WTF !?!?!?!??!
Nothing in that post was particularly impressive. I admittedly am not a great flyer, but even I can dust people (hit them with the jet itself and not the ammo), fly through the tunnel on Kubra, and even diagonally through the supports of the cargo crane.


Try it a few times - it's not hard.
bad touch

its funny yo watch someone crash
Aspiring Objectivist
ahh if I only had a joystick to practice, I dont think the mouse & keyboard do the planes or helos justice.
I can do ok but not like the people with sticks.
people are idiots, they just sit there on the carrier waiting for a chopper, now for a decent pilot its not exactly hard to shoot one down taking off. i just get a boat and take it right out to the edge of the map and then come back in, sometimes pilots will catch you or someone in a jeep will be on shore but its the easiet way if there is no other way off the carrier, or u can just swim there from the island, ive just put something heavy on the keyboard and come back in 5 mins lol and hes there.
=VEN= Squirrel

TrollmeaT wrote:

ahh if I only had a joystick to practice, I dont think the mouse & keyboard do the planes or helos justice.
I can do ok but not like the people with sticks.
Strangely, I don't think I could ever pull off any of the things in my last post if I used a joystick... I just typed "joystick guy" because the theme song to Family Guy was playing.... right at the "hes... a... family.... guy..." part.

Anyhow, I haven't used a joystick on a regular basis since... '98? And even then, it was short lived.
+98|6693|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
jets are great when you have like 20 kills and 0 deaths on wake,wake island is one of my fav maps.
Destroy Noob Cannons

=VEN= Squirrel wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem - "There's THREE different spawns for the USMC in Wake Island. Each spawn has a way of getting to the mainland. Nice try."

Two of which are on the Essex, effectively making it one. Boats are likely to become jet cannon fodder, and anything on deck is likely to become a heap of twisted metal as soon as it spawns. The third (the island spawn), shouldn't be called a spawn point. It's only there to repair the artillery. On top of everything else, that little island is almost always camped by people in FAVs or Type 98s on the mainland. Getting a boat off of it is next to impossible as a result of TWO imballances; mainland defense, and aircraft. You can claim that all you have to do to take care of people in FAVs is to snipe them. That's all fine and dandy, provided you can cap a point with your bolt-action while forty-six launched grenades land around you. If there's a tank camping you, then you have no recourse. You'll run out of AT missiles in most cases before being able to destroy such a ranged target. Nice try.
Keep in mind that I simply stated there are three different spawn points. I never said that they were effective in getting to the mainland, nor did I say that you won't die if you spawn here or there.
Also, you do realize it is the PLA's job to defend the mainland. I wouldn't expect them to let you get over there in while eating bon bons, and you shouldn't either.

I was on USMC for 4 or 5 times in a row, and we completely demolished the chinese team. If your teammates do their job in the air against the J-10s, it's so easy to get over to a flag and cap it. Every game we had people in the BHs, jets, boats, and the Cobra. Nobody sat around waiting for the jet screaming "mine, mine" we all took what we could to get over there and cap it. The people that get "camped" are the ones fighting over jets/helos. It's their fault they are getting killed. I was in the air and I took out the air oppostion and kept it grounded while our helos/boats made their way to the mainland. I also made sure there were no tanks on the coast. So it is NOT impossible to get somewhere in a boat. As long as your team is working like a TEAM, and everyone is doing their job. Don't blame it on anyone but yourself for allowing the chinese to camp you.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6756|Sydney, Australia

Zorken wrote:

All that i want to see is a screenshot of a so called "skilled" pilot racking up over 50 kills with no more then 1 or 2 deaths as a US on Wake... Haven't seen much screenshots of "skilled" pilots playing as US.... Why is that im wondering???
I can't give you a screenshot, but I have scored over 40 kills in the F-35 in 1 round on wake. 40 kills no deaths. That takes skill.

PS. When you look at my B.R. for wake it sais 66. I was going for a bombing run when arty struck at the same time. Too many explosions for my computer to handle... crash to desktop. Oh well, shit happens.
=VEN= Squirrel

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

I was on USMC for 4 or 5 times in a row, and we completely demolished the chinese team. If your teammates do their job in the air against the J-10s, it's so easy to get over to a flag and cap it. Every game we had people in the BHs, jets, boats, and the Cobra. Nobody sat around waiting for the jet screaming "mine, mine" we all took what we could to get over there and cap it. The people that get "camped" are the ones fighting over jets/helos. It's their fault they are getting killed. I was in the air and I took out the air oppostion and kept it grounded while our helos/boats made their way to the mainland. I also made sure there were no tanks on the coast. So it is NOT impossible to get somewhere in a boat. As long as your team is working like a TEAM, and everyone is doing their job. Don't blame it on anyone but yourself for allowing the chinese to camp you.
In your instance, it was sheer luck. Not the players or the equipment, though - sheer circumstance.

I've been to countless servers playing Wake and almost everytime I play it (about 95% that I play it, that is), all of the skilled players and especially the unskilled move over to the Chinese team because they encounter the same eventuality that I do over and over - all the good players on the PLA and almost none on the US.

The base fact is, is that Wake Island 2007 is designed so that it is just far too easy for the Chinese to get a leg up. And as far as "letting someone camp me", when you're stranded by circumstance, there's nothing you can do but leave the server (which I frequently do).
I agree with your rant. I use to get mad at jet whores, but that was because I sucked at flying. Now Im good, and if I can get a jet at wake, I am pretty much unstoppable the entire round.

I bet if the whiners knew how to fly, they would whore too

Last edited by soadlink (2006-02-04 22:10:57)

Destroy Noob Cannons

=VEN= Squirrel wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

I was on USMC for 4 or 5 times in a row, and we completely demolished the chinese team. If your teammates do their job in the air against the J-10s, it's so easy to get over to a flag and cap it. Every game we had people in the BHs, jets, boats, and the Cobra. Nobody sat around waiting for the jet screaming "mine, mine" we all took what we could to get over there and cap it. The people that get "camped" are the ones fighting over jets/helos. It's their fault they are getting killed. I was in the air and I took out the air oppostion and kept it grounded while our helos/boats made their way to the mainland. I also made sure there were no tanks on the coast. So it is NOT impossible to get somewhere in a boat. As long as your team is working like a TEAM, and everyone is doing their job. Don't blame it on anyone but yourself for allowing the chinese to camp you.
In your instance, it was sheer luck. Not the players or the equipment, though - sheer circumstance.

I've been to countless servers playing Wake and almost everytime I play it (about 95% that I play it, that is), all of the skilled players and especially the unskilled move over to the Chinese team because they encounter the same eventuality that I do over and over - all the good players on the PLA and almost none on the US.

The base fact is, is that Wake Island 2007 is designed so that it is just far too easy for the Chinese to get a leg up. And as far as "letting someone camp me", when you're stranded by circumstance, there's nothing you can do but leave the server (which I frequently do).
Well, I must be one lucky dog. I just played on another server lastnight and the chinese lost over and over and over again. Ofcourse, I was on US. I enjoy being on US.
Although, when I first entered the server, I was on Chinese.. and the chinese were winning. Hmm. It seems that if there is atleast one decent jet pilot on a team, that knows his role, and does it effectively, his team will win. Atleast that's what it seems like to me. I've always believed superior airpower wins battles(especialy on wake). So maybe you lose because you're always stuck with sucky pilots  and my team always wins because I'm a decent pilot that knows my role.
Also, You're not stranded. You always have the option of boats. Not all pilots watch for boats. I know I do because I love shooting them xD but not all of them do, so once again, you have options, you have choices. And it seems most people choose the getting raped by J10s and then coming to bf2s.com to cry about it.

Oh yeah, here's some scores from lastnight and the night before:
^notice in those the USMC WINNING.

^ and in that one, notice the Chinese LOSING.... oddly enough, I wasn't in the air that whole round.

and that's just three rounds. nearly all the other games that night that I played, chinese lost. after that last screen I got switched to US because a few USMC players left.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-02-04 22:16:08)

Death StatPadder
+228|6804|Human Meat Shield
I've always believed superior airpower wins battles(especialy on wake).
Destroy Noob Cannons

imdead wrote:

I've always believed superior airpower wins battles(especialy on wake).
Some people don't believe that. Especially the ones that get mad at "flyboys." I got called a flyboy like 50 times lastnight. telling me to get out of the air and fight on the ground. So that's what I did. I bailed out of my jet half way through the round and fought on the ground. only died 4 times(that's the last screen there).

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