Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6870|Sacramento, Cal
Global Warming = Al gore
Bill Clinton = fat Jewish chick
GWB = Dick cheneys puppet
Hillary = Wolf in sheep's clothing.
Obama = Media punching bag
Europe = old Hypocrisy
US =  Hypocrisy
Latin America = Rain forest
Russia = ICBM's
Iran = Sand
Israel = Small dog barking
Palestine = Gaza fighting
Iraq = Sand
Saudi Arabia = Oil and arabs
Pakistan = Mountains
Afghanistan = opium
Al Qaeda = The base
Hamas = Jihad
Fatah = Lap dog!
Hezbollah = teh win
Liberal = treehugger
Conservative = c***s
Islam = death
Christianism = death
Jesus = meh!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6627|132 and Bush

Global Warming = Ball sweat
Bill Clinton = Grope
GWB = Detrimental
Hillary = Waffle
Obama = Inexperience
Europe = Culture
US = Pride
Latin America = Food
Russia = Suspect
Iran = Revolution
Israel = UN
Palestine = Exploited
Iraq = Mud
Saudi Arabia = Oppression
Pakistan = Slipping
Afghanistan = Tough
Al Qaeda = Sub human
Hamas = Trouble
Fatah = Hope
Hezbollah = Proxy
Liberal = Moderation
Conservative = Misunderstood
Islam = Interpretation
Christianism = Christmas
Jesus = Fish
Xbone Stormsurgezz
It's not a bug, it's a feature
+38|6654|Muenster, Germany
Global Warming = Münster (NRW) -> beach in 2042
Bill Clinton = oral office
GWB = stupid dictator
Hillary = Clinton
Obama = ???
Europe = here i am
US = United States of A stupid dictator
Latin America = conquistadores
Russia = vodka
Iran = ayatollah
Israel = anti-Palestine
Palestine = anti-Israel
Iraq = oil
Saudi Arabia = oil
Pakistan = kashmir
Afghanistan = Rambo II
Al Qaeda = Osama Bin Laden
Hamas = Palestine
Fatah = Palestine
Hezbollah = Israel's CIA
Liberal = British party
Conservative = British party
Islam = religion
Christianism = religion
Jesus = cross
stephen brule
Global Warming = GWB
Bill Clinton = Europe
GWB = Obama
Hillary = Fashion Show
Obama = Hillary
Europe = Hillary
US = Hillary
Latin America = Hillary
Russia = Hillary
Iran = Hillary
Israel = Hillary
Palestine = Hillary
Iraq = Hillary
Saudi Arabia = dead
Pakistan = Hillary
Afghanistan = Hillary
Al Qaeda = poof
Hamas = Hillary
Fatah = dead
Hezbollah = dead
Liberal = dead
Conservative = Hillary
Islam = dead
Christianism = Me
Jesus = Hillary

As you can see, I think of Hillary alot.

Fashion show for the world guys!
Global Warming = CO2
Bill Clinton = Hillary Clinton
GWB = Monkey
Hillary = She didn't ditch him
Obama = Osama
Europe = Lots of languages
US = Its pretty big
Latin America = Jungle
Russia = Snow
Iran = MEC
Israel = Israel flag
Palestine = Hungry people throwing rocks
Iraq = T72
Saudi Arabia = Nasty fuckers
Pakistan = Cricket
Afghanistan = Russia
Al Qaeda = Terrorists
Hamas = Terrorists
Fatah = Willing to talk
Hezbollah = Terrorists
Liberal = University
Conservative = Church
Islam = Guys with beards in funny clothes
Christianism = People attending church services
Jesus = "I found Jesus, he was hiding behind the couch" T-shirt
GunSlinger OIF II
Global Warming = Gaia
Bill Clinton = commander in chief
GWB = commander in chief
Hillary = spotlight
Obama = change of flavor
Europe = old
US = young
Latin America = exploited
Russia = Cold War II
Iran = destination
Israel = spies
Palestine = suicide
Iraq = the cradle
Saudi Arabia = sand
Pakistan = powderkeg
Afghanistan = buddhist statues
Al Qaeda = lol
Hamas = assholes
Fatah = better smelling assholes
Hezbollah = proxy
Liberal = label
Conservative = label
Islam = myths
Christianism = myths
Jesus = Zeus
mostly afk
+480|6576|CH/BR - in UK

Global Warming = Mustang
Bill Clinton = Economy
GWB = Pitiful Idiot (I like him as a person)
Hillary = Clinton
Obama = love (see his ideas on crime)
Europe = evolved
US = conservative
Latin America = Brazil (I'm half from there)
Russia = Andres (Russian friend of mine)
Iran = Nukes
Israel = State-Terrorism
Palestine = Anger
Iraq = Ruined
Saudi Arabia = Sultan
Pakistan = AKs >.>
Afghanistan = Bin Laden
Al Qaeda = Terrorism
Hamas = Assholes
Fatah = Chance of Peace
Hezbollah = Lebanese Forces
Liberal = Weed (sorry)
Conservative = Oldfashioned
Islam = Worldwide Anti-Islam
Christianism = Intolerance
Jesus = Character in Bible


Last edited by konfusion (2007-07-18 14:26:03)

Grow up, or die
Global Warming = Gore
Bill Clinton = Sex
GWB = Handicapped
Hillary = Sex
Obama = Sex
Europe = Ta
US = Awesome
Latin America = Coke
Russia = Babes
Iran = Turbans
Israel = Palace
Palestine = Turban
Iraq = Missles
Saudi Arabia = Camel
Pakistan = IED's
Afghanistan = IED's?
Al Qaeda = Boom
Hamas = Humas
Fatah = What the fuck?
Hezbollah = HESBOLLAH!!!
Liberal = Liberty
Conservative = Money whore.
Islam = Didn't we already have this one?
Christianism = Fake
Jesus = Lier
Grow up, or die

Kmarion wrote:

Global Warming = Ball sweat
Bill Clinton = Grope
GWB = Detrimental
Hillary = Waffle
Obama = Inexperience
Europe = Culture
US = Pride
Latin America = Food
Russia = Suspect
Iran = Revolution
Israel = UN
Palestine = Exploited
Iraq = Mud
Saudi Arabia = Oppression
Pakistan = Slipping
Afghanistan = Tough
Al Qaeda = Sub human
Hamas = Trouble
Fatah = Hope
Hezbollah = Proxy
Liberal = Moderation
Conservative = Misunderstood
Islam = Interpretation
Christianism = Christmas
Jesus = Fish
Wow, this one made me laugh a lot.
'Light 'em up!'

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = Overhyped
Bill Clinton = Funny
GWB = Funnier
Hillary = I dunno
Obama = the black dude
Europe = funny outfits
US = cool
Latin America = drugs
Russia = er...Stalin
Iran = BOOM
Israel = IDF
Palestine = another boom
Iraq = desert
Saudi Arabia = Oil
Pakistan = corner shops
Afghanistan = opium
Al Qaeda = dickweeds
Hamas = sounds like humus
Fatah = some fat group
Hezbollah = evil terrorists
Liberal = weak
Conservative = cool
Islam = annoying
Christianism = annoying
Jesus = regular blue-collar dude
Member of Foamy's Card Cult

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = sucks
Bill Clinton = liked his good-bye movie
GWB = has a funny way of waving his hand
Hillary = too fake
Obama = looks okay
Europe = ftw - I feel like one
US = holidays
Latin America = well...
Russia = putin
Iran = troublesome
Israel = bad position
Palestine = whatever...
Iraq = vietnam
Saudi Arabia = oil
Pakistan = nukes
Afghanistan = vietnam
Al Qaeda = still too strong
Hamas = kills fatah
Fatah = kills hamas
Hezbollah = kills everyone else
Liberal = dont care - cant compare it to german politics
Conservative = dont care - cant compare it to german politics
Islam = causes war / i dont believe in any religion
Christianism = causes war / i dont believe in any religion
Jesus = causes war / i dont believe in any religion
+51|6800|North Hollywood

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = bad
Bill Clinton = ex pres
GWB = a joke
Hillary = another joke
Obama = heh
Europe = a place
US = home
Latin America = where the invaders come from
Russia = PUTIN FTW
Iran = sand
Israel = why does this exist again?
Palestine = self destructive
Iraq = clusterfuck
Saudi Arabia = part of the problem
Pakistan = near chaos
Afghanistan = forgotten
Al Qaeda = not killed, captured or smoked out of any hole
Hamas = more crazies
Fatah = more crazies
Hezbollah = very crazy
Liberal = progressive
Conservative = conservative
Islam = another sham
Christianism = another sham
Jesus = SAVES (insert mental picture of jesus in robes diving to the left and stopping the PK)
+3,135|6764|The Hague, Netherlands

Global Warming = Water
Bill Clinton = Lewinsky
GWB = War
Hillary = BlaBlaBla
Obama = ...
Europe = History
US = Big
Latin America = Carnaval
Russia = Da
Iran = Closed
Israel = Screwed
Palestine = Screwed
Iraq = Screwed
Saudi Arabia = Desert
Pakistan = (nothing came to mind)
Afghanistan = Opium
Al Qaeda = Osama
Hamas = guns
Fatah = guns
Hezbollah = guns
Liberal = left
Conservative = right
Islam = Fantasy
Christianism = Fantasy
Jesus = Human
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6701|Canberra, AUS
Global Warming = FIX IT.
Bill Clinton = Meh
GWB = Retard
Hillary = Weird
Obama = Newstime
Europe = Nice place
US = Weird place
Latin America = Weirder place
Russia = Let's not go there
Iran = Ahmendinijad
Israel = Jews... (I'm sorry)
Palestine = ...
Iraq = failure
Saudi Arabia = oil
Pakistan = Taliban
Afghanistan = Taliban
Al Qaeda = ...
Hamas = Freaks
Fatah = Not-so-freak
Hezbollah = Lebanon
Liberal = Overused Label
Conservative = Somewhat overused label
Islam = misunderstood
Christianism = freak creationism
Jesus = cool guy
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+7|6159|Australia, Newcastle

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = howard sleeping
Bill Clinton = the clinton monument (futurama)
GWB = monkey
Hillary =
Europe = england
US = kentucky
Latin America = cocaine
Russia = comrade
Iran = iraq
Israel = conflict
Palestine = conflict
Iraq = saddam
Saudi Arabia = spedding (i know a guy from there)
Pakistan = call centres
Afghanistan = al queadea
Al Qaeda = osamaa
Hamas = dipping sauce
Fatah = bread
Hezbollah = decorations
Liberal = candidate
Conservative = catholic school
Islam = religion
Christianism = lions
Jesus = cyborg
+429|6473|Chicago, IL
Global Warming = doomsday theories
Bill Clinton = president
GWB = annoying
Hillary = more annoying
Obama = rhymes with osama
Europe = weird
US = trigger happy
Latin America = immigrants
Russia = cold war
Iran = nukes
Israel = bombs
Palestine = suicide bombs
Iraq = Saddam
Saudi Arabia = oil
Pakistan = my buddy from pakistan
Afghanistan = crap
Al Qaeda = idiots
Hamas = bigger idioits
Fatah = biggest idiots
Hezbollah = irans bitch
Liberal = hippies
Conservative = cowboys
Islam = bombs (yeah, i said it, thats what first comes to mind...)
Christianism = church
Jesus = wine???
The People’s Champion
+59|6466|A drop house
Global Warming = Big foot
Bill Clinton =  Hummer
GWB = Texas
Hillary = Cannibalism
Obama = New age
Europe = War
US = Canada
Latin America = Kidnap
Russia = Cold
Iran = Ahmadinejad
Israel = Jews
Palestine = cheez
Iraq = Shit
Saudi Arabia = Car
Pakistan = India
Afghanistan = Soviet
Al Qaeda = Osama
Hamas = Israel
Fatah = fat
Hezbollah = middle east
Liberal = weak
Conservative = crazy
Islam = beheading
Christianism = cross
Jesus = wine
+4|6236|Wisconsin- We Eat People

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = bigger storms/hurricanes
Bill Clinton = "slick willy"
GWB = surprised he hasn't been shot yet
Hillary = "slick willy's" wife
Obama = likely 08 pres
Europe = future home
US = corrupt
Latin America = bad water
Russia = ak47
Iran = contras
Israel = friends w/ Bush & Co.
Palestine = not friends w/ Bush & Co.
Iraq = occupied...
Saudi Arabia = friends w/ Bush Sr
Pakistan = has nukes
Afghanistan = doesn't have nukes
Al Qaeda = terror network
Hamas = lame
Fatah = lame
Hezbollah = lame
Liberal = 2 party system sucks
Conservative = (see above)
Islam = religion sucks
Christianism = (see above)
Jesus = hippy
+21|6386|The Great South Land

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming =
Bill Clinton =
Hillary =
Obama =
Europe =
US =
Latin America =
Russia =
Iran =
Israel =
Palestine =
Iraq =
Saudi Arabia =
Pakistan =
Afghanistan =
Al Qaeda =
Hamas =
Fatah =
Hezbollah =
Liberal =
Conservative =
Islam =
Christianism =
Jesus =
O Canada
+1,596|6431|North Carolina
Global Warming = important
Bill Clinton = economy
GWB = dumb
Hillary = bitch
Obama = charisma
Europe = socialism
US = corporatism
Latin America = immigration
Russia = poor
Iran = fundamentalism
Israel = corrupt
Palestine = hopeless
Iraq = waste
Saudi Arabia = backstabbing
Pakistan = insane
Afghanistan = owned
Al Qaeda = evil
Hamas = evil
Fatah = weak
Hezbollah = evil
Liberal = faded
Conservative = corporate
Islam = dogma
Christianism = dogma
Jesus = dead

sergeriver wrote:

Don't think about them, just write the first word that comes to your mind next to everyone of the following 25 places, people, or concepts:

Global Warming = Science vs. idiocy
Bill Clinton = Diplomatic
GWB = Idiot
Hillary = crazy
Obama = Lesser of many evils
Europe = home
US = divided
Latin America = Salsa
Russia = cold
Iran = hated
Israel = Vicious
Palestine = screwed
Iraq = victims
Saudi Arabia = rich bastards
Pakistan = floods
Afghanistan = opium
Al Qaeda = evil
Hamas = violence
Fatah = Thinner
Hezbollah = Israel
Liberal = wet
Conservative = angry
Islam = Intollerant
Christianism = Intollerant
Jesus = Funk!
Global Warming = bad
Bill Clinton = affair
GWB = monkey
Hillary = witch
Obama = black
Europe = awesome
US = different
Latin America = in the south
Russia = huuuge
Iran = crazy president
Israel = bad politics
Palestine = see above
Iraq = burning
Saudi Arabia = oil
Pakistan = terrorists
Afghanistan = opium
Al Qaeda = bad
Hamas = fundamentalists
Fatah = didn't see the signs
Hezbollah = freaks
Liberal = in USA-insult, everywhere else-political description
Conservative = different on every continent
Islam = religion
Christianity = religion
Jesus =a guy from 2000 years ago
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Global Warming = Real
Bill Clinton = BJ's
GWB = Dumb Cunt
Hillary = Blonde
Obama = No Chance
Europe = Culture
US = Obeseity
Latin America = Drugs
Russia = Vodka
Iran = up to no good
Israel = Squatters
Palestine = Poverty
Iraq = War
Saudi Arabia = Twats
Pakistan = Cricket
Afghanistan = Taleban
Al Qaeda = Ozzie B
Hamas = Zeal
Fatah = Fools
Hezbollah = Army of God
Liberal = Paddy Pantsdown
Conservative = Maggie T
Islam = Praying
Christianism = Christmas
Jesus = Prophet

Last edited by m3thod (2007-07-19 05:32:34)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Global Warming = Media
Bill Clinton = Blowjob
GWB = Hehehe!
Hillary = No
Obama = Populist
Europe = We
US = War
Latin America = Drugs
Russia = Cold
Iran = Nuke
Israel = Bastards
Palestine = Bastards
Iraq = Poor
Saudi Arabia = Oil
Pakistan = Kashmir
Afghanistan = Mi-24
Al Qaeda = Cell
Hamas = Bomb
Fatah = Bomb
Hezbollah = Bomb
Liberal = Better
Conservative = Worse
Islam = Bad
Christianism = Bad
Jesus = Carpenter
+194|6380|West NY
Global Warming= Al gore

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