Proposed game-play concepts for BF Series (Volume 1)


Link up several maps in sequences, as sequences of events on the battlefield depending on the outcome of the battles. This would make players play longer continuously and provide a feeling of advancement in particular battlefield. The particular battles could be made "winnable" in best of three series. The number of series can be adjusted by server, thus allowing longer play on particular maps. The team that wins three (or more) battles takes over initiative to get deeper into enemy territory. Sequences of up to three Campaign maps would make team win the mini-campaign. An incentive should be provided through the point system for players to continuously play-on. This could be done by awarding honour points.

Awards and medals could be awarded for completion of separate campaigns successfully. Winning teams commanding officers should receive additional bonuses for successfully deployment of the troops and selecting appropriate strategy.

To be a commanding officer, player needs to complete "Commanding Officer's training" to be able to lead troops effectively. This could be done separately from the game, and should include testing of the candidates. Only an eligible and trained player can apply for position of CO on a map/campaign. In case several players apply at once, the highest ranking player gets the position. Once a CO is selected he is there until the end of that campaign or until voted off the position. Percentage of votes needed is reduced by number of team-kills commander has caused. For instance team-kills with artillery barrage.

The CO is given a spectre of possible troops/units to deploy on a particular map. Depending on specialization of the particular CO, he could assign more armoured units or more artillery to his team. COs are awarded honour points which allow them to locate more assets on the battlefield. Enemy can capture assets is battle is lost. In 30 secs before the start of the game CO will be placing starting positions of different units on the map as well as base defences. Those will be the starting points for the squads to deploy and select their custom assets.

Individual players can choose which unit they want to join and spend the rest of the battle with their unit. Unit changes are allowed only at the end of a battle. Certain unit types have pre-defined number of players that can join. For example, for each artillery piece only one player is allowed. Squads of SF teams are up to four men.. etc. Squad leaders are the highest ranks in the squad. More dedicated players could name their individuals squads and design own coats of arms.


With the advancement in ranks, players get to select unlocks, additions to their equipment and specialization in particular skills. There should be a total of (4) levels to advance to for skills of particular types of soldiers. For example medic on the first level with one medic bag would heal only 25% of the health, with medic on level 4 healing 99% of the health. Higher level medics can revive dead soldiers, but when revived soldiers have little energy. Engineers could specialise in speed of repairs or the amount of repairs, so an engineer on level 1 would be able to repair only 25% of an asset, level 4 engineer can repair the entire thing.

Custom assets would allow players to further specialise in particular fields of combat. For instance, SpecOps could specialise in scuba diving on water maps to approach some locations unnoticed. Additional assets could include underwater-propulsion.

Skills and Custom Assets of Different Kits

- Skills:
    - Explosive ordinance
          1. Allows planting of remote controlled explosives (pretty much the same as the C4 in BF2)
          2. Allows planting of timed charges (similar as C4, but only with with 30 secs charge)
          3. Defuses all kinds of explosives (except landmines) (defuses explosives in 10 secs)
          4. [need a suggestion]
    - Underwater operations
          1. Basic underwater skills (allows player to dip under water and swim invisible to the enemy on surface)
          2. Allows use of underwater propulsion systems (allows faster swimming under water)
          3. Allows use of demolitions under water (1 and 2 of explosives) (can plant explosives underneath RIBs)
          4. Allows use of covert-op equipment under water (silenced guns can now operate under water, otherwise only knives are used)
    - Cover operations
          1. Ghile suits (camo suits, forest type only)
          2. UAV avoidance equipment (allows player not to be seen by uav when being specops with this capacity)
          3. Locators  (Locators can be used to signal to arty where to fire, signals shown on map)
          4. Silenced weapons (silenced main gun)
    - Recon and signaling
          1. Binoculars (can spot enemies further away)
          2. Allows use of Laser guidance for aircraft (can pinpoint targets for airplanes or helicopters. missiles fired from jets or helis will hit the target if in line of sight)
          3. Smoke signals for artillery (alternative signaling method, could attract artillery or ask for reinforcement or pick up by heli)
          4. Allows Hacking into enemy UAV system (can hack in and see where it is deployed)

Custom Assets:
    - Explosives
    - Underwater propulsion and suit
    - Silenced weapons
    - Locators/laser guidance systems

    - Skills
          - Recon and Signaling
             1. Binoculars (can spot enemies further away)
             2. Allows use of Laser guidance for aircraft  (can pinpoint targets for airplanes or helicopters. missiles fired from jets or helis will hit the target if in line of sight)
             3. Smoke signals for artillery (alternative signaling method, could attract artillery or ask for reinforcement or pick up by heli)
             4. Allows use of body heat sensors (can spot the enemies behind walls and fences up to 50m away)
          - Camouflage
             1-3. Selection of four different camo types according to battle terrain (different suits to blend in forest, desert or snow)
             4. UAV avoidance equipment becomes available (allows player not to be seen by uav when being sniper with this capacity)
          - Counter-Sniping
             1-4. Selection of scopes for different distances (only one scope per battle) (improved visibility over longer ranges)
          - CQB Training
             1. Claymores, remotely detonated (something like c4 in bf2, only against infantry)
             2. Claymores become automated (current claymores)
             2. HP Pistol (unlock) (more powerful pistol, for CQB, not silenced)
             3. Knife throwing skill (throw one knife at the enemy and pick it up, instant kill at short ranges)

Custom Assets
    - Locators and signaling devices
    - High power sidearm
    - Heartbeat sensor
    - Scopes

    - Skills:
       - General Skills
          1. Medic I skill available if appropriate kit is picked up (can heal up to 25%)
          2. Engineer I skill available if kit is picked up (can repair up to 25%)
          3. Support I skill available if kit is picked up (can rearm up to 25%)
          4. Recon and Signaling I skill available if kit is picked up (binoculars available for use)
       - Assault Skills
          1. Run 10% faster than normal
          2. Reload 10% faster than normal
          3. Climb objects with no aids up to 1.10% of one's heights
          4. Reduce damage from jumps from high altitudes by 50%
       - Para's
          1. Allows carriage of parachutes - automatic opening when deploying from aircraft
          2. Manual opening of parachutes
          3. Automatic HALO skill (on minimum height)
          4. Allows use of mountable MG (unlock) (can be fixed for improved accuracy and has limited amount of ammo)
       - War Veterans
          1. 10% faster recovery from flash-bangs
          2. 10% faster recovery from tear gas
          3. 50% less screen shake-ups on strong explosions
          4. [need a suggestion]

- Custom Assets
    - Parachutes
    - Machine Gun
    - Shovel (to dig in in a position, where situation allows)
    - Coloured smoke grenades

    - Skills:
       - Straight
          1-4. Number of ammo bags one can carry (can be refilled only by supply crate)
       - Support skills
          1. Refills 1/4 of all ammo needs with one bag
          2. Refills 1/2 of all ammo needs with one bag
          3. Refills 3/4 of all ammo needs with one bag
          4. Refills ammo completely with one bag
       - Agility
          1-4. Reduced pace at which stamina is decreasing on running/jumping by 10%
       - Special Functions
          1. Reloads rockets for AT
          2. Reloads rockets for Stinger/Igla
          3. Allows use of revolving grenade launcher (unlock)
          4. Body armor increase by 10%

Custom Assets
    - Revolving grenade launcher
    - Ammo bags
    - AT Rockets
    - Stinger Rockets

    - Skills:
       - Medical Skills
          1. Refills 1/4 of all health needs with one bag
          2. Refills 1/2 of all health needs with one bag
          3. Refills 3/4 of all health needs with one bag
          4. Refills health completely with one bag
       - Emergency skills
          1. Drag Body (allows player to drag wounded teammate to safety before reviving him)
          2. Revive person
          3. [need suggestion]
          4. Revive the killed person
       - Agility
          1-4. Reduced pace at which stamina is decreasing on running/jumping by 10%
       - Combat skills
          1. Parachute (skill 2 equivalent of assault)
          2. Body armor increase 10%
          3. War Veterans 3 skill equivalent from assault
          4. Allows use of assault rifle (unlock) (normally medics are armed with sub-machine gun)

Custom Assets
    - Shock paddles
    - Assault Rifle (unlock)
    - Parachutes
    - Coloured smoke grenades

Anti Tank
    - Skills:
       - Anti Tank specialist
          1. Deals 5% more damage to vehicles
          2. Deals 10% more damage to vehicles
          3. Deals 15% more damage to vehicles
          4. Deals 20% more damage to vehicles
      - Explosive ordinances (can use explosives)
          1. Can plant explosives if appropriate kit is selected
          2. Can defuse explosives if appropriate kit is selected
          3. Can place landmines
          4. Can defuse landmines
       - Armour and physique
          1. Body armor up 10%
          2. Body armor up 20%
          3. Stamina improvement 5%
          4. Stamina improvement 10%
       - General combat skills
          1. Medic I skill available if appropriate kit is picked up
          2. Engineer I skill available if kit is picked up
          3. Parachute can be used
          4. Recon and Signaling I skill available if kit is picked up

Custom assets
    - AT rocket
    - AA rocket
    - Parachute
    - Shotgun (unlock)

    - Skills
       - Engineering skills
            1. Can repair up to 1/4 of damage
            2. Can repair up to 1/2 of damage
            3. Can repair up to 3/4 of damage
            4. Can repair full damage
       - Agility and speed
            1-4. Improves speed of repairs by 10% each level
       - Explosive ordinance
            1. Can plant land mines
            2. Can defuse land mines
            3. Can defuse any other explosives
            4. Can Hack-out enemy interference with UAV (every once in a while engineers should check if there is someone hacked into the UAV)
       - Proficiency trainings
            1. Artillery use (can man the artillery. cannons are manually operated, with infinite ammo can fire ONLY on CO's order)
            2. Infantry mortar use (unlock) (just like arty, but on a smaller scale, max 300m range)
            3. Disable vehicles I (cars, tanks) (vehicle appears fine, with full armor, but health is 0 and has to be repaired)
            4. Disable vehicles II (helis and jets) (same as above)

Custom assets
    - Lang mines
    - Infantry mortar (unlock)
    - Defuse/Disable equipment
    - [need suggestion]

Units Squads

Squads for deployment (in squared brackets, value in honour points)

    - SpecOps Squad: squad of four men. [5] (no Anti tanks, no engineers, no support. infantry squad with RIB's where possible)

    - Ground assault squad: squad of up to eight men [5] (ordinary infantry)

    - Paratroopers squad: squad of up to six men [15] (Transport plane deploys troops on selected location, plane flies in straight path constantly deploying flares and with heavy armor, still destructible. Para drop is available through commander screen and players can respawn either in plane or on their SL, paras' SL is therefore especially valuable)

    - Mechanised infantry: 2 APCs 1 mobile AA total of 10 men [20] (people can pack into the APC and man the AA to proceed to attack)

    - Tank squad: 2 tanks total of 4 men [20] (two tanks with gunners for MG)

    - Artillery battalion: 3 arty pieced manned by 3 men [30] (fixed location Artillery cannons located one next to another, manned by engineers)

    - Fighter Squadron: 4 jets, 6 men [40] (jets. Apart from pilots it is advisable to have one sniper/spec ops to help spot targets on the ground.

    - Bomber squadron: 2 jets, 6 men [40] (same as above just three different types of bombs - additional one is only for personnel guided bombs)

    - AA squad: 2 mobile AA's maximum of 4 men [25] (same as earlier)

    - Assault Helicopter squad: 2 helis, 4 men [30] (same as earlier)

    - Transport heli: 2 helis, 4 men [25](one gunner), 6 cargo places each (used to pick up forces or deploy forces. second gun can be manned by a passenger in heli)


Point System

Point system should favour the team-play, and in team hierarchy the points could be awarded in the following manner.

- Squad member:

       - one point awarded for completing order given by SL

       - one point awarded for spotting an enemy that is killed within 15 secs of being spotted by another team members (two for tanks and other vehicles, three for jets and helis)

       - two points for spotting an enemy that is being killed by member of the same squad

       - other teamwork points could be awarded in the same manner as in BF2

       - each member of squad, that is declared as the highest scoring squad of the round receive three honour points

- Squad leader:

       - one point awarded for completing order given by CO

       - two points for completion of assignments that involve destruction of bridges, assets or defence of a control point

       - for each of the three captures of control point, SL is awarded one honour point

- CO

    - one point awarded for each squad that completes the order given

    - one point awarded for each enemy manually spotted and killed within 15 secs frame

    - one point of repair/resupply/heal when team member uses supply crate

    - honour points are awarded on basis of commander scoring as in BF2

    - at the start of each battle, CO gets 100 default honour points

- Killed enemy: 3 points

- Full teamwork point: 4 points (what used to be one point in BF2)

- TK: same as before, with option to switch FF off

- Honour Points

    - Players can collect as many honour points as they wish. These points can be "spent" when deploying troops on map.

    - The unused honour points are captured by the enemy in case of loss of a particular battle.

    - Honour points are rewarded for team-play and for distinguished service as part of the team-play.


- CO: this person has all the functions he/she had in BF2. The only difference is that now to call an arty, he needs men to man the guns. Issuing orders and thinking of strategy for deployment in selected areas is extremely important. CO's will have to try to foresee what the opponent will put up against him/her OR select deployment units in accordance with the teams proficiencies. A flaw in the first round could be straightened in the second and other rounds. Communication with the team becomes essential and trust must be developed between people. Supplies and vehicles come by transport aircraft which could be downed, theoretically.

- Orders are bound to specific locations and fulfillment of a command brings points. For a flag to be labeled as captured, and for the points to be awarded, it has to stay untouched for at least 2 minutes into play. For a flag to be considered defended, after the order is given out at least 3 men have to be killed to award the points for the defenders. To clear an area, team must move in and clear out all enemies in a sector in the main map, this particular order can be combined with "move", "attack" or "defend" commands. Points for demolitions are awarded after the object has been put out of order.

Main Map and Arty...

Main map is divided into sectors, all labelled with a number and a letter.

This way instructions can be given over a larger scale. When using artillery, it is very important to get the "square" right and aim into the correct direction.

Day and night could change as well. Actual time on the server where the game is being played is used to determine the starting time (night or day) after one full hour of play, day changes to night and other way around.

If anyone would like to colaborate/cooperate on this matter, please e-mail me and I would include you on google shared document for this particular thing. Hope this gave you some ideas about what you would like to see too.

Last edited by Nenad1234BGD (2007-07-18 13:10:18)

you fixed it

Last edited by Simon (2007-07-18 13:11:08)

Ruckel for all!
wow you put alot of work only into writing this +1

Ruckel wrote:

wow you put alot of work only into writing this +1
That's a .... LOT of words.

Last edited by PrivateVendetta (2007-07-18 13:42:10)
I think its way too complicated.  People would spend months learning how to play.

iamzamo wrote:

Nenad1234BGD wrote:

Proposed game-play concepts for BF Series (Volume 1)

too much time on your hands mate
Sorry for the Blah, blah...just didn't want to make a huge quote pyramid. On the other hand...yes...too much time on your hands and this is only Volume #1?? Really, put some effort into something else. Do you really think anyone at EA/ Dice is going to read this? Maybe a few dozen here might take the time to read the whole thing, sorry I tried but after a few paragraphs..I couldn't. I give you an "A" for effort but honestly it is a waste of your time.
Northern numpty
+194|6752|Boulder, CO
Great idea's. +1 indeed.
Rofl at everyone quoting his post...
damn stop quoting lol
Oi, Suzy!
+113|7058|Florida, United States

_1_MAN-ARMY.17 wrote:

damn stop quoting lol
Thats what I said -.-

Well nice story btw, here is a reward for your efforts.
+2,382|6983|The North, beyond the wall.
You could of made your own better game with the amount of time it took to write that.
XeromeX = Zero-Sex?
Why does this give me some 'rpg' feeling somehow? :S
Well butter my buscuit
Nice dude, I like a lot of your ideas.
+23|6779|British Columbia, Canada
you really think i'm gonna read all that.
Does a bf 3 come?
The very first idea is kind of cool, but it'd have to be a different play mode IMO. Having maps in order like that and progressing to the next area might be fun, but sometimes, some people might want to play on a certain map, regardless of order. So one play mode for the map progression and another for just playing whatever maps the people want to.

I kind of like the idea of the CO, especially the mutiny vote thing, but I can forsee a lot of smacktardry by walking into the arty strikes in order to kick the CO, so a cap/maximum number of reduced votes might do the trick. (Regardless of how many teamkills, the min number of votes after the reduction is a set, constant number)

The rank progression thing is a neat idea too. Incentive to continue playing a certain class. Something along the lines of the BF2142 unlock system might be quite nice; that's the one thing that 2142 has BF2 beat in IMO. The last spec ops Explosive Ordinance suggestion could be a slight increase in the initial load of explosives. (i.e. A normal SF starts off with, 3-4 C4/timed explosives/etc, with the last tier, it is increased to 5-6)

I really like the Assault class description; jack of all trades. Can assume all roles to a limited degree. I'd assume this would make it much more interesting/popular to use this class. The last tier on the "War Veterans" asset could be increased endurance, slightly longer sprints than others.

Though, the support class needs a little more elaboration. Does it mean that the Support helps the AT regain ammo for the AT/AA rockets? Or does the Support have those weapons itself?

Medic Emergency skills might prove to be a little too powerful. Especially the last one, reviving a killed person is way too out of line. I'm curious how the Drag Body might work though.

The Day/Night cycle also sounds pretty cool.

IF a BF3 is produced, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these ideas implemented.
That Canadian Guy
+1|6445|Canada eh!
Great ideas, i would buy that game.
'Light 'em up!'

If they made BF3, this is what I would like to see, these were ideas I put up on another thread some time ago.

M.O.A.B wrote:

I would like to see a remake of the current BF2 in a few years, with graphics comaprable to say Crysis or other high end game, fully destuctible environments, some gore say if hit by a rocket you would actually explode.

Large caliber weapons can pass through several people. All buildings fully enterable (is this a word? probably not) special actions used to kick open doors and whatnot, craters occur in the ground, trees destroyable in large woodland firefights can work for you and against you (falling on enemies).

Kit customisation like 2142, the rank you are appears on your characters uniform, your character can be customised at the main menu so everyone looks different, I'm talking about what your clothing looks like and what packs you carry, changeable and set for each role.

Melee attacks with weapons, use of fists for fun factor like Timesplitters.

Possible singleplayer storyline, like whats planned for Bad Company.

Vehicle take progressive damage e.g. tires shot out windshields shattered and blown in, hoods fly off the reveal engines, fuel tanks can explode if hit correctly.

Destroyed vehicle husks do not disappear so the battlefield will become progressively more cluttered with wreckage as the game advances.

Small addition, but your character reloads your weapon differently when in different stances for realism and something different.

Abilty to side roll out of danger alongside the usual side shuffle along the ground.

Large maps capable of supporting large numbers of people.

In urban and city maps, abandoned civilian vehicles can be used, any vehicles on the maps not destroyed can still be used by the player.

Levels of damage done to a building can affect its stability, say if the ground floor supports are heavily damaged or knocked out, the first floor and all floors above collapse. Gas lines in houses can explode, water mains and hydrants can be burst and flood below ground areas that could be used to an advantage by the player such as sewer systems.

These are all the ideas I've got at the minute .
Do you mean learn shooting or reviving and so on?
That you become more accurate with the time you played?
That's an awesome idea IMO.
+2,187|6873|Mountains of NC

M.O.A.B wrote:

If they made BF3, this is what I would like to see, these were ideas I put up on another thread some time ago.

M.O.A.B wrote:

I would like to see a remake of the current BF2 in a few years, with graphics comaprable to say Crysis or other high end game, fully destuctible environments, some gore say if hit by a rocket you would actually explode.

Large caliber weapons can pass through several people. All buildings fully enterable (is this a word? probably not) special actions used to kick open doors and whatnot, craters occur in the ground, trees destroyable in large woodland firefights can work for you and against you (falling on enemies).

Kit customisation like 2142, the rank you are appears on your characters uniform, your character can be customised at the main menu so everyone looks different, I'm talking about what your clothing looks like and what packs you carry, changeable and set for each role.

Melee attacks with weapons, use of fists for fun factor like Timesplitters.

Possible singleplayer storyline, like whats planned for Bad Company.

Vehicle take progressive damage e.g. tires shot out windshields shattered and blown in, hoods fly off the reveal engines, fuel tanks can explode if hit correctly.

Destroyed vehicle husks do not disappear so the battlefield will become progressively more cluttered with wreckage as the game advances.

Small addition, but your character reloads your weapon differently when in different stances for realism and something different.

Abilty to side roll out of danger alongside the usual side shuffle along the ground.

Large maps capable of supporting large numbers of people.

In urban and city maps, abandoned civilian vehicles can be used, any vehicles on the maps not destroyed can still be used by the player.

Levels of damage done to a building can affect its stability, say if the ground floor supports are heavily damaged or knocked out, the first floor and all floors above collapse. Gas lines in houses can explode, water mains and hydrants can be burst and flood below ground areas that could be used to an advantage by the player such as sewer systems.

These are all the ideas I've got at the minute .
good one
'Light 'em up!'


M.O.A.B wrote:

If they made BF3, this is what I would like to see, these were ideas I put up on another thread some time ago.

M.O.A.B wrote:

I would like to see a remake of the current BF2 in a few years, with graphics comaprable to say Crysis or other high end game, fully destuctible environments, some gore say if hit by a rocket you would actually explode.

Large caliber weapons can pass through several people. All buildings fully enterable (is this a word? probably not) special actions used to kick open doors and whatnot, craters occur in the ground, trees destroyable in large woodland firefights can work for you and against you (falling on enemies).

Kit customisation like 2142, the rank you are appears on your characters uniform, your character can be customised at the main menu so everyone looks different, I'm talking about what your clothing looks like and what packs you carry, changeable and set for each role.

Melee attacks with weapons, use of fists for fun factor like Timesplitters.

Possible singleplayer storyline, like whats planned for Bad Company.

Vehicle take progressive damage e.g. tires shot out windshields shattered and blown in, hoods fly off the reveal engines, fuel tanks can explode if hit correctly.

Destroyed vehicle husks do not disappear so the battlefield will become progressively more cluttered with wreckage as the game advances.

Small addition, but your character reloads your weapon differently when in different stances for realism and something different.

Abilty to side roll out of danger alongside the usual side shuffle along the ground.

Large maps capable of supporting large numbers of people.

In urban and city maps, abandoned civilian vehicles can be used, any vehicles on the maps not destroyed can still be used by the player.

Levels of damage done to a building can affect its stability, say if the ground floor supports are heavily damaged or knocked out, the first floor and all floors above collapse. Gas lines in houses can explode, water mains and hydrants can be burst and flood below ground areas that could be used to an advantage by the player such as sewer systems.

These are all the ideas I've got at the minute .
good one
When I get ideas like this its when I really wish I designed and made games.

Smithereener wrote:

The very first idea is kind of cool, but it'd have to be a different play mode IMO. Having maps in order like that and progressing to the next area might be fun, but sometimes, some people might want to play on a certain map, regardless of order. So one play mode for the map progression and another for just playing whatever maps the people want to.

I kind of like the idea of the CO, especially the mutiny vote thing, but I can forsee a lot of smacktardry by walking into the arty strikes in order to kick the CO, so a cap/maximum number of reduced votes might do the trick. (Regardless of how many teamkills, the min number of votes after the reduction is a set, constant number)

The rank progression thing is a neat idea too. Incentive to continue playing a certain class. Something along the lines of the BF2142 unlock system might be quite nice; that's the one thing that 2142 has BF2 beat in IMO. The last spec ops Explosive Ordinance suggestion could be a slight increase in the initial load of explosives. (i.e. A normal SF starts off with, 3-4 C4/timed explosives/etc, with the last tier, it is increased to 5-6)

I really like the Assault class description; jack of all trades. Can assume all roles to a limited degree. I'd assume this would make it much more interesting/popular to use this class. The last tier on the "War Veterans" asset could be increased endurance, slightly longer sprints than others.

Though, the support class needs a little more elaboration. Does it mean that the Support helps the AT regain ammo for the AT/AA rockets? Or does the Support have those weapons itself?

Medic Emergency skills might prove to be a little too powerful. Especially the last one, reviving a killed person is way too out of line. I'm curious how the Drag Body might work though.

The Day/Night cycle also sounds pretty cool.

IF a BF3 is produced, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these ideas implemented.
1. I agree with the first paragraph. Also I assume there will be people/servers that run only one map for "best of n+1 rounds.." making it possible to have the 24/7 one map only.

2. Minimum number of votes must exist, like half of the peeps or something?

3. Support - can help AT and AA fully reload.

4. Reviving the killed one... - it' just a thought. Drag Body... I guess I was just too fed up with a medic reviving me in front of PKM pwning the living daylight out of advancing force.

Thanks for the effort, I really appreciate it.

M.O.A.B wrote:

I would like to see a remake of the current BF2 in a few years, with graphics comaprable to say Crysis or other high end game, fully destuctible environments, some gore say if hit by a rocket you would actually explode.

Large caliber weapons can pass through several people. All buildings fully enterable (is this a word? probably not) special actions used to kick open doors and whatnot, craters occur in the ground, trees destroyable in large woodland firefights can work for you and against you (falling on enemies).

Kit customisation like 2142, the rank you are appears on your characters uniform, your character can be customised at the main menu so everyone looks different, I'm talking about what your clothing looks like and what packs you carry, changeable and set for each role.

Melee attacks with weapons, use of fists for fun factor like Timesplitters.

Possible singleplayer storyline, like whats planned for Bad Company.

Vehicle take progressive damage e.g. tires shot out windshields shattered and blown in, hoods fly off the reveal engines, fuel tanks can explode if hit correctly.

Destroyed vehicle husks do not disappear so the battlefield will become progressively more cluttered with wreckage as the game advances.

Small addition, but your character reloads your weapon differently when in different stances for realism and something different.

Abilty to side roll out of danger alongside the usual side shuffle along the ground.

Large maps capable of supporting large numbers of people.

In urban and city maps, abandoned civilian vehicles can be used, any vehicles on the maps not destroyed can still be used by the player.

Levels of damage done to a building can affect its stability, say if the ground floor supports are heavily damaged or knocked out, the first floor and all floors above collapse. Gas lines in houses can explode, water mains and hydrants can be burst and flood below ground areas that could be used to an advantage by the player such as sewer systems.

These are all the ideas I've got at the minute .
1. Can't go along with gore, but destructible environment would be very good. To make this possible, I would propose making "standard" houses with rooms and layout. Maybe, having this would stop wall glitching (but something else will surely come up). Blowing a hole in a wall and then advancing through the newly made entrance.... sub-zero-cool....

2. Can't subscribe to forest fires and so on... shame for the nature. I think, we should also send a "positive" message on the environmental issue... you know

3. Melee attacks, could be ok - but what is timesplitter?

4. I guess some things are too complex, like planning the gas tubes, leaving out husks and so on. It would be a mess that one one can digest... I am afraid it would be too demanding but for some time in the future.

But thank you for the constructive effort as well.
'Light 'em up!'

Nenad1234BGD wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

I would like to see a remake of the current BF2 in a few years, with graphics comaprable to say Crysis or other high end game, fully destuctible environments, some gore say if hit by a rocket you would actually explode.

Large caliber weapons can pass through several people. All buildings fully enterable (is this a word? probably not) special actions used to kick open doors and whatnot, craters occur in the ground, trees destroyable in large woodland firefights can work for you and against you (falling on enemies).

Kit customisation like 2142, the rank you are appears on your characters uniform, your character can be customised at the main menu so everyone looks different, I'm talking about what your clothing looks like and what packs you carry, changeable and set for each role.

Melee attacks with weapons, use of fists for fun factor like Timesplitters.

Possible singleplayer storyline, like whats planned for Bad Company.

Vehicle take progressive damage e.g. tires shot out windshields shattered and blown in, hoods fly off the reveal engines, fuel tanks can explode if hit correctly.

Destroyed vehicle husks do not disappear so the battlefield will become progressively more cluttered with wreckage as the game advances.

Small addition, but your character reloads your weapon differently when in different stances for realism and something different.

Abilty to side roll out of danger alongside the usual side shuffle along the ground.

Large maps capable of supporting large numbers of people.

In urban and city maps, abandoned civilian vehicles can be used, any vehicles on the maps not destroyed can still be used by the player.

Levels of damage done to a building can affect its stability, say if the ground floor supports are heavily damaged or knocked out, the first floor and all floors above collapse. Gas lines in houses can explode, water mains and hydrants can be burst and flood below ground areas that could be used to an advantage by the player such as sewer systems.

These are all the ideas I've got at the minute .
1. Can't go along with gore, but destructible environment would be very good. To make this possible, I would propose making "standard" houses with rooms and layout. Maybe, having this would stop wall glitching (but something else will surely come up). Blowing a hole in a wall and then advancing through the newly made entrance.... sub-zero-cool....

2. Can't subscribe to forest fires and so on... shame for the nature. I think, we should also send a "positive" message on the environmental issue... you know

3. Melee attacks, could be ok - but what is timesplitter?

4. I guess some things are too complex, like planning the gas tubes, leaving out husks and so on. It would be a mess that one one can digest... I am afraid it would be too demanding but for some time in the future.

But thank you for the constructive effort as well.
No probs, and Timesplitters was a series of 3 FPS games for PS2, awesome and pretty funny. You could use your fists to punch zombies heads off and stuff.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6453|San Antonio, Texas
Those are some sweet ideas! +1 for hardwork.

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