[-DER-]Omega wrote:
Roger Lesboules wrote:
[-DER-]Omega wrote:
lol, our whole Zombie Mod server was invaded by the spider-pig craze...
Just look at
Holy shit! That's a bunch of Spider in the same server..BTW! What's the server name/ip or watever...might come pwn some nubs!
PM'ed you the details.
I want them too! you were supposed to give them to me the other time. talk to you on msn.
On topic: I voted yes, but like most others i was also tempted by "I like to play with myself" option
Can't wait to be able and see it. Might even go to springfield, Vermont to see it in world premiere with some friends
Last edited by -=[HL]=-Phatmatt (2007-07-18 10:55:56)