Bristol Woot Woot Bristol...
Zoetermeer, Zuid Holland, The netherlands - kn0ckahh
Montréal, Canada
Medford, Wisconsin, USA - CosmoKramer
Lucerne, Switzerland - hV53l2
Jílové u Prahy, Středočeský Kraj, Česká republika (Czech Republic) (:
Gig Harbor, Washington USA
Europe - England/Williton (west Somerset) - Tehremos
blackpool. uk
I'm from Croydon; the Chav capital *Pukes*
Indianapolis, Indiana
Bradford, UK
Last edited by m3thod (2007-06-10 12:25:35)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Europe - The netherlands/ Friesland - ']['error/ Terror
Stavanger, Norway
Last edited by Jono-blundo (2007-06-10 10:59:29)
Manitowoc WI
Manitoba FTW!
Last edited by iPwnerrrr (2007-06-10 16:20:48)
Carnoustie, Scotland, UK FOR THE FUCKING WIN!! Come to Carnoustie: We have Golf! "/
Poland here >_>, there's no need for any other details I guess. The cool thing is it's like 10-15 minutes for me to get to the beach.
This hasn't been updated in months (if not longer). I don't see why they don't just deleate this thread.
England -plymouth
I come from Oslo, Norway.
arg can a mod update and delete posts as they go >.< /frustrated
or just use the frappr thing marconius did
or just use the frappr thing marconius did
Kingston-upon-Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom - Ninja_kid2002
Z-trooper, Denmark, Aalborg
Europe - The Netherlands - Zuid Holland - Noordwijk