buLLet_t00th wrote:
What I want to know (if Jesus did exist) is why 'God' sent him down 2000 years ago when, to be honest, not much was going on.
Now though there is a load of shit going on in the world (and 50 years ago with the holocaust) and where's Jesus?
Well last time he was sent down they killed him... I don't think "The Man Upstairs" would want to make the same mistake again, especially with recording equipment in every body's hands now a days....lol
No seriously, Jesus did exist it has been proved. He was the sun of a carpenter. Weather or not he has or had anything to do with any religious establishment is beyond my knowledge, and I'm pretty sure no one around, except a handful of deliberating scholars knows the answer to that question. Chances are you'll never hear the true answer either.
I think someone made a very very very valid point in saying this is nothing more then a debate on opinion.
Having said that I think Jesus existed and was no sun of GOD. If he thought he was, it was because he was nuts. If people thought he could do amazing things like turn water into wine, chances are he was nothing more then a magician.
The real question you should be asking is what was Mosses smoking to see that burning tree and to be able to part the red seas, I mean really, I want some of that high grade please...Thank you very much.
Christbane wrote:
Jesus is a nice guy! it's his fan club that drives me crazy!
my take on this... stories passed on by word of mouth tend to get more grandiose with each telling. so Jesus showing up to a village with some wine and fish, turns into wow! he turned water into wine and feed us all fish he magically created!
Jake you look a lot like that Jesus guy they claim was the son of god. after he dies on the cross I have a plan to get us everything we ever wanted!
I don't deny the existence or non existence of any god, I just choose to not participate.
Good point, people don't really get the idea that we are supposed to not live directly by the word of god but to use his teachings as guidelines, most fanatics totally miss that point in all religions and for that I hate them too. However, your lack of participation in religion is only a sign of your inability to choose and deal with the consequences of your decision. I mean I used to be like that but then I realized you don't get any points sitting on the fence, if you know what I mean, if not think about it (no offence intended).
Last edited by Scardaddy (2007-12-02 15:55:31)