
Did Jesus Exist?

Yes, he was the son of God34%34% - 105
Yes, he was a regular guy, but not the son of God10%10% - 31
Yes, he was a regular guy and God doesn't exist22%22% - 68
Not Enough Evidence to Prove or deny his Existence12%12% - 38
No, he's a myth, but God does exist0%0% - 0
No, he's a myth and God doesn't exist8%8% - 27
Jesus Christ, Another Religious Thread?11%11% - 34
Total: 303
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Bertster7 wrote:

One of my favourites is the Jesus-Mithras link......

Odd that the myths about a pagan demi-god worshipped by the Romans should so closely resemble the myths surrounding Christ.
It was common in the ancient world for gods/goddesses to adopt the traits and characteristics of other deities, particularly if those deities were perceived as more powerful.  This is one of the reasons why the Ephesian Artemis began as the Hunt/Nature Goddess combined with the Maiden Goddess.  But, as the city grew in power, she absorbed the characteristics of Selene/Luna, then the Love Goddess, and finally the Great Mother Goddess.

Mithras merely absorbed the characteristics of Jesus ...
. . .

OrangeHound wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

One of my favourites is the Jesus-Mithras link......

Odd that the myths about a pagan demi-god worshipped by the Romans should so closely resemble the myths surrounding Christ.
It was common in the ancient world for gods/goddesses to adopt the traits and characteristics of other deities, particularly if those deities were perceived as more powerful.  This is one of the reasons why the Ephesian Artemis began as the Hunt/Nature Goddess combined with the Maiden Goddess.  But, as the city grew in power, she absorbed the characteristics of Selene/Luna, then the Love Goddess, and finally the Great Mother Goddess.

Mithras merely absorbed the characteristics of Jesus ...
It's the other way around sparky. Jesus (the Gospels; etc) absorbed the traditions, myths of the older pre-existing god-man myths.

OrangeHound wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Let's stick with the evidence for a historical Jesus and look at all of it (any of it). I am willing - so far you have argumentation without evidence. Lets stick with the Josephus Text for now - which is a clear forgery - how is the Eusebius version of Josephus's Antiquities - evidence for a historical Jesus.

You seem to wish to ignore the details - that you brought up.

... And the Josephus Text is not an original Text - it is a copy by the hand of a devout Christian. And if you knew what you were talking about - you would know that the Early Christian 1st - 2nd century  writings make no mention of this - so called  Josephus (Textural) evidence that Jesus existed.

I have read the entire works of Josephus and this style [the block of text] in question is clearly a later addition - forgery; by the hand of a Zealot Christian scribe (copyist).

Josephus Antiquities 18.3.3 - first quoted specifically by Eusebius in the fourth century - has come down to us as follows:
Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.
Sounds exactly like what a Jew would write about Christianity (something he does not believe in) - right? Not.

This was inserted into a passage describing of another event.
Assuming that Antiquities is a valid historical work.
Sort of, overall it is a work from history, some of it is accurate, some myth, and some inaccurate. It is an explanation of what it is to be Jewish in a sense to a Greek audience. And it begins with the mythical biblical creation story (that part is hardly history).

But Pilate undertook to bring a current of water to Jerusalem, and did it with the sacred money, and derived the origin of the stream from the distance of two hundred furlongs. However, the Jews (8) were not pleased with what had been done about this water; and many ten thousands of the people got together, and made a clamor against him, and insisted that he should leave off that design. Some of them also used reproaches, and abused the man, as crowds of such people usually do. So he habited a great number of his soldiers in their habit, who carried daggers under their garments, and sent them to a place where they might surround them. So he bid the Jews himself go away; but they boldly casting reproaches upon him, he gave the soldiers that signal which had been beforehand agreed on; who laid upon them much greater blows than Pilate had commanded them, and equally punished those that were tumultuous, and those that were not; nor did they spare them in the least: and since the people were unarmed, and were caught by men prepared for what they were about, there were a great number of them slain by this means, and others of them ran away wounded. And thus an end was put to this sedition.


About the same time also another sad calamity put the Jews into disorder, and certain shameful practices happened about the temple of Isis that was at Rome. I will now first take notice of the wicked attempt about the temple of Isis, and will then give an account of the Jewish affairs. There was at Rome a woman whose name was Paulina; one who, on account of the dignity of her ancestors, and by the regular conduct of a virtuous life, had a great reputation: she was also very rich; and although she was of a beautiful countenance, and in that flower of her age wherein women are the most gay, yet did she lead a life of great modesty. She was married to Saturninus, one that was every way answerable to her in an excellent character. Decius Mundus fell in love with this woman, who was a man very high in the equestrian order; and as she was of too great dignity to be caught by presents, and had already rejected them, though they had been sent in great abundance, he was still more inflamed with love to her, insomuch that he promised to give her two hundred thousand Attic drachmae for one night's lodging; and when this would not prevail upon her, and he was not able to bear this misfortune in his amours, he thought it the best way to famish himself to death for want of food, on account of Paulina's sad refusal; and he determined with himself to die after such a manner, and he went on with his purpose accordingly.
This is the passage - with the insertion removed. And pray tell why wouldn’t the Arabic version (10th century) of Josephus (copied from) early versions of the Text (after the 4th Century : Eusebius) not parallel the former in form? (That's sarcasm in the form of a rhetorical question, in case you're wondering).

Apparently he (Josephus) was done talking about sedition as follows “And thus an end was put to this sedition. [insert forgery here] About the same time also another sad calamity put the Jews into disorder. . . ”

So no - this is not evidence of a historical Jesus.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-10 14:29:50)

I believe he existed and was far ahead of his time in terms of his thinking but he was just a regular guy ...and God, in the traditional sense does not exist imo.
Cowboy from Hell
Dr. Craig Blomberg (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, B.A. Augustana College) is a scholar who studied the historical Jesus.  Let's hear what he has to say about this.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-07-10 14:35:25)

da twinkster biatches
+13|6761|Chuck Town, SC
Yes, he was a regular guy and God doesn't exist
It's nice to see "Yes, he was the son of God" is in the lead. The Bible has countless references to Jesus and hundreds of pages of his own words. I for one have TOTAL FAITH that Jesus was real and he died on the cross for my SINS!  Your other choice would be to NOT believe and spend the rest of your life in Hell.  PERIOD.
. . .

sergeriver wrote:

Dr. Craig Blomberg (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, B.A. Augustana College) is a scholar who studied the historical Jesus.  Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Quoting - Dr. Craig Blomberg (from: http://www.dtl.org/apologetics/article/who-needs.htm)
... On what topics?" "Well, anything related to the Bible, and particularly the New Testament," since that was my field of expertise. But I explained I was particularly interested in questions about the reliability of the Scriptures-defending evangelical Christianity against its many liberal and secular challenges.

Chrsitian Apologetics Who Needs It?
So who needs to learn apologetics? At least three kinds of people.
(1) Anyone who is concerned that the lost get saved.
(2) Anyone who is concerned that professing Christians not abandon their faith needs apologetics.
(3) Anyone who is concerned about growing spiritually needs apologetics.

So who needs apologetics? Everybody does! How then do we learn more about why we believe what we believe? Read good books on the topic. Listen to tapes. Join a church whose pastors and teachers think apologetics is important and speak about it often. If we have the opportunity, study it in a Christian college or seminary.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-10 14:52:30)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
the first choice
Cowboy from Hell

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Dr. Craig Blomberg (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, B.A. Augustana College) is a scholar who studied the historical Jesus.  Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Quoting - Dr. Craig Blomberg (from: http://www.dtl.org/apologetics/article/who-needs.htm)
... On what topics?" "Well, anything related to the Bible, and particularly the New Testament," since that was my field of expertise. But I explained I was particularly interested in questions about the reliability of the Scriptures-defending evangelical Christianity against its many liberal and secular challenges.

Chrsitian Apologetics Who Needs It?
So who needs to learn apologetics? At least three kinds of people.
(1) Anyone who is concerned that the lost get saved.
(2) Anyone who is concerned that professing Christians not abandon their faith needs apologetics.
(3) Anyone who is concerned about growing spiritually needs apologetics.

So who needs apologetics? Everybody does! How then do we learn more about why we believe what we believe? Read good books on the topic. Listen to tapes. Join a church whose pastors and teachers think apologetics is important and speak about it often. If we have the opportunity, study it in a Christian college or seminary.
I'm not religious, I never was related with any religion, but I think this guy knows more than you and me about Jesus, and he studied at Universities not just reading the Bible, he's not some wacko who speaks BS.  You should get down of your horse, coz it seems to be untamed.  No offense man.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-07-10 14:56:42)

'Light 'em up!'

akajoneye wrote:

It's nice to see "Yes, he was the son of God" is in the lead. The Bible has countless references to Jesus and hundreds of pages of his own words. I for one have TOTAL FAITH that Jesus was real and he died on the cross for my SINS!  Your other choice would be to NOT believe and spend the rest of your life in Hell.  PERIOD.
Well that's not very nice .
We can only hope it can wake people up to the TRUTH of the Bible and that the only way to spend eternity in Heaven is BELIEVING that Jesus died for your sins. It's quite simple and it's a FREE gift from GOD that unfortunately MANY people will turn down and spend there afterlife in Hell. It's all in the Bible in black and white.
. . .

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Dr. Craig Blomberg (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, B.A. Augustana College) is a scholar who studied the historical Jesus.  Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Quoting - Dr. Craig Blomberg (from: http://www.dtl.org/apologetics/article/who-needs.htm)
... On what topics?" "Well, anything related to the Bible, and particularly the New Testament," since that was my field of expertise. But I explained I was particularly interested in questions about the reliability of the Scriptures-defending evangelical Christianity against its many liberal and secular challenges.

Christian Apologetics Who Needs It?
So who needs to learn apologetics? At least three kinds of people.
(1) Anyone who is concerned that the lost get saved.
(2) Anyone who is concerned that professing Christians not abandon their faith needs apologetics.
(3) Anyone who is concerned about growing spiritually needs apologetics.

So who needs apologetics? Everybody does! How then do we learn more about why we believe what we believe? Read good books on the topic. Listen to tapes. Join a church whose pastors and teachers think apologetics is important and speak about it often. If we have the opportunity, study it in a Christian college or seminary.
I'm not religious, I never was related with any religion, but I think this guy knows more than you and me about Jesus, and he studied at Universities not just reading the Bible, he's not some wacko who speaks BS.  You should get down off your horse, coz it seems to be untamed.  No offense man.
What are you talking about? You can insinuate anything you want about me - I don't care. But there is no horse beneath me. Did you even watch the videos you posted? It is basic Evangelical Christian Apologetics - you might understand were I am coming from - when I say pa-lease - to a video-sermon.

Historical Jesus Theories (found here):
http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/theories.html (<--- Pick one - I don't care - believe whichever theory you want).

Last edited by topal63 (2008-03-12 12:35:40)

I am all that is MOD!

akajoneye wrote:

We can only hope it can wake people up to the TRUTH of the Bible and that the only way to spend eternity in Heaven is BELIEVING that Jesus died for your sins. It's quite simple and it's a FREE gift from GOD that unfortunately MANY people will turn down and spend there afterlife in Hell. It's all in the Bible in black and white.
What if I don't want to spend my eternity in heaven?  I have heard stories about heaven, but what if it's not all its cracked up to be?  Can someone who has been there tell me what its like?
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

topal63 wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

One of my favourites is the Jesus-Mithras link......

Odd that the myths about a pagan demi-god worshipped by the Romans should so closely resemble the myths surrounding Christ.
It was common in the ancient world for gods/goddesses to adopt the traits and characteristics of other deities, particularly if those deities were perceived as more powerful.  This is one of the reasons why the Ephesian Artemis began as the Hunt/Nature Goddess combined with the Maiden Goddess.  But, as the city grew in power, she absorbed the characteristics of Selene/Luna, then the Love Goddess, and finally the Great Mother Goddess.

Mithras merely absorbed the characteristics of Jesus ...
It's the other way around sparky. Jesus (the Gospels; etc) absorbed the traditions, myths of the older pre-existing god-man myths.

OrangeHound wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Let's stick with the evidence for a historical Jesus and look at all of it (any of it). I am willing - so far you have argumentation without evidence. Lets stick with the Josephus Text for now - which is a clear forgery - how is the Eusebius version of Josephus's Antiquities - evidence for a historical Jesus.

You seem to wish to ignore the details - that you brought up.

... And the Josephus Text is not an original Text - it is a copy by the hand of a devout Christian. And if you knew what you were talking about - you would know that the Early Christian 1st - 2nd century  writings make no mention of this - so called  Josephus (Textural) evidence that Jesus existed.

I have read the entire works of Josephus and this style [the block of text] in question is clearly a later addition - forgery; by the hand of a Zealot Christian scribe (copyist).

Josephus Antiquities 18.3.3 - first quoted specifically by Eusebius in the fourth century - has come down to us as follows:

Sounds exactly like what a Jew would write about Christianity (something he does not believe in) - right? Not.

This was inserted into a passage describing of another event.
Assuming that Antiquities is a valid historical work.
Sort of, overall it is a work form history, some of it is accurate, some myth, and some inaccurate. It is an explanation of what it is to be Jewish in a sense to a Greek audience. And it begins with the mythical biblical creation story (that part is hardly history).

But Pilate undertook to bring a current of water to Jerusalem, and did it with the sacred money, and derived the origin of the stream from the distance of two hundred furlongs. However, the Jews (8) were not pleased with what had been done about this water; and many ten thousands of the people got together, and made a clamor against him, and insisted that he should leave off that design. Some of them also used reproaches, and abused the man, as crowds of such people usually do. So he habited a great number of his soldiers in their habit, who carried daggers under their garments, and sent them to a place where they might surround them. So he bid the Jews himself go away; but they boldly casting reproaches upon him, he gave the soldiers that signal which had been beforehand agreed on; who laid upon them much greater blows than Pilate had commanded them, and equally punished those that were tumultuous, and those that were not; nor did they spare them in the least: and since the people were unarmed, and were caught by men prepared for what they were about, there were a great number of them slain by this means, and others of them ran away wounded. And thus an end was put to this sedition.


About the same time also another sad calamity put the Jews into disorder, and certain shameful practices happened about the temple of Isis that was at Rome. I will now first take notice of the wicked attempt about the temple of Isis, and will then give an account of the Jewish affairs. There was at Rome a woman whose name was Paulina; one who, on account of the dignity of her ancestors, and by the regular conduct of a virtuous life, had a great reputation: she was also very rich; and although she was of a beautiful countenance, and in that flower of her age wherein women are the most gay, yet did she lead a life of great modesty. She was married to Saturninus, one that was every way answerable to her in an excellent character. Decius Mundus fell in love with this woman, who was a man very high in the equestrian order; and as she was of too great dignity to be caught by presents, and had already rejected them, though they had been sent in great abundance, he was still more inflamed with love to her, insomuch that he promised to give her two hundred thousand Attic drachmae for one night's lodging; and when this would not prevail upon her, and he was not able to bear this misfortune in his amours, he thought it the best way to famish himself to death for want of food, on account of Paulina's sad refusal; and he determined with himself to die after such a manner, and he went on with his purpose accordingly.
This is the passage - with the insertion removed. And pray tell why wouldn’t the Arabic version (10th century) of Josephus (copied from) early versions of the Text (after the 4th Century : Eusebius) not parallel the former in form? (That's sarcasm in the form of a rhetorical question, in case you're wondering).

Apparently he (Josephus) was done talking about sedition as follows “And thus an end was put to this sedition. [insert forgery here] About the same time also another sad calamity put the Jews into disorder. . . ”

So no - this is not evidence of a historical Jesus.
That's it?  That's your reply?  I thought you wanted to debate?

I develop a detailed, scholarly argument - even acknowledging weaknesses - and you ignore them completely ... responding with a primative "no" and falling back on the argument on transition?  (yes, I know that point ... but, my goodness, I can argue your position with stronger evidence than that one).  The text of 18.3.3 is consistent with practices of ancient writers who wish to insert digressions and, being a digression, ancient writers always inserted those into the body of the text - they didn't have many of the modern text mechanisms that we have today such as underlines, italics, footnotes, etc.  Though I acknowledge that the material might not be considered digressive (in which case the entry to 18.3.4 is problematic), this point is far from conclusive evidence -  Josephus includes other such digressions in his works.

When arguing from a minority position, it is incumbent for you to solidly counter the majority's points and to bring out more compelling evidence than the majority position.  Your response tells me that you are unable to defend my points, since you dismissed them so easily.

Phffft ... you didn't even address 20.9.1 ... what about John the Baptist.  Yea, I know ... "those are just insertions" ...

Look, we are dealing with an ancient writing, and there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to the question at hand.  If you are sincere in approaching this in an unbiased manner then you need to consider the weight and breadth of critical analysis in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.  However, if you just want to promote a bullheaded "Jesus Myth" agenda - such as what you are effectively articulating here, then I'll move on.

(Oh, and "Sparky?")
Cowboy from Hell

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Dr. Craig Blomberg (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, B.A. Augustana College) is a scholar who studied the historical Jesus.  Let's hear what he has to say about this.
Quoting - Dr. Craig Blomberg (from: http://www.dtl.org/apologetics/article/who-needs.htm)

I'm not religious, I never was related with any religion, but I think this guy knows more than you and me about Jesus, and he studied at Universities not just reading the Bible, he's not some wacko who speaks BS.  You should get down off your horse, coz it seems to be untamed.  No offense man.
What are talking about? You can insinuate anything you want about me - I don't care. But there is no horse beneath me. Did you even watch the videos you posted? It is basic Evangelical Christian Apologetics - you might understand were I am coming from - when I say pa-lease - to a video-sermon.

Historical Jesus Theories (found here):
http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/theories.html (<--- Pick one - I don't care - believe whichever theory you want).
Did those videos sound like a sermon to you?  Well, we have different viewpoints of what a sermon is then.  That guy pretty much speaks about historical facts.  What if he's Evangelical Christian?  And by calling him apologist, you are suggesting his ideas are radical, just coz you don't agree with him.
. . .

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I'm not religious, I never was related with any religion, but I think this guy knows more than you and me about Jesus, and he studied at Universities not just reading the Bible, he's not some wacko who speaks BS.  You should get down off your horse, coz it seems to be untamed.  No offense man.
What are talking about? You can insinuate anything you want about me - I don't care. But there is no horse beneath me. Did you even watch the videos you posted? It is basic Evangelical Christian Apologetics - you might understand were I am coming from - when I say pa-lease - to a video-sermon.

Historical Jesus Theories (found here):
http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/theories.html (<--- Pick one - I don't care - believe whichever theory you want).
Did those videos sound like a sermon to you?  Well, we have different viewpoints of what a sermon is then.  That guy pretty much speaks about historical facts.  What if he's Evangelical Christian?  And by calling him apologist, you are suggesting his ideas are radical, just coz you don't agree with him.
No I am not. I am suggesting they are what the are. A defense of traditional interpretaions of the Gospel accounts. What is the big deal? By suggesting the obvious?

All I did was quote him - with his own words. + There are many theories about the Jesus character - not one.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-10 15:42:13)

Cowboy from Hell

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

What are talking about? You can insinuate anything you want about me - I don't care. But there is no horse beneath me. Did you even watch the videos you posted? It is basic Evangelical Christian Apologetics - you might understand were I am coming from - when I say pa-lease - to a video-sermon.

Historical Jesus Theories (found here):
http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/theories.html (<--- Pick one - I don't care - believe whichever theory you want).
Did those videos sound like a sermon to you?  Well, we have different viewpoints of what a sermon is then.  That guy pretty much speaks about historical facts.  What if he's Evangelical Christian?  And by calling him apologist, you are suggesting his ideas are radical, just coz you don't agree with him.
No I am not. I am suggesting they are what the are. A defense of traditional interpretaions of the Gospel accounts. What is the big deal? By suggesting the obvious?
How can you possibly be so sure that the Gospels are full of shit, and nothing from there is historically accurate?  A lot of stories from the Bible seem to be fables and fairy tales, but there're also a lot of stories that could be distorsioned through 2000 years, but still historical facts, who the hell knows?  Besides, the guy doesn't speak about Gospels only, he speaks about historical facts, which you can find hard to believe, but that does not mean they cannot be true.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-07-10 15:55:09)

. . .

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Did those videos sound like a sermon to you?  Well, we have different viewpoints of what a sermon is then.  That guy pretty much speaks about historical facts.  What if he's Evangelical Christian?  And by calling him apologist, you are suggesting his ideas are radical, just coz you don't agree with him.
No I am not. I am suggesting they are what the are. A defense of traditional interpretaions of the Gospel accounts. What is the big deal? By suggesting the obvious?
How can you possible be so sure that the Gospels are full of shit, and nothing from there is historically accurate?  A lot of stories from the Bible seem to be fables and fairy tales, but there're also a lot of stories that could be distorsioned through 2000 years, but still historical facts, who the hell knows?  Besides, the guy doesn't speak about Gospels only, he speaks about historical facts, which you can find hard to believe, but that does not mean they cannot be true.
I am not making absolute statements. Or do you think I am? First where did I say "full of shit." There is a great deal of scholarship in many areas; not one (including an entirely mythical christ figure; that idea did not originate with me); and no there is not a reason for me to assume - the accounts are accurate.
Cowboy from Hell

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

No I am not. I am suggesting they are what the are. A defense of traditional interpretaions of the Gospel accounts. What is the big deal? By suggesting the obvious?
How can you possible be so sure that the Gospels are full of shit, and nothing from there is historically accurate?  A lot of stories from the Bible seem to be fables and fairy tales, but there're also a lot of stories that could be distorsioned through 2000 years, but still historical facts, who the hell knows?  Besides, the guy doesn't speak about Gospels only, he speaks about historical facts, which you can find hard to believe, but that does not mean they cannot be true.
I am not making absolute statements. Or do you think I am? First where did I say "full of shit." There is a great deal of scholarship in many areas; not one (including an entirely mythical christ figure; that idea did not originate with me); and no there is not a reason for me to assume - the accounts are accurate.
There you go.  You really think they are full of shit.  I can't say they all are shit.  Most of them sound like BS, but some parts could be historical facts written by historians from the period.
+46|6837|Middle of nowhere, California


akajoneye wrote:

We can only hope it can wake people up to the TRUTH of the Bible and that the only way to spend eternity in Heaven is BELIEVING that Jesus died for your sins. It's quite simple and it's a FREE gift from GOD that unfortunately MANY people will turn down and spend there afterlife in Hell. It's all in the Bible in black and white.
What if I don't want to spend my eternity in heaven?  I have heard stories about heaven, but what if it's not all its cracked up to be?  Can someone who has been there tell me what its like?
then feel free to find out what hell is like.... cuz i sure dont
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6833|Little blue planet, milky way

buLLet_t00th wrote:

What I want to know (if Jesus did exist) is why 'God' sent him down 2000 years ago when, to be honest, not much was going on.

Now though there is a load of shit going on in the world (and 50 years ago with the holocaust) and where's Jesus?
dude.... Read up on your history... The roman invasion of the middle east ? The civil wars at the time ? The taxation, the crucifictions ? Just because you don't KNOW what happened then, doesn't mean that there wasn't trouble brewing. In fact, if your argument is based solely on what you know, what makes you think this isn't a PEACEFUL time and that any (if at all) reapparance of Jesus is not yet to come ? Who KNOWS what kind of shit we'll be facing in 50 years, ten years, TOMORROW ?

And for anyone else: Go read up on your history too, and this debate would be only about the existance of GOD and a divinity, not the person Jesus.
. . .

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

How can you possible be so sure that the Gospels are full of shit, and nothing from there is historically accurate?  A lot of stories from the Bible seem to be fables and fairy tales, but there're also a lot of stories that could be distorsioned through 2000 years, but still historical facts, who the hell knows?  Besides, the guy doesn't speak about Gospels only, he speaks about historical facts, which you can find hard to believe, but that does not mean they cannot be true.
I am not making absolute statements. Or do you think I am? First where did I say "full of shit." There is a great deal of scholarship in many areas; not one (including an entirely mythical christ figure; that idea did not originate with me); and no there is not a reason for me to assume - the accounts are accurate.
There you go.  You really think they are full of shit.  I can't say they all are shit.  Most of them sound like BS, but some parts could be historical facts written by historians from the period.
If your suggesting that I don't accept the Gospel accounts as very accurate - then yes.

But which account-details are accurate and which ones aren't? Where should I draw the line. And which is the most accurate Jesus-theory? I don't know. You're assuming I know - when I point out the problems of pinning a historical reconstruction to the traditional figure of Jesus.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-10 16:08:24)

+46|6837|Middle of nowhere, California

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am not making absolute statements. Or do you think I am? First where did I say "full of shit." There is a great deal of scholarship in many areas; not one (including an entirely mythical christ figure; that idea did not originate with me); and no there is not a reason for me to assume - the accounts are accurate.
There you go.  You really think they are full of shit.  I can't say they all are shit.  Most of them sound like BS, but some parts could be historical facts written by historians from the period.
If your suggesting that I don't accept the Gospel accounts as very accurate - then yes.

But which account-details are accurate and which ones aren't? Where should I draw the line. And which is the most accurate Jesus-theory? I don't know. You're assuming I know - when I point out the problems of pinning a historical reconstruction to the figure of Jesus.
if ur not going to believe all the Bible, the dont beleive any of it... its like eating a hamburger without the burger...
Cowboy from Hell

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am not making absolute statements. Or do you think I am? First where did I say "full of shit." There is a great deal of scholarship in many areas; not one (including an entirely mythical christ figure; that idea did not originate with me); and no there is not a reason for me to assume - the accounts are accurate.
There you go.  You really think they are full of shit.  I can't say they all are shit.  Most of them sound like BS, but some parts could be historical facts written by historians from the period.
If your suggesting that I don't accept the Gospel accounts as very accurate - then yes.

But which account-details are accurate and which ones aren't? Where should I draw the line. And which is the most accurate Jesus-theory? I don't know. You're assuming I know - when I point out the problems of pinning a historical reconstruction to the traditional figure of Jesus.
Answer this, is there any possibility that some parts of the Gospels are historically accurate facts written by historians of those times?
. . .

sergeriver wrote:

topal63 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

There you go.  You really think they are full of shit.  I can't say they all are shit.  Most of them sound like BS, but some parts could be historical facts written by historians from the period.
If your suggesting that I don't accept the Gospel accounts as very accurate - then yes.

But which account-details are accurate and which ones aren't? Where should I draw the line. And which is the most accurate Jesus-theory? I don't know. You're assuming I know - when I point out the problems of pinning a historical reconstruction to the traditional figure of Jesus.
Answer this, is there any possibility that some parts of the Gospels are historically accurate facts written by historians of those times?
I am not sure of your questions intent? Do you mean that the Gospels are corroborated by extra-biblical textural accounts - around the life & death of Jesus?

The answer of extra-biblical material is - marginally (or not at all) and/or well after the supposed event. Any historian recording the events at the actual supposed time did not record the event (Jesus specifically). As far as I know.

The most notable actual contemporaries with Jesus'-time would be:
Philo Judaeus
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

And the full list of possibly being mentioned would be:
Philo Judaeus
Pliny Elder
Dion Pruseus
Pliny Younger
Justus of Tiberius
Hermogones Silius Italicus
Valerius Maximus
Florus Lucius
Quintius Curtius
Aulus Gellius
Dio Chrysostom
Valerius Flaccus
Pomponius Mela
Appion of Alexandria
Theon of Smyrna

The best argument I am aware of - as to why there is no credible extra-biblical detailed account of the life & death of Jesus - recorded in history is: that maybe it was not that big of deal at the time; so no one bothered to mention it. And the minimum amount of mentioning well after the fact - amounts to simple acceptance of the traditional version as told to scribes/writers (siimple acknowledement that a new cult existed).

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-10 16:49:51)

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