+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

So, you want to overclock?! Well you've come to the right place.

Overclocking is no easy thing to do. Countless brave men and women have been killed trying to push their CPU another GHz. That's cause they were dumbasses though.

This is a no-nonsense, expert's guide to overclocking. As Sir Kyle of Northern Ireland said, a lot of bad info is given on this forum, which is why I feel we needed an end-all topic to overclocking. This is for processors btw.

1) Boot into BIOS. Hit Delete (Del) or F2 or something a bunch of times as soon as you press the power button.

2) Okay if you see a blue screen with writing on it, you're in the BIOS. Look around a bit for the CPU settings (This is the fun part, it's like a treasure hunt)

3) If you've found it, good. Otherwise just give up now; only the strong survive. The tards end up like Jimmy Braunvurst of Norfolk Island, who accidentally blew his left kidney out trying to overclock.

4) See something that says Frontside Bus or FSB? Select it and crank it up ALL THE WAY. To quote Guitar Hero, "Eleven IS louder than ten!" Likewise, higher FSB IS faster than lower FSB.

5) Just to be safe, ramp the CPU voltage all the way up. *Smart User Tip - You will need some heavy duty cooling at this part, such as a nuclear reactor's cooling system or liquid nitrogen. Some overclocked CPUs have had nuclear meltdowns because they heated up somuch*

6) Boot in to your OS or whatever and enjoy your overclocked CPU


Q: My PC doesn't work!
A: You probably didn't up the voltage enough. Switch your power supply to 220 volts, bigger IS better.

Q: What's the smoke coming from my computer?
A: Your cooling might be failing. Turn off the computer and contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If they think the cooler is fine but you can't afford a stronger one, blow on the CPU a bit.

Q: How can I push it past the limit of the FSB and voltage in the BIOS?
A: This is where the experts are constantly at odds with each other. Ultimately, two methods have been generally agreed upon as effective in SUPERBOOSTING your epic overclock:

The Layman's Method - Invented by watch seller Mikhail Vaskanakov, this is a relatively crude but effective method of superboosting your overclock. It involves taking a wrist watch and taping it near the CPU. To ensure proper function, you might want to make sure your cooling system is also cooling the watch.

The Copenhagen Method - This is a more complicated but generally powerful method. Invented by scientist Niels Bohr, you will need a wrist watch AND a relatively powerful but small FM radio transmitter. Like the layman's method, tape the watch and cool it. Then tune the transmitter to the CPU's frequency (explained in Chris Brown's How to Tune Radio Transmitters for the Blind, Deaf, Dumb, and Moronic). This will increase your CPU speed exponentially AND hyperbolically.

Some have also experimented with combining both methods; essentially culminating in two watches and one transmitter. This has been good and bad. In Switzerland, a powerful particle accelerator is powered by the combination. In contrast, the horrific Chernobyl nuclear meltdown was caused not by mismanagement but by a failing combination of the Layman and Copenhagen method.

I hope this guide has been helpful. Please keep an eye out for Squeezing as Much FPS as You Can Out of a Game, set to release in August!
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

you know what is the point of overclocking anyway
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6791|Montreal, Qc, Canada
That the guide is very helpful !!! +1
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC


you know what is the point of overclocking anyway
That's what I used to think; but once I discovered the glory of overclocking like a GOD I was having sex twice a day.
+447|7000|Seattle, Washington, USA

This guide resembles sex.
while(1) { fork() }
dude, not cool.  i just had friend who killed his mother by trying to superboost her emachine, you have terrible timing with this article.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

Hurricane wrote:


you know what is the point of overclocking anyway
That's what I used to think; but once I discovered the glory of overclocking like a GOD I was having sex twice a day.
I like having sex twice a day (married lucky on once a week )  but why overclock the system
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC


Hurricane wrote:


you know what is the point of overclocking anyway
That's what I used to think; but once I discovered the glory of overclocking like a GOD I was having sex twice a day.
I like having sex twice a day (married lucky on once a week )  but why overclock the system
Because chicks dig fast computers. Sure being buff is nice and all, but having the technical know-how to operate practically nuclear machinery will bag way more fun times in the bed.
16 more years
+877|6678|South Florida

phd_in_destruction wrote:

dude, not cool.  i just had friend who killed his mother by trying to superboost her emachine, you have terrible timing with this article.
Hahahaha i love your name, and your style aint bad either.
15 more years! 15 more years!
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

Hurricane wrote:


Hurricane wrote:

That's what I used to think; but once I discovered the glory of overclocking like a GOD I was having sex twice a day.
I like having sex twice a day (married lucky on once a week )  but why overclock the system
Because chicks dig fast computers. Sure being buff is nice and all, but having the technical know-how to operate practically nuclear machinery will bag way more fun times in the bed.
this has worked for me in the past
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Mitch wrote:

phd_in_destruction wrote:

dude, not cool.  i just had friend who killed his mother by trying to superboost her emachine, you have terrible timing with this article.
Hahahaha i love your name, and your style aint bad either.
Please stay on topic, take your thinly veiled flirtation elsewhere!

edit: SEREMAKER, here is Niels Bohr himself... some call him a pioneer of physics, but those of us in the upper echelon of society know him as the pioneer of being a total beast in bed

Last edited by Hurricane (2007-07-07 14:29:45)

EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
Urmm, i tried did it just like you said but it started smoking so, i put some water cooling on and it sloshed around a bit and then the smoke stopped but the water satarted boiling then the fire alarm went off, so i poured off the water to stop the steam and the processor exploded, i mean properly exploded, snapped into about 4 peices, so i put them back in as best i could but it wont boot any more, any ideas?
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

jimmanycricket wrote:

Urmm, i tried did it just like you said but it started smoking so, i put some water cooling on and it sloshed around a bit and then the smoke stopped but the water satarted boiling then the fire alarm went off, so i poured off the water to stop the steam and the processor exploded, i mean properly exploded, snapped into about 4 peices, so i put them back in as best i could but it wont boot any more, any ideas?
You'll need to contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ASAP! You more than likely have caused a nuclear accident. Also, you'll need to buy a new computer and FOR GOD'S SAKE USE A NUCLEAR REACTOR COOLER.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

Hurricane wrote:

Mitch wrote:

phd_in_destruction wrote:

dude, not cool.  i just had friend who killed his mother by trying to superboost her emachine, you have terrible timing with this article.
Hahahaha i love your name, and your style aint bad either.
Please stay on topic, take your thinly veiled flirtation elsewhere!

edit: SEREMAKER, here is Niels Bohr himself... some call him a pioneer of physics, but those of us in the upper echelon of society know him as the pioneer of being a total beast in bed … ohrxs8.jpg
EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
Nah its okay, i put some glue on the processor and its working now, i undid the overclock and am waiting for my cooling towers to arive to give it another shot.
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Not the most helpful guide. All you say is:

1. Go into BIOS
2. Make all the small numbers into big numbers
3. Ta-da!

You don't explain what they do, or to go up by increments either.
Too bad my CPU settings is locked, stupid manufacturer.
EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
Okay slighty new problem, i keep getting artifacts in games now, it seems that a small shard of processor hit my graphics card.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Ryan wrote:

Not the most helpful guide. All you say is:

1. Go into BIOS
2. Make all the small numbers into big numbers
3. Ta-da!

You don't explain what they do, or to go up by increments either.
Too bad my CPU settings is locked, stupid manufacturer.
What? That's overclocking for pansies like you. Please, do entertain us more with your sophomoric attempts at education while the MEN here overclock like gods using the copenhagen method.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6642|Gogledd Cymru

Ryan wrote:

Not the most helpful guide. All you say is:

1. Go into BIOS
2. Make all the small numbers into big numbers
3. Ta-da!

You don't explain what they do, or to go up by increments either.
Too bad my CPU settings is locked, stupid manufacturer.
Get out of this thread then, take your emo views aswell.
EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
Holy fucking shit as i am typing this my computer is on fire, oh my god it seems the glue is flamable or something, shit the MB is actually melting holy fuck, the cooling is failing all the lights are red, there flashing, shit shit shit, oh my god it burns.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
great guide, although AMD doesn't have FSB you know..
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

leetkyle wrote:

great guide, although AMD doesn't have FSB you know..
What can I say, you probably bought a cheap Chinese rip-off. Next time shop from a reputable source... sorry =S
EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
ok ive given up on that computer, i cant find the power button on it any more.

So is this a good watch to use, what sort of performance gains should i see,


1 second per second
Goes under water 5 meters
made of metle and glass
Just in case, you should write some kind of disclaimer.

"Overclock at your own risk! By tweaking your hardware, there is a possibility that something may go wrong, horribly wrong. By reading the aforementioned warning, I, Hurricane, am not liable for any malfunctioned, burning, smoking, or otherwise damaged processors. Your problem, not mine."

Nice guide though. It makes perfect sense.

Last edited by Smithereener (2007-07-07 14:46:19)

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