Didnt Do it
Well you have some good points in it but its a bit of a long boring read (thank god i read bloody fast) and your sniping stats are ok (my other Nicks ratio is 2.64 with a Accuracy of 48.88% its only a new one so im only a Private First class if you want to look its plzd0nthurtme) but i definately agree about the high grounds like cranes ilove getting the guys off it some of the best places i have are on the ground where people walk right past me lol.

The Overall Ratio is 2.15

Last edited by Lestat<CoN> (2006-01-28 03:32:48)

Resident Emo Hater
+139|6995|Moscow, Russia
You should have mentioned M95's bulletdrop. M95 isn't that inaccurate, it's just as accurate as M24 but it's bullet is just too heavy so it drops. If to take some practice with it, you'll learn how much higher should you place your sights on various distances to hit your target. It is not easy at all, so I prefer M24 to M95.

Lestat<CoN> wrote:

Well you have some good points in it but its a bit of a long boring read (thank god i read bloody fast) and your sniping stats are ok (my other Nicks ratio is 2.64 with a Accuracy of 48.88% its only a new one so im only a Private First class if you want to look its plzd0nthurtme) but i definately agree about the high grounds like cranes ilove getting the guys off it some of the best places i have are on the ground where people walk right past me lol.

The Overall Ratio is 2.15
My Mom says I am number one.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
feature post request
Didnt Do it

usmarine2005 wrote:

Lestat<CoN> wrote:

Well you have some good points in it but its a bit of a long boring read (thank god i read bloody fast) and your sniping stats are ok (my other Nicks ratio is 2.64 with a Accuracy of 48.88% its only a new one so im only a Private First class if you want to look its plzd0nthurtme) but i definately agree about the high grounds like cranes ilove getting the guys off it some of the best places i have are on the ground where people walk right past me lol.

The Overall Ratio is 2.15
My Mom says I am number one.
Im glad that your mom tells you that does she also hold your hand when you cross the road.

But what was the point you made with your comment i dont know but if you read my post i was actually agreeing and pointing out a good fact in his so please be useful if you cant go play in the corner quietly ok
Got Whiskey?
+63|7107|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
Cranes? yas are dead on the money when it comes to 'no true guidelines' IMHO...Here's my little experiment at the beginning of this month with the crane on Sharqi. An extremely high snipe K/d, 95% of the kills are from the Sharqi crane, in my 1 spot and one spot alone that I personally enjoy. the other 5% I believe is i think from 4 kills on Kubra's thousand cranes, but I (as I always do in Kubra) kept getting tempted by the 300m+ shots and blew me total accuracy by 15% in those 2 games:(

http://statpadder.com/cgi-bin/bf2i.cgi? … mp;start=0 #3 sniper rifles

To be truthful, I did this for 2 reasons: first being, wanted to disproove 'crane's are B.A.A.A.D theory's in forums.
Secondly, I'm very competitive, I couldn't stand not being placed highly in an alternate ranking system (actually SlyNicoli and Kim Snow) were fairly high on that ladder, I've gamed with both those fine snipers, and wanted to join thier names in lights:)

*Wormguts, many thanks for the kind words, I'm far from 'the great one' but I must admit, put a smile on me.

*Comrade- to be honest...I've never been very proficient at judging an entire piece and it's composing factors as a whole, not very analytical in composistions. However; from what you did include in the guide, it's one of the better descriptions of what you did choose to discuss I've seen. Your descriptions of the two different scopers...pistoles, clay's, and deflection/deception shots/targets very well put. I wouldn't know the first thing about 'guide' creating so I really can't judge it from the others per say.

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2006-01-28 10:28:00)


I must say I have been trying this today without the .50 cal, and I seem to get more kills than usual ( which isn't a lot.)  You need to join a server with me ComradeWho, and show me some spots on various maps.
+50|7015|Southern California
that would be fun usmarine though i'm sure an internship with sinnfein would be more to your advantage. i'm going through map overviews and marking spots and creating a guide for em and i'll have that for you within a couple days. should have karkaand done within the hour though.

Update: Karkand is completed and added to the guide with a list of spots and an explainaton of them. I'll add em as I do em but I'm goin out tonight so they'll have to wait for tomorrow.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-28 18:21:41)

Damn, I like it! I searched up my Treatise (which looks a pale boring comparison now, in my opinion) which I wrote back when I only first started sniping seriously (I still don't play a lot of BF2 and had a K/D of 1.09 with the rifle. My K/D is now 1.38).... and it can be found here: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=6882

Anyway, I really like it. I like the guide to locations (even though I don't play on Karkand much) but the guide in it's entirety is well written.

Always throw grenades at claymores or remove them when they're no longer likely to kill the enemy.
Hear, hear! The more people say this, the more that people might actually listen and not leave their claymores scattered about the battlefield. In fact, if what I read about the next patch is correct and claymores will no longer be tripped off by Grenades...

Well, it's just going to get worse!
+50|7015|Southern California
Thanks for the praise. It would be neat if they featured this.

Just added Mashtuur City positions.
J-10 whore
Why not lets feature this? We hardly have a sniper guide in feature post at all
+50|7015|Southern California
Just added Sharqi positions.
It's a pretty good guide, albeit long and very advanced for a "basic" guide.

I think that using predetermined shooting positions is a bad idea, and that it's best to be unpredictable when picking your spots. That might be just me, guess it would make me feel too "cookie-cutter". Another thing I would add is not to shoot from anywhere where you would produce a silhouette against the horizon, like the top of a hill or building. Also, people with low video settings don't see small foliage in the distance, so while you may be laying down in a bush on your screen, certain OPFOR will percieve you as just laying out in the open.

I didn't see anything about bullet drop in the guide, maybe because I skimmed it over, but it's important to stress that it exists to beginners so they don't get frustrated when they are not hitting shit at great distances.

Good guide overall, feature post definitely.
+50|7015|Southern California
Thanks herrhavok. I didn't mention bullet drop since there's no statistic on it and the fact that accuracy is limited is enough of an explaination of why a lot of shots will miss at long distances, even with the m24 (it's only more accurate because it has lower deviation than other guns http://wiki.bf2s.com/weapons/comparison).

As for predetirmined snipe positions, you're right. But my positions guide is written with the assumption that people will be playing "combat sniper" or won't be using one position the whole round and will only use the positions when they become relevant gaging by the flow of the game. So if combat is happening between two flags most players generally use the same areas, and because of that there are positions that exploit typical combat. but the presumption that my "combat sniping" approach uses is that you can kill any target at any distance from any position so long as they are reasonably within your rifle's range.

i did leave out the super-obvious and common positions/positions often hit by artillery. like the rooftop to the south east of the hilltop flag at karkaand.
Loved the post because presents new positions that I normally never thaught being so useful. But on the other side of the medal -> I really love to snipe snipers on cranes.... sooooo easy shots and the poor bastards don't even know from where the lead is coming If you add a medic to revive them all the time ... wow... you can call me a statspadder!

Last edited by Driller[SV] (2006-01-30 04:40:33)

the sniper own in bf2 so its easy to kill why do we need a guide???
The Kid
I stopped reading when he said that the M24 and the M95 have the same power.  Also, his comment on how snipers should move to USMC.  Great, even more reason for noobs to tip the scale by moving to USMC.

But seriously, don't rely on stats.  M24 and M95 don't even come close to the same power.
+50|7015|Southern California

These numbers clearly show the m24 as having equal power to the m95. Not all pistol hits necessarily do damage, especially at long range. The only difference in power, according to the numbers from this very site, is a calculation that gives the m95 more power against non-human targets such as windshields. Again - don't be fooled by the fact that it's an unlock, the fact that in real life this gun is .50 caliber, and the neat graphic they give to the gun. The gun is nothing compared to the m24.

I've noticed from when I am hit by snipers that a certain percentage of the time my health doesn't drop to 10% but to around 40% or 45%. I'm sure others have had this happen. In my experience this happens equally with the m95 as it does with the m24. This would account for the small percentage of times it takes up to three pistol shots to kill targets that you have a confirmed rifle hit on.

More maps to come.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-31 16:58:23)

They both take two shots to kill, but the M24 will lower someone with body armor to around 45% health, while the M95 will drop them to 2 bars of health.
+50|7015|Southern California

HerrHav0k wrote:

They both take two shots to kill, but the M24 will lower someone with body armor to around 45% health, while the M95 will drop them to 2 bars of health.
Untrue. The m24 will lower an opponent's health to the same degree as the m95. Again, please refer to the weapons statistics: http://wiki.bf2s.com/weapons/comparison

ComradeWho wrote:

HerrHav0k wrote:

They both take two shots to kill, but the M24 will lower someone with body armor to around 45% health, while the M95 will drop them to 2 bars of health.
Untrue. The m24 will lower an opponent's health to the same degree as the m95. Again, please refer to the weapons statistics: http://wiki.bf2s.com/weapons/comparison
Yes, they do the same damage, but the M24 does not ignore the extra protection that is gained from body armor like the M95 does, which is why your health will drop to around 40% when you're wearing body armor and get hit by an M24, and down to 2 bars when you get hit by an M95 (again, when wearing body armor). Do an experiment, firing the rifles at the torso, and see the amount of health taken off by both rifles with and without body armor.

Sticky this please.
+2|7002|King's Island
Good guide. Lots of useful tips and thoughts + great maps.
It's a good day to die
+18|6980|Canada Eh?
Good job and everything but I have to disagree with your "dont worry about being seen just rely on your rifle". Personally the main thing a sniper needs to be good IS stealth. Stealth=enemies unaware of you position=enemies expose weak spots=kills. That's why in vanilla BF2 sniper gets the camo otherwise snipers would get your average uniform.
Got Whiskey?
+63|7107|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
I must say now, that both Comradewho's and tyferra's digest are both top quality and everyone must understand that they are works in progress. I've heard several comments 'hinting' at the ol' "taking advice from a lesser qual/stat sniper". I now believe this perhaps isn't truly warranted. Often times the best teachers are not the top craftsmen at thier specific art, however they possess a unique ability to observe and translate to the betterment of others. I brought a clanmate along with me the other evening to some of my spots (11 on Kubra + 9 on sharqi + 17 on Dragon and lastly 6 on Oman) each of these spots currently net meself ~18-30 sniper rifle kills per round with 2-3 deaths. Needless to say our results were drastically different in nature.

Some tradecraft can be passed on, however the 'hand eye/ memory muscle or scope posistion cannot be transeferred through verbal guidance, only through personal experience IMHO". I personally cannot turn a non-AT&T (reach out and hit someone....long distance) sniper into a snipe. I can only try to show my online passion for this particular art, complete with the innate satisfaction of an unbelievable shot to an other.

I, have endured a, albeit short, lifelong of business and personal stress. It is now that I truly enjoy (with me bottle of whiskey at hand) the long range warfare and stress relief. I now add the destinct pleasure of ventrillo with dear firends (GDC clanmates and DCDF bhoys, namely my twin, Books_dcdf, along with his fine group of DCDF online family).

Three evenings ago, I, made 2 of the most unbelievable shots in my recollection. First was a ~250m headsahot on a moving tank gunner.

The second will forever be etched into my mind for 2 reasons. First, easily a +300m headshot on a fast moving dune buggy gunner that didn't even seem humanly possible. The second reason it will forever be my finest pull,.....Friends, Books and Tempus DCDF were flanking me, witnessed and were on voice comms. I hold that particular memory near and dear to me heart as I wasnt alone on the back nine and dropped a hole-in-one, I was with Friends...priceless. Now, of course, keeping in mind this is a game, but nonetheless my hobby therefore holding certain personal satisfactions to be said.

BF2 is just that...a game. Me wife is perhaps my biggest cheerleader tobesure as it keeps me home most nights and out of the pubs. Despite any of EA/Dice's shortcommings I am truly grateful for thier creation, not for the simple/complex game mechanics, but for the pleasure derived from wit I so enjoy.....

Your mate,

*ps ..rabble rabble, sorry but i tend to get a bit long on the keystroke after the first bottle or so:)

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