want to go heads up?
+11|6881|cairns australia
enough with the smurfs.little ,blue ,always cheerful i hate em call blue dots smurfs now thanks nastie.i used to play a lot on overseas servers until i got ping kicked.have played with and against nastieand have seen nothing wrong.tking just plain sux so if true he deserves a flame but 1927h you got owned. a good commander will know where you are pretty much all the time.u can zoom and see any1 in the open and even just spotting an empty area will reveal or not any enemy in favourite victim sounds like you i was commander and followed him and he screamed haxor all round as he died 13 times.
cheerful arent they..

Last edited by nobodyhasthisnameyet (2006-01-29 01:04:21)

+86|6921|New Zealand

chitlin wrote:

nexar obviously got his stats reset .. everyone point and laugh
you're obiously a twat - point and laugh on yourself
I’m very sorry that you got reset Nexar, did not know that!

It was very fun to play against you guys last night, thanks fore joining in!!
I only had time for a quick post last night before I went to bed (5.15 AM very tired).

The point I’m trying to make here is the same as in your "Rape Island Inverted" video and that’s why I bothered to even join in on this thread, why call people “smurfs”??

It’s down grading and maybe the people in that video take offence?
Yes your tactics and team play is excellent as I said before but why not play training matches against another clan instead of playing on public servers?

When you take your excellent flying abilities team work skill and tactics up against average people on public servers they are of course no match for you! Why do people like to call each other names like noobs, smurf etc all the time?

The BSF clan probably consists of some of best bf2 guys there is so why downgrade and call people with less experience (not so good at the game) smurfs? This game is supposed to be a game for all people good and bad! Butler you are among the top 10 and in my opinion must be a good player since you know what you talk about (read good tactics and team work) so why don’t you play more training matches instead of playing on public servers with an almost full clan and upsetting people like 1927?

Now about last night the BSF guys that were in ONE.SE could not have been so, cheerful aren’t they nobody!

Inc|LoKi must have had bad dreams about me in the T-90 last night! Things went just as I predicted and the BSF guys came up short most of the time in the backyard up front in Karkand. Last round I played as a medic 29 kills and died 11 times 20+ points before the first BSF guy on the score board!

Not once did I say anything downgrading about anyone even tough none of the BSF guys that accepted the challenge last night were that good and I think they lost at least tow rounds out of three? Why would I do that? No way it was just good fun playing against them!

Even FistFullofClams admitted that he played like a “noob” in his first 50 rounds. Spare the newcomers and not so good guys the sarcasm and be polite, (chitlin that applies to you most of all, stupid post) play fare (no T.K for Helo VeNg3nCe^) so everyone can enjoy the game!

All the best and good luck with your BSF clan in tournaments!

Thank you!
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

Regarding playing practice matches constantly here is our collective opinion.  There must be forty of us now that play the game on a regular basis and in our experience it is difficult to assemble large clan matches.  Not only is it difficult to find a large clan to challenge it also takes an hour of preparation for each map.  Frankly it gets boring.

We just formed this group in its current form two months ago and are organizing participation in one or more of the large ladders.  It's a matter of getting certain members that, oddly enough, don't play and have NEVER played BF2 to allow us to do this. 

My Experience In Other Clans

Most clans seem to focus on small 5v5 matches are such with rules that take out elements that we feel make this game what it is like use of vehicles and artie. 

When I was new to the game I participated in clan tryouts for at least four established competitive clans and I noticed that they focused on keeping their numbers below a dozen at any given time.  I am guessing that this must do with the difficulty in organizing large groups of people spread across the globe.

They spent more time sitting in unranked servers talking and chatting then playing.  When they participated in large maps I saw them struggle.   The comfort zone for them seemed to be in the smallest maps in the game.  This vexed me as I came into BF2 as a CS player and visions of massive battles are what attracted me here in the first place.  Playing a small map where the biggest factor in the game was who could use the GL in the most effective way just seemed boring to me.

Smurfs Noobs and Flaming

Understand that we don't go around arousing flames in game chat.  It starts with other players flaming us.  When one starts to attack us in chat things tend to "open up" and the flames begin as they usually do when anyone attacks anyone else.   We don't initiate these but you have to understand that human nature dictates a childish response to a childish attack.  I don't condone or condemn the chat that goes on.  For me its always just another form of entertainment.


To sum this up...., playing in pub games is FUN.  It's quick, you can choose your environment, there is always a large number of players and this means a large number of targets.  A single player in large maps might be frustrated if he cares enough to want to win.  It's frustrating because one player can never have enough of an impact in large map no matter what his skill.  A good player in this situation will feel helpless. 

As a large group we get to play together (we are after all ....friends) and have a detectable impact on the game.  With this in mind the question is.....WHY NOT PLAY IN THESE MAPS?
+59|6884|The land of Hookers and pod
Nastie_butler, can you please explain to me how the hell you get +/- 500 repair points in one day...? Did someone said stadpadding? Hello?
okay.....  I feel like I am taking crazy pills here....  Whats with all the "smurf" annotations in this forum.....  I personally have never seen anything resembling these blue guys on the battlefield......
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

Sluggit wrote:

I’m very sorry that you got reset Nexar, did not know that!

It was very fun to play against you guys last night, thanks fore joining in!!
I only had time for a quick post last night before I went to bed (5.15 AM very tired).

The point I’m trying to make here is the same as in your "Rape Island Inverted" video and that’s why I bothered to even join in on this thread, why call people “smurfs”??

It’s down grading and maybe the people in that video take offence?
Yes your tactics and team play is excellent as I said before but why not play training matches against another clan instead of playing on public servers?

When you take your excellent flying abilities team work skill and tactics up against average people on public servers they are of course no match for you! Why do people like to call each other names like noobs, smurf etc all the time?

The BSF clan probably consists of some of best bf2 guys there is so why downgrade and call people with less experience (not so good at the game) smurfs? This game is supposed to be a game for all people good and bad! Butler you are among the top 10 and in my opinion must be a good player since you know what you talk about (read good tactics and team work) so why don’t you play more training matches instead of playing on public servers with an almost full clan and upsetting people like 1927?

Now about last night the BSF guys that were in ONE.SE could not have been so, cheerful aren’t they nobody!

Inc|LoKi must have had bad dreams about me in the T-90 last night! Things went just as I predicted and the BSF guys came up short most of the time in the backyard up front in Karkand. Last round I played as a medic 29 kills and died 11 times 20+ points before the first BSF guy on the score board!

Not once did I say anything downgrading about anyone even tough none of the BSF guys that accepted the challenge last night were that good and I think they lost at least tow rounds out of three? Why would I do that? No way it was just good fun playing against them!

Even FistFullofClams admitted that he played like a “noob” in his first 50 rounds. Spare the newcomers and not so good guys the sarcasm and be polite, (chitlin that applies to you most of all, stupid post) play fare (no T.K for Helo VeNg3nCe^) so everyone can enjoy the game!

All the best and good luck with your BSF clan in tournaments!

Thank you!
Hmmm you must have got there after/before me, because I won 6 games straight when I was there.  Btw I don't tk for helos, thats a very ignorant statement to make just because some guy posted a screenshot of me "tking him", for all you know he could have been tking me the last few rounds.

DocZ: see here: … s%21%21%21

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2006-01-29 12:08:54)


MB.nZ wrote:

you're obiously a twat - point and laugh on yourself
how come do you have BSF website link in your sig?
Having just played on a server with BSF they play very well.  Organised and seem to back each other up.
I agree with Nasties statment that it can get so frustrating as a single player.
1 thing however that really ticked me of is the constant, and I mean constant camping just behind where peole spawn and shooting them in the back.
wonderful I'm sure for the score but lame for gameplay.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

x0pht wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

you're obiously a twat - point and laugh on yourself
how come do you have BSF website link in your sig?
why does it matter? hes obviously supporting us...
+0|6809|Malmoe, Sweden
Oh come on VeNg3nCe^ , so you have never ever TK:d for a chopper???
All of your 2009 tk:s are sad misstakes, yea right...

"for all you know he could have been tking me the last few rounds"

Thats mature... LMAO

Sorry just had to
is that why you never set foot in that thread to defend yourself vengeance? makes it pretty obvious dude is telling the truth. also its pretty funny how dude tried to get all offended about a cheater getting caught and reset .. oh leme guess its some mistake ea made ? way to blow some e-cock
Never thought you would reply Ven!

A.    Could but I presume it did not since T.K you a 2nd Lieutenant and then post a tread about it when you got back at him!?
B.    You did not defend you self on the tread?
C.    You left the other thread were they/he reminded you again and again did not defend your self!
D.    You are eager to get up among the Top 10 and every minute of every round counts if you going to accomplish that.
E.    Can not afford to run around on the ground you need to make the most out of every map and use the most valuable assets to boost/improve your overall score.

I’m old Ven I don’t make remarks unless they are well founded! I can see that you hardly used the zip and grapp since I told you……….

Good luck, rather see you in Top than some other people, no names and I believe you will be there soon due to your higher SPM!
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

Oh come on VeNg3nCe^ , so you have never ever TK:d for a chopper???
All of your 2009 tk:s are sad misstakes, yea right...

"for all you know he could have been tking me the last few rounds"

Thats mature... LMAO

Sorry just had to
I must say that this is a smart post. Somebody just got PWNED!
+0|6841|Skåne, Sweden
[BSF] guys, please explain something to me after this story. I would appreciate a response from anyone of you.

During a day of playing 1 or 2 weeks ago I found myself playing with the [BSF] clan (About 10-20 players during the day). Everything was fine when I was playing on your side and wins were easy. I think [BSF] and my side won every round 190-0. But my connection failed and when I reentered the server again I found myself on the opposing side.

So the round begins (Daqing Oilfields-Me on Chinese side). I spawn at the airfield, none of us have had any time to take the airplanes but to my amazement i notice one of the planes were missing.

1st question: How were u able to enter the round so fast, taking one of your airplanes flying to our base then taking one of our planes and fly off before anyone of Chinese side players had the time to take it?

I thought this was strange, and the round continues. USA side now has 3 airplanes which they use to bomb the airfield the whole time until they take the other plane aswell. But this isn't enough for they then role in with a tank behind were the planes spawn and spawncamp us for a bit. To make things even worse for us Chinese, an AA vehicle rolls in and takes out any chance of taking the helicopter.

The round ends pretty fast after that and the only ones who killed me that round was [BSF] players.

What was the worst was that Chinese side players started to complain at us on the airfield fighting about the air superiority the USA side had that round.

2nd question: Why does the [BSF] clan play like this? I have read about other occasions in other threads aswell.

Anyone of u should step up and be honest about your style of play, is it really fun to play like this?

And finaly a word of warning. If you should find yourself on the opposing side against the [BSF] clan, just quit and find another server to play on because you will have more fun there.
bad touch

i played a whole round of Ghost Town in his squad, and he never spawned. once.

please explain that one

stryyker wrote:

i played a whole round of Ghost Town in his squad, and he never spawned. once.

please explain that one
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Oh come on VeNg3nCe^ , so you have never ever TK:d for a chopper???
All of your 2009 tk:s are sad misstakes, yea right...

"for all you know he could have been tking me the last few rounds"

Thats mature... LMAO

Sorry just had to
I never said that. Ifyou play on moders wake when I'm on with Nexar, chances are you will see about 4 guys from the enemy team switch just to tk us.  I told FromTheAshes that it was a mistake, I misread his name and thought he was one of these guys who was tking me constantly, but he goes on the forum and cries like a baby.

Never thought you would reply Ven!

A.    Could but I presume it did not since T.K you a 2nd Lieutenant and then post a tread about it when you got back at him!?
B.    You did not defend you self on the tread?
C.    You left the other thread were they/he reminded you again and again did not defend your self!
D.    You are eager to get up among the Top 10 and every minute of every round counts if you going to accomplish that.
E.    Can not afford to run around on the ground you need to make the most out of every map and use the most valuable assets to boost/improve your overall score.
A.  errrm, what?
B.  Why should I get into a useless flamewar with someone when the topic will die in a week or two?
C.  As I said above, I told him it was an accident in-game, if he was so childish to come post flames on a forum I see no reason to reply.
D.  Yes thats true, if I didn't want in the top ten I wouldn't care about points, then you would see true tking
E.  Thats an ignorant statement, look at my stats, I Have more time on foot than in vehicles, and more kills with an assault rifle than choppers.  The main reason i've been doing helis at all is because I want the helicopter medal (20k kills, 250 hrs)

I’m old Ven I don’t make remarks unless they are well founded! I can see that you hardly used the zip and grapp since I told you……….
Told me what? I use grapples/zips when I need to not because of what ppl say in forums.

Good luck, rather see you in Top than some other people, no names and I believe you will be there soon due to your higher SPM!
Maybe, I don't play as much as everyone in the top 10, so I may not get there.

[BSF] guys, please explain something to me after this story. I would appreciate a response from anyone of you.

During a day of playing 1 or 2 weeks ago I found myself playing with the [BSF] clan (About 10-20 players during the day). Everything was fine when I was playing on your side and wins were easy. I think [BSF] and my side won every round 190-0. But my connection failed and when I reentered the server again I found myself on the opposing side.

So the round begins (Daqing Oilfields-Me on Chinese side). I spawn at the airfield, none of us have had any time to take the airplanes but to my amazement i notice one of the planes were missing.

1st question: How were u able to enter the round so fast, taking one of your airplanes flying to our base then taking one of our planes and fly off before anyone of Chinese side players had the time to take it?

I thought this was strange, and the round continues. USA side now has 3 airplanes which they use to bomb the airfield the whole time until they take the other plane aswell. But this isn't enough for they then role in with a tank behind were the planes spawn and spawncamp us for a bit. To make things even worse for us Chinese, an AA vehicle rolls in and takes out any chance of taking the helicopter.

The round ends pretty fast after that and the only ones who killed me that round was [BSF] players.

What was the worst was that Chinese side players started to complain at us on the airfield fighting about the air superiority the USA side had that round.

2nd question: Why does the [BSF] clan play like this? I have read about other occasions in other threads aswell.

Anyone of u should step up and be honest about your style of play, is it really fun to play like this?

And finaly a word of warning. If you should find yourself on the opposing side against the [BSF] clan, just quit and find another server to play on because you will have more fun there.
Some of our guys have uber comps that load very fast, they prob loaded in, bailed out at the airfield and stole your jet, that is a very good move because it cripples your airforce.

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2006-01-29 16:06:52)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6956|Marathon, Florida Keys
i feel sorry for you bsf guys, just because ur organized and skilled you get harrassed because of it every day, in the game and on forums
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

chitlin wrote:

is that why you never set foot in that thread to defend yourself vengeance? makes it pretty obvious dude is telling the truth. also its pretty funny how dude tried to get all offended about a cheater getting caught and reset .. oh leme guess its some mistake ea made ? way to blow some e-cock
MB.NZ we are proud to part of BSF now.  So I guess he is sucking his
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn
Boring....why am I even here reading all this useless crap?

All I know is that you're all obsessed with BF2 and trying to prove to the world that you are good at something in life. Get a REAL life & STFU!
+85|6898|good old CA
very typical thing to say about people who are 2nd lt.  Oh he doesnt have a life,  hes trying to prove something blah blah who cares!!!   i played with BSF before and i had a great time playing with them.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

Maj.Do wrote:

very typical thing to say about people who are 2nd lt.  Oh he doesnt have a life,  hes trying to prove something blah blah who cares!!!   i played with BSF before and i had a great time playing with them.
You didn't read the 2nd part of my post - and that wos to STFU! Oh wow, he's a 2nd lt. I didn't even know that and I don't bloody care! Will it affect my life? No. When I play I don't even think about my rank. I'm not even sure wot it is cos I play for fun and I don't go about it a large organised group ruining the game for others.

Besides, wot are you? Another BSF recruit in the making? Do you have to suck up here on the forum to be noticed? Does the thought of fellatio with Nastie_Nutler turn you on? Like I said - and I conclude - STFU!
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
Amazing... I've played with most of you on ONE.SE or Wake at one time or another and see no difference in skill level with one or 5 clanmates; but the one time I saw two squads working it sucked; there is a reason why your stats were reset; if you kill someone 90-120 times it's time to move up to the big boys and play full 64 servers. I've played almost 500 hrs and I seldom see someone top 120 on full 64 servers consistantly (I only play full 64); and if you do consistantly.... you are 1) whoring 2) padding. Makes me wonder how people get 500 PIAR and they wonder why EA wonders....

This thread is dead; play how you want.

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-29 20:45:43)

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