Whoa. Seen some cool stuff in paint, but never this one.
hax he copy pasted the image
just kidding nicely done
just kidding nicely done
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on his hands.
Ok, so i'm sure the guy probably never gets laid, but he kicks ass at paint.
Why is that?S.Lythberg wrote:
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on his hands.
lol i was just watching that the other day
I took the liberty of comparing the two (as I have no life), I'd say it's about as close as ur gonna get in MS paint lol.
that whole thing was in super fast forward, so:swe:D wrote:
Why is that?S.Lythberg wrote:
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on his hands.
1. It had to have taken him hours.
2. He's obviously done it before, never hit delete, and knew exactly where to place the guide lines.
3. If he has hours of PC time to burn, he should be on BF2s.
definitly right up there along side that guy that painted the car..
That is sickeningCommieChipmunk wrote:
l33ter paint
all of those pages amaze me, paint can be pro afterall