I LOVE that Pollux troy one, amazing man!

Does he use it?
I eat noobs for breakfast
Some great work in there, mad props!
BF2s' little helper

White-Fusion wrote:

I LOVE that Pollux troy one, amazing man!

Does he use it?
dont know if he still does, but he did once..


he still does..


even though there are some horrible shadow spots I missed, the thing he is using is the 1st draft. most people never give feedback on the 1st draft so I can make it a bit more personal and such.. oh well their choice.

Last edited by Z-trooper (2007-06-21 15:01:07)


Z-trooper wrote:

White-Fusion wrote:

I LOVE that Pollux troy one, amazing man!

Does he use it?
dont know if he still does, but he did once..


he still does..


even though there are some horrible shadow spots I missed, the thing he is using is the 1st draft. most people never give feedback on the 1st draft so I can make it a bit more personal and such.. oh well their choice.
I love it man!

i dont want to come off like i dont like you but...

first there was the issue with the sig of yours that just so happens to very closely resemble one of mine i did previously, but as i was skimming through your sigs i noticed this...


it looked reeaally familiar... sure enough this is a sig TimmmmaaaaH did sometime back in my thread...


are these just a series of coincidences or what?
BF2s' little helper

OmniDeath wrote:

i dont want to come off like i dont like you but...

first there was the issue with the sig of yours that just so happens to very closely resemble one of mine i did previously, but as i was skimming through your sigs i noticed this...


it looked reeaally familiar... sure enough this is a sig TimmmmaaaaH did sometime back in my thread...


are these just a series of coincidences or what?
shot answer = yes...

1. We used the same screenshots
2. There isnt much to do with those screenshots.
3. I had an Idea when I saw that screenshot, doing that "this side up" thing.. sorry it resembles one of your sigs which is just a cutout of the same plane from the same screenshot..
4. I dont go around looking for sigs to rip off, if you look through my list you can see that they are all very different.. so you found 1 (2) that looked lke one of your sigs because we used the same screenshot.. deal with it.

And the other sig you are refering to:


again, the same arguments as before.. same screenshots..

he wanted a sig with wake and a F35 so I found the thread with screenshots we ALL can use as we like. the screenshot showed wake from above and a F35.. so I used it..
Can I not use those screenshots anymore?...
besides if you look again I made a 2nd draft for him.


besides why should I waste my time browsing the forum for an Idea when you can see from my history in this thread that I've done many different styles.. deal with it.

and if you are going to use the argument that they look similar because both planes streches outside the sig (transparant), if you would look at my sig history again! and you would hopefully see that I use that a lot...

I dont get why you always have to accuse me of all sorts of things. deal with it already.

and besides.. the new one I made, the one in question here (J-10), how can you possible know that you made it first? I could just as easily accuse you of ripping off my sig..

Last edited by Z-trooper (2007-06-22 02:13:22)


Z-trooper wrote:

OmniDeath wrote:

i dont want to come off like i dont like you but...

first there was the issue with the sig of yours that just so happens to very closely resemble one of mine i did previously, but as i was skimming through your sigs i noticed this...

http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z232 … sideup.png

it looked reeaally familiar... sure enough this is a sig TimmmmaaaaH did sometime back in my thread...

http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/6484 … l22sy3.jpg

are these just a series of coincidences or what?
shot answer = yes...

1. We used the same screenshots
2. There isnt much to do with those screenshots.
3. I had an Idea when I saw that screenshot, doing that "this side up" thing.. sorry it resembles one of your sigs which is just a cutout of the same plane from the same screenshot..
4. I dont go around looking for sigs to rip off, if you look through my list you can see that they are all very different.. so you found 1 (2) that looked lke one of your sigs because we used the same screenshot.. deal with it.

And the other sig you are refering to:

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/O … elight.jpg
http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z232 … inati3.png

again, the same arguments as before.. same screenshots..

he wanted a sig with wake and a F35 so I found the thread with screenshots we ALL can use as we like. the screenshot showed wake from above and a F35.. so I used it..
Can I not use those screenshots anymore?...
besides if you look again I made a 2nd draft for him.

http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z232 … minati.png

besides why should I waste my time browsing the forum for an Idea when you can see from my history in this thread that I've done many different styles.. deal with it.

and if you are going to use the argument that they look similar because both planes streches outside the sig (transparant), if you would look at my sig history again! and you would hopefully see that I use that a lot...

I dont get why you always have to accuse me of all sorts of things. deal with it already.

and besides.. the new one I made, the one in question here (J-10), how can you possible know that you made it first? I could just as easily accuse you of ripping off my sig..
alright, i was trying to be nice about it. try reading my post. i didnt make the j-10 sig, TimmmmaaaaH did. and i dont accuse you of all sorts of things. the only thing i ever accused you of was stealing one of my ideas. thats one thing, not "all sorts." and i didnt accuse you of stealing the j-10 sig idea either. i just asked what was up because this seems to keep happening. deal with it.

Last edited by OmniDeath (2007-06-22 02:18:03)


Z-trooper wrote:

2. There isnt much to do with those screenshots.
Do you really wanna post the screenshot and have OmniDeath and me both have a shot at it just for us to prove you wrong?  Jesus fucking christ, that's the dumbest logic I've heard today and we've already had numerous people asking about stats on IRC.

Entertayner wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

2. There isnt much to do with those screenshots.
Do you really wanna post the screenshot and have OmniDeath and me both have a shot at it just for us to prove you wrong?  Jesus fucking christ, that's the dumbest logic I've heard today and we've already had numerous people asking about stats on IRC.
i actually kinda like that idea...
BF2s' little helper

OmniDeath wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

2. There isnt much to do with those screenshots.
Do you really wanna post the screenshot and have OmniDeath and me both have a shot at it just for us to prove you wrong?  Jesus fucking christ, that's the dumbest logic I've heard today and we've already had numerous people asking about stats on IRC.
i actually kinda like that idea...
oh well, sorry.. I'm not a pro at sigmaking, I just dont get why this is happening?

alright, yea.. the screenshot can be made all kinds of stuff with, but I'm not creative enough,..

and yea, of cause you can do other stuff with it.. but dont use that as a argument, cause you can put it into paint and draw a big lion on it and it will be different.

I know it sounds like I'm contradicting myself but my native language isnt english, my abilities have limits..

Z-trooper wrote:

and yea, of cause you can do other stuff with it.. but dont use that as a argument, cause you can put it into paint and draw a big lion on it and it will be different.
You used it as an argument.. Why shouldn't we?
BF2s' little helper

Entertayner wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

and yea, of cause you can do other stuff with it.. but dont use that as a argument, cause you can put it into paint and draw a big lion on it and it will be different.
You used it as an argument.. Why shouldn't we?
how the hell can I disprove the accusation "you ripped off my sig idea".. its so easy to say, but impossible to prove..

EDIT: I dont get why you are so fussed about it..

Last edited by Z-trooper (2007-06-22 02:51:28)


Z-trooper wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

and yea, of cause you can do other stuff with it.. but dont use that as a argument, cause you can put it into paint and draw a big lion on it and it will be different.
You used it as an argument.. Why shouldn't we?
how the hell can I disprove the accusation "you ripped off my sig idea".. its so easy to say, but impossible to prove..

EDIT: I dont get why you are so fussed about it..
i dont think tayners "fussed." i myself find this entertaining (no pun intended ).

look at it like this. of all the sig makers on this site and of all the sigs they make, no one that i know of (aside from you) has ever created a sig that so closely resembled someone elses. and we all have access to those same pics (thanks to tayner if im not mistaken). its just a tad questionable.
BF2s' little helper

OmniDeath wrote:

i myself find this entertaining (no pun intended ).
Well I am not finding it a bit funny.. you and tayner might think its funny anoying a PS/sig/danish noob by accusing me of stealing ideas..

why would I go make two different suggestions for illuminati and for the one of them think "hmm, what to do.. ! oh! I'll go browse the forum, see what omnideath have done, and then do exactly the same thing! thats the best idea in the big ol' wide world" -_- I think not...

besides I havent seen other sigs made from these two screenshots.. and I know you'll post a whole list of them after this post, but none come to mind here..
and if they do excist they might resemble either my sig or yours...

1.  When did I accuse you of anything?

2.  Do you know how many hours I spent taking all those screenshots and uploading them?

3.  You're quite obviously not a PS noob.

4.  The thing that OmniDeath is saying that the sigs are pretty much exactly the same, you could have quite easily changed something little just to make it distinguishable between the two.
BF2s' little helper
I dont what to hear about this crap any more.. I'll tell illuminati to find another sig, I'll delete them both from here, I'll stop using those screenshots.

its just not worth it.. I made those 2 sig by myself, without your ideas as claimed, but its not funny at all being accused of these things and to be honest I dont have the time nor the energy for this sort of debate I think I have argumented for my case over and over and over again, and still it falls on deaf ears. its almost like you want to keep this going..

but good to know that you are having fun with it. thats fine..

wou win...

end of discussion?
BF2s' little helper

Entertayner wrote:

1.  When did I accuse you of anything?

2.  Do you know how many hours I spent taking all those screenshots and uploading them?

3.  You're quite obviously not a PS noob.

4.  The thing that OmniDeath is saying that the sigs are pretty much exactly the same, you could have quite easily changed something little just to make it distinguishable between the two.
1. sorry, its just that being accused of ripping off others work gets me worked up.. and that might be even more fun cause then I look like an unstable emo.. but you did say

Entertayner wrote:

[Jesus fucking christ, that's the dumbest logic I've heard today and we've already had numerous people asking about stats on IRC.
which isnt a nice thing to say.. I know I made a bad argument but its hard defending a point of view thats not easy to prove..

2. yea, and I am glad you did it.. its some good material, unfortunatly omnideath made sigs with them first, and I'm not that creative (look at them, they are basically just cut outs of the screenshot - and both a first draft to be edited by the people that requested them..)

3. thanks.. but I am, my methods are noobish and my work looks unfinished imo...

4. yea.. the thing is: I didnt see his sigs before making mine! so I didnt know they would resemble his that much..

I'm tired of being on the defensive..

I'm going to get some launch now, and when I come back there better not be any more accusation cause with the mood I'm in right now I'll delete this thread.. I'm sorry about being such a big emo, but I know that the (most!) things I do is original (at least in my mind!!!!), and I just hade being accused of ripping off other peoples ideas, I have my own you know..

I know you didn't see them but when you did you should have said something like "Oh, sorry" and changed it a little so it's distinguishable.  Not only for OmniDeath's sake but for your sake and to stop people giving him credit for sigs you've done and vice versa.

i never said you didnt have your own ideas. im just saying it looks questionable that those few are soo similar. and for the last time, i didnt make both those sigs. i only made one of them.
"There is a problem with your connection"
the overall sig quality is bad imo. may i suggest reading some tutorials maybe, before i get flamed saying, oh you think you could do better etc. here are a few of mine below:






$h0ck3r wrote:

before i get flamed saying, oh you think you could do better etc. here is proof that i can...
well, at least you were more subtle, lol
BF2s' little helper

Entertayner wrote:

3.  You're quite obviously not a PS noob.

Z-trooper wrote:

3. thanks.. but I am, my methods are noobish and my work looks unfinished imo...
.. to prove I'm right..:

$h0ck3r wrote:

the overall sig quality is bad imo. may i suggest reading some tutorials maybe, before i get flamed saying, oh you think you could do better etc. here are a few of mine below:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/ … cker-1.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/ … ions-1.jpg


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/ … bf2sig.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/ … kercss.jpg
EDIT: and yeah, you are good, but if you know me thats not my style (and if you dont you saw it).. I dont like making those surreal stereotypical stylish sigs.. thats not my style at all.. made two of them though, dont like them,,

and about the guide thing.. I read 1-2 like 5 years ago, and since then it has just been me playing around and exploring on my own..
Besides I'm not a gfx artist, so I just do it for fun, and if I have to sit and read guides on advanced techniques I wouldnt find it funny any more..
I made a guide myself - true but thats so people can get started on their own..

OmniDeath wrote:

$h0ck3r wrote:

before i get flamed saying, oh you think you could do better etc. here is proof that i can...
well, at least you were more subtle, lol
sorry missed that in the middle of it all:

OmniDeath wrote:

and for the last time, i didnt make both those sigs. i only made one of them.

Entertayner wrote:

I know you didn't see them but when you did you should have said something like "Oh, sorry" and changed it a little so it's distinguishable.  Not only for OmniDeath's sake but for your sake and to stop people giving him credit for sigs you've done and vice versa.
- yeah I know that would be the easy way out, but I'm a man of pricipals. And imo I have nothing if I dont stick to them. And I kind of like mine the way they are, so why should I change them... (retorical question..) you make a good point, but it stays the way it is in my book..

Last edited by Z-trooper (2007-06-22 03:49:40)

+3|6545|somewhere in Denmark
Z-trooper .............kan jeg få dig til at lave en SIG med 2-3 lækre babes og hvor der står we love u [dk]130978 det kunne være nice hvis du gad det??jeg er overhovedet ikke en ekspert på computer,så jeg håber du kan hjælpe lidt??
BF2s' little helper

[DK]130978 wrote:

Z-trooper .............kan jeg få dig til at lave en SIG med 2-3 lækre babes og hvor der står we love u [dk]130978 det kunne være nice hvis du gad det??jeg er overhovedet ikke en ekspert på computer,så jeg håber du kan hjælpe lidt??
Selvfølgelig.. det kigger jeg på i aften..

and for the sake of not having the post deleted (cause we have to post in english -_-)

Of cause, I'll have a look at it tonight..
+3,936|6820|so randum
|Hey Z, right, im decided on my sig. Not fussed about size, Would like a PR Littlebird droppin troops to the waterfront on Muttrah city, with some kinda teamwork slogan, and my name somewhere. Nice and colourful too. Pretty please
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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