
Deaths from certain things don't appear on stats

I agree15%15% - 4
I partially agree23%23% - 6
I don't agree - I noobed you fair and square61%61% - 16
Total: 26
-Artillary deaths
-Supply box deaths
-Spawn killed (killed within 4 seconds after you spawn)
-Vehicle deaths
-GL deaths

You don't deserve a death to be recorded on your stats if you die to these things.  Being hit with artillary and being spawn killed is just luck.  If you are not an AT then there is no way to kill a tank/APC/jet/Humvee/mobile AA, so you don't deserve to get a death for dying to a tank (if you are an infantry) since there was no possible way you could have killed the vehicle.  You simply don't deserve a death from dying to a noob tube since it is such a noobish weapon.  Oh yeah, and your respawn time should be shorter if you die to these things.

Last edited by Sh4rkb1t3 (2006-01-26 09:42:44)

That's retarded... it's all part of the game. If you're too stupid to stand under a supply box as it flattens you, then you deserve a death.

You could also tank out tanks with grenades, C4, or a TOW, or you could just stay away from it.
+4|6846|Berlin, Germany
Shut up... Or think before you post. You can also RUN AWAY -.-
If you were skilled you would be in a squad with people who can take it out...........

you said you can't take hummvvs out w/out anti tank???? I kill those with bullets and nades if they get in the turrent just run up and shoot them.........

This game is based on teamwork if your to stupid to join a squad and use voip then I hope I meet you in-game

Last edited by syph1n_38 (2006-01-26 10:02:18)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
BF2s doesn't record any of your deaths by certain stuff.
+24|6706|Computer Chair

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

BF2s doesn't record any of your deaths by certain stuff.
He wants the deaths from those things not added to his death count, what is total shit, (maybe not for spawn kills, but the rest is)
Spawn campers

They should put in an invivcibility mode for 3 seconds after you spawn so atleast you can spot them and get orientated then have a fair fight

Last edited by syph1n_38 (2006-01-26 10:27:09)

Renaissance Soldier
+2|6795|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

-Artillary deaths
-Supply box deaths
-Spawn killed (killed within 4 seconds after you spawn)
-Vehicle deaths
-GL deaths

You don't deserve a death to be recorded on your stats if you die to these things.  Being hit with artillary and being spawn killed is just luck.  If you are not an AT then there is no way to kill a tank/APC/jet/Humvee/mobile AA, so you don't deserve to get a death for dying to a tank (if you are an infantry) since there was no possible way you could have killed the vehicle.  You simply don't deserve a death from dying to a noob tube since it is such a noobish weapon.  Oh yeah, and your respawn time should be shorter if you die to these things.

Last edited by Sh4rkb1t3 (Today 11:42:44)
Okay where to begin flaming...

If this were to be implemented we could say goodbye to the K/D ratio having any validity to your stats. Foremost of the stupid ideas is that any non-AT kit being killed by a vehicle doesn't count as a death. Does that mean that kills while in a vehicle of any sort shouldn't be recorded as kills?

How dare somebody pick up one of those vehicles that are littered all across the map. They are only there to taunt us and aren't a fair part of the game. Also, the Grenade Launcher was only put into the game so that the Assault class would be tricked into thinking that they actually had an advantage in head on assaults. And artillery? Yeah, what army still uses that outdated equipment. It is just something to keep the commander busy and allow him to halt his own team's attacks (because we all know that that symbol means "run here"). Humvees? Did I just imagine all the times that my granades (launched and thrown) and AT mines killed them?

[/sarcastic rant]

I mean seriously, are you unable to deal with the game and want these changes to help out your stats? Even now a k/d ratio above 2 for a player with a few hundred hours is considered to be good. With your silly system, you'd probably get up to you 2 k/d ratio. Meanwhile the good players would build up amazing k/d ratios by abusing the system. Imagine a guy playing medic kit (with no hope against tanks according to you) and drive a tank racking up kills. Then when my tank is about to die (at the hands of a tank/APC/humvee/rock), I jump out and get killed by the "cheap" weapon to not have a death recorded on my stats. Hello 50:1 k/d ratio.
AK Whore
+152|6814|Barrington, RI
he is also the one that wanted a TOW and a stinger/IGLA implacement at every flag on every map.  He says that if we the vehcile whores can't handle it we should go back to CS:S.  what's next on his hit list?
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6847|Grapevine, TX
Just an observation, I've been back and forth on a few sites this morning, and this is the SECOND COMPLAINT THREAD BY THE POSTER.

1. Yes,  you posted it in the correct index.
2. All I see you do is complain, so you should be ready for the flames.
3. I usually read any kind of manual front to back, for anything, from lawnmowers to computer software.
4. We all paid basically the same $amount, have the same manual and rules, so learn to just PLAY Battlefield2, and stop complaining.

EDIT: spelling; and after reading my post during edit, go easy on him, he really has some insecurity issues, IMO.

Last edited by (T)eflon(S)hadow (2006-01-26 10:36:05)

+101|6694|Southern California

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

-Artillary deaths
-Supply box deaths
-Spawn killed (killed within 4 seconds after you spawn)
-Vehicle deaths
-GL deaths

You don't deserve a death to be recorded on your stats if you die to these things.  Being hit with artillary and being spawn killed is just luck.  If you are not an AT then there is no way to kill a tank/APC/jet/Humvee/mobile AA, so you don't deserve to get a death for dying to a tank (if you are an infantry) since there was no possible way you could have killed the vehicle.  You simply don't deserve a death from dying to a noob tube since it is such a noobish weapon.  Oh yeah, and your respawn time should be shorter if you die to these things.
I caught you again.

Artillery is just luck? uh NOT!!! (I suppose sometimes it is luck) We need to get you a military education somehow and quick. You have a good problem solving mind but it needs more data. Ballistics is a science now.

LOL supply box LMAO thats a funny one. that happened to me last weekend after 200+ hrs of play someone finally hits me with a box. LMAO!!! Now thats what I call a surgical strike with a slow moving unguided missile! But did that enemy commander get a kill for it? I bet not. Unfair - his direct action caused my death he should get a point. And as for me standing there looking up at a decending crate? Well what a dumbass I was but I hope I have learned my lesson. Sir Isaac Newton would be ashamed of me.

The GL will be fixed in the next patch I believe to account for the spin-arming distance required. Now getting hit by a 40mm slug travelling at 300-500 Ft Per Sec at up to 10 meters will still wound or kill you (just not splatter your guts everywhere) but I wonder if they will have that part active.

I have solo killed eveything in BF2 but it wasn't easy and sometimes I died alot.  My favorite shot is to pick-off an ATK Helo with a tank gun. Or rake a transport helo with my PKM and see 4-5 bodies drop out. Recently I took out a jet with a TV missile. But by far the best moment was when I was commanding in Mashtuur City and the other team liked to stand around after capping a flag. They also massed before taking a flag. Seeing this I set an arty strike at a point ahead of the attackers by interpolating their convergent paths and then it happened, 3...5...8...9..10.11 kills in one strike they just kept running into it as I planned. And I did this 4-5 times that game with fewer kills of course they learned quickly to avoid the crosshairs of OpsChief's Laser Designator.

The idea of a 4sec death debit from a spawn point will only reduce deaths not stop the killing. After all winning the game also boosts some points.
+557|6751|Oslo, Norway
[sarcasm] i agree, i should not count if you are on a ladder, reloading, get shot by a chopper, get bombed, or get shot from behind[/sarcasm]

stupid idea. play the game
tbh i think the OP is just trolling at this stage .... and trolls are not welcome
+0|6718|St.-Petersburg, Russia
every death shoud be at your stats
Mass Media Casualty

I think my one argument to this is.

-Artillary deaths
                           - When this happens, you die.
-Supply box deaths
                           - When this happens, you die.
-Spawn killed
                           - When this happens, you die.
-Vehicle deaths
                           - When this happens, you die.
-GL deaths
                           - When this happens, you die.

Made my point yet? If you die, you die. If you are killed, you cease to live anymore. I think that's pretty simple.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-26 13:19:31)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+19|6683|The pork thing inna bun stall.

syph1n_38 wrote:

Spawn campers

They should put in an invivcibility mode for 3 seconds after you spawn so atleast you can spot them and get orientated then have a fair fight
Sorry to go OT but i like this idea. Could be extended to 5 or 10 secs to allow you to site or get behind cover. Would have to be some sort of void clause if you draw a weapon or something. They used this sort of idea in  a Star Wars game and it made it a lot fairer for the losing team. I agree that if you get pushed back to one SP its your own fault but sometimes it gets a bit frutrsting if you just spawn die, spawn die etc.
what the hell is that guy talking about. If there is a tank, be anti tank then. It's all a part of the game so live with it. And noob launchers aren't all powerful.

CrazeD wrote:

That's retarded... it's all part of the game. If you're too stupid to stand under a supply box as it flattens you, then you deserve a death.

You could also tank out tanks with grenades, C4, or a TOW, or you could just stay away from it.
Taking out tanks with grenades... funny shit boy.  See, this is where your credibility ends.  What if you aren't a spec ops?  What if you aren't near a TOW?  Stay away from it?  Ever heard of UAV?  And besides, you don't always know where the tank is.

TC><Injecter wrote:

Shut up... Or think before you post. You can also RUN AWAY -.-
Thanks, you too asshole.  Why exactly did you post here if you aren't going to do anything but make yourself look like a 13 year old kid?

syph1n_38 wrote:

If you were skilled you would be in a squad with people who can take it out...........

you said you can't take hummvvs out w/out anti tank???? I kill those with bullets and nades if they get in the turrent just run up and shoot them.........

This game is based on teamwork if your to stupid to join a squad and use voip then I hope I meet you in-game
If I am skilled I would be in a sqaud?  WTF?  Since when does it take skill to press "Join Squad"?  But thats besides the point.

With bullets you say?  Thats just about as useful as trying to shoot down a chopper with bullets.  The Humvee weapon is way better than yours, so forget about it.  Grenades are worthless against that thing.  It takes about 7 to kill it.  So unless there are 2 people as stupid as you are in a game, then grenades won't work, since you only have 4 grenades.

Joining a squad doesn't automatically mean that you can kill everything.  Unless everyone in your squad is an anti-tank (you'd be lucky to have 1 person as an AT), and your squad sticks together (uncommon in public servers), then your squad isn't any better than a lone wolf.
+9|6856|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
is there a statistic for "hit respawn button"???
It takes 2-3 grenades to kill a humvee. NOT 7.
LOL,nice idea...if it were like this I wouldn't have this negative k/d-ratio,most of my deaths are from getting spawnkilled(0.5 seconds in the game and boom :-( ),artillery strikes and of course by bombardement from those jetwhores....

But I guess that's the way it goes,there are some things that can easily kill you and you can't do squat about it.Nobody said anything about fair competition.

You can be the sneakiest sniper around and yet the UAV will see you,you can be the ultimate closecombat Rambo and still you are just a little blip on the commander's radar,you can be the Über-tankwhore with tons of kills but for a pilot you are just another square ready to be bombed....

And that's another reason not to look at the stats,K/D-ratio my ass if I get spawnkilled(woohoo,takes a lot of skill to do that..),peppered by artillery(no defence against that except running for cover) or f-ed in the A by an attack-chopper(hope the patch fixes those über-machines).
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6761|Malaga, España
dumbest threath ever...close it please...no discussion is worth this bullshit
u died , simple as that no questions asked ok?
Mod Incarnate

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

That's retarded... it's all part of the game. If you're too stupid to stand under a supply box as it flattens you, then you deserve a death.

You could also tank out tanks with grenades, C4, or a TOW, or you could just stay away from it.
Taking out tanks with grenades... funny shit boy.  See, this is where your credibility ends.  What if you aren't a spec ops?  What if you aren't near a TOW?  Stay away from it?  Ever heard of UAV?  And besides, you don't always know where the tank is.
Grenades do damage tanks. Besides which, attacking a tank is not always meant to do damage. If i know theres a spec ops or anti tank player nearby, ill attack the tank with my pistol if i have to, just to draw his attention away from the real threat.

Its called strategy. You should look into it.

*edit* you dont always know where the tank is? Last I checked tanks are pretty damn easy to notice. I suppose you lose track of the ground sometimes as well...?

Last edited by Skruples (2006-01-27 14:04:02)

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