.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
But seriously, it doesn't fucking matter anymore if people complain about an aspect of the game, because chances are it shouldent be there to begin with. Everything has been tampered with so many times to suit the talentless that it does not matter anymore. Let them complain, so this game will end up being a game that no one except the 8-12 age range will enjoy, oh wait...it god damn near already is...
That pretty much sums it up. Sure there are those that complain about things having more of an advantage then others, but the worst part is all of the unskilled pieces of shit that have dumbed everything down. That is what has ruined this game.
No firing while jumping -
Because you would never ever do it if you had to in rl. Besides the fact that the accuracy was terrible while jumping.
Shot delays-
Take a halfstep to far, fall off the one story building, and have to stare at your enemy for 3-5 seconds before being able to shoot back. But people have to whine about mobile players. Just remember kiddies in this patch you must jump up from prone to fire back or make a really scary face at the enemy if you hit crouch.
There are more, but they are in other posts read them there.
As far as the kits go most of the lameness has been removed, but EA/DICE as always added some new unneeded bs.
The grenade launchers need turned up. They should be like normal nades. This would end the nubcakesness that takes place now. Shit even on FF on servers you can tube at point blank range and live. That is what makes it a n00by weapon. Try it with a normal nade, it doesn't work.
How can anyone complain about this kit? If you are dumb enough to flop prone in front of one, don't cry when they rocket you.
Support- Lord of weed anyone? enough said
Claymores have a delay, so blame yourself for not looking before sprinting in some place. Use your head and you can avoid most of them.
The g36e needs recoil. That and the fact that it is just about as accurate on burst as it is on single needs changed. I dont care if some nublet uses it. Maybe they need that gun to get a kill. Though I try to discourage everyone I know from using it since it takes absolutely zero skill to use. That and you can't use it in real scrims. The thing that irritates me is the jackasses that act like they are gods gift to bf2 while using it.
Unlocks are overrated. The default guns are far better, but nobody takes any time to try them. The real problem is that almost everyone has to look for some way, other than themselves, to out do the enemy. Nobody can rely on themselves to accomplish something. They have to get the game to do it for them. I bet that most of the g36e elites are almost useless without it. But, how many people would even attempt to play without their precious unlocks?
Last edited by I-=C-A-V-E-M-A-N=-I (2007-06-19 00:13:24)