Can't find the thread that someone asked the same question, had some good stuff.
But basicly I say, get the demo for 2142, there should be a server hosting it out there. It doesn't have the unlocks but if you don't like the game then, the full version isn't much better.
But if you love the idea of:
point whoring
easy sniping
assault rockets
3 charge defribulator
powerful anti tank gun
UAV/detectors basically everywhere
Awards & rank ups almost every second (most awards give additional points)
Big floating shielded lag machines with vehicles and protected spawn points (although teamkillers still get you)
The Kyrlov
Hover tanks
actual smart claymores (although you'll find them everywhere)
if you like all that you will enjoy 2142, but be warned..
there's Lots of lag
Half the time you die, you sink into the ground where you can sorta look around, but have to wait till you fully die to respawn (looks awful)
Any tards you met in CS/BF2 are playing 2142 now.
You'll need really good PC specs to just survive
Last edited by Fenix14 (2007-06-16 19:35:26)