
Should i buy BF2142

Yes39%39% - 48
No60%60% - 73
Total: 121
The other kid
i like BF2 alot and i dont want a big change (i bought CSS and its too infantry) im more of an infantry person but i want a little bit of vehicle action...should i buy it?

EDIT: after 2 no's and 1 yes...say frickin why

Last edited by elite3444 (2007-06-16 17:03:45)

it depends....

are you sick of jets and heli's raping the shit out of you?
do you wish you could spawn @ a spawn point knowing its impossible to be spawnkilled? ...... Titan Mode FTL
do you wish bf2 Infantry walked as if it had 500 pounds of gear on its back?
do you wish you could spam more shit other than claymores and c-4 in bf2?

either way i thought it was fun....for a few weeks then it got really boring and i have been playing bf2 for 18 months or so and i havent gotten that bored of it yet

and i voted no... why because its a shit game

Last edited by ¦TØP¦straz_mataz (2007-06-16 18:11:28)

I vote no.  I've never played the game though mind you, I just figure EA should make the game I did buy from them bug free before I give them anymore of my money. Also I still have alot of fun playing BF2 and don't really need a replacement yet.
BF2142 sucks ass.. There doesn't have to be a reason why.
no...BF2 still rocks!!
You likey leaky?
+433|6987|In You Endo- Stoke
Go for it,but you will come back to bf2.

I played it for a few months is not too bad,just different.

Last edited by {uscm}Jyden (2007-06-16 18:25:12)

+58|6732|West Midlands
keep ur money...

an i say get

Quake: Enemy Territory

wen it comes out... i have 2142 it aint great, u av to put 2 clips into sumone before thy die its pretty tiresome

Hama-Raptor-UK wrote:

keep ur money...

an i say get

Quake: Enemy Territory

wen it comes out... i have 2142 it aint great, u av to put 2 clips into sumone before thy die its pretty tiresome
exactly what i thought.  Takes alot from sum guns to kill people.  Yet sum guns just own you.

I say Yes to buyng it because when i want sumtin new i go and play 2142 and still have some fun
There are few reasons to switch to 2142:
You would want to switch if you are BORED of bf2.
You would want to switch if you SUCK at bf2.
You would want to switch if you think the year 2142 WONT have lasers.
You would want to switch if you are into a totally different play style that has nearly nothing similar to BF2.
You would PLAY IT if you had never played any other BF game.
You MIGHT play it if you had played the previous battlefields before vanilla.

Here are some reasons NOT to play:

You DON'T like a bobbing camera
You DON'T like shorter sprint speeds
You DON'T like having vehicles depend on the outcome of a game
You DON'T like longer cool-downs on commander assets
You DON'T like how inaccurate FUTURE guns (which logically should dead on accurate) are.
^ To continue the above statement, we would have guns advanced way beyond what the game shows. Look what we have advanced from in the past 165 years (1842). Single shot rifles that took forever to reload, to automatic rifles that take 4-5 seconds to reload and we have Nu-cu-lar bombs. I would predict in 2142, we would have Assault rifles that kill like a 50 caliber bullet with the accuracy of a sniper rifles. Or we kill each-other with your minds. I like the latter.

~[_-=*Hanma*=-_]~ wrote:

Here are some reasons NOT to play:

You DON'T like a bobbing camera

You DON'T like how inaccurate FUTURE guns
I agree with almost everything you have said, except these two.

Bobbing camera can be turned off

Most guns are quite accurate especially the Krylov
Le fuck?
If you have less than 1.5 GB of RAM, no.
I didn't know you could turn off bobbing, haha. And what I meant with the accuracy, is that EVERY bullet should hit its target by that time in the future.

Last edited by ~[_-=*Hanma*=-_]~ (2007-06-16 18:59:02)

+106|6690|UMass Amherst
Stealing quotes from various guys:

Buy 2142 if you hate being raped by jets and helis and tanks with no method whatsoever of shooting back at them.
Buy 2142 if you want more squad-oriented battles where combat is even more intense and dynamic--especially with all the gadgets and spawn beacons
Buy 2142 if you want to play in a 30 foot tall mech that rapes the shit out of everything that breathes, ground and air.
Buy 2142 if you enjoy better designed maps

Don't buy it if you're already good at BF2 and have difficulty changing strategies.  BF2142 is much more infantry oriented and about balance between each faction *cough J-10 Whores, cough cough*
Don't buy it if you're planning on expecting to blow the titan by yourself: it's a huge team effort, unlike BF2 where the game could be dominated by one jet or chopper (or in some cases, two)
Metal Godz

Here's why...

Maps are very dull colors... hope you like orange and tan.

Got all ranks and unlocks... in a month, no sense of acomplishment.

Future tanks.... how do I put this... suck.

Titan combat is exciting at first... eventually you just want to get off the damned thing.

And the worst thing of all...  the EMP strike... it doesnt do anything.. cept' maybe wreck your hairdoo.

The ONLY good thing about 2142... makes you want to play BF2.
Okay, lets close the topic. I'm pretty sure he gets the idea.

Quake Wars > BF:2142
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Put it this way. If BF2 had the dynamics of BF2142, it would be a 10x better. Though the dynamics put to use on BF2142, not BF2, is comparable to a pimped out Ford Taurus.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6866|Brisbane, Aus

Can't find the thread that someone asked the same question, had some good stuff.

But basicly I say, get the demo for 2142, there should be a server hosting it out there. It doesn't have the unlocks but if you don't like the game then, the full version isn't much better.

But if you love the idea of:

point whoring
easy sniping
assault rockets
3 charge defribulator
powerful anti tank gun
UAV/detectors basically everywhere
Awards & rank ups almost every second (most awards give additional points)
Big floating shielded lag machines with vehicles and protected spawn points (although teamkillers still get you)
The Kyrlov
Hover tanks
actual smart claymores (although you'll find them everywhere)

if you like all that you will enjoy 2142, but be warned..

there's Lots of lag
Half the time you die, you sink into the ground where you can sorta look around, but have to wait till you fully die to respawn (looks awful)
Any tards you met in CS/BF2 are playing 2142 now.
You'll need really good PC specs to just survive

Last edited by Fenix14 (2007-06-16 19:35:26)

Phone Spammer
+207|6900|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
These nubs are just terrabad at 2142.  I thought it was fun.
+429|6756|Chicago, IL
Bf2=better game, but full of nade spamming I/O Karkand whores now
Bf2142=not as good, but slightly more serious crowd playing.

2142 also sucks the life out of all but the best computers.
Ice Lolly Maniac
jet whore = dont get
none jet whore = get


noob = dont get we dont need more of you
non-noob = get would be good to play with a non noob

S.Lythberg wrote:

2142 also sucks the life out of all but the best computers.
no it doesnt

Last edited by Sniper-UK-Ghost (2007-06-17 03:12:28)

grandmaster league revivalist
Buy it, it´s the funzies! I love it, even more than Bf2, because it does so many things way better.
Balance for example. Crap in Bf2, really good in 2142.
Teamplay. Weapons. Vehicles, you name it. It´s worth it!

Sisco out.
Please close the topic................
+540|6811|Shanghai, ethnicity=German

~[_-=*Hanma*=-_]~ wrote:

Please close the topic................
I agree with him, we are starting a Forum War here.

- buy 2142, if you like it... keep it. And have fun, like me.

- buy 2142, if you don't like it, go back to the store, find an excuse so you can get your money back, and stick with BF2 and CS/S etc.


The other kid
i have 3.25GB RAM and i like games where teamwork is there....my comp got messed up and i didnt play BF2 for a year even though i said it was the best game and stuff and then i get back on it and theres just no point of it...no teamwork at all
Ice Lolly Maniac

~[_-=*Hanma*=-_]~ wrote:

There are few reasons to switch to 2142:
You would want to switch if you are BORED of bf2.
You would want to switch if you SUCK at bf2.
You would want to switch if you think the year 2142 WONT have lasers.
You would want to switch if you are into a totally different play style that has nearly nothing similar to BF2.
You would PLAY IT if you had never played any other BF game.
You MIGHT play it if you had played the previous battlefields before vanilla.

Here are some reasons NOT to play:

You DON'T like a bobbing camera
You DON'T like shorter sprint speeds
You DON'T like having vehicles depend on the outcome of a game
You DON'T like longer cool-downs on commander assets
You DON'T like how inaccurate FUTURE guns (which logically should dead on accurate) are.
^ To continue the above statement, we would have guns advanced way beyond what the game shows. Look what we have advanced from in the past 165 years (1842). Single shot rifles that took forever to reload, to automatic rifles that take 4-5 seconds to reload and we have Nu-cu-lar bombs. I would predict in 2142, we would have Assault rifles that kill like a 50 caliber bullet with the accuracy of a sniper rifles. Or we kill each-other with your minds. I like the latter.
your a idiot, you can turn off the bobbing camera, theres a unlock to sprint longer + you can take off your heavy armour to incread speed, vehicles dont depend on game and if they did both teams have them, prove we would have super human advanced tosspot guns then whore

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