Le fuck?

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

How do you not detect the sarcasm?

Tjasso wrote:

http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/5704 … 148xj1.png

damn 12 year olds ... go play outside you tits ... go ask mommie a happy meal
You got auto kicked for repeatedly using banned words. Stop whining ingame and the problem's solved
Dropped on request
I'm guessing what really happened is you kept dying and taking the jet again from other people who would have liked to use it as shown by your 1 K/D ratio in jets. I can't stand noobs who whore the equiptment.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6612|The | Netherlands

HeavyMetalDave wrote:

thats nothing...

1600 hrs...

31 kicks....
You are just AFK all the time
Added my 2 pennies worth in the forum. It had to be said.
+5|6598|Las Vegas, Nevada

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I'm guessing what really happened is you kept dying and taking the jet again from other people who would have liked to use it as shown by your 1 K/D ratio in jets. I can't stand noobs who whore the equiptment.
What really happened?.......Is that you looked at my stats and then you realized that u have better stats. Then your brain sends impulse from your left to your right side of the brain(short trip) that makes u think even more about me and my stats. Daily is flying noob! You got excited. Then the vision came along. Vision of what really happened.....Conspiracy! You work for some newspapers and now just for bf2s.com  you are ready to find out the thruth. What really happened by Ajax_the_great1_Visioner

Like i said,there was only 10 people in the server. On my team nobody else beside me, flew jet/bomber that round. If they wanted to fly they could but they didnt. I died 10 times that round and every time i spawned back the other jet or bomber would still sit there.
Pope Picard II

RDMC(2) wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

LOL I love his reply. Welcome to BF2.

Suggestion: Never play on clan servers where you can see clan members are online. It is just not worth your time as you will be kicked/banned within 30minutes if you are any good.

I check every server now for clan members and do not join if I see any on.
Your being a tad prejudice aren't you, yes most clan admins are dicks, yes I know, we have some pretty bad clan admins in my clan, but on the other side, they aren't all like that..
156 Kicks + over 30 bans speaks to the contrary...

Note that bans stopped tracking about 1.5 years ago.

And no, I don't play like a smacktard.

Edit: it only takes one bad admin in a server full of clan members for the user experience (eg mine) to be very bad. With regards to in game administrators, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, as once a guy is kicked/banned, if he has any brains, he doesn't try to come back and get kicked/banned again.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2007-06-20 17:50:37)

+145|6617|Keller, Tx
I take it as a compliment when I'm kicked/banned now. And yes, I'm a smacktard. Most servers I play on are full of pricks and I'll let them know it. It's just funny how serious they take this game.
The King of Beers
LegionAtWar.com asks that you watch your language and respect all players on the servers.  This is our only rule!

Are admins are professional and very fair which rarely results in kicks or bans!

If you are not interested in playing the game or wish to ruin another players experience, don't bother to visit our servers!

Here is an example of how to get banned!

Last edited by KungfuBeer (2007-06-21 07:33:45)

+145|6617|Keller, Tx

KungfuBeer wrote:

LegionAtWar.com asks that you watch your language and respect all players on the servers.  This is our only rule!

Are admins are professional and very fair which rarely results in kicks or bans!

If you are not interested in playing the game or wish to ruin another players experience, don't bother to visit our servers!

Here is an example of how to get banned!
There should only be one rule in BF2... "Do not force TKs in any situation, except a commander artying his own troops".

Bad language is apart of war and life. Servers, 99% of them, that run rules stating "NO CUSSING" are probably people that have been sheltered their whole lives and can't take any verbal punishment for being dicks. I'll stick to the servers that let people cuss. Fags.
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
Ok this is the first time i ever complain about an admin not at his best "judgment"
I was enjoying a round of wake on a tv2 server, wake 20 rounds a map... Ok so I'm Chinese all i wanted was to fly the heli a bit and prctice a bit (im not a total noob just some rough edges) and then yipee i get to pilot the heli ...but nooo some guy called psvennsen m95's me. Ok so far nothing wrong I state 3 times that he tked me for chopper and nothing happens so i thought ok the admin/mod went to go have something to eat or w/e I spawn a couple of times but then i would like to heli pilot some more and then i see that guy there ok I give him some payback(l96a1 headshot ) and then admin reappears out of nowhere and bans me.... this was the first time ever i tked for heli and I dunno I just wanted him to feel the same finaaly getting the chopper and then just getting tked buy some random guy that thinks he'd do better... so now I'm banned for taking "justice in hands" while he did exactly the same and he got to fly around and crashed into a tree.....
Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6951|Puerto Rico
I have to point out one of the worst servers ever made for Battlefield 2. Its the HTH CLAN's BF2 SF Server named THE CHICKEN SHACK. This server ois unbelivable. Admin abuse is incredible, rules suck, and the hacking SPECIALLY BY THE ADMINS IS FUCKING INSANE. These people are the ones who bring shame to this game and make many true players leave the game for good. Just to let ya know the IP is Whatever you do, just dont even bother to enter there if you want a good game. Unless u wunt a hacking heaven.

BTW: i forgot, if you win on that server or kill an admin, ur cheating. And if you complain for the hacking the admins are doing, its an insult for em. Trust me, I got banned for killing 3 admins at once with the abrams, and a fellow player of mine for complaining about the hacking.
+145|6617|Keller, Tx

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

I have to point out one of the worst servers ever made for Battlefield 2. Its the HTH CLAN's BF2 SF Server named THE CHICKEN SHACK. This server ois unbelivable. Admin abuse is incredible, rules suck, and the hacking SPECIALLY BY THE ADMINS IS FUCKING INSANE. These people are the ones who bring shame to this game and make many true players leave the game for good. Just to let ya know the IP is Whatever you do, just dont even bother to enter there if you want a good game. Unless u wunt a hacking heaven.

BTW: i forgot, if you win on that server or kill an admin, ur cheating. And if you complain for the hacking the admins are doing, its an insult for em. Trust me, I got banned for killing 3 admins at once with the abrams, and a fellow player of mine for complaining about the hacking.
I'm curious as to how you know they were hacking? I can see why they would kick/ban someone for accusing them without proof. But, if they were/are hackers, then they're pricks for banning you.

Is this a vanilla server? I want to go just to see how bad it is.
+24|7003|Fayettenam, NC USA

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

I have to point out one of the worst servers ever made for Battlefield 2. Its the HTH CLAN's BF2 SF Server named THE CHICKEN SHACK. This server ois unbelivable. Admin abuse is incredible, rules suck, and the hacking SPECIALLY BY THE ADMINS IS FUCKING INSANE. These people are the ones who bring shame to this game and make many true players leave the game for good. Just to let ya know the IP is Whatever you do, just dont even bother to enter there if you want a good game. Unless u wunt a hacking heaven.

BTW: i forgot, if you win on that server or kill an admin, ur cheating. And if you complain for the hacking the admins are doing, its an insult for em. Trust me, I got banned for killing 3 admins at once with the abrams, and a fellow player of mine for complaining about the hacking.
OK, so as an )HTH( member and a Chicken Shack admin, I MUST respond.  First off, thanks for coming to the bf2s forum and bitching.  Secondly, your first stop should've been www.hthclan.com.  I take being called a hack, not as an insult, but as a compliment.  If my, or my clan's, gaming is good enough to make the rest of the world think we hack..... AWESOME!  I invite everyone here to visit THE CHICKEN SHACK and you will see how laid back our admins are, and how our rules call for a good gaming experience.  Next time you want to call someone a hack, or talk down on a server/clan, have something to back it up.

ps.  tell Cami I said hi!

Last edited by bEAv3D (2007-06-26 12:09:04)


Y-D-Donut? wrote:

I have to point out one of the worst servers ever made for Battlefield 2. Its the HTH CLAN's BF2 SF Server named THE CHICKEN SHACK. This server ois unbelivable. Admin abuse is incredible, rules suck, and the hacking SPECIALLY BY THE ADMINS IS FUCKING INSANE. These people are the ones who bring shame to this game and make many true players leave the game for good. Just to let ya know the IP is Whatever you do, just dont even bother to enter there if you want a good game. Unless u wunt a hacking heaven.

BTW: i forgot, if you win on that server or kill an admin, ur cheating. And if you complain for the hacking the admins are doing, its an insult for em. Trust me, I got banned for killing 3 admins at once with the abrams, and a fellow player of mine for complaining about the hacking.
Let's address this issue shall we.

First off here is the battlerecorder file for all that care.

http://www.hthclan.com/demos/auto_2007_ … 47.bf2demo

Second =PUR= is upset because they come to our server everyday and get worked. So much so that they say we hack. So the other night 3 of them show up dropping arty on us when they had no commander. watch the battle recorder footage and tell me if you dont notice caponte in commander mode based on his character movements then arty hit 3 seconds later... no commander on his team?

Point in case here is one of BF2s' own who was on their team saying something about it

"22    BF2s RECONDO67    2    Global    [00:24:19]    who the fU ck its hacking we have no commander and we have someone shooting arty"

Second we have Caponte running down the 3rd floor hallway head shotting people with full health with an MG36 support gun. LOL funny thing is he did with 63 ping for 2 hours straight, you had to flank him to kill him.. if he saw you you died, unless you got a tube off into him.

Third watch the battle recorder file. Pay attention to caponte's spray pattern.. there is Zero deviation to all shots fired.

Forth PunkBuster kept returning errors on Caponte and IRONMAN in the sv_cheat.log file (while these errors do not expressly imply a hack they are many times good indicators of modified game content or hacks that have yet to be detected by PB)

[06.22.2007 23:23:28] VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: =PUR= caponte10 (slot #22) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check [7969d459f9985a4f2b01cb60dff22702(-)]
[06.22.2007 23:25:08] VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: =PUR= caponte10 (slot #22) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check [7969d459f9985a4f2b01cb60dff22702(-)]
[06.23.2007 01:03:24] VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: =PUR= IRONMAN10(PR) (slot #24) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check [11755049baf59b184d2f5fc170dded71(-)]

These entires are in the log file over 50 times that night between the two of them.

Fifth. After listening to their broken English for an hour and a half I asked this question and got this answer.

12   )HTH( propyl   2   Global   [01:01:46]   *§1DEAD§0*so let me get this straight, you decided to run an aimbot because you think we hack?

1   =PUR= caponte10   1   Global   [01:03:08]   yes that and crying is what you guys are good at

So these dumb asses seriously thought that we hack because we work them over every night. It made them so mad that they thought they would hack us back to get even.

Sixth. None of them have been banned. Don't listen to Donut. That clown shoe has never been banned from the shack. And, he was the only one on their team that wasn't running around one shotting people. Why he is even trying to defend his hacking friends is unknown to me. Copante10 was kicked only after making a comment something like "fuck mother fuckers hack bitches" or something or another. He was kicked with the message AIMBOT. He immediately reconnected.

So this bullshit about being banned is just that... Its bullshit. Even after completely hacking. We waited to review the PB logs, review the battlerecorder, and speak with other players on the team before the decision to ban any of them (which we still have not done)

=pur= is pissed because they suck. HTH works them over every night. They hate that we camp them and teabag them so they decided to come "show us one thing or two" Well it didnt work. They still lost the round. Even with AIMBOTS we could still flank them and hit them with tubes. They just dont get it. It's called skills.

We are completely honored that PUR felt the need to exploit the game to fight HTH Clan and still lost.

So i give you the people the evidence.. 1 battle recorder file 1 PB sv_cheat.log entry and 1 in chat log admitting cheating.

Please i encourage everyone to download and watch the recorder file. Follow Caponte10 and Ironman, watch the head shots. Keep in mind their pings where in the mid 50's and 60's and our's were too. So no ping advantage that many people blame on hacking.

HTH owns PUR thats all their is to it.

Please dont come here and try to disgrace our server just because you cant beat us even when you are hacking lol... losers.

Last edited by propyl (2007-06-26 13:24:21)

BTW. here is the link to our website forum about that evenings happenings.


as you can see, that clown shoe Donut was never banned... nice try buddy. Save whats left of your clans dignity and buy some gaming lessons.

Also you are welcome to come back so that i can teabag you and buddies faces some more. You have a new purple heart waiting for you.
+2|6459|Clemson, South Carolina

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

I have to point out one of the worst servers ever made for Battlefield 2. Its the HTH CLAN's BF2 SF Server named THE CHICKEN SHACK. This server ois unbelivable. Admin abuse is incredible, rules suck, and the hacking SPECIALLY BY THE ADMINS IS FUCKING INSANE. These people are the ones who bring shame to this game and make many true players leave the game for good. Just to let ya know the IP is Whatever you do, just dont even bother to enter there if you want a good game. Unless u wunt a hacking heaven.

BTW: i forgot, if you win on that server or kill an admin, ur cheating. And if you complain for the hacking the admins are doing, its an insult for em. Trust me, I got banned for killing 3 admins at once with the abrams, and a fellow player of mine for complaining about the hacking.
I was there the other night for the entire "incident."  Take off your rose colored glasses numb nuts...Your clan mates hack.  I have gone over the battle recorder footage, and seen the above posted PB log, and was there for Caponte10's confession.  With all that on the table, did we say you hacked?  No.  "Why?" you might ask.  Simply put, there was no evidence.  So, how is it that you can start throwing crap at others without the first scintilla of evidence other than YOU GOT WORKED?  As one of my clan mates has already said, we take the "insult" of being called hacks as a compliment.  Again, you might ask "why?."  Because we play it straight...Always have.  Always will. 

I especially like the part of your post dealing with winning and the killing of admins.  Let me give an example of how big a dick I am as an admin.  I got into a knife fight with one of your team in the Palace...I died.  Did I kick or ban him?  Did I even scream "hack" as you might suggest?  No, I gave him a "GOOD JOB ."  Call BFROE, that's gotta be some form of admin abuse.

Ok, onto our rules.
1. No artillery strikes on uncaps unless tickets are 50 or less.

2. No camping Uncaps unless tickets are 50 or less.

3. Placing C4 on vehicles in order to kill another person or object is encouraged.

4. Mass destruction's Spetz chopper spawn is not considered an uncap. This map supports 2 uncap spawns. The chopper spawn is fair game to the enemy team to avoid air domination by one team or the other. The spawn by the train tracks however is considered an Uncap and must be respected as such. Hopefully this helps level the playing field for this map.

Here is the full field rundown for you.  What exactly "sucks" about these rules?  We police our own team as, if not more, stringently than we do the opposing team.

So, in closing, if you want to discuss this matter please feel free to visit hthclan.com .  We actually have an entire thread setup just for your =PUR= clan.  Feel like visiting that? http://www.hthclan.com/smf/index.php?topic=238.0
I'm curious as to how you know they were hacking? I can see why they would kick/ban someone for accusing them without proof. But, if they were/are hackers, then they're pricks for banning you.

Is this a vanilla server? I want to go just to see how bad it is.
because we are better than them, you know, that means we hack.

Trust me when i say that on any other clan server they would have been banned a long time ago. I just like to have proof before i press the B button... trust me, i remember life before having our own server. its brutal out there.
+2|6459|Clemson, South Carolina
Almost forgot, where is the =PUR= website Donut?  If you don't feel like coming to ours for fear of us having the home field advantage, then I am 1000% sure we would be happy to come to you.

Last edited by HTHTucoTheRat (2007-06-26 20:36:25)

+145|6617|Keller, Tx

propyl wrote:

I'm curious as to how you know they were hacking? I can see why they would kick/ban someone for accusing them without proof. But, if they were/are hackers, then they're pricks for banning you.

Is this a vanilla server? I want to go just to see how bad it is.
because we are better than them, you know, that means we hack.

Trust me when i say that on any other clan server they would have been banned a long time ago. I just like to have proof before i press the B button... trust me, i remember life before having our own server. its brutal out there.
Word, I know what you mean. You can't take people's rants here seriously usually, unless they provide screens or video or something. Good job weeding out the noobs.

I think I'm going to start playing more SF. I'll look you guys up.
+2|6459|Clemson, South Carolina

too_money2007 wrote:

I think I'm going to start playing more SF. I'll look you guys up.
Please feel free to stop by, and be sure to go to our web site.  If you have clan tags don't be shy about adding them to our clan list...this will allow you and your clan mates to team switch together.  If you're interested here is the link for that subdirectory on our site... http://www.hthclan.com/smf/index.php?board=7.0  Our server info is... The Chicken Shack  ip:  Hope to see you in there.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6948|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Yes another one... another 11 years old admin !!!

http://img184.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … 022hk1.png

Last edited by Andoura (2007-06-28 23:00:03)

+45|6798|Kamloops, BC Canada
Well... what did you do? I've personally never been kicked for a reason like that... Not counting the times I've used my noob account to go on P/K servers and use anything BUT P/K
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6948|Montreal, Qc, Canada
lolz, i sayd

Press atl+f4 for extra points from EA/Dice

Andoura wrote:

lolz, i sayd

Press atl+f4 for extra points from EA/Dice

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