Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Well it's 2:03 am PST and I just finished watching Strange Land (which is a great movie), and I just saw a preveiw of ole Mikey's new movie Sicko.

I now see why the rest of the world thinks America's a joke.
This fat bastard takes facts and twists them to suit his own agenda. He's just as bad GWB.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

rdx-fx wrote:

The truly scary part is that some people take his mockumetaries as gospel fact.

(extreme liberal sociology teacher at one of the colleges I attended, showed ALL the Michael Moore films as factual documentaries.  Most everyone I knew referred to that class as Socialism 101, rather than Sociology)
Thats pretty scary, the bad thing is that I think he takes himself seriously
Lost Hope
+20|6480|Brussels, Belgium
I don't believe what he says but I like the fact that he shows another point of view.
I used to like this guy when he did "Roger and Me" because Im from his home state and that movie touched on what was happening in our state. That was a great movie but its tongue-in-cheek but after that he lost his way. Ive lost respect for the guy. I hope he can do something like "Roger and Me", maybe sicko might be decent but i have a feeling it will be like his last few attempts.
I think you can't take it really seriously what he says, but it's good to hear the complete opposite to things the government for example says.
This is the best way to get your own opinion: take two or more extreme points of view and compare them.
I like "Bowling for Columbine". Surely he shows a partial view of America to serve his point, but his purpose is to show the flaws of the system. Sometimes, truth hurts.
ph33r me 傻逼
+40|6573|Melbourne, AUS
Sure, he puts a spin on his material, but it's to raise awareness of things, in this case, the flawed health system, in which the poor are doomed to die younger and the rich live far longer in general.

That is no basis to ridicule even if you disagree with his viewpoint. As for the comparison with GWB, his opinion does not eventually become national policy.
I thought Fahrenheit 911 and Bowling for Columbine were good films/mockumentaries.

Last edited by maffiaw (2007-06-15 02:57:25)

Have any of you seen his new film yet ? its a fact that most of europe get free dental/hospital care & even collage is free.
Yes farenheit 911 may of been bullshit , but after watching sicko last night night, he has a point , the us health care system and goverment really do suck !! moore took a load of people , to of all places Cuba to get help , as these people who voluntered in the 9/11 rescue effort cannot get help from your goverment , or afford it to pay for it themselves. You say its all bs but tell that to the person who lost his fingers , and could only afford to have 1 sewn back on, guess what ? he only had 1 sewn back on. I do not hate americans i think you have a great country , but i do think some aspects of your goverment are a little fucked up

Widow_Warrior wrote:

Yes farenheit 911 may of been bullshit
That highest grossing documentary of all time? Yeah probably bullshit. Haters.

dead_rac00n wrote:

I like "Bowling for Columbine". Surely he shows a partial view of America to serve his point, but his purpose is to show the flaws of the system. Sometimes, truth hurts.
No truth in “ Colombine “ and no pain either. If you kept both eyes open. From the camera angles and absence of cameras you could tell half of what he said wasn't spoken to Charlten Heston ( as it implied in that scene ) but recorded elsewhere. Afraid of an 86 year old man ? tsk tsk It was a Woman’s movie for people who make technical and legal decisions with their heart and feelings instead of  their brain and logic.

The screen play, meeting 1

“ A group that teaches Gun saftey and provides instruction to Law enforcement Agencies must be Pure Evil. We will interview Marilyn Manson ( to hook the Kiddies who think he’s DEEP) for his very excellent expertise and out look on  the twisted psychology of the Christian Right, Very trendy and edgy stuff. Lets all hold hands and shed a tear together, That will help so much “

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-06-15 06:11:57)


Sadly there are people who worship him. And what I really hate is when people start quoting him when debating something, I just want to e-punch them in the face....
From what I've heard and from clips I watched he can be best compared to that ass Bill O' Reilly. They both pretend they are all about cold hard truth and they hide behind professions that give them credibility. In reality they are both strongly pushing an agenda and they spin and make up facts and statistics, they misquote people, using tricks they try to invoke emotions in their viewers, and many other cheap stunts like that.
Of course that makes them extremely popular and makes them a lot of Benjamins
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Widow_Warrior wrote:

Have any of you seen his new film yet ? its a fact that most of europe get free dental/hospital care & even collage is free.
Yes farenheit 911 may of been bullshit , but after watching sicko last night night, he has a point , the us health care system and goverment really do suck !! moore took a load of people , to of all places Cuba to get help , as these people who voluntered in the 9/11 rescue effort cannot get help from your goverment , or afford it to pay for it themselves. You say its all bs but tell that to the person who lost his fingers , and could only afford to have 1 sewn back on, guess what ? he only had 1 sewn back on. I do not hate americans i think you have a great country , but i do think some aspects of your goverment are a little fucked up
But thats the thing with Micheal Moore, you can never tell whats fact or reality anymore.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Widow_Warrior wrote:

Yes farenheit 911 may of been bullshit
That highest grossing documentary of all time? Yeah probably bullshit. Haters.
Sorry, but it wasn’t “ a Documentary “.

Nor could he have called it that if he had desired to. If he had he would have had to provided fact to back accusation.
( Like Rush Limbaugh has to )

It figures a Big Fan would have missed so basic and central a point to his own argument.

That makes you a Sucker, You didn’t know. Or a Liar, You hid the truth. Is there another option?  Retired indeed.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-06-15 03:25:25)

DICE/EA spokesman
I'll give Michael Moore more credit than ANY of the members of the congress.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

He raises some interesting points and can sometimes do so in an interesting way and entertaining way, but his methods leave a lot to be desired.

I've quite enjoyed a lot of his films, Farenheit 9/11 not being one - I thought that was shit.

I liked his Canadian Bacon film.
Whatever you think , its a fairly sad , but very interesting film , i would recommend it to anyone

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Widow_Warrior wrote:

Yes farenheit 911 may of been bullshit
That highest grossing documentary of all time? Yeah probably bullshit. Haters.
Sorry, but it wasn’t “ a Documentary “.

Nor could he have called it that if he had desired to. If he had he would have had to provided fact to back accusation.
( Like Rush Limbaugh has to )

It figures a Big Fan would have missed so basic and central a point to his own argument.

That makes you a Sucker, You didn’t know. Or a Liar, You hid the truth. Is there another option?  Retired indeed.
Look it up. Documentary awards and the current highest grossing documentary.

And you assume too much.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-06-15 04:30:44)


Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

That highest grossing documentary of all time? Yeah probably bullshit. Haters.
Sorry, but it wasn’t “ a Documentary “.

Nor could he have called it that if he had desired to. If he had he would have had to provided fact to back accusation.
( Like Rush Limbaugh has to )

It figures a Big Fan would have missed so basic and central a point to his own argument.

That makes you a Sucker, You didn’t know. Or a Liar, You hid the truth. Is there another option?  Retired indeed.
Look it up. Documentary awards and the current highest grossing documentary.

And you assume too much.
You looked in the wrong place. I don't seek out Ann Lancers for Hand Gun advice and statistics, tho I am sure she'd provide them. It just means Hollywood got it wrong too....Again. Is that so unbelievable to you ? Consider the source.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Sorry, but it wasn’t “ a Documentary “.

Nor could he have called it that if he had desired to. If he had he would have had to provided fact to back accusation.
( Like Rush Limbaugh has to )

It figures a Big Fan would have missed so basic and central a point to his own argument.

That makes you a Sucker, You didn’t know. Or a Liar, You hid the truth. Is there another option?  Retired indeed.
Look it up. Documentary awards and the current highest grossing documentary.

And you assume too much.
You looked in the wrong place. I don't seek out Ann Lancers for Hand Gun advice and statistics, tho I am sure she'd provide them. It just means Hollywood got it wrong too....Again. Is that so unbelievable to you ? Consider the source.
You don't seem to understand what a documentary is.

Movies, Television. based on or re-creating an actual event, era, life story, etc., that purports to be factually accurate and contains no fictional elements
It does not matter whether it is actually factually accurate or not, nor does the quality of reporting stop it from being a documentary.

I don't take him too seriously.
Tho sometimes you have to portray things from an extreme prospective to make people think about them. He certainly causes a storm with his movies, which is the idea.

By being extreme in his views and his movie making he creates plenty of publicity and assures plenty of ppl see his movies pushing his point to the masses. I can imagine plenty of ppl would think, "I hate that liberal terrorist supporting scuz bag, but I want to see what all the talk is about" You then expose this kind of person to his views and hopefully subconsciously the right wingers take on some liberal tendencies softening their stance slightly.................................................................and he makes a large profit.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Sorry, but it wasn’t “ a Documentary “.

Nor could he have called it that if he had desired to. If he had he would have had to provided fact to back accusation.
( Like Rush Limbaugh has to )

It figures a Big Fan would have missed so basic and central a point to his own argument.

That makes you a Sucker, You didn’t know. Or a Liar, You hid the truth. Is there another option?  Retired indeed.
Look it up. Documentary awards and the current highest grossing documentary.

And you assume too much.
You looked in the wrong place. I don't seek out Ann Lancers for Hand Gun advice and statistics, tho I am sure she'd provide them. It just means Hollywood got it wrong too....Again. Is that so unbelievable to you ? Consider the source.
Regardless of your opinion, Farenheit 9-11 is the top grossing doc ever. Sorry.
Field Marshal | o |
+142|6874|Ireland | Monaghan

Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
+226|6895|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
lol @ the Sodomobile
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6598|The Land of Scott Walker

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Regardless of your opinion, Farenheit 9-11 is the top grossing doc ever. Sorry.
The tin factories must've been working overtime that year.

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