+605|6583|San Diego, CA, USA
The minimum wage IS going up...the only question is how much will the Democratically controlled congress will make it.
+605|6583|San Diego, CA, USA
I guess the democrats got the minimum wage increase in the last war appropriations bill.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Harmor wrote:

I guess the democrats got the minimum wage increase in the last war appropriations bill.
What do you mean? And wasn't increasing the minimum wage to $7.25 the first thing they did?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
More gringos 4 U
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+69|6423|USA, MICHIGAN
the higher the wage goes the more expensive stuff gets, the less you can afford, less jobs because owners cant pay their employees.  higer min. wage equals more problems
Commie Killer

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Now that the newly Democratic Congress is in power, why not just set the Minimum Wage to $10/hour?
yes good question.

A far better question than asking why don't you get off your ass and make yourself marketable so you can get a GOOD job, and leave the minimum wage jobs to the high school students and college students for beer and gas money??
Because stupid people deserve to live too and it's more productive than just giving people benefits - which is what happens otherwise. Either the tax payer has to supplement wages with benefits or the employers have to pay a higher minimum wage or you have poverty stricken families dying in the streets.
Call me a heartless asshole and a prick, but if they are to lazy to pull themselves out of that gutter then I really couldn't give a shit.
+429|6481|Chicago, IL

hate&discontent wrote:

the higher the wage goes the more expensive stuff gets, the less you can afford, less jobs because owners cant pay their employees.  higer min. wage equals more problems
Exactly what he said, Intead of two workers at $6.50, not a company can only afford one worker at $10.00.  One guy is better off, but the other just got fired.
Commie Killer

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Even if everything goes up including prices, wouldn't it help Americans when the travel to Europe and say ZOMG things are so cheap here! And vice versa.
That would help their economy, not ours, we would be spending money and essentially giving the money to Europe. The dollar would be worth even less. Its kinda like a tariff, you put a tariff on imported goods so your country men and women buy the products from for your own home country because it is cheaper. That keeps the money inside your country.

Random thought, but my German teacher went on a screaming rampage about how "America is doomed to failure because it is not socialist" and about how the USD is the "weakest country in the world"
Commie Killer
Another thought on this topic. My uncle owns a construction business. I am going to work with him over the summer. All his other workers are illegals, he pays 5 dollars a hour, thats it. And thats the problem, you raise the minimum wage, employers cant afford to pay legals any more and are stuck with the illegals who work for 5 dollars a hour, the high school or college kid is gonna be out of a job, not to mention the increased prices that will come with everything because of the inflation the increased minimum wage causes.
Commie Killer

jonsimon wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Along with those who are already citizens by birth, immigrants are part of the future of our nation - LEGAL ones.  Illegals don't pay into the system.  Doesn't make logical sense.  They're here under the radar and employers are paying them under the table.  Why report any income for them and cost the business money when they don't exist in the legal system?
And that right there is what the left really needs to understand about immigration.  Good job sting.
And the difference between a legal and an illegal immigrant? Quotas. Get rid of the quotas and you end illegal immigration while adding to legal immigration, which you two have just professed as the future of our nation.
Skilled immigrants, you cant have immigrants who are to damn lazy to do anything and think we should bother to learn their language. Thats the problem, immigrants are great, its what built this nation, but the immigrants that came, they came for something better, they tried, they worked their asses off, and the succeeded, the problem with the majority of todays immigrants is they want everything handed to them as if we owe it to them for some reason.

Skilled immigrants like we have had for MOST of our history=keep this country alive, growing, and prospering.
Unskilled immigrants that have started to appear in the past few decades and will countinue to unless something major changes: Take this country down the shitter, probably make us go bankrupt, drain the Social Security system, not bring new skills into the country, etc.
+240|6699|Austin, TX
One of the big problems with raising the minimum wage is unions.  No, they are not paid minimun wage, but most unions have their wage tied to it.  Say an auto union worker has his pay set at 2.3 times the minimum wage.  At 5.75, that makes his pay $13.22 per hour.  Now, move the minimum wage up to 10, that makes the same union worker's wage $23.00 per hour.  Now pay a few thousand union workers that.  THe price of your car goes from 25,000 to 40,000.  And that happens in just about every industry that is union run.
Commie Killer

imortal wrote:

One of the big problems with raising the minimum wage is unions.  No, they are not paid minimun wage, but most unions have their wage tied to it.  Say an auto union worker has his pay set at 2.3 times the minimum wage.  At 5.75, that makes his pay $13.22 per hour.  Now, move the minimum wage up to 10, that makes the same union worker's wage $23.00 per hour.  Now pay a few thousand union workers that.  THe price of your car goes from 25,000 to 40,000.  And that happens in just about every industry that is union run.
And everything else, even if its not union run, the products needed to run that industry are going to cost more. So any way you look at it the higher the minimum wage the more things cost. It needs to be increased, sometimes, now is not one of them, sadly it was already done, inflation needs to match the price of products at the world wide level, increasing the minimum wage does not increase the quality of living, over time, if the increase is to great, the chances weigh towards it hurting the quality of living.

Last edited by Commie Killer (2007-06-09 18:37:28)

+429|6481|Chicago, IL

Commie Killer wrote:

imortal wrote:

One of the big problems with raising the minimum wage is unions.  No, they are not paid minimun wage, but most unions have their wage tied to it.  Say an auto union worker has his pay set at 2.3 times the minimum wage.  At 5.75, that makes his pay $13.22 per hour.  Now, move the minimum wage up to 10, that makes the same union worker's wage $23.00 per hour.  Now pay a few thousand union workers that.  THe price of your car goes from 25,000 to 40,000.  And that happens in just about every industry that is union run.
And everything else, even if its not union run, the products needed to run that industry are going to cost more. So any way you look at it the higher the minimum wage the more things cost. It needs to be increased, sometimes, now is not one of them, sadly it was already done, inflation needs to match the price of products at the world wide level, increasing the minimum wage does not increase the quality of living, over time, if the increase is to great, the chances way towards it hurting the quality of living.
higher wages lead to rising prices and higher unemployment for the reasons stated above, so jacking the minimum up to $10.00 would seriously hurt the economy (stagflation anyone?)
16 more years
+877|6560|South Florida

Harmor wrote:

Now that the newly Democratic Congress is in power, why not just set the Minimum Wage to $10/hour?
If you owned a bussiness would you like to be forced into paying your people 10 an hour? Maybe your bussiness doesn't make enough money for that?? Then, the bussiness owner would have to raise everything he sells by $10. Which means, you might make more money but you would spend equally more money, and dollars would lose a little more value.


Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-06-09 18:41:10)

15 more years! 15 more years!
+605|6583|San Diego, CA, USA

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Now that the newly Democratic Congress is in power, why not just set the Minimum Wage to $10/hour?
If you owned a bussiness would you like to be forced into paying your people 10 an hour? Maybe your bussiness doesn't make enough money for that?? Then, the bussiness owner would have to raise everything he sells by $10. Which means, you might make more money but you would spend equally more money, and dollars would lose a little more value.

You obviously didn't read the first page of posts in this Thread.

Do I think there should be a minimum wage, no. 

Do I think people are smart enough to find employment elsewhere if their skills grant them higher wages elsewhere, yes.

Does our government think that employers will take advantage of workers, yes. 

Does our government impose a minimum wage for populous reasons, yes.

Will the minimum wage ever be abolished, no.

The higher you put wages for  the unskilled, the more likely you make those industries automate.  For example, how long before we have Roombas that not only can vaccume a room, but also clean the toliets?  How long before we have robots that can pick lettuce?  How long before we have a completely mechanized McDonalds?

Robotization will allow 1 employee to do what 2-3 others have done in the past - that is called productivity.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6756|Sydney, Australia
Just for kicks, can anyone tell me the percentages of the american workforce actually on the minimum wage?
+65|6727|las vegas
would be nice, i make 6.15+ commsion. in  a week i do about 400-550 in commsion on top of hourly..its nice

but hot damn 10.50! would be nice lol....
+73|6769|Perth, Western Australia
Back when I was a university student in Australia, I worked as a shopping trolley collector for a mere $16 per hour. The ridiculously low wages in America really makes me wonder. How can people survive on say $6 per hour? I don't see how it is possible.
+788|6690|Brisbane, Australia

Ssandstorm wrote:

Back when I was a university student in Australia, I worked as a shopping trolley collector for a mere $16 per hour. The ridiculously low wages in America really makes me wonder. How can people survive on say $6 per hour? I don't see how it is possible.
Currency value, they're earning about 10 AUD for 6 USD.
+605|6583|San Diego, CA, USA

mcminty wrote:

Just for kicks, can anyone tell me the percentages of the american workforce actually on the minimum wage?
According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2006
According to Current Population Survey estimates for 2006, 76.5 million American workers were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.7 percent of all wage and salary workers.(Source: 1) Of those paid by the hour, 409,000 were reported as earning exactly $5.15, the prevailing Federal minimum wage. Another 1.3 million were reported as earning wages below the minimum. Source: 2) Together, these 1.7 million workers with wages at or below the minimum made up 2.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.
What I find surprising is that 1.3 Million people are reported to be paid LESS than the minimum wage.  Also it is not clear that illegal aliens are being counted in the data.

So the answer to your question, as of last year only 2.2% of all hourly-paid workers in the United States get paid at or less than the minimum federal wage of $5.15.

Last edited by Harmor (2007-06-10 11:26:45)

+605|6583|San Diego, CA, USA
Looks like Edwards just suggested setting the Federal Minimum Wage to $9.50/hour by 2012:

Source: Edwards Says Push for Higher Minimum Wage Must Start Now
+51|6808|North Hollywood

Wojo97civic wrote:

I WOULD BE VERY HAPPY, im sick of this 6.50 an hour working at school shit
so learn some better skills and get a better job.

I used to think that minimum wage was a good thing. But then came along a video posted by Kmarion or Turquoise (sorry I don't remember posted it.)

But basically, it explained why minimum wage does more harm than good. Its something I never realized but it makes perfect sense. Essential Milton Friedman (sp?) put forth the idea that it encourages mediocrity. If someone knows they can pull a living wage by doing the bare minimum, what motivation is there to succeed / Improve one's skillset?

It may have been good a while ago when the country was in its infancy, but now we really need to encourage people to try harder. Personally, it was cool to get a paycheck in for shoveling popcorn, but I hated it, and thusly got a better job based on my hobby @ the time. But that required investing time in something that wasnt all fun and games. Same with my current job. Started as a regular construction worker, now I have my own license because I put in the time beyond my job to improve myself and make more. Not just hope I got a raise.

Im not saying your not trying, hell you said you were in school. Maybe instead of waiting for a minimum wage increase, find someone making what you want and figure out what they have that you don't. Granted, you don't just move up overnight, but then thats not how the world works. If you want something, you have to be willing to go get it.

EDIT: saw the youTube debate, thought Edwards was dead wrong.

Last edited by golgoj4 (2007-07-25 22:26:05)


Perhaps people should get jobs that pay above minimum wage....
Oil 4 Euros not $$$

lowing wrote:

A fair wage is what YOU have made yourself worth. 10 dollars an hour for flipping a fuckin burger is pretty outrageous.

Here is another thought. Minimum wage is NOT meant to support a family. YOU are responsibable for making yourself marketable to support a family. YOU need to EARN your wage, not just be given it without any effort on your part.

Your pay is based on your value. It doesn't do your 30year old ass any good to be able to something ( flip a burger) that 100,000,000,000, KIDS can do. It really really is time for you all to get real.
lmao your wrong there
I work as a laptop Tech and all the new workers get paid less(3month trial) than the workers at mcdonalds, do you want to know why, supply and demand theres a demand for burger flippers but no one wants the shit jobs, so they take less pay for better long term opportunity's .

the UK needs burger flippers I think the starting wage is $13+ for over 18 or 21 cant remember
+488|6604|Portland, OR, USA

mcminty wrote:

Just for kicks, can anyone tell me the percentages of the american workforce actually on the minimum wage?
I was... until I got my raise...

$8.25 an hour. woo..

Tbh, most of my high school friends don't even work at minimum wage.  Minimum wage is pretty much the tell tale sign that you've failed at life..

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