Expert Infantryman
OK, so your saying that he should be able to enjoy his game however he wants because he paid 50$ for it. Well, guess what? I paid 50$ for my copy also. That means I should be able to enjoy the game however I want to. So if some asshole is sitting in our only spawn in a tank, he's getting his money's worth, but what about my team? If everybody wants their money's worth, we're all going to have to make some sacrifices. Sure, I could respawn as AT or Spec Ops, but I dont enjoy that, and after all, I paid my 50$ to ENJOY this game.

Besides, those AT missiles are fucking useless
Are they fuck, stop aiming in dumbass places and aim for the front or rear tracks and then you'll find they're not all that crap at all. If there's a supply crate there, which keeps repairing the tank blow the damn thing up first otherwise you're wasting your time.
Could not put it better myself!!!

I am so tired of those stupid asses complaining about chopper whore or whatever. If u are annoyed by choppers kill them!!! its so easy.

Got banned yesterday from XTS server because an admin said that because me and my gunner kill them, we r cheaters so he banned us the next time we killed him (he could not kill us because he probably does not know what AA vehicle is or stinger, etc. he was shooting at us from M16, lol)
Banned me for excessive teamkilling (although I was the driver and was only flying and my gunner took out everyone and everything) and they banned him for cheating ( i know this guy he never cheats). All of that happened after those idiots were screaming chopper whores. After we killed them a few times we even told them that they need to take AA vehicle to shoot us. we told them where to get it, but no luck, they are as dumb as a fucking chair!!!. Because of these asses, EA is redoing their game constantly, so that bitches like them can finally kill at least one person. Very soon choppers and planes will only have 1 or even half a hit point, so that may be those dumb asses can throw a stone at us and kill us.


this game is very well balanced. sometimes i get raped on the carrier or other non-cap spawns, and get killed 20 times while i only make 1 kill, but i dont complain about it. I try to take out enemyand clear the base, then go capture some flags.

Actually I am about to give up on BF2, because there are almost no normal people playing anymore. As soon as I kill someone, he starts a vote against me, then his teammates continue that vote. Somebody yells cheater simply because they don't know how to play.

Dudes if you hate this game so much because of choppers, planes, tanks, APCs, etc. play a different one, why do u have to ruin it for everybody else? I know we all pay for this game, but I paid for an original BF2, not for the version where any noob can kill a chopper or a plane just by staring at it from the carrier!!!

Sorry for this post, but who screams whores!!!! are actually COMPLAIN WHORES!!!!!
Germans did 911
+427|6696|Disaster Free Zone

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

‘’whoring is a player that only uses a Specific gun the whole round’’

that’s complete bullshit my friend.

Just like the topic creator says ‘’Whores’’ in games doesnt excists.

Because nobody can be good in all kits/vehicules
So people expertise in one of them , thats what we do Expertise, not only in games but also in real life , like u cant be an expert about Computers and be a good Car Mechanic...we don’t call them Mechanic whore do we?

since when couldnt someone be good at everything? I consider myself good at all classes and vechiles bar plane  (BUT thats only cause i never get to fly one cause of the TKing Plane Whores)(ussally get in top 10 for map(64 ppl) no matter what or how I play)

And whores do exist, they are the people that play the game for personal gain instead of the teams AND this is a TEAM GAME!!!
spawn camping- camping a spawn instead of capturing it -> gives them kills but then loses a spawn point for the team and ticket decay.
vechile (doesnt matter which) -> either TK's for it, or waits around where it spwns the entire map waiting for it to be destroyed and getting it once it respawns instead of helping the team capture flags or kill some enemies.
noobtubers -> not a whore just a noob who cant aim with a normal gun (dont get me wrong its not a bad wep for certain situations but those who use it exclusively and would TK or suicide for a kill instead of changeing weps are really gay)
+4|6843|Berlin, Germany
Somehow you are right. BUT: Spawnraping (at UCBs) is damn annoying. OK they get kills but they don't really help their team except the ticketloss. Nea... But your quite right!

"Whoring" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (hôr, hr)

   1. A prostitute.
   2. A person considered sexually promiscuous.
   3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

intr.v. whored, whor·ing, whores

   1. To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.
   2. To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.
   3. To compromise one's principles for personal gain.

'Nuff said

And in a REAL war, people don't get the chance to complain about their enemy 'base raping' them.
All may not be fair in love and war..... But in any case, shut the fuck up and deal

Last edited by Talsyn (2006-01-25 09:55:50)

well done.

because that view point hadn't been expressed 13 or 40 times yet.
You guys still don't get this its A GAME NOT WAR, and about everything is balanced yeah right black hawk against MEC transport chopper who wins? Black hawk ofcourse 2 miniguns vs 2 other guns is not fair.

But if you people say there is no whoring, Come on people lets baserape, basecamp, noobtube for the life untill they change their mind.
couldnt DISAGREE more. noobtubing def isnt a sign of skill - more a sign of a player not bothering to aim. and base rapers , you claim they dont exist?hmm all but 2 hours ago i was on server where all the copter did was destroy planes / copters before anyone had a chance of getting them. that in my opinion isnt fairplay and IS baseraping as that is all they are doing and have no regard for the rest of the play field.
your argument isnt valid at all , unless of course you are the one doing the baseraping etc then you would find it allright wouldnt you
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6795|Great Brown North
i agree on some parts, and disagree on others
+50|6710|Southern California
Just to respond to some of the stuff that was in opposition to my post:

Any way to kill the enemy which minimizes your effort ahd maximizes the damage to the opposing team is ideal. Killing people "in a more fair way that allows the other person a chance to kill you back" is stupid. As for spawn camping at karkand, which is mostly what people hate, which I don't even DO because I'd rather cap flags or snipe... Let the USMC have that flag. The flag, if you think about it, is designed to be hard to defend and easy to cap. It's supposed to be - it ought to be that way. If that area isn't designed weakly for the MEC then it would not only be impossible for the USMC to cap the hotel but it would be very hard to sneak through. Sneaking through by the way is the real reason why USMC usually wins that map. The only problem is that the vast majority of MEC players spawn there, at the closest flag to the enemy, furthest away from friendly armor, at a place that's designed to be hard to defend and easy to assault. I guess people like dying in an orgy of bullets and explosions. People need to think a little more strategically - this game is not quake - this game does have a vital strategy element and it is impossible to ignore that element and achieve victory. This is not a killfest like quake or a tactical shooter like CS. It's very much open to how people choose to play, it's strategic. So play that way.

People always whine that it's hard to spawn and defend at that weak ass position that's designed to be hard to spawn and defend at. Maybe MEC oughtta just let USMC have a go at it. I know for a fact every time I'm on USMC and the only flag we've capped is hotel that we get raped just as hard as I get raped spawning at hotel as MEC at the start of the round.

As far as complaining about complainers.
It's important to bash the poor reasoning used by people. Most people like the game. A small portion suck badly and use ineffective styles of play and spend a lot of time trying to convince others and the developers to change the game so that their ineffective style becomes good. It's important to try and get these people to shut up or see the light so that the game doesn't become more idiot-proof and loose the fluid and open qualities that make it great for gamers who want something more than a mindless shooter. Because these lil whiney people have already convinced the developers to make changes to the way weapons work and what have you.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-25 15:59:04)

Sniping with the pistol...
I couldn't be bothered reading it all but you sir are a genius. This forum is great for venting steam on other peopel trying to vent steam. Shut up and keep your complains for the EA technical support line.
Well I have to agree with the original post.  but, this forum is for complaining.  You cant really say that in real life this does that.  This isnt real life and if everything in here was like real life then we would have a completely different game. Vehicles would be alot harder to fly and drive.  You would need more than one guy to operate a tank. You just cant say that. The game is what it is and you have to adapt to play. If someone likes to gl or drive tanks then so be it, its part of the game. Go find a way to kill him and move on dont whine and msg noob! Your the dumb ass that killed not him.  Lets face it, its war, kill or be killed.  Dont take a knife to a gun fight, use what you got to win.
Im a tank/apc whore i have fun sitting right at the hotel on karkand moving back and forth and killing you as soon as you spawn and you're helpless because instead of spawning at the hotel simply spawn at the square and launch rockets at me from behind dont bother with c4 because more then likely theres a UAV.
Hard Case
+11|6696|S.E. United States
I personally feel like most,not all,but most people playing this game allow it to get into thier head.
they live it,sleep it,eat it,shit it,bitch about it,try to tell others how to and how not to play it,name call,discriminate,bitch, whine, cry.

for christ sakes,its a fuckin game
get a life !!!!
+69|6723|th3 unkn0wn

KillerYaNk wrote:

I personally feel like most,not all,but most people playing this game allow it to get into thier head.
they live it,sleep it,eat it,shit it
How does one "shit a game"? Would you care to demonstrate how one does it for the rest of us. Thnx
Hard Case
+11|6696|S.E. United States
if your going to eat it,youll shit it
and Im not up for any demonstrations,besides smart ass I was trying to make a point,and you knew that.
so I will make it again and put it like this
its a fuckin game
get a fuckin life
that better lymie
Mass Media Casualty

So far I've paid $350 for BF2, so should I be able to do anything I want and teamkill and make a general prick of myself?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+0|6802|Rockhampton Qld
                         I agree 100% im also sick and tired of cry babies complaining about the game, the game is fine, leave it alone,play hard and enjoy it for what it is an online fps.
and a damn good game if the cry babies dont stuff it totally.
like they have on internode.
I gotta say, still not having the patience or energy to read the entire first post...

There seem to be vaild points on both sides of the fence, however, I think a major flaw I see in some of the supporting arguments here are that people somehow think the changes in the next patch are going to make it EASIER for lesser players!? If you believe that you're just crazy. I recently started using the GL, I can tell you that requires NO SKILL at all as is. Whats wrong with making that weapon function more like it does in real life???

My personal problems with the hoping and dolphin diving are just that they are stupid and TOO unrealistic. I know this game isn't real life, but I find it hilarious that people argue to keep something like bunny hoping with the position of "in real life you can do whatever you want to kill the other soldier." well, war may be war but you can't spring around with 60+ lbs of gear and a PKM while accurately firing it. this point has major fallacy.

I've always wanted BF2 to be as realistic AS POSSIBLE while still managing balance and playability as a game. These changes are a step in that direction. As for spawn camping, etc, its chicken shit but I wouldn't worry too much, I don't think they can edit that out of the game in any way.

I have no problems with some of the things they are changing, but some I find are GREAT improvements. The "no firing while jumping" change alone I think is fantastic. It adds realism while not damaging gameplay at all, unless of course you're a pro rabbit. then what can I tell you, sorry. Just dont be mad because YOU are the one who has to adapt and not everyone else.

I think every patch has brought welcomed changes in my mind, and I think its nice that a software company is allowing its game to grow and change to the wishes of its users. They may not be YOUR wishes, but I hate to tell you if the greater majority of players felt the way you did, they wouldn't be making them in the first place. Thats just the reality of it.

A large, LARGE group of players from the BF2 community called for these changes, I'm impressed that the programers are actually answering the call instead of just saying "yeah, good point, make sure you buy BF3 when all that is taken care of."

If you think adapting is such an important part of the game, then show how good you are and roll with it.
hey, better yet... for all of you who think the next patch is crap... why don't you all just not download it, then you can all stay in your own servers and hop and dive to your little hearts content!
The Microwave Man
I look at it this way . I believe the current engine of the game people spawn in order of rank . So naturally people who are good at flynig or being a tanker spawn at the points where they can snag what ever vehicle or aircraft that they are good at . Some people are tankers , some are pilots . They mastered their skill over the last few months and deserve to get a "better slot " . With this in mind the people who have lower rank spawn last and can't get into the tank or the jet lets say .These are the noobs who get frustrated and start shooting you up as you drive away or take off . This pisses off the vet who can rack up 100 points a level .Specially when he has about 30% of his armour chipped off by the friendly fire .  He will eventually die and respawn in front of 8 idiots waiting for the chopper . Every game , every level , every server fillled with people who, instead of going off and capping flags , wait for the chooper\tank and eventually die from artillery or jets looking for easy kills when these idiots are nicely clustered together - such a juicey target . As far as who's the whore here I would say the noob who really wants to fly and TK's the veteran pilot even though he has 4 hours of flying under his belt .
Example : I was on Daquil Oil Plant ( how ever you spell it ) and this is what happened . I was on the chineese side , i spawn at the airport to see if I could snag a chopper . I spawn and , not to my suprise , see like 8-9 guys waiting for the chopper . I was like WTF ? I check the radar and don't see we have a chopper . I know it's going to spawn any second now , gee I wonder whats going to happen next ? . I knew the chances of me getting the chopper were slim so I just observed the situation . I jumped into a jeep and just watched as 2 guys run past me to the chopper pad . I just knew it was the pilot and gunner who just died and respwned . They run into the crowd and position themsevles perfectly and snag the chopper as soon as it spawned . As soon as the rotors started spinning everyone shot the chopper up till it smoked . Then the chopper took off and now all these idiots are teamkilling each other after reloading thier weapons , and of course a medic is snagging points by healing\reviving them .  Luckily I got a chance to join the US team and did so . I spawned at a nearby flag ( the gas station ) and grabbed a quick buggy . I made my way to the Chineese airport . I get a view of all these idiots still waiting by the chopper pad . So I proceeded at full speed and ran over 4 of them in one pass . I swing around and run over another 1 , then a nother one . By this time I took a beating so I drove up onto the big hill at the far side of the aiport , made myself a squad and called for a sup drop . I got it just a second or two after I called for it and re-uped and headed off to run some more idiots over . I ran over 4 more and went back to heal up at sup drop . Then I did the same thing again racking up 5 more kills .In between these runs I took out the artillery in 2 passes - no engineer in sight .  Next thing you know the round is over and the score is 150-0 . No dout the whore award goes to the idiots who stood around to do nothing but get killed waiting for a chopper and killing teamates\health poaching .
And what is this crap about being a whore as some people call it when regaurding to a person who only use the grenade launcher ? This is obviously someone who is probably new to the game and needs to max this particular class out to unlock the next weapon . Or perhaps they are just really good at it and think they can do their team a good service by kicking some ass with a weapon they know how to use . Countless complaint threads have been made about this and that weapons ability and the people who "whore them " . Your not taking anything into consideration when they complain out getting killed by this and that weapon . I understand thier frustration , I've been killed by so many jets I wish they were removed from the game , but come one now - the "noob toob " ??? WTF??? I get killed with every weapon in the game by some people over and over . I got sniped by the same sniper 4 times in a row when I first started plaing on one level but I figured " damn , this guy is good I gotta take evasive action " . Never though of writing a complaint about someones ability to kill me though . I just don't get it .
Well said jonny
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
This is maybe best post that I'm ever seen on here BF2S forums and I agree it totaly.

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