The_Killer wrote:
0h N035 Th3r3 St34l1ng 0ur S3rv3r N4m3. Really you are a asshole let him name the server what ever he wants. Also no one cares that you had the name first.
I do. We didnt work hard for almost 2 years to fill that and we are known for the servers. Obviously people know a good server and want to copy us exact, I see it in BF2 and 2142, this is re-occuring. Sometimes people want to 'copy' you to gain some of your 'business'. SOme of these people here that posted have no idea what it takes to run a popular server and just to have it copied by someone else so they can have it populated without any work on thier own, as some of our regulars and people know us by the Madness. This was copied exact. If this person wants to copy us, stand in line. Unfortunately I have to go through EA to get it Marked as a non-usable but for us.
This is basically a clan that wants to populate their servers without doing the work to get it populated. Its basically me naming my servers Moongamers or Addicted-2-Games.