Are we being a little overly sensitive here? Everyone is so quick to whine about how offended they are about this or that instead of just getting over it. This type of behavior has turned us into selfish, hyper sensitive, sue happy, tattle talers. I mean are you even black? Why do you care if he says the "n" word? People say it because it evokes a reaction more so then for the sake of being racist. By getting your panties all twisted you are rewarding his behavior with exactly what he wanted. Seriously grow up. It sounds like a PTA meeting in here.

TerrorDoll wrote:

Are we being a little overly sensitive here? Everyone is so quick to whine about how offended they are about this or that instead of just getting over it. This type of behavior has turned us into selfish, hyper sensitive, sue happy, tattle talers. I mean are you even black? Why do you care if he says the "n" word? People say it because it evokes a reaction more so then for the sake of being racist. By getting your panties all twisted you are rewarding his behavior with exactly what he wanted. Seriously grow up. It sounds like a PTA meeting in here.
Who's getting offended here? Shut your fucking hole, you ______ (insert racial comment here).

And have a nice day.

I think we all have agreed to joke about this and not be so uptight.
+101|6712|Southern California
Well I thought this was a damn good thread except for a few posts.  To the poster who said americans are hypocrits, you are wrong m8. Americans do not have a single definable personality trait (I think), that's what liberty, multi-culturalism, etc., etc., is all about. Call us schizophrenic but never hypocritical. 

being yourself is a good thing until it stomps on others, being hurt by people stomping on you is OK too but never let them know it...

An eye for an eye and The Golden Rule, two different sides of the same coin
Say wat!?
depends on if its racism or if its just an opinion, like the fact that whites cant talk about blacks but blacks can talk about whites without being accused of racism.
Well that's political correctness... Introduced by patronising pricks who live in bubbles and don't ever go outside.

It's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever.
Get your body beat.
all official servers (ie not clan servers, ect) will ban on the spot if any racism is spotted (admin read the chat logs to).
+4|6753|Here, not There!
Many of the other posts have "hit the nail on the head"...

Some things to consider, if you experience prejudiciously  motivated comments, in chat or VOIP:

If you respond to it, you've given it credence.
I often play with a co-worker who is a notorious racist. Do I condone his views?...no. (I'm here to play BF2 & he's fun to play with... that's it). I refuse to acknowledge his comments, and over time, they have diminished considerably.

If you let it hurt you, it WILL hurt.

To think that there are people who will use the anonymity of on-line gaming to voice their small-minded social views... Well, that's just sad.

...just my 2 cents worth...
Aspiring Objectivist
We are all the same, just different cultures, morals, upbringing, religions & locations. Until everyone realize's this we will allways have racism because of the ignorant. That in itself is societys fault for not bringing the best out in everyone. I think it is important for everyone to judge each other as an individual & not a race.
Only then will we move out too the stars together & discover our true future.

As for smacktards talking trash in the game , ignore it & concentrate on the game, they will most likely be there for a while, & for some that is the whole point "to get you off your game , to rattle you"
177th Field Artillery
+39|6777|In your head
I don't like jews but I never go around going you stupid fucking jew! I just keep it to myself. But I am not racist against blacks, middle-easterns, chinese, or anyone else. As I can't because I am almost a bit of every natinality.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6753|Riva, MD

Horseman 77 wrote:

Its basicly name calling, when he gets banned enough he will shut his mouth. Do we really need the " Nanny State Police"   in our video games too? please just ignore it before Hillary clinton gets " Involved "

I cant believe you " sent this letter to EA to see what they would do. " Are you from Vermont by any chance?
Hilary Clinton is a true bitch.
+1,230|6879|Alberta, Canada

man if i was black, and i had people acting racist to me, id just ignore them. then shoot them lol.
+44|6762|West Berlin!
H8CKorrupt is just a fucking statspadder.

Am I a racist now...?

ghostgr wrote:

I don't like jews but I never go around going you stupid fucking jew! I just keep it to myself. But I am not racist against blacks, middle-easterns, chinese, or anyone else. As I can't because I am almost a bit of every natinality.
Quality post...you winner! (That's Aussie sarcasm if you can't tell by text).  How can you not like people you have never met?  How can you define a someones personality by their birthplace or religion? Hilter kept it to himself too, until he was ready to initiate his master plan.  But I am glad to hear you are only racist against one ethnic group (sarcasm again), but then that's only because you have a bit of every other nationality...Not mine buddy, no morons in my ethnic group
I think by being offended by racism, you're giving it more power than it has. It's kind of hard to judge the motivation behind someone using racist language on the internet. They could be using it jokingly or maliciously, but who really cares? Why does it have more power than saying "asshole, faggot, etc"? I realize americas past relations with african americans wasn't the most sparkling of times, but those times are past. Why cant it be seen for what it is; childish bullshit. If all offense is taken away the perpetrator is basically informing the victim of the colour of their skin. Just as someone who calls someone else a "faggot" might do so for a variety of reasons (eg. walks like a girl, throws like a girl, looks at mens butts). I know servers/websites have to look after the majority of their members, but i think it's nothing but hate veiled by retarded, easy to understand words. It's no different than "i hate you" with a declaration of skin colour which is pointless. Fuck giving these people power by crying over their words, just look at them for what they are; slobbering imbeciles who scream their hatred at people for reasons that NEVER stray from patheticness
"I don't like Jews"...wow what a statement. Apparently that certain race of people somehow offended or did something vile to him to cause such a broad spectrum statement of dislike.

"I don't like assholes"...that is my statement for the ages. It is cross cultural and slams all people of all races, cultures and beliefs...ah now I feel much better.

I do not like racists nor will I condone their behavior. If I am the server admin I will immediately ban his/her sorry ass. If I am a "guest" on the server I will point out his/her statement and leave for another server.
Remember we are GUESTS on these servers and should at least try to act somewhat civilly.

Let one mother fucking racist get away with saying something nasty and that is approving his/her statement in their warped fucking mind.

Let some stupid mother fucker who is not black call anyone a "nigga" when a black person is around and generally there will be some sort of confrontation. Few "non-blacks" can use nigga in the presence of blacks and only in the group that allowed it in the first place. It is a self-identification/brotherhood word used by blacks towards blacks and I will not intrude into that brotherhood. Living/working in a mostly all black area...working in a juvenile jail whose majority of "guests" lol were blacks as well as the workers...I have witnessed first hand what happens when some "wigga" or other white, etc. foolio used the word "nigga" in a sentence. It was seldom pretty the blacks always had the same responce...brothers use the word with other brothers...
Go cry me a fucking river Jesse Jackson.
Δ > x > ¥

Erkut.hv wrote:


Here's something to offend you:

Honky, spic, nigger, chink, gook, frog, pole, limey, slope, guido, greaser, kike, cracker, mick, camel jocky dothead.
You forgot "septic"
Anything but what it is now!
So as a white person, does that make me a racist if I'm singing along to DMX in my car?

LOL "singing" doesn't really describe either what DMX does or what I do copying him, but hey ho!

dh124289 wrote:

So as a white person, does that make me a racist if I'm singing along to DMX in my car?

LOL "singing" doesn't really describe either what DMX does or what I do copying him, but hey ho!
No, but you'll probably get laughed at. Guess it all depends where you're driving.

I listen to anything loud, especially if it will annoy someone driving next to me.
You have to enjoy "racism" for what it is.  Look at it this way: if everyone looked/acted/prayed the same, what are you going to call someone that pisses you off???  Somehow "You are a bad man" doens't quite get my fit of flashed anger across..

Of course, there's nothing stopping you from insulting them in other ways.. "You are a limp phallused yeast infected pus filled piece of feces that a turtle crapped out after eating some bad fish"

Feels good to type that out while you wait to respawn. and everyone gets a good chuckle (that isn't too busy getting pounded themselves to read it)
+101|6712|Southern California

ninja6o4 wrote:

You have to enjoy "racism" for what it is.  Look at it this way: if everyone looked/acted/prayed the same, what are you going to call someone that pisses you off???  Somehow "You are a bad man" doens't quite get my fit of flashed anger across..

Of course, there's nothing stopping you from insulting them in other ways.. "You are a limp phallused yeast infected pus filled piece of feces that a turtle crapped out after eating some bad fish"

Feels good to type that out while you wait to respawn. and everyone gets a good chuckle (that isn't too busy getting pounded themselves to read it)
Man i need to wear diapers if you are going to be so eloquent Ninja, that could make me laugh so hard I piss my pants.
She looked 18 to me officer
I have yet to see any "Hate" text.
get rid of the world's pride and you loose all sense of Rasicm. Coming down to basics its all about one's pride which is effected when somebody calls him a nigger or whatever.
I myself am a half-breed or whatever its called in propper english. So is my one best friend, my second best friend is a nigger, we call him nigger, blacky, or ask him to smile in the dark cuz we cant see him that very well. He dont give a damn, we just having fun.

I never got why the support and AT kit were blacks anyways. Why cant i be a wesley snipes Specops? Or a babe .50 sniper? Or a bitch'n armor? Why is everyone in this game male anyways? Why wont EA let us pick, skin color, sex, sex and more sex, and then kit?

If EA does decide to change stuff can they please add, farting, burbing, pissing like in Postal 2, and shouting and stuff?????? : )
+50|6731|Southern California
In serious discussions about free speach a point is usually brought up about.. well.. the point of banning a type of speach. Usually in relation to free speach codes at US college campuses since the college in the US has always been the haven for speach that may not be tolerated among the general population and colleges have been using various speach codes to prevent sexual or racial remarks.

So what's the point of banning any type of speach? You would think that in the case of racist speach that it would have some good effect, right? But what could that be? Surely telling somebody that doesn't like a race that they cannot express that feeling is going to exasperate their emotion. Preventing expression only increases the drive to express in other ways - only goes to catalyze the person's feelings. Going as far as to make sure that certain talk is prohibited in settings drives people who have racist feelings to find or create forums and communities where they can express their views freely without criticism. This can only push these people further away. This will only create a sense amongst the racist people that society is polarized into "pro white" and "anti white." As for the people who use the words freely without any real racist attitude, who use it just for the purpose of disturbing those around them, this will only encourage that impulse. Taking action to make sure that somebody cannot express themselves will only drive them to express themselves in more extreme ways. Period. So really the point of some kind of code or prohibition of language isn't to change anything, right? I don't think anybody is saying that but it's always sort of insinuated - I think - that there's some kind of progress that's been made if nobody is saying those bad things? But I think that leads us to the real point.

Sensitivity. It seems like most people would rather have their sensitivity about speach catered to than to be privy to the honest and open behavior of their fellow humans or to only be in the presence of humans who have the same sensitivies. There's nothing wrong with that. But let me bring up two things. It's dangerous to do this if you're not aware that you've improved nothing, that you are living in a self-selecting construct, and that you are being sheltered from reality in a sense. And that emotional consideration for enforcing speach code is hard to enforce, and dangerous for liberty. If the only reason that words are prohibited is because they hurt or are distasteful than we are embarking on a dangerous way to limit expression. The reason that western countries have such strict protections on freedom of speach is because many philosophers and political theorists have argued, for thousands of years quite successfully, that free speach is beneficial for society in the long run. No legal code to protect speach would be necessary if everybody said what is comfortable and sensible to most people. It is precisely for the speach that we do not want to hear that protection codes exist. So that we will be able to recognize people who feel alienated, people with extreme views, people who are unlike us in so many ways. It is so these people can be included in the community of ideas, so they aren't driven out, so that all of us maintain a common connection and that connection, as I said, is a community of ideas. A community of ideas is powerful especially for progress. It is through ideas, free speach, free expression, and free critique that genuine viewpoints of people can be challenged or triumph. Racism can never be obliterated through limiting the ability to express racist viewpoints. But it's spread can certainly be stopped and indeed, some people converted, if when they express their viewpoints they are acknowledged and met with a rational critique of why they are wrong.

It's nice to want to have a nice time. But I would recommend that we're much better off if you simply take people's words for what they are - their words. If some 12 year old who doesn't really even understand the words they are using insults you than you are probably better off learning how to not care rather than making sure they can't insult you. Businesses and communities have the right to regulate themselves, to create their own speach codes, to allow as much speach as they want or to limit it. I think we're better off if we don't encourage tolalitarian attitudes in the communities and businesses we participate in and learn how to govern our own emotions better, because really, limiting speach is all about not hearing stuff we don't like - not about making anything genuinely better.
speach ???!!! lol

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