* Ryan_14 is now known as Emo|Ryan
<Varegg> kinda
<DoctaStrangelove> ha
<DoctaStrangelove> ha
<DeathUnlimited> EMO!
* Flaming_Maniac is now known as Flaming_Homosexual
<DoctaStrangelove> ryan is emo
<Varegg> that would be wyan
* You are now known as FFLink|EmoCurer
<DeathUnlimited> Come here and tell
<DeathUnlimited> #surgeonland
* Emo|Ryan is now known as Emo|Wyan
* FFLink|EmoCurer cures Ryan's Emo-ness
<FFLink|EmoCurer> HAPPINESS!
* Flaming_Homosexual is now known as Flaming_Female_Homosexual
<Emo|Wyan> im possible
* DeathUnlimited is now known as EmoUnlimited
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> hah
<FFLink|EmoCurer> lol
* EmoUnlimited is now known as EmoHomoUnlimited
<EmoHomoUnlimited> This r leet
<Varegg> holy crap
* You are now known as FFEmo13
<Emo|Wyan> lets cut each other
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> emounlimited sounds pretty xcore
* DoctaStrangelove is now known as DoctaStrangEmo
<FFEmo13> lol
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> cutting circle everyone!
* FFEmo13 unzips
* Emo|Wyan gathers round
* Varegg is now known as Varemo
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> ok
<Emo|Wyan> whos razor are we using?
<FFEmo13> lol
<Varemo> hubba hubba
* DoctaStrangEmo /wrists
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> ill cut link
<justice> omg
* EmoHomoUnlimited Creams already
<Emo|Wyan> this is so going on the forums lol
<justice> ur all crazy
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> and DU will cut me
<EmoHomoUnlimited> FUCK
<FFEmo13> i'll cut your face!
<justice> like me
<EmoHomoUnlimited> TOO EARLY
<FFEmo13> Join in justemo
<Emo|Wyan> ready to cut?
<EmoHomoUnlimited> I AM GONNA /WRISTS
<FFEmo13> ready
* AphyX[D] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> ok
<Emo|Wyan> emos, start your blades
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> 3..
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> 2..
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> 1..
<EmoHomoUnlimited> k
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> GO
<Emo|Wyan> CUT!
* FFEmo13 /wrist
<Emo|Wyan> slice slice
* Varemo is listening to emo music
* EmoHomoUnlimited cuts
<Emo|Wyan> rip
* DoctaStrangEmo /other wist
<justice> omg
<justice> blood
<Emo|Wyan> ./wrists
* Flaming_Female_Homosexual /wrist
<Varemo> my life is lame
<EmoHomoUnlimited> OMG
* Emo|Wyan dead
<justice> OMFG
<EmoHomoUnlimited> REAL BLOOD
<justice> emo's
* DoctaStrangEmo is no more
<EmoHomoUnlimited> I am gonna..
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> blood spews
<EmoHomoUnlimited> ..
<justice> OMFG
* FFEmo13 is no more...
<justice> stop
<justice> emo!
<EmoHomoUnlimited> *died*
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> LET THE PAIN FLOW OUT OF MY BODY
<justice> noooooooooooooo
<FFEmo13> Ha ha
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> OH HOW GOOD IT FEELS
* Emo|Wyan is no more
<Varemo> lol
<Emo|Wyan> razor orgy!
<Varemo> what a beautiful knife
<Varemo> it`s looking at me
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> it's calling to you
<FFEmo13> Lol
* Varemo fondles the knife
<FFEmo13> Give it what it wants
<Varemo> the knife bites
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> cut with me, cut with me varegg
* justice is now known as justemo
<justemo> omg
* EmoHomoUnlimited (
[email protected]) has left #bf2s (Died. Come to funeral @ Sunday.)
* DoctaStrangEmo jacks off to the knife
<justemo> im emo now
* EmoHomoUnlimited (
[email protected]) has joined #bf2s
* ChanServ gives voice to EmoHomoUnlimited
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 9#p1442619
<Varemo> lol
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> not anything else
<Emo|Wyan> haha
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> just emo
<justemo> omg
<DoctaStrangEmo> hax
* Varemo makes sweet love with the knife
<justemo> i made a clever name without knowing so
<justemo> omg
<justemo> e penor grows
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> hahaha
<FFEmo13> OH NO!
<Varemo> good one justemo
<DoctaStrangEmo> lolololololololol
* Oompa (
[email protected]) has joined #bf2s
* FFEmo13 flees to a mirror
* ChanServ gives voice to Oompa
<DoctaStrangEmo> WTF
<EmoHomoUnlimited> EMOMPA
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> quick, take myspace pics everyone
<EmoHomoUnlimited> I already took
<justemo> kkk
* Flaming_Female_Homosexual flings out hair, takes pics of self in mirror
* DoctaStrangEmo takes a myspace pic of himself with a razor
<Varemo> hm
<Varemo> lol
* FFEmo13 ha finished setting his emo fringe
* [R]est[i]n[P]ieces has quit (Ping timeout)
* FFEmo13 takes pictures
* Emo|Wyan emo
* EmoHomoUnlimited razors the wrists of the pic, because he is the stupid
<FFEmo13> lol
* Varemo adjusts FFEmo`s fringe
<FFEmo13> Thanks.
<FFEmo13> Now kill me.
* DoctaStrangEmo crys in a closet
* justemo pierces eyebrow with fishing rod... bleeeeed emo!
<FFEmo13> I dont deserve to live.
<FFEmo13> :'(
* Emo|Wyan is now known as Emoryan
* EmoHomoUnlimited kills FF
* FFEmo13 enjoys
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> emos cant even kill themselves
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> too pussy
<EmoHomoUnlimited> even though you don't deserve to die
<Varemo> neither does any of us, we are the emo
<DoctaStrangEmo> ;(
<Flaming_Female_Homosexual> i am one with the emo
www.emo.com <FFEmo13> lol
<Emoryan> they dont even go up the street, they go across the road
<FFEmo13> Writers WOrkbench?
* blip2 (
[email protected]) has joined #bf2s
<EmoHomoUnlimited> Did you man
www.myspace.com <FFEmo13> lol
<FFEmo13> !
<EmoHomoUnlimited> that's where it redirects
<Varemo> hm ... it actually was a website
<FFEmo13> Ha ha
<DoctaStrangEmo> myspace is for emos and child moslters
<DoctaStrangEmo> so is BF2s