After passing the test - this little nugget is now in the files-section of the forums..
I give you Redux: Duck and Cover, a movie made by Volcomer starring Redux, one of the best helicoter-pilots of this game!
The movie is separated into parts, first Redux does some nice first-person fragging on foot before he takes to the skies! (It's this part you want to see! )
Before you jump of to download this awesome, professionally edited movie, you should know one thing - all the footage in the film comes from clan-wars or practice-clan-wars that code7 has taken part in. Nothing is done public or on private servers.
Redux is the real deal - what you see him do in here, he can do anywhere!
I give you Redux: Duck and Cover, a movie made by Volcomer starring Redux, one of the best helicoter-pilots of this game!
The movie is separated into parts, first Redux does some nice first-person fragging on foot before he takes to the skies! (It's this part you want to see! )
Before you jump of to download this awesome, professionally edited movie, you should know one thing - all the footage in the film comes from clan-wars or practice-clan-wars that code7 has taken part in. Nothing is done public or on private servers.
Redux is the real deal - what you see him do in here, he can do anywhere!