The good old days of having Doberman Pinchers for a guard.
'Light 'em up!'

usmarine2005 wrote:

You know...I hear this shit a lot.  I swear I am going to start a company of volunteers to guard cemeteries for holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Have one of your planes pick me up from the Uk, give me a rifle and I'm your man.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Man I would love to get my hands on those pussies.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

This must be the free speech people on these forums love to advocate.
The New Johnnie Cochran

usmarine2005 wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

Omg! Children Did Something Outrageous To Piss Off Adults? This Is Extraordinary! Someone Call The Media!
For some of us it means a little more than that.
I know it means a lot to you. My grandfather served in Korea. I'm not trying to demean the impact of the act per say, I'm saying that the act in and of itself is not necessarily newsworthy. If the graves were not veteran graves, it wouldn't be as big of a deal. And I doubt this is neo-nazi work. Or at least, real neo-nazi. Probably just some damn kids who need to stop listening to Green Day and reading Marx and Nietzsche like they understand it.
Le fuck?
This is utter bullshit. We totally need to find these pussies and fuck them up, i.e., tape all of their hand-drawn swastikas to them and set them on fire. Then we teabag them.
177th Field Artillery
+39|6783|In your head

{USMC}Louis wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

S3v3N wrote:

I'm in.
Right on.  No BS either.  I just need some time to get this started.
Let me know what I can do...I want in too
I would love to but I still got AIT. Then it's more than likely off to Iraq.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6580|Long Island, New York
Highly doubt it was Neo-nazis. Probably some teenage punks thinking they were funny.

need a beating though nonetheless.
GunSlinger OIF II
every time I drive by a veterans cemetary I feel the goosebumps.  went to UCLA campus yesterday and drove by Los Angeles National cemetary.  I saw thousands of flags and then it occurred to me that it was memorial day.  real strange,  given the fact that I never go to that part of town.  But a feeling i cant describe or explain goes over me when i ever see those head stones, perfectly lined up, dress right dress.
'Light 'em up!'

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

every time I drive by a veterans cemetary I feel the goosebumps.  went to UCLA campus yesterday and drove by Los Angeles National cemetary.  I saw thousands of flags and then it occurred to me that it was memorial day.  real strange,  given the fact that I never go to that part of town.  But a feeling i cant describe or explain goes over me when i ever see those head stones, perfectly lined up, dress right dress.
That happens to me, same as when I see those slide-shows of pictures of those who've been killed in action, its weird.
The Lizzard

Mekstizzle wrote:

B.Schuss and Bubbalo, you give too much credit to Neo-Nazi's. They're scum and they would do shit like this.
Uh..........right............because we said they were too high for this where?

We agreed that they would probably be less likely to do it to veteran's than wannabe Neo-Nazis due to Nazism being very militant and nationalistic, which is true.
+44|6386|New York
It saddens me to think that my Grandfather fought and my Uncle died defending the rights of people like that.
GunSlinger OIF II

Villain{NY} wrote:

It saddens me to think that my Grandfather fought and my Uncle died defending the rights of people like that.
you shouldnt be saddened but proud.  its the fact that we allow anyone to voice their opinions no matter how funky it might be.  but these people had no right to desicrate the symbols of our passed loved ones. thats not a right they excercised, it was a crime.
+44|6386|New York

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Villain{NY} wrote:

It saddens me to think that my Grandfather fought and my Uncle died defending the rights of people like that.
you shouldnt be saddened but proud.  its the fact that we allow anyone to voice their opinions no matter how funky it might be.  but these people had no right to desicrate the symbols of our passed loved ones. thats not a right they excercised, it was a crime.
Very true Slinger and i'm very proud of what my family did for this country, whether they gave their life in the line of duty or made it out unscathed.  The people, or should I say punks, that did those horrible things have no idea what the flags they burned stand for and what they mean to people who have only a flag to remember their loved ones by.  I hope they catch them.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

every time I drive by a veterans cemetary I feel the goosebumps.  went to UCLA campus yesterday and drove by Los Angeles National cemetary.  I saw thousands of flags and then it occurred to me that it was memorial day.
No shit man.  I was there on Saturday and Sunday and saw the same thing.  On my way to the airport Sunday morning, I stopped by the VA next to the cemetery and went and talked to some vets.

usmarine2005 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

every time I drive by a veterans cemetary I feel the goosebumps.  went to UCLA campus yesterday and drove by Los Angeles National cemetary.  I saw thousands of flags and then it occurred to me that it was memorial day.
No shit man.  I was there on Saturday and Sunday and saw the same thing.  On my way to the airport Sunday morning, I stopped by the VA next to the cemetery and went and talked to some vets.
And that's the best way to straighten out these punks.
Find 'em and drag 'em down to a VFW post.
Sit them down with the guys and girls that have been there,
done that and made it home.
Then lets see if they still think it's fun to desecrate the graves
of the Fallen.
The Vets would do a better job on them then us beating the crap
out of them.

And YES......

{USMC}Louis wrote:

I just have one simple question..WHY?? What does this accomplish for you, for your cause..It makes you look like a heathen and a jackass and a lowlife scum bag
you fool, dont you get it, they are all the above!! but i could think of a few more things
when i was a kid id play WWII games as a kid on the pc, and not really think much of it, but as i grew older and found that because i was playing these games on the pc, i became SO interested in WWII and wanted to know more, now some 18 years on i now understand the turmoil those young men went thru to give us what so many of us have and take for granted each day. it upsets me to think that there are a small but unfortunately growing number of idiots out there think that it funny to desecrate the resting places of our hero's, those guys fought and died for YOU and I, and i shall be for ever grateful for the sacrifices those brave souls laid down for me. if you are a Nazi sympathizer just remember you have lost, so go pull your heads from your arse and just remember if you do try to rise again we will beat you again.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6723|Colorado Springs, CO
I'm down for some hippie bashing. Just got back from a TDY to lovely Al-Udeid and the first post I read was this one and it got me fired up. If I ever see any of these faggots pulling this shit I dont know what i'll do to them. Completely un-called for.
Rated EC-10

arabeater wrote:

I'm down for some hippie bashing. Just got back from a TDY to lovely Al-Udeid and the first post I read was this one and it got me fired up. If I ever see any of these faggots pulling this shit I dont know what i'll do to them. Completely un-called for.
The 60's called, they want their cliche back. I told them they'll have to wait in line behind the Internet Tough Guy Association.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
$50 bucks they are attention whoring kids between ages of 15-18. No adult would do this. While they are probably minors we can't send them to jail (even though vandalism is a crime) but what we can do other stuff to them, like fines, community service and juvenile detention. And after that I we will wish them good luck in finding a college willing to take them.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6723|Colorado Springs, CO

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

arabeater wrote:

I'm down for some hippie bashing. Just got back from a TDY to lovely Al-Udeid and the first post I read was this one and it got me fired up. If I ever see any of these faggots pulling this shit I dont know what i'll do to them. Completely un-called for.
The 60's called, they want their cliche back. I told them they'll have to wait in line behind the Internet Tough Guy Association.
Come-on dude, was that post you made really necessary? Btw, I am a member of the Internet Tough Guy Association.
Rated EC-10

arabeater wrote:

Come-on dude, was that post you made really necessary? Btw, I am a member of the Internet Tough Guy Association.
Yes, yes it was.

The "If I was there, I'd have (insert ludicrous chest-thumping here)" routine is older than the fucking internet. The idea that this was done by "hippies" is equally laughable. This isn't the 1960's; the only hippies still around have either sold out, isolated themselves from society or they've been replaced by empty-headed little trustifarians who think that left-activisim is solely a means to get high and get laid. The people who said this was probably done by teenage attention whores are dead on. So, I do feel the need to make light of your meaningless vows of physical violence you either don't really intend to inflict, don't have the means to inflict or both, much the same way I like to make light of anyone who tries to play pretend badass.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6723|Colorado Springs, CO

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Come-on dude, was that post you made really necessary? Btw, I am a member of the Internet Tough Guy Association.
Yes, yes it was.

The "If I was there, I'd have (insert ludicrous chest-thumping here)" routine is older than the fucking internet. The idea that this was done by "hippies" is equally laughable. This isn't the 1960's; the only hippies still around have either sold out, isolated themselves from society or they've been replaced by empty-headed little trustifarians who think that left-activisim is solely a means to get high and get laid. The people who said this was probably done by teenage attention whores are dead on. So, I do feel the need to make light of your meaningless vows of physical violence you either don't really intend to inflict, don't have the means to inflict or both, much the same way I like to make light of anyone who tries to play pretend badass.
Wow, dude do you feel better now getting that off of your chest? Doesnt matter who did it (hippies, teenagers or whatever) it still fucking wrong and they do need a reality check ass kicking. I have served my country for 6 long years and have been in combat numerous times and lost many good friends. So if you for one second dont think that I would defend their honor your sorely mistaken. But i do honestly respect your views, I just dont agree with them.
+81|6811|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
i know thats in american but what they should do is send them to iraq with no armour maybe a berreta with 1 mag and no survival kit and let them get shot and they will then see why those men gave there lives to protect there freedom.

You shouldnt disgrace a war vets grave regardless of nationality or race it is one thing which you never should do let alone put Swastikas on there graves.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
O Canada
+1,596|6447|North Carolina

CameronPoe wrote:

Well that's just disgusting.

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