bad touch

My hatred of the United States school system has come full circle, as of 4:00 PM today.

Here is why:

1. Too much emphasis on the GPA

Holy shit. I have spent a good 3/4 of my life in school, just now completing the 11th year of said education. Elementary school was great, your teacher was personal, direct. You had a reason to do things on time, to participate in school clubs and activities. Middle school was the same, for me at least. But when I got into High School, I saw a dramatic change. Kids my age were taking 7 classes a day, leaving themselves barely enough time to sleep, let alone live. Everyone in my area is after the all precious GPA fairy, waiting for that magical day when it falls from the heavens and grants them acceptance into the real world. At my school in particular, there is an actual fight as to what your GPA will be. Kids invoke the wrath of their parents into the mess. They bitch at the teachers to give the student good grades, so that kid can go to Yale and do something with his life. Its fucking madness. And the U.C. system isn't helping either. They willingly throw out applicants with real life experience over that Asian kid that did physics in sophomore year (no offense Asians).

2. Extra Curricular activities make you smarter?

of the 3000 kids at my school, I would say 90% of them are in a club not because they like it, but because the system tells them they should. Its mostly a puppet game to get the upper hand in an already flawed system.

3. More students, less openings in Colleges across the Nation.

U.C. Schools has cut its admissions quota by 20% for the next few years. That means that when 20,000 people apply for UCLA next year, only 1,600 will get in, and a good percentage of those kids don't even deserve to be there. You know your fucked when Daddy can write Jimmy a check, and hes in.

Thats the main things I have noticed.

I've been denied to countless schools across this nation because of my grades. I mean, its no importance that I scored in the top 1% of ALL my standardized tests since the 3rd grade, That I received a 100% on 2 SAT Subject tests, and 1900 on the SAT itself. They take a fucking one digit number (GPA) to justify a lifetime of hard work in school.

Thieving deceiving lying cheating bastard-faced monkey-raping unclefuckers. The lot of them.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6636|Gogledd Cymru

stryyker wrote:

Thieving deceiving lying cheating bastard-faced monkey-raping unclefuckers. The lot of them.
nice rant , shit i have to join in aswell

fucking bastard gizzcocks
+1,452|6540|The Gem Saloon
no argument here, the school district i was in failed me miserably.
+46|6755|DFW, Texas
What scale is your GPA on? Have you taken any AP classes? School's over for me, Junior year is going to be hard. I don't know my GPA yet, but it's on a 15 point scale, I don't know what is on the 5 scale though.
bad touch

GPA is weighted with AP classes, our district allows up to a 5.0 on the 4 point scale.
+46|6755|DFW, Texas
Oh, yeah, I guess I meant a 4.0 scale, but anyway, my teachers have been telling us to take AP classes, even if you don't make a good grade, it shows you have challenged yourself and all that, but even then, you might get beaten by some other students, and AP tests are always a plus too.

Edit: I think I took it off topic a bit, but yeah, I don't like how people can pay their way into college while others earn it through hard work...

Last edited by Jello.01 (2007-05-26 18:06:09)


I think the issues start at an earlier age. Some coworkers and I were having drinks after work on Friday and we got on the topic of what foreign language we took in school. A German coworker said kids starting getting foreign language in grade school. I think we set ourselves up for failure by not exercising the younger mind to capacity.

I know that is somewhat off topic, but I agree with you completely. People working for the government at any level predominately cannot get anything done other then begging for budget money.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-05-26 18:06:18)

bad touch

jsnipy wrote:

I think the issues start at an earlier age. Some coworkers and I were having drinks after work on Friday and we got on the topic of what foreign language we took in school. A German coworker said kids starting getting foreign language in grade school. I think we set ourselves up for failure by not exercising the younger mind to capacity.

I know that is somewhat off topic, but I agree with you completely. People working for the government at any level predominately cannot get anything done other then begging for budget money.
I wish I would have taken a language in elementary school, they are just now offering classes on spanish, german, and french for kids other than high schoolers around here.

Oh.. and my districts ex-Superintendent put $1,000,000 into a "hit list" of people that he wanted out of office or school, for trying to boot him out of office. Happily, one of the names on that list was myself, and we succeeded. /democracy
Go Ducks.
The US Education system is not homosexual.

It sucks, but it's not homosexual.
Agreed. I can vouch for that extracurricular activity/clubs issue. A friend of mine has been applying to be a cabinet position in almost every club he could get his hands on, not because he likes the club but because he wants the title on his application.

I'm scared to apply to colleges in the next school year.
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6516|QUT, GP.
Ouch, I always wondered what other school systems were like. That's damn harsh. Where I am, even in the shitty public high schools teachers will help you directly and whatnot. At uni, (where I am now) there are oodles of resources for you to reach out to, and the tutors / lecturers will wait around after class and talk to you whenever if you need to.

One question though, what's up with taking seven classes? In my shithole highschool we had six classes by default, and school went from 8:30 to 2:30.

I've been to AP classes here and there. Wasn't really that different from the regular thing, and some of them were leftist nests with pillows tossed all over the floor in lieu of desks.
GunSlinger OIF II
doesnt get any much better as you get older
+271|6902|United States of America

stryyker wrote:

2. Extra Curricular activities make you smarter?

of the 3000 kids at my school, I would say 90% of them are in a club not because they like it, but because the system tells them they should. Its mostly a puppet game to get the upper hand in an already flawed system.
I'm in clubs. Two actually. Entourage (it's a bando club), and the Teen Republicans. I'm thinking about joining JSA (junior statesmen of America).

As for GPA. It does suck a little. My 3.86 isn't getting me much anywhere at all yet. It shows I don't have straight A's but very close to. Next year, I am taking higher classes though. Honors Geometry, Honors Composition Literature II, and AP Bio. I tried to get into AP World History, but the teacher of it saw those three other classes and thought I was taking too many high classes... the fuck?
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6976|Denver colorado

jsnipy wrote:

I think the issues start at an earlier age. Some coworkers and I were having drinks after work on Friday and we got on the topic of what foreign language we took in school. A German coworker said kids starting getting foreign language in grade school. I think we set ourselves up for failure by not exercising the younger mind to capacity.
I am. I'm studying the shit out of Japanese. I'll probably take that language as my minor in college because chances are after I come back after I go to japan I'll be fluent enough.
Don't fret my friend - GPA doesn't REALLY matter until College.  Sure, a great GPA and SAT scores will save you $$ when it comes to college (scholarships and such), but they won't affect your job outlook.  A poor GPA in college will torpedo many jobs and severely hinder chances at grad school.

College is easy to get into.  I will say that again.  College is easy to get into.  The hard part is paying for it.  It doesn't matter which school you get into for your undergraduate, what matters is what you study.  An Engineer from an unknown run of the mill school will get paid more than a Philosophy major from a top school.  I noticed you talked about the UC system, which I know close to nothing about.  But its a large country and there are many, many schools.  May I recommend the great state of Alabama :-)  Lots of job opportunies here (tons, tons, tons), low cost of living, and low taxes. 

School quality matters more at the graduate level and beyond.  Still, it all depends on what your ambitions are.  If you want to be President then yeah, you need to go to Ivy League all the way, or military or some exceptional thing like that.  All I want is 80k/year and a large back yard for dogs.  So I was more than happy to start a Masters program in Huntsville, AL.  Like I said earlier, tons of jobs here and cheap land so my dream is def attainable. 

I got my undergrad in Econ but kinda fudged up.  The Universtiy here in town pretty much accepts anyone from the area as the demand for their graduates is so high and they get so much money from the local Tech park they didn't really care about my C+ GPA in college.  However, the jobs I interviewed for before deciding to do this program DID care very much. 

My final advice for all college bound students (something I didn't do) is to know what job you are going for by about Junior year of college.  The sooner you know what you want to go for, the easier it will be.  Many, many, many college grads get the shock of their lives upon graduation when they realize that employers aren't banging down the door to give them that dream job.

3.86 GPA?  Believe me thats fantastic.  I had a 3.0 in High School.  I got into the universities I wanted because of a 29 on the ACT (didn't take the SAT), but decided to stay in state due to cost concerns (after all I am an economics person, realized the extra bills didn't correlate to more pay later on).

Last edited by stratozyck (2007-05-26 19:22:22)


stryyker wrote:

I've been denied to countless schools across this nation because of my grades. I mean, its no importance that I scored in the top 1% of ALL my standardized tests since the 3rd grade, That I received a 100% on 2 SAT Subject tests, and 1900 on the SAT itself. They take a fucking one digit number (GPA) to justify a lifetime of hard work in school.

Thieving deceiving lying cheating bastard-faced monkey-raping unclefuckers. The lot of them.
Come study at my uni:

You can still get drunk, won't have to learn another language and it looks like you'd easily meet the requirements for American students.

a) High School Diploma and a minimum overall score of 1600 in the new SAT 1 test or b) General Education Development (GED) Certificate. A score of at least 50 in each test, and minimum overall score of 1600 in the new SAT 1 test. SAT 1 scores below 1600 may be considered on a case by case basis.

Please note: this refers to the new SAT 1 test which includes the Writing Assessment; if you completed the previous SAT 1 test, please contact us for details.

Miller wrote:

stryyker wrote:

2. Extra Curricular activities make you smarter?

of the 3000 kids at my school, I would say 90% of them are in a club not because they like it, but because the system tells them they should. Its mostly a puppet game to get the upper hand in an already flawed system.
I'm in clubs. Two actually. Entourage (it's a bando club), and the Teen Republicans. I'm thinking about joining JSA (junior statesmen of America).

As for GPA. It does suck a little. My 3.86 isn't getting me much anywhere at all yet. It shows I don't have straight A's but very close to. Next year, I am taking higher classes though. Honors Geometry, Honors Composition Literature II, and AP Bio. I tried to get into AP World History, but the teacher of it saw those three other classes and thought I was taking too many high classes... the fuck?
3.86 is awesome and you still can't get anywhere with it?  They must took into account grade inflation which renders your 3.86 to a 3.75 (2000 standard when I graduated.)  And even with a 3.75 back in 2000, you could get into some nice schools.  I guess times are tougher these days. 

Imagine after college graduation and getting a job with no past work experiance and fresh out of school and adapting to a whole new game that you never played.  And the game you've been playing (going to school) no longer applies.    Not going to get easier..
+271|6902|United States of America

trippy982 wrote:

Miller wrote:

stryyker wrote:

2. Extra Curricular activities make you smarter?

of the 3000 kids at my school, I would say 90% of them are in a club not because they like it, but because the system tells them they should. Its mostly a puppet game to get the upper hand in an already flawed system.
I'm in clubs. Two actually. Entourage (it's a bando club), and the Teen Republicans. I'm thinking about joining JSA (junior statesmen of America).

As for GPA. It does suck a little. My 3.86 isn't getting me much anywhere at all yet. It shows I don't have straight A's but very close to. Next year, I am taking higher classes though. Honors Geometry, Honors Composition Literature II, and AP Bio. I tried to get into AP World History, but the teacher of it saw those three other classes and thought I was taking too many high classes... the fuck?
3.86 is awesome and you still can't get anywhere with it?  They must took into account grade inflation which renders your 3.86 to a 3.75 (2000 standard when I graduated.)  And even with a 3.75 back in 2000, you could get into some nice schools.  I guess times are tougher these days. 

Imagine after college graduation and getting a job with no past work experiance and fresh out of school and adapting to a whole new game that you never played.  And the game you've been playing (going to school) no longer applies.    Not going to get easier..
I'm only a freshman so no worries, yet. I'm pissed about it because of why it's a 3.86. My Spanish grade was 89.47... Half a percent from 4.0. Damnit... It doesn't help at all when I'm trying to get into the Military Academy and I don't play sports. I play in two bands at school, but those aren't as valued as a sport is sadly... Clubs will help me for a military academy. Hopefully I'm setting myself up nicely to get a good school.

Last edited by Miller (2007-05-26 19:28:11)

I'm gonna move to Australia. After I saw this thread.
I hear ya, freshman earth science class, 1st quarter, got a 89.6% and the teacher wouldn't bump me up.  Maybe if he did, I would have cared more about highschool then I did.  I graduated with a 3.2.  Top 51% of my class, so at least I was above the curve haha.  Highschool wasn't the best time of my years.  Turned it all around during college, graduated with a 3.96, ranked #3 (some chick had a perfect score and another dude with a 3.97).

How I see it.  You're trying to do well in highschool so that you can get into a good college.  But something about is that if you get into a super good college, are you willing to work like a slave to maintain your grade or risk flunking out?  I still think a 4.0 GPA from some no0b college still looks better than a 3.0 GPA from a 1337 college in the eyes of an employer...  But GPA is just 1 part.  Learning to BS and shoot the breeze is the other 40%.

Last edited by trippy982 (2007-05-26 19:42:49)

+271|6902|United States of America

trippy982 wrote:

Learning to BS and shoot the breeze is the other 40%.
I've got that down well enough to have 101% in english, 97% in math, 96% in AVID, and 92% in science(it was a 75% just three weeks ago). While, both band classes are easy A's, and I plan on trying to run for drum major next year. And spanish is still killing me, in fact, I've lost moral in the class and it's a 79%, I just checked it.

Last edited by Miller (2007-05-26 19:46:31)

Commie Killer
Mainly, I hate the reliance on homework... Im lazy but Im smart, I have a IQ or 164. I dont do homework, I think there's better things to do out of school, gaining social skills, etc. Now because my school is homework oriented it dont mean shit that I have went below a 90% on a single test this year, hell, my mid terms were two 99%'s and a 98% and a 97%. Now, when you add all of that together my GPA should at MINIMUM be a 3.9 out of 4.0, well amazingly, cause I dont do the homework(yeah I know Im fucking myself over) my GPA is a 2.53 out of 4.

I dont take Extra-curricular anything, it doesn't effect GPA and I really dont give a shit. I hate every single club in my school. I was about to join the football team but being forced to play and train a few days a week is less fun then playing everyday with my friends out of school, neighbor hood even has a few football teams set up, 20 kids each (neighborhood is huge, ton of houses, about 5 miles by 5).

The GPA system in my school goes like this:
B=80- 89%=2.0-2.9
F=59% or below=0.0

EDIT: Typo.
EDIT2: Extra-curricular.

Last edited by Commie Killer (2007-05-26 19:57:24)

Nice, what about Extra Curricular activities?  When I was in freshman and sophomore I joined several clubs like chess team, math team, spanish club.  I would show up on the first day and for 3 weeks, then not show up until the year book pictures were taken and 3 weeks after that.  I think I was listed as part of the club, although I never did write any of them down on the college app.

I would have done sports but they take too much freaking time.  2 hour practice before school and then 3 hours after school?  Yea right.
+271|6902|United States of America
GPA is broken down as follows. Every A= four points, B's are 3, C's are 2, a D is one, and F's are 0. Add up the total. Mine for example is 4+4+4+4+4+4+3=27. Then divide by the number of classes you have. 27/7=3.86.

I concur with commie about homework. In my spanish class it's worth 50% of the grade. I just learned the subject of the day, why should I be expected to understand a different language overnight? It pisses me off. My other classes focus more on tests.

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