You orrible caaaaaaan't

Jameseyy wrote:

I shoot snipers on my team if they spam claymores on karkand, and I don't revive dead snipers on karkand either. That's about it.
Good idea
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I got 48 gheymore kills. that counts.
blowing up every commander asset on the map and thinking i was helping
I was going to post something but I thought it was in real life not in the game .

ATC wrote:

just goin in kp servers and usin the support kit to own everyone. once i get kicked i move on to the next one.
Hahahaha! I did that with a buddy of mine the other week. I naded the USMC spawn and killed the ENTIRE enemy team! Literally every single USMC soldier(32)
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
i once killed myself and i think it was...5? team mates with 1 grenade in cs years and years ago.  56k ftl.

i said sorry tho. :S
+1,153|6951|Washington, DC

In the demo, I would get on the Phalanx and commit mass murder of my fellow Marines.
Going on a knife and pistol and dropping 500 vehicles, artillery strikes, UAVs falling to the ground, etc.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6877|Brisbane, Aus

I left a claymore right where the J-10 appears on wake and killed about 3 people who were running towards it, sorta did the pilot some favors cause he didn't get forced TK's from them lol.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

SargeV1.4 wrote:

flying up to 20,000 feet high and going afk when my fantastic team yet again loses every flag on kubra dam despite the enemy having no air force at all

they deserve the 20 minute wait
Haha yeah. I was USMC on Sharqi once, in the cobra alone, and my team had been zero'd so I just kept going up and up for well over 15 minutes. Didn't get much above 600 though, but that's high on Sharqi I guess.
set your body ablaze
Some guy was following me around TK'ing me so I spawned as medic and basically kidnapped him, TK'ing and them reviving him over and over again by myself. It was funny, he wasn't fast enough to get away from me after I revived him and I ended up killing him 5 or 6 times. Of course I ended up with all the TK's and negative points. That was the only time I've really lost my temper and done something intentionally annoying to someone else in this game.

Last edited by xintegrityx (17 years, 10 months ago)

I really can't think of the worst one
AKA Selkies ftw
Well, I find myself fairly terrible when I hide with the M95 at the airfield on wake and don't let anybody get in the J10 or Z10.
+127|6707|Jesus Land aka Canada
using an the saw and two greandes i get the humvee down to 3 bars of health and me and my buddies get on it and ram it on a friendly tank...and then we punish.

Computer_Guy wrote:

Holding the Havoc on sharqi till the round ends, not killing anyone or having a gunner.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6760|Brisbane, Australia

after some faggot redlined me in the chopper on wake, I c4'ed his chopper like 10 times after he took off...............

Hooray Beer!
+94|6891|United States
I punish for teamkills regardless of whether or not it was an accident... unless I could see what happened and it WAS an obvious accident. Otherwise, fuck um. To me it's funny to see people whine and complain about losing 3 freaking points. So Pathetic. Probably the most smarktard thing I ever did was with a teammate back in the days where you could change squad leaders and keep spawning in on eachother. China... flew to carrier, bailed, and proceeded to sniper-camp the damn thing for the entire round. We would kill two guys then change positions completely, and if one of us died we just changed leader and respawned back. We sat on the carrier for the entire game... the sheer amount of complaints and yelling was hilarious, and it amazed that a full team of 32 idiots couldn't kill 2 snipers on such a secluded place as the carrier. I think we both ended up around 45-50 kills once the map ended.

That, or flashing a full helicopter of teammates on the carrier as they take off and watching them crash into the ocean, and the driver end up getting kicked from a negative score. But that's usually only when I'm drunk...
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

David.Podedworny wrote:

So i stfu and play, Next round starts i'm chinese got my f2000 i'm heading for the heli to take to the carrier and flash the guys waiting for planes, When the top screen says the guy is tk'ing people for the j-10. So i decide to teach him a lesson. As he's taking off i whip out a flash, Nade the runway and blind him. He crashes into a tree i'm laughing my fucken ass off so hard. Then the server freezes and he starts typing. "Allright whoever the fuck did that is getting a perm ban!" He respawns and starts tk'ing again, So i whip out another flash and boom he crashes, Now he's pissed server freezes and he yells "I saw that!" Some guy gets banned for being an asshole!

20 seconds later with my last flashbang i get him again right when he gets in the jet, But this time he takes off and in the air i'm watching him, It's hilarious hes going up and down up and down, Then he just dives down for some reason and tk's a teammate. Now this is the fucken funny part the server freezes and he kicks like 3 people from the opposite team. The other team says wtf why kick? he says they were disrupting gameplay. So i switch to usmc side get another F2000, I join this squad and we take 3 flags, I'm sneak into airfield with my sl and i'm flashbanging the bastard while he's killing him with the sraw.

My sl gets kicked by him i take my sl's kit and kill him with the last round, Boom i'm kicked. Oh well it was fun while it lasted he did'nt get in the air for enough of a time to score anypoints. At the end he had like -30 something. Now please share your stories.
That was great, man! +1!
Mine - probably after waiting for the jet and not getting it, I drive a car in front of the guy who took it. He tk's me and kills himself. I usually don't play that unfairly! Only when I am very pissed off.
Boat sig is not there anymore
Going commander on Wake, and spending the whole round artying the PLA helipad, and not putting up UAVs/dropping supplies (not that it mattered, we didn't have a single flag). The whole round we had chopper whores bitching at me for the artying. I mean, how dumb can you get? What do you expect a commander to do when he sees 5 enemies standing in close proximity to each other?
Next round, I go commander again, and some random on my team has a sad, and tells me to resign. I don't, so he starts to shoot me with his M4. I shoot back with my SRAW, and he gets insta-killed. I just left after that.
+405|6784|A W S M F O X
This dude kept shooting me in J-10 when i was in other one, it was really annoying and he did it before ages ago, so i waited till next round and just TKed, force Tked and flashed the fuck till i got kicked.

In comes mister purpose made account...............and again and again and again and again and again...............on my leaderboard, everytime i log in and hes on ill start off with TKing attack.
+519|6942|Gold coast, Aus.
Spammed assorted asian pop music over the mic as commander, before reading about 30 different ways to make pancakes from a cookbook whilst simultaneously dropping arty on my team, then abusing them for running into and not giving anyone commander assets. Did that for about 5 rounds <3
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6623|The | Netherlands

Jameseyy wrote:

I shoot snipers on my team if they spam claymores on karkand, and I don't revive dead snipers on karkand either. That's about it.
I do that too, but sometimes there are other medics coming so I also have to teamkill them ^^

cowami wrote:

My friend did something even stupider, though. He went on a K&P server, saw the admin sitting in an APC, planted C4 on it, and blew the admin straight to hell. Moments later, the admins says "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?", naturally not looking at the upper left corner of the screen.
I did that once, but i also layed out the rest of my C4 around where the other team was popping their pistols form.
Ended up with 8 C4 kills plus a ban.

Also, get a friend play F2000 and Spec ops on the carrier if you want a chopper or plane.  Make sure FF is off then flash the buggers and blow them off the carrier into the sea.

I think thats it for now, may have to think of some more inventive ways and post the results here...
i c4 stupid teammates on my team but only if ff=0
I don't come here a lot anymore.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Going on a knife and pistol and dropping 500 vehicles, artillery strikes, UAVs falling to the ground, etc.
Do note that not everyone uses commanderhack...
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP

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