Wow, it feels weird knowing that the only pretty much constant thing in my life since I was 5 has ended after almost 14 years. Still I cant wait to get my exams out the way and go about moving on in life.
When does everyone else finish?
iz me!

Just had my R.E exam today, and wrote 14 pages of A4 in 1 hour and 30 minutes. At least i will never have to worry about RE ever again.

I finish school on the 13th of June, then have to come in for 1 more day - 22nd June for my last exam. After that its a 10 week summer holiday before i come back for sixth form.
finished 2 weeks ago.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6636|Gogledd Cymru

last day in yr 12 today, go back for 3 weeks then its year 13 baby
Yeah sixth form was a good laugh. Im not sure whether I'm happy or sad that it is over. Goin to uni in october, so I have a long time off now.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6711|Area 51
In about 1 school year and 6 weeks, and it over for me! Well atleast for school..then you will have to study something else I guess..
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6598|Cambridge, UK

Finished about 15years ago
Say wat!?
My last exam is on June first then i get 4 months off before the start of year 2.
Laughter with an S
+167|6791|Camoran's Paradise
Is no one here going to college?  I got through with high school last year but still have 6 years of college to go.
Stormin' through the party
I have one more day before taking 4 exams on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  Then I will be done high school and moving on to college.  I'm attending The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), not Rutgers.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6673|Milkystania, yurop
3 years ago......
+3,611|6767|London, England
Finishing Sixth Form next week. Then exams in June. Then that's it. If I get good grades then it's a gap year for me and my parents wouldn't say shit, giving myself motivation to get good grades. That and the whole getting into a better university with better grades but the gap year is more important!
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
University is hardly any better...
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6609|Tyne & Wear, England
I finished school five years ago, my last exam was I.T, and I remember how much of a great feeling it was.  Alas I am still in the education system though, at University.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6686|The Lost Highway

LaidBackNinja wrote:

University is hardly any better...
I like College a lot better than High School. But then again, I'm in community, not an actual University.

It's nice being able to go out for a smoke, without having to hide.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha

mKmalfunction wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

University is hardly any better...
I like College a lot better than High School. But then again, I'm in community, not an actual University.

It's nice being able to go out for a smoke, without having to hide.
Lol? I never had to hide in order to go out for a smoke..
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
finnished a year ago, just about finished 1st year I.T. but dunno if I will continue with it, its been long and boring, I can do it and have passed everything so far but im bored to tears in a lot of the subject areas.
finish 6th form next year and well
6th form>compulsory education
but its still fairly naff some (but thankfully not all) teachers still treating you like your 12 and don't know what 2 + 2 is
arrivederci frog
haha i missed the last day

keep in touch man

Aries_37 wrote:

haha i missed the last day

keep in touch man
yeah where the hell where you? I forgot you weren't in until I saw last post by you.

bennisboy wrote:

Wow, it feels weird knowing that the only pretty much constant thing in my life since I was 5 has ended after almost 14 years. Still I cant wait to get my exams out the way and go about moving on in life.
When does everyone else finish?
14 years?

+133|6442|Bloomington Indiana
ive still got...wait...lemme least 5-7 more years to go...
damnit..and im already a senior in college....
this PHD had better be worth it

Schwarzelungen wrote:

ive still got...wait...lemme least 5-7 more years to go...
damnit..and im already a senior in college....
this PHD had better be worth it
It won't be.  I bet you still end up as a prostitute in some border town due to the market dropping out of your job and that nasty double mortgage you pulled on your house and car to pay old college bills.

A week!!!
+133|6442|Bloomington Indiana

Cougar wrote:

Schwarzelungen wrote:

ive still got...wait...lemme least 5-7 more years to go...
damnit..and im already a senior in college....
this PHD had better be worth it
It won't be.  I bet you still end up as a prostitute in some border town due to the market dropping out of your job and that nasty double mortgage you pulled on your house and car to pay old college bills.
haha, yeah

but its that or actually teach high school until i drown in whiskey.  i think id have more fun with a PHD in ed. psych.

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