Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Not really olmost died, but it could have gone wrong.
We were on vacation last summer in Crete, Greece. We rented some scooters and went driving. At one time we were on top of a moutain and decided to do a race.
So I went down the mountain at over 80 Km/h with no helmet, a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt.
Just wonder what I would have looked like if I would have fallen...

Oh, when I was 4 I went to hospital for surgery and got an overdose anaesthtic.

When I was 6 I swallowed a marble and almost sufficated.

When is was 7 I almost drowned in a mud pool.

And quite some other accidents.
Real Хорошо
+826|6562|Adelaide, South Australia


Several years ago, I was almost washed out to sea after going too far out on the beach.

About 4 years ago, I was walking across a strong river in Moree, NSW, when something in the water hit my leg. If i hadn't wedged my foot in the riverbed, Id've fallen over and been washed downriver.
iz me!

I am very lucky i didn't loose my eyesight when I was 14- i got a golf ball in my eye.
And, that would have meant i would have died- because i swear i would have committed suicide if i had lost my sight....
Evil Overlord
1 - Nearly drowned in deep end of pool, lifeguard did not see me so somebody else swimming had to pull me from under the water.
2 - Took very large dose of penicillin after a minor operation not knowing I was allergic, I wasn't able to breath very well so I went outside and then I fell into anaphylactic shock.
+145|6351|Keller, Tx
There was about a 90% chance that I would've died at the WTC on 9/11 if...

I raised the $400 to fly out for my sister's birthday (it's 9/11) and, if I had gone, if the taxi's ran at 4 am to take us to the trains. We would've gotten in to NYC just before the attacks and my mom said their first stop was the WTC.

Kinda weird to think about.

Other than that, nope, never almost died. I've been pretty good at staying away from danger my whole life.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6585|Texas - Bigger than France
I went to a British soccer match once.
turned an MG over in a country lane whilst driving with the top down - the cars upside down with me still in..... and then it  caught fire

got out through the gap where the side window should have been

not a great night all in all

and pug, the quotes from Shrek 2 i think
+23|6625|Anywhere i am needed
when i was 6 i fell down on the ground and where i fell were pieces of glass and one piece went 2inch deep just below my left eye, and i wasnt blinded, but i have a scar under there
+48|6526|P-way, NJ
2 times, both had a severe asthma attacks ><
Almost got taken out to sea >.<
Tank Troll
+71|6732|London, UK
I nearly died while being born and my mom to thats how bad it was :'

Last edited by bullit (2007-05-15 13:14:39)

not yet suprised though cause im a jr firefighter
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6667|Birmingham, UK
Yes, indeed - many times.
Too many to count, really - I have lost track.
Major invasive surgery does that to you!
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

twice. I was born with a disease that should have pwned me, and had a surgery that was near fatal, which i posted about in the "show us your battle wounds" thread.

So, twice I have come to near death, and the reaper seems to be on break during them times. The reaper must be union. what an asshole.
Le fuck?
I was paintballing. It was icy. We were on a hill practically made of nice old trees.
I fall and I slide all the way down, hitting about every tree on the way down.
Concussion, broken leg, and I was bleeding really badly.
Favorite Weapon? Pistol
+29|6713|Everett, WA, US
When I was two or three I was at a park in Idaho.  The park had a baseball diamond.  My uncle was teaching my mom how to bat, but neither of them knew I was standing just behind them.  I was out of view of my dad who was pitching as well.  My dad thew a fast ball, and of course my uncle missed.  The ball clocked me in the head at something like 70mph (I'm guessing).  That wasn't so bad compared to the bat.  The ball and bat pretty much hit me at the same time and I went flying backward a few feet.  I was knocked unconscious and remember waking up momentarily in the back seat of a van.  There was blood in my eyes (at least the one that hadn't swollen shut), so everything had a rosy tint to it.  I blacked out again and woke up in a hospital bed.  The baseball made a huge lump and later a bruise.  It gave me a black eye in my right eye.  The bat gave my a black eye in the left eye and gave me quite a few lacerations too.  It left me with two scars, one above and below my left eye.  It's gives me a great story to pick up chicks though!

Now that I think about it, Idaho is a real death trap for me.  When I was six, I was at my grandmothers house and I had just woken up.  I had been sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor.  Just to goof around, I crawled into my sleeping bag upside down, got up and started hopping around with my brother (I have ADHD just in case you think that sounds incredibly stupid).  I started hopping toward the bed in the room (my bother was sleeping on it) planning on just falling softly onto the bed.  Unfortunately I came up way short and cracked my head on the frame.  It was a metal bed frame so, it was pretty damned hard.  Actually, I was very lucky I missed.  If I had  hopped one more time before falling, I would have broken my neck and crushed my trachea.  Earlier that morning my brother wet the bed (he was four at the time), so the mattress had been removed to be cleaned and dried.  The frame kind of sticks up to hold the mattress in place, so instead of hitting my head on the frame, I would have landed on my neck.

When I was 13, I was towing my brother around on my bike, and he was wearing skates.  My mom came and found us because we hadn't told her we were leaving.  Since we had rope, I thought it would be fun to tie the bike up to the back of the car and have my mom tow us around on it.  It took some coaxing, but I convinced her it would be safe.  My brother got to go first, and then me.  During a strait area she sped up, though better of it, and slowed down.  Unfortunately I was not riding the brake, so I continued to travel faster than her.  Now hitting the back of the car on a bike, not so bad right?  I would have proffered that. I drove over the rope while getting closer to the car.  My mom saw I was getting too close so she sped up to keep me from hitting the car.  The rope snapped up and popped me into a HIGH wheelie.  Nearly vertical.  Then when the rope went taught, I was flung into the air.  I landed right on my chin and broke my jaw.  I was lucky however because I landed right next to my handle bars.  One of them was sticking strait up when I landed and could have, again, broke my next if I was half a foot to the right.

Just last month I was riding my dual-sport with my dad over in East Washington at the sand dunes.  We were riding to the top of a hill (not on sand, this was a rocky area in a tight ravine.  I came to and near that looked like it would just barely let me and my bike through.  It was a very steep little hill and the ravine came into a V at the bottom.  I slowed down to take it, and climbed through the V a little too fast.  When I reached the top, I was still pointing my bike toward the sky, which I thought odd.  I noticed I was falling backward and I thought to myself:  "Okay, your in a bit of a mess here buddy.  You should probably smash the rear brake and let of the throttle."  That seems like a good idea, but I was a little too panicked to follow such slow instructions.  So instead I thought this:  JESUS CHRIST HOLD THE FUCK ON!!!!  I tightened my grip on the handlebars which in turn opened up the throttle completely.  The rear tire flew out from under me and I was tossed five feet down the hill onto some very sharp rocks.  One of the sharper ones (more than a 90 degree corner) nailed me right in the middle of my back.  It didn't hurt.  "That wasn't so bad," I thought.  Then I looked up and saw 350lbs of motorcycle falling down on me.  If a sharp rock pegging my spine didn't hurt, this will.  The bike almost landed on when, but it got stuck at the bottom of the V.  I was stuck under it though, with my thigh up against the exhaust.  I started yelling like a mofo and saw my dad vault over me and my bike.  He attempted to pick the bike off of me, but it started breaking loose from the V and getting tighter.  I told him to stop, and I eventually crawled out with some sever burns and banged up legs.

Now about my near paralization.  The day was REALLY hot.  Something like 92 degrees.  But I had my rain gear with me just in case.  Luckily I stuffed them in my backpack and took em with me.  They probably saved my ass from sitting in a wheelchair the rest of my life.

I think that's all I got.
+60|6701|South West England
This thread is actualy scaring the hell out of me, made me realise I am way to careless sometimes...

In Chronological Order:

1. Born Feet First, extreme complications from what my mum said and there came a point when they had to consider a C section or whatever the hell they call it or i woulda suffocated

2. 4 Years Old, At a water park i was playing on some stupid POS inflatable toys that they chained to the bottom, got caught in the chains and tangled up for about a minute, managed to wriggle free before i drowned though

3. 9 Years Old, On holiday at my Nans villa, i was walking along the side of the pool, slipped on the bloody tiles and fell in but not before cracking my head on the side of the pool, all i remeber from that was everything just going out like a light, then hearing my dad crash in the water and get me out

4. 11 Years Old, Failed Suicide attempt, I did "drown" but for some weird reason which i still cant place, i managed to resurface after what felt like an age and cough what felt like a fucking bucket of water out of my lungs, Hurts like a bitch believe me

5. 14 Years Old, Was walking from the local swimming pool to my dads work cause i had no house key, well my dads garage at the time was across a small motorway type crossroad, was crossing fine, then some big bloody semi came out of nowhere and i had to jump out the way cause the tosser didnt even stop

6. 17 Years Old (Present Year), THIS ONE, i regret the most because i chose to do it knowing that it wasnt worth the risk, I live on the coast and as all coasts do or should have, mine has a sea wall, now naturaly what are these designed to do, stop waves of water, well one friday night out, the waves are coming up hard againest em and smashing these walls like that asshole semi, so my mate decides, wouldnt it be fun to "Wave Dodge" and race across the walk way..... i dunno why i started to run but i did, i caught all kinds of hell as i was timing it so badley and half way through when there was no turning back, and i'm soaked and shaking and can barely stand from fatigue, i run for the nearest stairway, well this is what happened roughly:

Seawall is 10ft height from the walkway, i'm running this walkway and i'm 5ft 11, now a wave hit the wall with me dead in its bullseye and went over the wall but not before smacking me into that damn thing and pulling my feet up from under me, i knew if i went in that water i was dead, so i grabbed onto the walls rocks, fucked up my hands badley and held on for my life, once it passed and i gained my balance i ran to that damn stairway determined not to die and staying near the wall because i knew, its better to get smashed on it and grab it than get, thrown on it and have nothing.

Wasnt till after i realised how stupid it was...

All in all, i feel pretty mortal after looking back at that

BigmacK wrote:

When I was 2, jumping up and down on a rocking chair. I flew across the room, and nailed my head on the corner of our brick fire place.

Took off about 2 inches of brick, 1 1/2 inches ended up inside my head.

Plastic Surgery FTW!
is that why you wear the yellow helmet??
Jet Whore
I fell off a 50 feet slide in a luna park when I was eight. Luckily I fell in the grass on my 2 feet, both feet broken and 4 months in a wheelchair \o/

Last edited by Axon (2007-05-16 04:58:59)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6809|Cambridge (UK)
I nearly burst my appendix - the doctor, surgeon, consultant and just about everybody pretty much said they were surprised I wasn't dead already.

I learnt one thing from that - you go see the doctor when it feels like someone's slicing your belly open with a rusty hacksaw...
+572|6702|BC, Canada
plenty of times...
I got shot up in Karkand by some enemy support troops, luckily... my squad leader called in an artillery strike to clear our path...

Real Хорошо
+826|6562|Adelaide, South Australia

XanKrieger wrote:

This thread is actualy scaring the hell out of me, made me realise I am way to careless sometimes...

In Chronological Order:

1. Born Feet First, extreme complications from what my mum said and there came a point when they had to consider a C section or whatever the hell they call it or i woulda suffocated

2. 4 Years Old, At a water park i was playing on some stupid POS inflatable toys that they chained to the bottom, got caught in the chains and tangled up for about a minute, managed to wriggle free before i drowned though

3. 9 Years Old, On holiday at my Nans villa, i was walking along the side of the pool, slipped on the bloody tiles and fell in but not before cracking my head on the side of the pool, all i remeber from that was everything just going out like a light, then hearing my dad crash in the water and get me out

4. 11 Years Old, Failed Suicide attempt, I did "drown" but for some weird reason which i still cant place, i managed to resurface after what felt like an age and cough what felt like a fucking bucket of water out of my lungs, Hurts like a bitch believe me

5. 14 Years Old, Was walking from the local swimming pool to my dads work cause i had no house key, well my dads garage at the time was across a small motorway type crossroad, was crossing fine, then some big bloody semi came out of nowhere and i had to jump out the way cause the tosser didnt even stop

6. 17 Years Old (Present Year), THIS ONE, i regret the most because i chose to do it knowing that it wasnt worth the risk, I live on the coast and as all coasts do or should have, mine has a sea wall, now naturaly what are these designed to do, stop waves of water, well one friday night out, the waves are coming up hard againest em and smashing these walls like that asshole semi, so my mate decides, wouldnt it be fun to "Wave Dodge" and race across the walk way..... i dunno why i started to run but i did, i caught all kinds of hell as i was timing it so badley and half way through when there was no turning back, and i'm soaked and shaking and can barely stand from fatigue, i run for the nearest stairway, well this is what happened roughly:

Seawall is 10ft height from the walkway, i'm running this walkway and i'm 5ft 11, now a wave hit the wall with me dead in its bullseye and went over the wall but not before smacking me into that damn thing and pulling my feet up from under me, i knew if i went in that water i was dead, so i grabbed onto the walls rocks, fucked up my hands badley and held on for my life, once it passed and i gained my balance i ran to that damn stairway determined not to die and staying near the wall because i knew, its better to get smashed on it and grab it than get, thrown on it and have nothing.

Wasnt till after i realised how stupid it was...

All in all, i feel pretty mortal after looking back at that
Serious: Wow. You are one lucky person to live through all that...
Not serious: Move to the desert, it sounds like you'll be safer there...
+119|6310|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
My bro once strangled me until I passed out, when I woke up i didn't know where I was, it was like a brain re-boot!
"Where am I? What year is this? Who's the president!"

I also got run over once for running out behind a bus. No damage done, except to the psyche of the woman driver, she had to be committed from the trauma of almost killing the world's sexiest guy!
+38|6163|United States
I've been robbed with a gun pointed at my head.

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