
TheGreatTykos wrote:

I'm really tired of the camping...blind nade throwing...tubers.  I played it today for the first time in 2 months and I might not ever play it again.  If I do, it'll only be because it was in the rotation of maps.

Screw Karkand.
Screw Moongamers too.  I used to like that server, now they PROMOTE spawn camping (what's up with that?).

I shall initiate the Karkand boycott.
Stop whining like a bitch and go play a different server/map, it's that easy. Some of us actually really really like Karkand. Ain't that right boys?

imdead wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Boycott Berea, Ohio and move the Browns practice faciltiy to Strongsville.
Haha, didn't they move the Browns once already? At least the Jacobs Field overshadows Paul Brown Stadium and makes it look like a house trailer on blocks. Love that area though! All three stadiums together!
Wish they would move again, bunch of bums.
bad touch

i ahvent seen a good infantry battle @ karkand in months, half their team is lobbing GL over the fences, i see mabye 10 infantry the whole time, its fucking blows
+3|7036|Berea, OH

shspunkrockr wrote:

TheGreatTykos wrote:

I'm really tired of the camping...blind nade throwing...tubers.  I played it today for the first time in 2 months and I might not ever play it again.  If I do, it'll only be because it was in the rotation of maps.

Screw Karkand.
Screw Moongamers too.  I used to like that server, now they PROMOTE spawn camping (what's up with that?).

I shall initiate the Karkand boycott.
Stop whining like a bitch and go play a different server/map, it's that easy. Some of us actually really really like Karkand. Ain't that right boys?
Is it not obvious that I've been playing other maps/servers?  That's the whole point of the thread.  Don't be mad you still are a Karkand-whore.

Well, hopefully, the patch will make Karkand more enjoyable for you. It'll be harder to noob tube and C4 toss. And the bunny hopping and dolphin diving will come to an end. I love Karkand, but then again, I love every map. Each map comes with its own strategy.

Wildbill100372 wrote:

Well, hopefully, the patch will make Karkand more enjoyable for you. It'll be harder to noob tube and C4 toss. And the bunny hopping and dolphin diving will come to an end. I love Karkand, but then again, I love every map. Each map comes with its own strategy.
Do you honestly beleive that stuff will come to an end?  I remember EA saying they fixed the AA in an earlier patch, and well, we all know how that ain't true.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Wildbill100372 wrote:

Well, hopefully, the patch will make Karkand more enjoyable for you. It'll be harder to noob tube and C4 toss. And the bunny hopping and dolphin diving will come to an end. I love Karkand, but then again, I love every map. Each map comes with its own strategy.
Do you honestly beleive that stuff will come to an end?  I remember EA saying they fixed the AA in an earlier patch, and well, we all know how that ain't true.
Well, that's why I said "hopefully."

I know, I just can't even have hope.
i remember the first time i played karkand. I thought it was amazing but over time, i found out that it was a load of bollocks because of the tank whoring and noob launchers.

bollocks = what?
Extra Tender Juicy SPINY
+58|7064|The 70's
Try playing on Karkand only servers and you will see everything worst about the way people play the game, bunnyhopping, dolphindiving, alleycamping, statspadding, nade spamming, noobtubing, i need to go on.
try checking the forums for topics like 'how do i get knife badge' or 'how do i get explosives badge'. The answer is always Karkand. Its a great map which has been raped and exploited to death.
Hard Case
+11|6995|S.E. United States
well Ill put it like this...
if it wasnt for karkand I would quit playing the game.
it pisses me off to no end when I play other maps and Im constantly wiped out by air attack.
speaking of choppers and jets
I have no,and I mean no defense againt them
and its absoulutly no fun to me to be killed by something I have no defense against
atleast at karkand I have a chance to kill some basturds
call me what you will,I dont bunny hop,hate those basturds too
call it boring to play the same map,doesnt matter to me
until I can either figure out a way to defend against jets and choppers
most of my playing time will be at karkand
I like mashuir city as well and generally snipe at sharqi(spellings not right but you get the point)
Aspiring Objectivist
Karkand is my favorite map, great ground war, sure there is spawn killing but if your stupid enuff to spawn in the same spot twice then you deserve it. I like either side as well it has great choke points for both. As for the point whore comment , people make far more points in that blackhawk if they know what their doing, so save the point whoring notes for another map...
It's the air game that ruins most maps , but hopefully with the new patch that will help things a bit.
Long live Karkand!
i quit playing karkand a long time ago

i suspect alot of cs players got lost in bf2 and never played 1942 or bfv. i used to play some stalingrad in desert combat and 1942 and it was cool but these retards that crap on all the vehicle maps calling whore this and whore that prolly never played 1942 dc or bfv and dont know shit about battlefieled in general
I love Karkand. Yeah, it's a great place to get badges/points/ribbons, whatever, but the fun part for me is the stratgey behind all of it. Most of the time you know where people are going to go, well it's your job to stop them. Like the guy earlier said he likes to go up to suburb and cap that flag. Well guess what, I'm usually waiting there with the MEC tank. Most people just think they are slick.
The other thing, again, is there is no air-whoring bomb-dropping sissies.
Over the line!
+70|7062|Mark it zero.
karkand can be fun, but i try not to ever play it. but no matter what server im on, it will always go to karkand. i have a ton more time on karkand than other maps because of how often all servers go to it. i would leave and find another but it takes me like 4 or 5 minutes to join a server so i would rather just continue playing. i still like the map, but its way too overplayed and just about everyone that plays the map just plays to get points and not win.
+0|7013|St.-Petersburg, Russia
More close combat maps... Karkand like "Black hawk down"

Rus_78_Region wrote:

More close combat maps... Karkand like "Black hawk down"
except there are no black hawks, which is good.
+2|7057|Shetland Islands
Karkand is generally a good map to play on, as you are NOT trying to keep one eye on the Sky at all times in dread of those bloody Fighter Bombers that seem immune from reprisal.

But at the same time, I get sick of trying to get anywhere in Karkand when people seem to have developed their own tactics to maximise collatoral damage..

Example.. We need to take the hotel flag back, so I climb the low building next to the hotel, and sprint across landing next to the flag, unfortunatly while I'm capping it my 3 team mates decide that running in front of the hotel and lobbing none stop grenades in there is the best plan, TK city.... I have also seen this with C4 and claymores..

Where did this recent tactic of throwing grenades and explosives EVERYWHERE in Karkand come from?!?

Recently I have had MUCh more fun on Warlord and Ghost Town (altho they need to ditch the Attack Heli's on Ghost town as they over-balance the map).

Maybe Ghost Town will improve IF the 1.2 patch fixes the shite AA emplacements..

But yeah, i agree, Boycott Karkand until this "phase" of Dickhead 'nadespamming behaviour ceases..
+101|6989|Southern California

Jamalen wrote:

Example.. We need to take the hotel flag back, so I climb the low building next to the hotel, and sprint across landing next to the flag, unfortunatly while I'm capping it my 3 team mates decide that running in front of the hotel and lobbing none stop grenades in there is the best plan, TK city.... I have also seen this with C4 and claymores..

Where did this recent tactic of throwing grenades and explosives EVERYWHERE in Karkand come from?!?
You make some good points, Jamalen,  the game play in BF2 has evolved since last June.  What happened is people are using military style team tactics now. BF2 isn't a typical arcade first person shooter and people are realizing it and adjusting their game. "Softening up" an objective before you go in and get killed is a damn good idea. Being in a Squad that moves & fights together helps reduce team kills because you are talking to them on VoIP or Team Speak and can coordinate.

BF2 should be called a "Team Shooter" instead of FPS because it is teams that win the games. Team play (not teamwork score) is the only really important part of the game to me and the only reason I still play, all the rest of that data is just bandwidth and lag.

Let's have fun out there
The Microwave Man
I love Karkand and here are some defense tips for you all . Since your main base has a capturable flag main base defense is essential . No defense , no win .

First off there are usually 2 points you need to protect . The main base that everyone wants to rape and the ( what I call ) pre-rape flag at the suburbs . All you need is 2 defense teams , 3 to 4 troops , for each . For the main base there are 2 things that are good for defense . Blow up the bridge and force the enemy to take the only other way in , the water rout . Put mines in the ally way so they can't go around back . Then just camp and wait .
For the suburbs I like taking the vodnik and using it as a road block . So when an APC or jeep is comming they will make noise shooting at it and alerting you to thier position . Set up antitank mines and just simply set up an ambush . Or camp , what ever . 
Another good tactic is get 2 or 3 anti tank troops and get them up on the high tower . This is good for the jeeps that have made it through the muck and are trying to pass the battle and base rape . This also gives you a chance to take out any tanks as well . Another good thing to do is if you only have one anti tank missle left hang onto it . Just laze the tank and freak him out , don't shoot him just keep his anti tank warning buzzer going and he will be distracted big time .He'll be looking all around , poping smoke instead of concentrating on taking out troops .  Then the likelyhood of Special forces or Engineers taking him out is higher . It's more effective to annoy the tank then to shoot your last round at him . You will give up your position and the tank can back up enough and take you out .
Another tactic that I would love to see everyone do is this . Let the enemy take the first flag . Just let them have it . This way you still have the tower and a high place . You can then spawn rape the hell out of them instead of them spawn raping you . Also you now have everyone in tigh quarters , perfect for artillery drops .
Covering the spawn points is now easier , they are all lined up in a perfect line on both sides . Also enemy tanks will now have a lil more bravery and be out in the open . Take them out with the tow missle in the court yard . It takes a tank out with one well placed shot under the turret .
When you are being spawn raped by the apc or tank at your spawn points ( you know the place ) the first thing you should do is go Anti tank , spawn at the high tower and gang up on them . Get these guys in a cross fire .  Otherwise your troops will be cut down and the tanker will get 20 kills or more .
Sniper teams should cover the side routs and place mines carefully . Take out the enemy snipers first , then medics  .

The only thing is is that defense is alittle boring . Your job is to wait (possibly for ten minutes in some cases ) for that one jeep full of troops that pretty much starts the fall and demise of the MEC team . You have to keep in mind though , I think this level is for the US to win . It's all down to how well the MEC defends . Like I said the main base has a capturable flag . Defend it or you will lose .

Give these tips a try and tell us some good defens stories .

Dirtier than thou
Sharqi Peninsula For T3h Win!!!!11!!1
The Microwave Man
More on defens tips for Karkand :

The main reason people take the suburbs first is that it is high ground . Once the US captures the suburbs they they can jump into the extra vodnick and now have 2 vehicles . The one thing that is so important about the suburbs is that since it's on the high ground you can go to just about anywheres on the map in a short amount of time using the downward slope to gain tremendous speed ,say driving over the bridge in a straight line at high speeds and getting to the main base is a piece of cake . This is why I blow up the bridge . Usually people won't exspect it and might just drive into the water and die . Defense of the suburbs is very important . Now If you have lost to the US for a few rounds in a row even though you gave it your all defending the suburbs try this . Instead of being at the suburbs run across the street as squad leader and find a good hiding spot . There is a wall with a break in it . Get on the other side and camp to provide a constant spawn point for your squad members . Also you will most likely avoid being hit by artillery when the US commander drops artillery on your team defending .

If you are on the MEC team defening the suburbs with a few tropps you have 2 things going for you . Just like I mentioned you have the high ground . If the market or the train accident area is about to be taken you have the advantage of using the high ground . Jump into the vodnick and haul ass  down to either area and quickly take that single troop out trying to cap that flag . Then quickly return to the suburbs . You have to hold the suburbs AND be a strike force to defend closer falgs at the same time . This is the only wat to avoid boring defense lol . The only thing is you take a risk in abandoning the suburbs and bad timing . For the most part you can defend another flag and then come back to the burbs and resume defense . But sometimes while you go out to defend another flag thats about to be capped the suburbs are taken . You gotta be fast and keep your eyes on the radar .

TheGreatTykos wrote:

shspunkrockr wrote:

TheGreatTykos wrote:

I'm really tired of the camping...blind nade throwing...tubers.  I played it today for the first time in 2 months and I might not ever play it again.  If I do, it'll only be because it was in the rotation of maps.

Screw Karkand.
Screw Moongamers too.  I used to like that server, now they PROMOTE spawn camping (what's up with that?).

I shall initiate the Karkand boycott.
Stop whining like a bitch and go play a different server/map, it's that easy. Some of us actually really really like Karkand. Ain't that right boys?
Is it not obvious that I've been playing other maps/servers?  That's the whole point of the thread.  Don't be mad you still are a Karkand-whore.

You really are one whiney bitch, Karkand is my favorite map but I don't play it a lot, as a matter of fact I think something like Wake is funner, and do you really think I would take my sweet time looking at your stats? No.

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