+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
In light of the terror plot in Fort Dix last week where 6 people, 3 of which were illegal aliens, had jobs that allowed them access onto Military Bases (i.e. pizza delivery driver), should illegal immigrants be allowed onto Military Bases?

Does this mean you need a passport or state licence of somesort to go onto a Military Base?  Would this policy be aganinst the civil liberties of illegal aliens?  Will the ACLU sue the American Government to allow illegal immigrants who do no have a criminal record access to Military Bases?
The Lizzard
Should random pizza delivery drivers be allowed on bases at all?
+5,233|6682|Global Command
Should illegal aliens be rounded up and deported?

I thought you need ID to get on a military base ??
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
no if you delivery pizza to fat lazy cant be bothered to check that AK secuirty guards.

Last edited by m3thod (2007-05-14 10:08:25)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The Lizzard
Also, for the record, this would not have been a terrorist attack.
They arent allowed in British bases.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6862|Charlie One Alpha

Bubbalo wrote:

Should random pizza delivery drivers be allowed on bases at all?
I don't know about America, but over here, you can't just walk onto a military base. Not even if you bring pizza. Then again, last time I had forgotten my ID card and still got in, but only because a sergeant I know told the guard it was okay.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
GunSlinger OIF II
fort dix is a shitty reserve base.  thats like sending terrorist to attack your summer vacation house
illegal aliens shouldn't; be allowed on federal land full stop, let alone a military base. well, one exception- if they are being imprisoned there prior to deportion. and as for rights of illegal aliens- they have one right. the right to a ticket home. if they would be tortured at home, then they should have asked for political asylum on arrival. only federal buildings they should be able to go to are UCIS centers, to turn themselves in, following a thorough search, or police stations, again to turn themselves in. ok, they CAN go to hospital to get emergency care, as long as they pay.
GunSlinger OIF II
and also...its the Federal friggin government that hires illegals to perform construction at bases.   take a look at pendleton, how many citizens built that place up?
+5,233|6682|Global Command

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

and also...its the Federal friggin government that hires illegals to perform construction at bases.   take a look at pendleton, how many citizens built that place up?
Which is of course, the biggest aspect of any illegal alien topic; the abject failure of the U.S. government.
I will totally discourage my son from serving unless there is a radical refocusing of our priorities.

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