Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion get that damn picture of my flat mate out of your bloody sig. Its so anoying seeing his face every five seconds.
lol, does he look like him or something? I shrunk it down at least. Originally it was 250 pix high.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion get that damn picture of my flat mate out of your bloody sig. Its so anoying seeing his face every five seconds.
lol, does he look like him or something? I shrunk it down at least. Originally it was 250 pix high.
While there's this brief of topic discussion who the hell is it in your sig?  it's been bugging me

ATG wrote:

This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.
no, it is not. (im a muslim in london, just so you know)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

crimson_grunt wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion get that damn picture of my flat mate out of your bloody sig. Its so anoying seeing his face every five seconds.
lol, does he look like him or something? I shrunk it down at least. Originally it was 250 pix high.
While there's this brief of topic discussion who the hell is it in your sig?  it's been bugging me
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

Kmarion wrote:
Thank you.  Let the debate/arguing/flames/etc recommence
I think we should resurrect Charles Martel, cause he saved Europe from 'Islamisation' back in the 1th century AD. Heres a little info on him.

+5,233|6839|Global Command

Charles Martel the Hammer/
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ATG wrote:


Charles Martel the Hammer/
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Here ya go

Btw i agree we need another charles martel maybe another leonidus? Or a combination of the both?

*Ahmadinejad's Diplomat*
All The President Asks is an agreement to develop Nuclear Technology. As a token of submission to his

*Our Hero*
Nuclear technology? You'll find plenty of it in there!

*Ahmadinejad's Diplomat*
This is Blasphemy European! This is Madness!

*Our Hero*
Madness? This Is EUROPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! (Major non english way of saying europe)

*Kicking Diplomat in the Chest into a Nuclear waste tank*

*Music Playing*

*Our Hero*
Tonight we kill them All!

Damn we need someone like that right now.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-04-17 20:50:51)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

ATG wrote:

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Rather than start a new topic I'm putting this new story in here.

Four UK men plead guilty on terror-related charge.

This is where it belongs.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Kmarion wrote:

Rather than start a new topic I'm putting this new story in here.

Four UK men plead guilty on terror-related charge.

This is where it belongs.
Good.  Let the law deal with them as it should be.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Does nobody else see the similarity between the anti Jewish rhetoric in the run up to WWII and the anti-Muslim rhetoric being spouted out now? Hitler said the Jews were evil, not to be trusted and wanted to take control of the world ...exactly what is being said about Muslims now. Hitler managed to sell the idea to the nation of Germany, I didn't think the same thing would be possible in the modern age but we've already seen one Middle Eastern country invaded and there's now speculation on a possible invasion of Iran.

Islamic extremists don't exactly help the image of the Muslim world but they only account for a small percentage, the entire Muslim population of earth can't be tarred with the one brush.
. . .

Braddock wrote:

Does nobody else see the similarity between the anti Jewish rhetoric in the run up to WWII and the anti-Muslim rhetoric being spouted out now? Hitler said the Jews were evil, not to be trusted and wanted to take control of the world ...exactly what is being said about Muslims now. Hitler managed to sell the idea to the nation of Germany, I didn't think the same thing would be possible in the modern age but we've already seen one Middle Eastern country invaded and there's now speculation on a possible invasion of Iran.

Islamic extremists don't exactly help the image of the Muslim world but they only account for a small percentage, the entire Muslim population of earth can't be tarred with the one brush.
Yep... Serge even made a thread about it.

The West and Islamophobia: the New Anti-Semitism? ::

sergeriver wrote:

Everyday we read about the problems in the Middle East, the fight between Israel and Arab Nations, the massive immigration from Muslim countries to Europe, etc.  And the generalized feeling in the West towards Islam is that it's a Religion of terrorism, and that we should fear all the Muslims.  At least a lot of people think this way, and this general feeling about the Muslim community draws a parallel to the anti-Semitism that was prevelant in the Nazi Germany upto the Holocaust.  Are Muslims becoming the new Jews?  Is this kind of stereotype, particularly vilification in the media, making Muslims the new scapegoats?  What do you think?

Last edited by topal63 (2007-04-25 14:20:49)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
i would say we have enough to be worried. and we have been incredibly lax the last 20 years.

the security services estimate 16,000 are involved in terrorist activities. that they know about. out of the 2 1/2 million Muslims in the UK, not alot but enough.

the head of the Muslim council which advises the government was a leader of Hamas, this is ignored. this moderate muslim council has even asked for shira law in britain. shocking imo.

there have been calls since serbia for john major to be killed, we have allowed known members of organisations  to both operate and live in the UK. even when the rest of europe has banned such activitys we have allowed them to be continued and for it to be still legal to be part of those organizations.

we are afraid to counter such actions as it has been linked in the media and in the politicians minds to multiculturalism (something i didnt know, 300 languages are spoken in london, with 30% of the city not been born in the UK, truly a multicultural city), however this inaction on the actual issue annoys both moderate muslims and the general majority. thus the rise of the BNP in some areas.

this terror is paralyzing to british politics, until the taboo is broken we simply might as well fold to our safety.
The Microwave Man

Drakef wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
So 0.0001% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world can't cause a lot of trouble for the world huh? Ever here of 9/11 ? The bombing of Bali where 200 people were blown to pieces? How about the theater in Russia? How about the USS Cole? How about Both US embassies blown up in Tanzania? How about the 1993 bombing of the world trade center? How about Spain train bombing? How about the small "absolutely minuscule minority of crack pots " that have killed over 3,000 US troops in Iraq? Minuscule huh? All it takes is one asshole like this idiot to influence one/two kids stupid enough to pull of a suicide bombing in the right place at the right time and it could be the start of ww3. That's how WW2 started. Same could happen today.

You over rate yourself.
I love the part where you try to scare everyone.

CameronPoe did not say that "0.0001% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world can't cause a lot of trouble". He said that the "world is not ending." Clearly, he means to express that the fear over radical Islamists is unfounded, one that you clearly subscribe to. Yes, we all understand that there have been a number of incidents, but they are nothing compared to the Second World War, which seems to be another way of putting fear into people. However, you seem to count every violent Muslim as radical, even those who may be fighting for a nationalist cause, a free nation, such as Cechnyans, Basques and Iraqis. Truly, are they a threat to the world, or merely trying to fight for their country, as many Christian peoples, such as Americans, Irish, and Scottish have done? They will do no harm if their country is given to them.

We all get it; there are radical Islamists that are a threat to world peace, beyond their borders. They are attempting violent attacks. But you greatly overestimate them. Absolutely, they are the "minuscule minority of crack pots", and they have done some damage, but they are hardly responsible for beginning a trend that may lead to World War III. They are a tiny minority in their own countries, that do damage to Western interests in the Middle East, because they have many reasons: United States bombed their house, United States in on their holy land, etc. They are not mindless killing machines, nor are they a true threat to democracy and the West. You name some incidents, but there are hardly any more, especially in the West. Radical Islam is not another Hitler, nor another way to World War III. Desist with that fearmongering.

We hardly endorse a truce with radical Islam, but it is no reason to begin wars or suspend civil rights. The latter is a result of terrorism- If they truly "hate freedom", as so many have said (because obviously they hate freedom for no particular reason), then they have accomplished something when Western politicians start suspending civil rights. An effective way to combat radical Islam is to end the means of radical Islam, especially in the West. Even radicals will have less reason to travel to attack a country thousands of kilometres away if their home nations are free of Western influence. To carry out attacks in the West is something of a logistical nightmare, I can imagine, and would have little sense to do so if we do nothing to aggravate them. Equally so, they are international criminals, and should be brought to justice.
Well here we are many, many months later and Islamic Radicals, that live about 1 mile from my home, have plans to kill as many soldiers as they can at FT.DIX , where I work . And you say my fear is "unfounded".
So terrorists that live within a mile from me willing to ATTACK the PLACE I WORK is - unfounded. S-T-F-U.

tahadar wrote:

ATG wrote:

This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.
no, it is not. (im a muslim in london, just so you know)
Well, I hate to break it to you, but for all I know, you're pretending to be something you're not, or you're not something you really are.
I don't disbelieve you, but I don't believe you.
Simply because I'm not going to change my opinion or ideas because you claim something personal. As it is, the Muslims in england, 33% of them openly endorsed the Subway bombings. I have a feeling something bad's going to happen.

And thats not me spreading paranoia. Socialism has its prices.
Say wat!?
care to back up your claim?

I dont know a single Muslim that endorses them. And i know quite alot of Muslims.
The Lizzard

The_Mac wrote:

Socialism has its prices.
This has what to do with economic policy?
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

The_Mac wrote:

tahadar wrote:

ATG wrote:

This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.
no, it is not. (im a muslim in london, just so you know)
Well, I hate to break it to you, but for all I know, you're pretending to be something you're not, or you're not something you really are.
I don't disbelieve you, but I don't believe you.
Simply because I'm not going to change my opinion or ideas because you claim something personal. As it is, the Muslims in england, 33% of them openly endorsed the Subway bombings. I have a feeling something bad's going to happen.

And thats not me spreading paranoia. Socialism has its prices.
I don't think Socialism has anything to do with this.  Immigrants having a harder time to find work probably does though....

Bubbalo wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

Socialism has its prices.
This has what to do with economic policy?
If Europe hadn't become Socialist, they wouldn't have had to ship all the Arabs over, thus avoiding, to some extent, the problems we have now.
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

The_Mac wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

Socialism has its prices.
This has what to do with economic policy?
If Europe hadn't become Socialist, they wouldn't have had to ship all the Arabs over, thus avoiding, to some extent, the problems we have now.
Europe needs immigration for the same reason we do.  Their "native" population is aging out, while the Third World is still pumping out babies (and thus young workers as well) like there's no tomorrow.

First World countries need immigration, plain and simple.  It's not specifically a socialism thing.

Turquoise wrote:

First World countries need immigration, plain and simple.  It's not specifically a socialism thing.
Socialism naturally lowers the economy, due to governmental interferences with just about everything relating to money. The Economy has a reasonable flex over the birthrate, for civilized countries. When Europe no longer had a sufficient amount of youth to support their old, they had to haul in the Arabs from the Middle East.
Because Socialism was introduced, Arabs were too.
Cheeseburger Logicist

The_Mac wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

First World countries need immigration, plain and simple.  It's not specifically a socialism thing.
Socialism naturally lowers the economy, due to governmental interferences with just about everything relating to money. The Economy has a reasonable flex over the birthrate, for civilized countries. When Europe no longer had a sufficient amount of youth to support their old, they had to haul in the Arabs from the Middle East.
Because Socialism was introduced, Arabs were too.
The birth rate has also dropped significantly in the United States and Canada, and indeed, amongst all first world nations. You can't sit there and honestly believe that it is all attributed to socialism when it is clearly related to common first world societies. Yes, we get it, you don't like socialism and liberals, but this is a bit of a stretch.

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