+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
okay so i was on mashtuur sniping from the hotel roof got about 40-50 points to see some guy say "oh no like you do snipe" i told him at least i killed him so he tells me this "yeh but sniping kills dont count"!so next round karkand and im minding my own buisness being medic to hear a differant person shout out MEDIC WHORE!

so which kit do you look down if you get killed by them?medic assault or sniper?

i searched and just want some reasonable answers not something along the lines of YOU CANT POST,ITS ILLEGAL!

Last edited by jord (2006-01-21 03:29:59)

+383|6866|The Netherlands
I dont really look down on kits, all kits have their own purpose and if someone manages to kill me, they are just lucky and i wasnt...
I only look down on it a bit if I get toobed from 3 feet. I think "medic whore" is an absolutely ridiculous statement. If it's so easy to get points as a medic, play it then and don't bitch!! Never heard that sniper kill thingh though.
Forklift Whore
+67|6913|Canader , eh?
i dont like the AT kit...the MP5 sucks (so does the DAO-12)and the rockets dont do shit to tanks...
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

^ in for some deep deep shit
Scottish Moderator!!!
only time I look down on a kit is it a medic is being a proppa medic whore, im all up for the medics doin there job but not when theres enemy troops next to you, or a big tank that you know when you get revived he's gona blow u to shit AGAIN. same goes with being revived in a arty strike, u know ur just gona die again an the medics just walk off with there whoring points
It's actually one of these things when ur game goes poorly and you want to blame others for ur own i do

wayneakagod wrote:

I only look down on it a bit if I get toobed from 3 feet. I think "medic whore" is an absolutely ridiculous statement. If it's so easy to get points as a medic, play it then and don't bitch!! Never heard that sniper kill thingh though.
^ I agree. I think the kits are well balanced. I dont agree with the term 'medic whoring' cause in this type of game, people ARE going to need to be revived. That just gives the kit a little edge over the others in terms of team points. And frankly, i dont care about the other guy getting points for helping me live and not get a death added to my stats. The guy who helps me out deserves those points.
About the "medic whore" thing... I find it strange that no-one says that when they get revived too many times by the same team mate, but they will complain about the person earning points for spending time preventing that first bastard from LOSING THEIRS.. >_>
I agree with you guys about the medic whoring being a load of shit, but it can be frustrating when your revived for the third time to see the enemy engineer has yet to remove the Jackhammer from your eye and BAM dead again!

I always feel real stupid when i revive someone and they die instantly, so sorry about that guys!!

(Think you could have been one of my revive victims yesterday Wayneakagod, sorry dude!)
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6831|Espoo, Finland
It's so stupid when people start shouting stuff like "MEDIC WHORE!!!111!" if you play medic and revive your team mates (saving tickets), I'm also tired of hearing the tank whore and chopper whore shit!

The best I've heard yet was the UNCLOCK WHORE...
Man did I laugh hard!

Ehm... Back to topic.
I always look down to the clas which I'm playing at the moment

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-01-21 04:34:37)

My way or Haddaway!
+212|6831|Espoo, Finland

Jepeto87 wrote:

I agree with you guys about the medic whoring being a load of shit, but it can be frustrating when your revived for the third time to see the enemy engineer has yet to remove the Jackhammer from your eye and BAM dead again!

I always feel real stupid when i revive someone and they die instantly, so sorry about that guys!!

(Think you could have been one of my revive victims yesterday Wayneakagod, sorry dude!)
What is wrong with trying to revive a team mate if you your self are not in danger?
Everytime you manage to reive that team mate and get him to safety you save tickets!
No matter if you have to revive him for 3 times, it still helps your team!
+98|6885|netherlands, sweet lake city
whaha  i think snipekills are the  more hounerable kills  because you atleast got to aim befor  you shoot
but i just dont look down on kits  i mean if you dont like the kits go play some other game and dont bother
I don't look down on any kit, they all serve a purpose. What really upsets me though is them bullet whores, you know, the guys that use bullets to kill you (humour) . Seriously though, if you get a decent squad together and a decent mix of kits within that squad, then they can be ustoppable. The only people that then call you a whore or say your kills dount count, are the ones that die over and over again.

As for Medics, yes it's true some do it purely for points, but others take great care and huge amount of courage to do what they do, and for that, they have my respect (within game).

=RDG=[N.B]canadiannnn says "i dont like the AT kit...the MP5 sucks (so does the DAO-12)and the rockets dont do shit to tanks..."

The AT kit is great, agreed you have to risk your life eveytime you poke your head around the corner, but just yesterday, I took out an already smoking apc that was taking our last CP... that was their fault though, when there's a flashing red line, it's time for repair.

The DAO-12 is worthless at distance and can be pretty crap against bunnies, but up close and personal, it'll take out at least three if they're grouped together..... MP5, I think I've used it once, and you're right, it sucks
Rockets are great against tanks, it's all about stealth and guile.... I love running rings around tanks and fire off the odd rocket to let them know I'm still about.... C4 is best though, 2 packs = outright kill
Scottish Moderator!!!
i dont mind medics, just dont like the ones that revive you when they know your gona get killd as soon as they revive you (which in-turn loses another ticked because you both get killd, especialy happens on karkand. its good to go in a squad with clan matea an work in a squad where someone goes medic an u can use VOIP an tell them to wait b4 they revive you so they dont lose there life to
I dont look down upon any of the kits in Battlefield 2, because I expect the player behind the kit to be well seasoned in the tactics they should apply when equiping that kit & how to use all of the tools they have been given in the kit to there maximum potential. I dont look down upon a kit, I look down upon the person using the kit. E.G. Those people who use the assault kit & are unaware of there being any othe weapon in the kit apart from the grenade launcher or A medic who uses the kits gun but not the medic bags.

Use it responsibly, Keep Fighting, Never Give up & Dont let the Team Down

Last edited by -=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon (2006-01-21 04:55:21)

+0|6940|Copenhagen, Denmark
I hate engineers. They run around with fucking wrenches all the time and fix everything. Fucking wrench whores

Last edited by madsmao (2006-01-21 04:56:08)

+3|6841|London, UK
I don't think any of the kits are unfairly weighted. (Well, actually, I think the anti-tank kit is underweighted. Wearing the AT kit is, in my opinion, an act of desperation.) I think the game is pretty nicely balanced, overall, and I don't feel cheated regardless of which kit disintegrates my avatar. Even a UGL shot close range seems fair enough to me. (He only gets a few of those shots, and at close range he's likely to finish himself off at the same time.)

I just wish they'd fix the frustrating bugs. I've got graphics glitches, such as text not appearing, and weird red blobs appearing all over the minimap, and the edge-handling is maddening. (You know, when you lean against a balcony, or sandbag, or kerb, and begin to vibrate, slide along it, or get stuck to it.) That (along with the disk thrashing on my old machine) is what ruins the game for me.
+0|6882|Almere, Holland

=RDG=[N.B]canadiannnn wrote:

i dont like the AT kit...the MP5 sucks (so does the DAO-12)and the rockets dont do shit to tanks...
I look down on that frikkin AT kit.. though the DAO-12 is cool.. but when you take out an tank it takes u 3 rockets and only gives u 2 points or 4 points :S like WTF is that for useless shit I think I should be a hit a point and when u kill him the normal  2 or 4 points..

Gawwad wrote:

Jepeto87 wrote:

I agree with you guys about the medic whoring being a load of shit, but it can be frustrating when your revived for the third time to see the enemy engineer has yet to remove the Jackhammer from your eye and BAM dead again!

I always feel real stupid when i revive someone and they die instantly, so sorry about that guys!!

(Think you could have been one of my revive victims yesterday Wayneakagod, sorry dude!)
What is wrong with trying to revive a team mate if you your self are not in danger?
Everytime you manage to reive that team mate and get him to safety you save tickets!
No matter if you have to revive him for 3 times, it still helps your team!
Yeah I agree with you and I do revive people, im just saying that it can be annoying if the dead person cant make it to safety and is killed again!

I play medic all the time and I think there probally the most valuable player (especially with the new G36!) its just that I can understand people who get pissed off at medics!
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|6991|United Kingdom
anyone who kills me with a G3, i hate that thing more than the nade launcher
i think its a pos gun and cant hit shit with it

that aside i know people that are good with it so it evens out.
Pope Picard II

AT has got to have the worst default weapon. The Dao12 makes it my second favorite kit behind medic though. The AT missle is great, sniping, armor, it does it all, and the Dao12 with your pistol will make short work of anything you come across. I have to disagree that the AT kit totally sucks once you unlock this weapon. The Dao12 has to be the single most powerful upgrade from a default weapon in the game.

As for a kit to shit on, I would have to say engineer only based on the team killing mine scenario, and the lack of repair points. The pump shotty is fun as hell, the jackhammer, meh not as good as the Dao12. The Mp7 is a decent compromise, you can take down 1~2 enemies, but no more, the clip size stinks too much. I play engineer a decent amount, but its sad that they really get a short straw in this game. I guess it's karma for BF1 and DC.


As for the minithread about medic reviving:

The funniest thing about people complaining about medics reviving instead of killing enemies first, is that the majority of the time, you don't know where they got shot from early enough. By the time you even get close to your fallen teammate (you always have to run over), your teammate has a few seconds left to despawn. You can:

a) let your teammate despawn and now its 1v ??? enemies you don't know where they are and they saw you haul ass into open ground and now you are alone with low sprint bar too. Basically you're on your own and at a disadvantage, even if you saw where your enemies are, the majority of the time they saw you first.

b) run towards your teammate, jump, throw out med bags during the run, dive and prone shock the sucker alive, and hop back up and fire back. Then it is 2v??? enemies and as long as you toss some med bags out for your fight you'll come out ok. If you die, and your teammate lives, he takes your kit and zaps you up. If he dies again, zap him up - don't try to dual it out solo. You are a medic with no armor, basically the med bags on the ground = your armor, you need to keep them out right under you.

The extra target (your revived teammate) gives your enemies something to shoot at, yet both of you can shoot back. The main problem people have with med whores, is they are not ready to haul ass when they are about to get revived. They get revived and are busy choosing a new spawn/kit whatever, or are just plain stupid. Yes theres time's when you will get revived 3 in a row and shot by a tank. Yes this is annoying. The number of times this happens compared to the number of times you can get away pales in comparison.

Also, I'm greatful if another medic ever gets me back up, because you don't get that death, and you have another crack at your enemy. It's a rare situation that people die consecutively anyway, you should be greatful to get shocked up at all - but it is hard to find people who do it at the right time.

On a side note, yes if someone is unloading from the otherside of a sandbag 10 feet away and you run over to zap up a teammate, you ought to shoot that guy first. Yes sometimes people die right in front of you so you have more time, and yes there are times when its not a good idea to zap someone up, but these are rare situations, you have to use your judgement instead of the 2point whore mindset.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-01-21 11:05:53)

toobed from a foot a way once no biggie twice ok 3 4 5 times a round gets to be a bit anoying. When you have full health and you turn a corner some jumps in the air and kills you both is a bit funny yet anoying. being rezed and killed a bunch of times a match does suck only cause it resets your timer and sometimes you would just rather spawn some where else.. but i cant blame the medic he's only trying to help. snipers tight. when you get hit down to about nother and have no clue where the shot came from. you point in the direction it hit you and see nothing makes you think oh shit.
+8|6831|The Lemur's Den
I hate sniper.  Every kit has it's purpose but I don't like playing the kit and I don't like getting picked off by them.  I will change my focus in a round if I see a sniper scumbellying around. 

Last night I was playing Sharqi.  The flags were fairly dynamic so we were constantly on the move around the map capping flags.  A guy in my sqaud got picked off by a sniper.  He managed to point him out though.  I stopped what I was doing and smoked that snake.  Got my first knife kill on a sniper last night.  Later on in the same round, I was in a T-90 rolling out of the MEC base.  A teammate typed "sniper on the crane".  I rolled right up to the top of the hill at the sandbagged flag and scanned the top.  aaaahhh... there he is.  he managed to take some cover when he saw the tank shell coming but after some fine tuning, managed to blow him sky high.  So you could say that I sniped the sniper.  But my gun was bigger.

IMHO, snipers in game are cowards and typically do not influence the outcome.  They're just pests.  They kill from long distance and seldom try to cap flags.  They're afraid to get involved in the action. 

I don't enjoy playing the kit because I want to be in the middle of a scrum and my Kill to Death shows it.  I can't stand laying on my belly waiting for targets.  I'd rather take my gun to them and take back the flag instead of dicking around at the top of some hill.

flame me if you want but my opinion isn't gonna change.  sniper is just not fun to me.

Last edited by crotchlemur (2006-01-21 12:41:42)

+76|6922|Antwerp, Flanders

Gawwad wrote:

Jepeto87 wrote:

I agree with you guys about the medic whoring being a load of shit, but it can be frustrating when your revived for the third time to see the enemy engineer has yet to remove the Jackhammer from your eye and BAM dead again!

I always feel real stupid when i revive someone and they die instantly, so sorry about that guys!!

(Think you could have been one of my revive victims yesterday Wayneakagod, sorry dude!)
What is wrong with trying to revive a team mate if you your self are not in danger?
Everytime you manage to reive that team mate and get him to safety you save tickets!
No matter if you have to revive him for 3 times, it still helps your team!
Is that blade in your userbar double edged?

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