
Can we stop calling it BF2 : Vanilla?

Yes27%27% - 60
No38%38% - 86
I Don't Care32%32% - 73
I Have A Better One: (please explain)1%1% - 3
Total: 222
Save's UR @$$
+1|6900|Somewhere in NYC
It sounds ghey. Regular BF2 sounds better IMO.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6899|Houston, TX
Just wait till we have to deal with BF:EF Sorbet. 

But vanilla is tasty
Vanilla? what the hell where you guys get this stuff from? Who the fuck calls BF2, "vanilla" and why?!
+24|6842|Computer Chair
I never understood why people called it that?
Renaissance Soldier
+2|6932|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Vanilla is considered to be a classic, but bland flavoring. With SF coming out offering a new flavor of Battlefield 2 play, there were a few who started calling the original release "vanilla" and it stuck.

I don't really mind the term, it is just kind there and isn't really offensive - similarly part of the community is the overused and slightly offensive term n00b tube. It is used widely enough that it is truly a part of the community, unlike C4 "sandwich" where only those obsessed with throwing them call it that.

Last edited by Gilgalad (2006-01-20 08:30:01)

The Last Man Standing
Im a little confused about where it came from as well, I mean I dont mind, but why not just leave it at "BF2" rather than adding vanilla?
+34|6902|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
yea me 2 were u guys get this stuff?
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6909|The Netherlands
BF2= Vanilla
SF= Pudding
Euro forces= Itallian Ice cream
armored Fury= Greek Yogurt

The term "vanilla" has been used to describe un-modded versions of games for some time, at least as far back as BF42. I've seen it used for other games as well, such as UT.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_%2 … r_games%29
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p … 7809#57809

I suspect the slang will be around for awhile, but I don't much care either way. Any word's as good as the next as long as we all know what we're talking about.
Got milk?

fdcp_elmo wrote:

BF2= Vanilla
SF= Pudding
Euro forces= Itallian Ice cream
armored Fury= Greek Yogurt

Where is potatoes?
hahahah well i feel enlightened thanks but got another question...............armoured fury is that a new booster pack or something? lol I'll stick to vanilla, pudding sucks
+59|6891|The land of Hookers and pod

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

fdcp_elmo wrote:

BF2= Vanilla
SF= Pudding
Euro forces= Itallian Ice cream
armored Fury= Greek Yogurt

Where is potatoes?
In the next add-on: Battlefield 2: Mars Force = Fried Potatoes.
I think calling it Vanilla is racist. i see, beacuse it's plain, it's got to be vanilla (white) now? Racist bastards, why not call it BF:Lame Honky.

I'm kidding, I don't care what you call it.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6909|The Netherlands

MarkyMark wrote:

hahahah well i feel enlightened thanks but got another question...............armoured fury is that a new booster pack or something? lol I'll stick to vanilla, pudding sucks
yup it is the 2nd booster pack.
you fight in the USA with a lot of armored vehicles.

http://planetbattlefield.gamespy.com/fullstory.php?id=22154 wrote:

Battlefield 2: Armored Fury will add three new maps, all set in the rural heartland of America where the US forces defend their homeland from Chinese and MEC forces. This Booster Pack will also introduce two new vehicle classes: Attack Jets with the ability to use rocket pods and cluster bombs, and agile Scout Choppers which will reveal nearby enemies. "Midnight Sun" takes place on the Alaskan border, where Chinese forces make landfall. "Operation Harvest" will take the player to the vast open plains of Pennsylvania where only the expert use of air and armor will assure victory. "Operation Road Rage" sees all-out tank warfare on the freeways of America.

Last edited by fdcp_elmo (2006-01-20 09:07:34)


s4vior6 wrote:

It sounds ghey. Regular BF2 sounds better IMO.
But not as gay as the term g-h-e-y when you mean "gay"!  Only kiddding but I do prefer ther term "Vanilla" to people who use the term "pwned".  I mean exactly how hard is it to spell the word "owned"?  Oh sorry, just because some programmer spelled it wrong on some game donkey years ago, it must be funny....

Last edited by EstebanRey (2006-01-20 09:12:26)

LOL ah ok, I think I get it all now just know one poke me, I'm full of knowledge. Anyone else here hate goddam Geocities and there goddam bandwidth, they'd get faeces brown as a colour if I cam up with a witty colour abbrvation for their updates! GIMME MY SIG BACK YOU YAHOO POS!
+19|6917|Florida - America's Wang!

s4vior6 wrote:

Regular BF2 sounds better IMO.
yeah, what's wrong with just "BF2"?

BF2, SF, EF (Euro Force), AF (Armored Fury). It doesn't need another name, the acronym works just fine.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6909|The Netherlands
nah we make a food name for every game
+9|6992|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
isnt it just bf2 and bfsf????....who invented vanilla anyways?

Nemesis-SBS- wrote:

isnt it just bf2 and bfsf????....who invented vanilla anyways?
Lol we went over this earlier. Someone named previous original un modified games vanilla due to their unadulterated nature compared to that of expansions etc. and it jsut kinda stuck, much like n00b tube and pwnd
Ice Ice Baby ..............
In other news, Mayor Ray Nagin has asked EA to develop "BF2:Chocolate".  This new version of the popular Battlefield series would place National Guard troops in a flooded US city up against angry residents and south florida hoodlums (rebels?) that had travelled to the area to lay claim to the area.  EA CEO LAwrence F Probst stated, "Nagin presented a number of truly unique arguments for the sequal, however, the most enticing was when he proclaimed 'this is the way God wants it.'"
+19|6902|Valencia, California
When all else fails, check the Wiki.....   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_%2 … guation%29

72Wolf- wrote:

In other news, Mayor Ray Nagin has asked EA to develop "BF2:Chocolate".  This new version of the popular Battlefield series would place National Guard troops in a flooded US city up against angry residents and south florida hoodlums (rebels?) that had travelled to the area to lay claim to the area.  EA CEO LAwrence F Probst stated, "Nagin presented a number of truly unique arguments for the sequal, however, the most enticing was when he proclaimed 'this is the way God wants it.'"
LMAO I think I just weed a little

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