
Is cloning of human beings a natural way of giving life to someone?

Cloning is natural16%16% - 17
Cloning is not natural83%83% - 86
Total: 103
+129|7037|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Natural implies no scientific interference is required in the process.  Cloning is entirely a scientific endeavor.  Therefore, cloning is not natural.

It's cool that we cloned some sheep and what not, but I don't think we should really be trying to do this to ourselves.  There's something just not quite right about it.
Grow up, or die

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

thareaper254 wrote:

I don't think cloning humans should be legal, but I do think that cloning organs should be legal because people with bad organs could get them replaced if they could be cloned. Which could make people live longer.
The Island.
That is a good movie.
+127|6665|Twyford, UK

Anfidurl wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Cloning is not natural. We've had to invent it, thus it can't be.

Also, I believe cloning is just asking for trouble.
Go study Biology, noob.
Cloning is used by single celled organisms in our digestive tract, without the symbiosis with said organisms we would not be alive. Hence CLONING IS NATURAL.
But not of humans, moron. Maybe if you actually read the damn thread title and my later post, you'd see.

Teeksy90 wrote:

(sex for those of you who didn't know)
Wtf is sex?
16 more years
+877|6845|South Florida
Well. Your question may seem like theres only 1 answer. But listen to my take on it.

God is fake
Evolution is natural
The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

The end.
15 more years! 15 more years!
. . .
Cloning is utterly natural, as it occurs in nature all the time. At the celular level and even at the multi-cellular level. Many cells are a clone (copy) of another cell - this is beyond commonplace. Also some complex organisms do not reproduce by sexual reproduction and thus the next generation is a copy of the previous.

It is not necessary that humans must reproduce by sexual reproduction, it is just the way it is, but it is not prohibited by nature (and it occurs in nature).

http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/expedit … ds.html?50

Last edited by topal63 (2007-05-03 14:21:21)

Superior lord

stkhoplite wrote:

Teeksy90 wrote:

(sex for those of you who didn't know)
Wtf is sex?
I'll let wikipedia explain it to you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex
I eat noobs for breakfast
Stupid question. It's not natural. period.
Grow up, or die

officer_matt wrote:

Stupid question. It's not natural. period.
How about try explaining why not?
+1,230|7163|Alberta, Canada

I'd rather bang the chick than get all scientific and start using microscopes.
Simple test: clone yourself right now.  You can even use another female to help.  Aww, can't do it? Then it must not be natural.

Cloning is natural but not by human beings.

Some organisms reproduce by cloning themselves.  They don't require any other organisms to help.  They simply split and clone themselves.  Now Human beings reproduce by using a bi-gender method.  It takes a male and a female to copulate to produce offspring.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well. Your question may seem like theres only 1 answer. But listen to my take on it.

God is fake
Evolution is natural
The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

The end.
Your take on it is contradictory to your first line "God is fake."  The knowledge gained through evolution caused men to naturally write about god in a book; therefore, by your theories god is natural.
Or it could just be the other way around and your first line, "God is fake" is actually true and the rest of your lines are false.

Aristotle’s law of noncontradiction states that “One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
Grow up, or die

jgrahl wrote:

Simple test: clone yourself right now.  You can even use another female to help.  Aww, can't do it? Then it must not be natural.

Cloning is natural but not by human beings.

Some organisms reproduce by cloning themselves.  They don't require any other organisms to help.  They simply split and clone themselves.  Now Human beings reproduce by using a bi-gender method.  It takes a male and a female to copulate to produce offspring.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well. Your question may seem like theres only 1 answer. But listen to my take on it.

God is fake
Evolution is natural
The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

The end.
Your take on it is contradictory to your first line "God is fake."  The knowledge gained through evolution caused men to naturally write about god in a book; therefore, by your theories god is natural.
Or it could just be the other way around and your first line, "God is fake" is actually true and the rest of your lines are false.

Aristotle’s law of noncontradiction states that “One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
You just contradicted your noncontradiction by contradicting youself. If cloning is natural in ANY retrospect, then it is natural. Just because it's not natural on, say jupiter, but it is on earth, that makes it unnatural? (referring to your statement that is isn't natural for humans [which it is **])  No it doesn't. Cloning is by all means natural accept for the factor that humans will add in, Genetic engineering (selecting traits). He was using 'God is fake' as an example of a fact to support his idea that 'evolution is natural' is a fact. Get it? He could of just as easily of well used 'blue is a color in the spectrum' as his first line.


xBlackPantherx wrote:

Cloning is natural in the sense that the embryo still has to go through ALL the stages of development in a womb-like structure. I can almost guarantee that over 2/3 of you who voted 'no' have NO idea either what stages a baby goes through OR what stages an cloned embryo has to go through. They studied the first cloned sheep and the stages of birth were IDENTICAL to that of a natural born baby. the ONLY thing that will be unnatural, at least not to humans (queen bees can determine the sex of the bee(s) shes giving birth to), but soon after human cloning will be put into legalization processes (or even to jump start the process) will be genetic engineering. This means that the parents (who want to be abstinent, though I have NO clue why they would, can have a baby AND (even for those who have sex and just want their baby to have a good life) can determine what type of traits the baby can have. If both of you have a slow metabolism gene and shitty red frizzy hair (or something), you can use genetic engineering to give the baby a good metabolism and nice blond hair with radiantly blue eyes. It is a PERFECTLY natural process, developmentwise.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

jgrahl wrote:

Cloning is natural but not by human beings.
How the fuck do you think we grow, OUR cells reproduce (clone) themselves to make YOU grow. The cells do not have sex with each other. So,in fact, your entire post is now invalid because your statement is false. Cloning IS natural in humans, ALL the time.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2007-05-05 14:38:51)

stephen brule
Clones are not going to Fight a war, Change the diapers on a baby, Work manual labor.

Clones if they will be able to do all of this, Everyone is going and will get lazy.

What then?
16 more years
+877|6845|South Florida

xBlackPantherx wrote:

jgrahl wrote:

Simple test: clone yourself right now.  You can even use another female to help.  Aww, can't do it? Then it must not be natural.

Cloning is natural but not by human beings.

Some organisms reproduce by cloning themselves.  They don't require any other organisms to help.  They simply split and clone themselves.  Now Human beings reproduce by using a bi-gender method.  It takes a male and a female to copulate to produce offspring.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well. Your question may seem like theres only 1 answer. But listen to my take on it.

God is fake
Evolution is natural
The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

The end.
Your take on it is contradictory to your first line "God is fake."  The knowledge gained through evolution caused men to naturally write about god in a book; therefore, by your theories god is natural.
Or it could just be the other way around and your first line, "God is fake" is actually true and the rest of your lines are false.

Aristotle’s law of noncontradiction states that “One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
You just contradicted your noncontradiction by contradicting youself. If cloning is natural in ANY retrospect, then it is natural. Just because it's not natural on, say jupiter, but it is on earth, that makes it unnatural? (referring to your statement that is isn't natural for humans [which it is **])  No it doesn't. Cloning is by all means natural accept for the factor that humans will add in, Genetic engineering (selecting traits). He was using 'God is fake' as an example of a fact to support his idea that 'evolution is natural' is a fact. Get it? He could of just as easily of well used 'blue is a color in the spectrum' as his first line.


xBlackPantherx wrote:

Cloning is natural in the sense that the embryo still has to go through ALL the stages of development in a womb-like structure. I can almost guarantee that over 2/3 of you who voted 'no' have NO idea either what stages a baby goes through OR what stages an cloned embryo has to go through. They studied the first cloned sheep and the stages of birth were IDENTICAL to that of a natural born baby. the ONLY thing that will be unnatural, at least not to humans (queen bees can determine the sex of the bee(s) shes giving birth to), but soon after human cloning will be put into legalization processes (or even to jump start the process) will be genetic engineering. This means that the parents (who want to be abstinent, though I have NO clue why they would, can have a baby AND (even for those who have sex and just want their baby to have a good life) can determine what type of traits the baby can have. If both of you have a slow metabolism gene and shitty red frizzy hair (or something), you can use genetic engineering to give the baby a good metabolism and nice blond hair with radiantly blue eyes. It is a PERFECTLY natural process, developmentwise.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

jgrahl wrote:

Cloning is natural but not by human beings.
How the fuck do you think we grow, OUR cells reproduce (clone) themselves to make YOU grow. The cells do not have sex with each other. So,in fact, your entire post is now invalid because your statement is false. Cloning IS natural in humans, ALL the time.
Thats an interesting way to interperate what i really meant
15 more years! 15 more years!
Grow up, or die

Bull3t wrote:

Clones are not going to Fight a war, Change the diapers on a baby, Work manual labor.

Clones if they will be able to do all of this, Everyone is going and will get lazy.

What then?
1) Why wouldn't they, They would be human beings.

2) No we wouldn't get lazy because they would be the same as us. I swear some country, probably mine (the USA), will start up a WWIII to fight 'historical racism'(?), meaning that people will put clones below themselves just because they were born is an artificial womb, much like white people did you every that wasn't white, if this ever happens which I don't think it will.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2007-05-05 14:43:20)

Okay the way I worded it was off.

Again, humans do not clone. They never will.  We can make a close copy of a human by using scientific methods but 1 or 2 or more humans alone can not clone themselves ever.  Your body might in a sense clone parts of itself but it still isn't the topic of humans cloning their entire selves.

You're missing the fact that to clone you have to do it to the entire body, not some skin cell. One thing that will never be able to be cloned is the human brain since it grows and interconnects over time.

Blackpanther you're right that cloning inside humans happens naturally all the time but cloning of whole entire human beings to an identical copy will never happen.  Can you clone your arm after it gets lopped off without the help of chemicals and other synthetically engineered parts? No.

Yes I did say that cloning certain parts of humans is natural but that in no way contradicts the main topic.

Your body can't clone itself from itself. Not even with the help of science can you clone yourself.  Someone else does the copying with something else but it isn't cloning, it's artificial reproduction.  It will still never be an exact nuclear genome of the original.

Cloning is defined as an organism reproducing an identical copy of itself without any outside intervention.  This is done asexually.  Asexual reproduction does not involve meiosis, or fertilization.  The only method I know of that is theorized to clone is a human is by artificial fertilization.  Cloning identically is reserved to single-cell organisms.  A multi-cellular organism that appears to clone does not make an identical copy of itself.
Grow up, or die

Dictionary.reference.com wrote:


1.    Biology.
a.    a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.
b.    a population of identical units, cells, or individuals that derive from the same ancestral line.
2.    a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style: All the fashion models seemed to be clones of one another.
–verb (used with object)
3.    to produce a copy or imitation of.
4.    Biology.
a.    to cause to grow as a clone.
b.    to separate (a batch of cells or cell products) so that each portion produces only its own kind.
–verb (used without object)
5.    Biology. to grow as a clone.

Wikipedia wrote:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see clone.

Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of something. In biology, it collectively refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. The term also encompasses situations, whereby organisms reproduce asexually.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2007-05-06 22:05:00)

Grow up, or die
BF2s Frat Brother

xBlackPantherx wrote:

Cloning is natural in the sense that the embryo still has to go through ALL the stages of development in a womb-like structure. I can almost guarantee that over 2/3 of you who voted 'no' have NO idea either what stages a baby goes through OR what stages an cloned embryo has to go through. They studied the first cloned sheep and the stages of birth were IDENTICAL to that of a natural born baby. the ONLY thing that will be unnatural, at least not to humans (queen bees can determine the sex of the bee(s) shes giving birth to), but soon after human cloning will be put into legalization processes (or even to jump start the process) will be genetic engineering. This means that the parents (who want to be abstinent, though I have NO clue why they would, can have a baby AND (even for those who have sex and just want their baby to have a good life) can determine what type of traits the baby can have. If both of you have a slow metabolism gene and shitty red frizzy hair (or something), you can use genetic engineering to give the baby a good metabolism and nice blond hair with radiantly blue eyes. It is a PERFECTLY natural process, developmentwise.
You are sooo wrong for sooo many reasons.
Grow up, or die

Superslim wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

Cloning is natural in the sense that the embryo still has to go through ALL the stages of development in a womb-like structure. I can almost guarantee that over 2/3 of you who voted 'no' have NO idea either what stages a baby goes through OR what stages an cloned embryo has to go through. They studied the first cloned sheep and the stages of birth were IDENTICAL to that of a natural born baby. the ONLY thing that will be unnatural, at least not to humans (queen bees can determine the sex of the bee(s) shes giving birth to), but soon after human cloning will be put into legalization processes (or even to jump start the process) will be genetic engineering. This means that the parents (who want to be abstinent, though I have NO clue why they would, can have a baby AND (even for those who have sex and just want their baby to have a good life) can determine what type of traits the baby can have. If both of you have a slow metabolism gene and shitty red frizzy hair (or something), you can use genetic engineering to give the baby a good metabolism and nice blond hair with radiantly blue eyes. It is a PERFECTLY natural process, developmentwise.
You are sooo wrong for sooo many reasons.
Instead of attempting to be an ass and point out negatives, why don't you act smart and tell me WHY I'm wrong.

EDIT: Read This and you will see that it supports what I said.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2007-05-07 17:48:34)

+127|6665|Twyford, UK
Cloning occurs naturally, but that doesen't make it natural FOR HUMANS. Humans do not clone naturally. Clone naturally humans do not. Humans clone naturally not do. Do humans not clone naturally? Do not humans naturally clone. Clone humans not naturally do, and so forth.
+1,230|7163|Alberta, Canada

stkhoplite wrote:

Teeksy90 wrote:

(sex for those of you who didn't know)
Wtf is sex?
No kidding, sex is so 2003.
Get with the times people.
An Enlarged Liver
+35|7063|Backward Ass Kansas
Ok to start I did not read the entire thread (2 pages) because it is not that relevant to what I am posting.   

I personally believe that ALL things are natural - to me a nuclear weapon is just as natural as a butterfly on a flower.   We humans are a product of the earth (OK I guess you'll need to subscribe to evolution for this to make any sense...) as I see it.  Therefore anything that we do is also natural - irregardless of how convoluted or perverted or sickening, whatever is done is merely an extension of human nature, and therefore nature itself.  The word 'unnatural' to me simply means 'out of the norm' but anything that is done is clearly within the capacity of capability.

Within that context, I am firmly opposed to cloning, (seriously how more fucked up can we make this place) but I see it as natural as anything else in the world.
An Enlarged Liver
+35|7063|Backward Ass Kansas

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well. Your question may seem like theres only 1 answer. But listen to my take on it.

God is fake
Evolution is natural
The knowledge that comes with evolution is natural
That knowledge then created science, which is natural
That science constantly leads to new technology, which is natural
That technology includes the cloning of humans, which if you follow my chart, is distinctly natural.

The end.

See - I should have read the damn thread.....

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