In another thread some guy was talking about the BNP and how they had some good policies. He obviously got flammed (and banned I think) for being racist. So, I went on their site, found the most racist bit of their manifesto and here are their policies on multi-culturism. But how many of them are you prepared to admit you agree with?
2. Because ethnic targets are racist themselves.
3. Maybe! I don't think Police should have to take their shoes off when they enter a Muslim's house if that's what they mean.
4. For the same reason as 2.
5. Their argument sold me on that one.
7. Go to Oxford Boys School, all it's signs are in English and Urdu. I think you're free to come here but you should learn the language whilst your here and not expect the country to adapt to your needs (some exclusions to that rule).
9. Because I want more time off work.
The rest are just sick, quite frankly. But does this mean that we can't even discuss the others? Don't get me wrong, they are and always will be totally unelectable but should other parties not look at some of their non-all out Nazi polices if they start winning seats in the UK?
I agree with,nazi..I mean BNP wrote:
Our proposals:
1. We would repeal the Race Relations Acts and all other restrictions on free speech in Britain .
2. We would abolish all targets and quotas for ethnic representation in all areas of employment, public and private.
3. We would abolish all politically-correct indoctrination of the police, teachers, and other public employees.
4. We would abolish all government-sponsored ethnicity-specific professional bodies, housing associations, and other organisations.
5. We would abolish all departments, agencies, or other units of government whose sole and specific purpose is to deal with ethnic issues, grievances, or crimes. Such organisations deliberately seek out the maximum quantity of "racism" in order to justify their own existence and expand their power and budgets. The law is the law and must be enforced equally upon all without being politicised over ethnic differences.
6. We would abolish all laws against racial discrimination in employment and the government bodies associated with enforcing them.
7. Except for purposes of teaching foreign languages to native speakers of English, the only languages permitted in official documents, government business, and schools will be English, Scots, and Welsh. The use of other languages by ethnic minorities in their own homes, school and institutions will also be encouraged.
8. A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration in schools and the media would be introduced.
9. In order to make it clear that the “celebration of diversity” is something in which the native peoples of our islands can share, each of our traditional Saints Days would be made Public Holidays in the nations in question, with Trafalgar Day being an additional Public Holiday throughout the entire UK.
10. A massively-funded and permanent programme, using and doubling Britain's current foreign aid budget, will aim to reduce, by voluntary resettlement to their lands of ethnic origin, the proportion of ethnic minorities living in Britain, for as long as the majority of the electorate are willing to fund such expenditure. Since the chief impact of such a programme would be the assistance it would render to Developing Countries in the Third World, this is described further in Section 16 – Britain and the World.
11. While accepting the right of law-abiding minorities, in our country because they or their ancestors came here legally, to remain here and to enjoy the full protection of the law against any form of harassment or hostility, we will also seek to emphasise the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people. This would be a national extension of the ‘Sons and Daughters' policy in priority on housing and school places lists which BNP councils seek to implement at local level.
2. Because ethnic targets are racist themselves.
3. Maybe! I don't think Police should have to take their shoes off when they enter a Muslim's house if that's what they mean.
4. For the same reason as 2.
5. Their argument sold me on that one.
7. Go to Oxford Boys School, all it's signs are in English and Urdu. I think you're free to come here but you should learn the language whilst your here and not expect the country to adapt to your needs (some exclusions to that rule).
9. Because I want more time off work.
The rest are just sick, quite frankly. But does this mean that we can't even discuss the others? Don't get me wrong, they are and always will be totally unelectable but should other parties not look at some of their non-all out Nazi polices if they start winning seats in the UK?
Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2007-05-03 17:15:39)