Thought you ment on Dead Rising then lol I did that, but lets look at this game then....
The killer combo i've found so far is the sawn off and chainsaw
The killer combo i've found so far is the sawn off and chainsaw
Last edited by XanKrieger (2007-05-02 13:04:14)
If a zombie destroys the barricade near the bottom of the screen you can not shoot it.
This game fails!
edit: Whooops, i just found out that you can walk up and down... I fail...
This game fails!
edit: Whooops, i just found out that you can walk up and down... I fail...
Last edited by derstralle (2007-05-02 12:23:32)
I got 2 days, oh well I'm going to try it again. At first I too thought you meant Dead Rising. Any yes, thanks to Marlboro we can all survive zombies now.
the tip is to get as many survivors as you can first

zombies don't exist
I did 20, chopper comes rescues u. Just get half surviver half weps till u got 4 guys. Then alternate, when u need ppl go all ppl otherwise go all wep, max ppl is 6.
saw of shotgun is tha thing
20 days and nights, just get one guy first then the revolver, one more guy, then the smg, and then just stock up on people.
Barrett FTW!!! That was really fun, don't forget the chainsaw, helps when things get too personal.
but i love the barret/ak47 loadout. it just own.
The Barret is cool,reloads well fast.
11 days, that was a lot of fun.
Survived all 20 days and nights, that was fun, albeit a bit easy once you got the right weapons
After you get shot gun you will rape them.

This game was fun, I beat it with only one survivor too. All you need is the sawed off shotgun and the sniper rifle.
Last edited by sithao (2007-05-02 14:00:47)
Barret = Win
Barret alone is all you need
Barret alone is all you need
sniper and ak combo kicked ass for me.
hunting rifle all the way!!! headshot all of em (kneecap the soldiers) and the sawn off shotty when you get too many runners.
Piece of piss
Piece of piss
I preferred the uzi, must be becouse it held more ammo. Still a cool little game.
the barretta pwnerizes all guns.
I made it to 20 nights, the trick is to get a ton of survivors first
I made it to 20 nights, the trick is to get a ton of survivors first

Barret = pwn
This game is a lot about safety in numbers. The more survivors on your side ,the easier to handle the mobs.
This game is a lot about safety in numbers. The more survivors on your side ,the easier to handle the mobs.
Winnar!goblinstomper wrote:
hunting rifle all the way!!! headshot all of em (kneecap the soldiers) and the sawn off shotty when you get too many runners.
Piece of piss