The Microwave Man
Here are a few examples of the stupidests thing's I've seen the noObs do over and over again . Enjoy and add-on's welcome :

  Strike at Karkand . I'm on the US side . We took the MEC main base . I drive across the bridge and blow up the far side . Then hop into the vodnik and back up a bit killing MEC troops spawning across the bridge . Some noOb jumps in the car and starts driving foward . I jump out and sure as shit he drives right over the bridge , into the water and gets killed from a firey explosion . I'll bet my last dollar he didn't press F10 for a better view of things .

Dilain Oil fields . I'm on US side and spawn at the southern docks late in the game . I'm special forces and jump into a fast buggy to blow up all thier artillery . Just after I jump in someone else jumps in . I'm driving and see\spot a helicopter hovering showing me his " 6 " and he is smoking bad - I figured " easy kill , no problem ". I stop and press F3 to use the SAW and maximize our fire power . I start shooting . He presses F1 And starts Driving . I'm like WTF !!! He drives on .  I see a tank and spot it hoping he will avoid it and get back to facing the chopper so we can take it out . He stops and Presses F2 and  start shooting at the tank ! The tank sees us , fires and we die . Before I could even press F1 to start driving again and get the hell out of there . Sigh .......

Dragon Vally . I'm on the Chineese side . I snag a fast buggy and make it the main base and blow up the US UAV and scan radar . I then cap the flag and head over to the artillery . I place one mine on the furthest cannon from cover to weaken it so I only have to use one more later on - after I get a supply drop ( not a chance ) . I make my own squad and call for supplies . Since I didnt hear any supplies called so far I figured I'll get them right away . Not a chance . I beg for supplies for a long 5 minutes . Nothing . Votes are called for the commander to be kicked . No kick happens . & 7 more minutes pass by . During that time I simply beg for anyone to join my squad to hook me up with ammo . Nothing . I start recruiting people on my squad . All " negative " .
After while I comitted suicide and spawned near the commander . I shot him in the face a few times and then joined the US side in frustration . I spawned at the ship . How sweet ! an attack chopper waiting just for me . I hopped in and took out that commander 5 more times before he was smart enough to spawn somewheres else . NoObs . Gotta lov'em .

is drunk and crazy
Haha the last one had me laughing

they really can be stupid sometimes which really pisses me off because a lot of this game requires common sense and it seems like a lot of the players dont have it!
Here's one for you:

  Strike at Karkand - I was on the US side and capped all of the MEC flags in their base.  However, the whole team still focused on taking out their city flags.  We were losing by around 50 tickets or so, so I kept telling them all that taking out the city flags is not at all important because we were losing.  The best way to gain back losing tickets is of course...DEFENSE!  I could not stress that enough, unfortunatly no one listened.  I grabbed a tank and started defending the bridge, myself in a Medic kit.

  My team realized that the enemy was slowly swarming over the bridge, so someone yells at our team to blow up the bridge.  After a few failed attempts by my team, they decided to stop.  I slowly started to push across the bridge in my tank with teammates around my tank.  (so they could get healed from me being in it)  We push towards the side of the bridge with the train flag.  I see some teammate planting C4 all over the bridge in front of me.  I think..."Ok, so he'll blow it up if we don't get the flag".  A few seconds later, he detonates the C4...blowing up the bridge, all his teammates around him, AND MY TANK.  I asked him why he blew up the bridge and he said he blew it up because our teammates were asking to blow the bridge up.

Guh...I can't stand noobs.
The Microwave Man
Strike at Karkand : Im on the US side and again snag the main base with a full jeep and cap the flag . We do a quick base rape and move on over to the far side of the bridge to cap the cloasest flag . I see like 2 engineers tossing mines all over . I jump into a vodnik and head to the bridge . I see like 5 troops on the far side of the bridge and press F2 and begin to engage them . As I'm firing an engineer places mines on the bridge in front of me . He placed them to the left . Enough room to scoot bye and cap the flag . But I gotta finish taking out these troops right ? I waste like 4 of them and was about to just go ahead and give it a try in capping the flag . Just then a noOb jumps in the vodnik and drives directly intot he mine killing us both . Thing here is is that this guy was prone just a few seconds ago behind the engineer that just placed the mines , right in front of him !!! Not too many people understand what the red box with skull and crossbones means . Sigh ......
+-1|6894|Haverhill, MA USA
They still think they are power ups

Forever searching for that "1-UP"
bad touch

comic retrabution, its the best kind!
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6947|Idaho, USA / Age 30
OH man Jonnykill that really sucks.  I know how you feel man.  Stupid Noobs.  I see that happen all the time.  If I screw up I know I did and I own up to it.  LOL  ONE thing though is I will never ever drive over a bridge that has already been blown because there is a yellow marker telling me that.    I don't understand how you cannot see the bridge is out.   O'brother those noobs again.
Negative Ping
Ghost Town.  SAS side.  Only one bridge to go over.  I spawn and grab the tank, and proceed to cross the bridge.  Just as I get to the bridge...some Spec Ops jumps in front of me...cutting me off on foot, I don't wanna run into him obviously.  I slow down for him til he can get outta my way.  Well, he stops at middle of bridge (the round more or less just started, the other team wasnt even on our side of map yet), Throws down all of his c4...and runs to the end of bridge.  I'm sittin there, not totally on the bridge yet, wondering what he is gonna do.  I tell him not to blow it, I'm comin over, and we need to keep the bridge up if we wanna keep usin the big gun here.  He said I started to cross.  BOOM!  There went the bridge.  Didn't kill me, but he wouldn't stop "Lol'n".  Turns out...if he couldnt drive the tank, noone could...idiot. 
Do u know what does the ranking system ruin? Teamgame.
Everybody just go after some kills and points. If u say that let's go to destroy their arty, they ignore you. WHY?
Because they know that there's no fucking troops to kill in there, and if nothing to kill-----> NO points!!!
+2|6909|Lisse, Netherlands

jonnykill wrote:

Here are a few examples of the stupidests thing's I've seen the noObs do over and over again . Enjoy and add-on's welcome :

  Strike at Karkand . I'm on the US side . We took the MEC main base . I drive across the bridge and blow up the far side . Then hop into the vodnik and back up a bit killing MEC troops spawning across the bridge . Some noOb jumps in the car and starts driving foward . I jump out and sure as shit he drives right over the bridge , into the water and gets killed from a firey explosion . I'll bet my last dollar he didn't press F10 for a better view of things .

Dilain Oil fields . I'm on US side and spawn at the southern docks late in the game . I'm special forces and jump into a fast buggy to blow up all thier artillery . Just after I jump in someone else jumps in . I'm driving and see\spot a helicopter hovering showing me his " 6 " and he is smoking bad - I figured " easy kill , no problem ". I stop and press F3 to use the SAW and maximize our fire power . I start shooting . He presses F1 And starts Driving . I'm like WTF !!! He drives on .  I see a tank and spot it hoping he will avoid it and get back to facing the chopper so we can take it out . He stops and Presses F2 and  start shooting at the tank ! The tank sees us , fires and we die . Before I could even press F1 to start driving again and get the hell out of there . Sigh .......

Dragon Vally . I'm on the Chineese side . I snag a fast buggy and make it the main base and blow up the US UAV and scan radar . I then cap the flag and head over to the artillery . I place one mine on the furthest cannon from cover to weaken it so I only have to use one more later on - after I get a supply drop ( not a chance ) . I make my own squad and call for supplies . Since I didnt hear any supplies called so far I figured I'll get them right away . Not a chance . I beg for supplies for a long 5 minutes . Nothing . Votes are called for the commander to be kicked . No kick happens . & 7 more minutes pass by . During that time I simply beg for anyone to join my squad to hook me up with ammo . Nothing . I start recruiting people on my squad . All " negative " .
After while I comitted suicide and spawned near the commander . I shot him in the face a few times and then joined the US side in frustration . I spawned at the ship . How sweet ! an attack chopper waiting just for me . I hopped in and took out that commander 5 more times before he was smart enough to spawn somewheres else . NoObs . Gotta lov'em .

tell me, what is Dilian Oil fields ???
Everyone's a "noob" at some point. By making mistakes they will learn....................
+0|6841|Shropshire UK

col.sanders71 wrote:

They still think they are power ups

Forever searching for that "1-UP"
roflmaoooooooooo how very true.
ok guys call me a rookie but for the benifit of those not wanting to ask...what the heck is a "noob"? 

ps.  yes I have had the honor of being called a noob.  Proablly some 14 year old punk who thinks he knows a thing or two about war.  he he he he.
n00b = newbie, here is the evolutio of the word

new guy
omfg h4x!!! lol...
+4|6981|Berlin, Germany
omfg h4x is more with pro isnt it ?! LOL ^^ Or beginnerluck
+67|6836|Tulln, Austria
as far as i know the word newb still exists and has not just turned into n00b.

newb: a person that is new to the game (or to whatever), therefor has not that much skill but is willing to learn and improve.

n00b: we all know how this word is used.
ooohhhh.  Now I get it.  Thanks, feel like a veteran now.

stalker23 wrote:

ooohhhh.  Now I get it.  Thanks, feel like a veteran now.
You're not, you're a n00b. Take it like one.

good one!
The Microwave Man
Strike on Karkand : I join a squad and spawn at the main base to snag a tank . I get there before my squad leader does . I jump in and say " get in  !" . He jumps in and we are on our way . While I'm driving to the battle he casts a vote to kick me . I'm like WTF ??? I'm on his squad and he wants to boot me ? Then I figure he just wants to use the tank and if I get kicked he will automatically become the driver . So I ignore it and continue to fight . I take out my usualy 15-20 troops but I die becuase there are no sup drops and I'm sure if I jump out and try to fix the tank this guy will take it in a heart beat . We end up lossing the round 16-0 . Not bad . I noticed his score was 4 kills and 4 deaths - pretty weak .

Next round I spawn rather quickly but he already has the tank . He jumps in and starts going over the bridge . I call to be picked up and he blows me off . So i'm running and running try to catch up . Get this . He gets stuck on the barriers that you can just simply break thright through with the tank at full speed . He's backing up , ramming with low speed and can't seem to figure it out . I tell him to back up and get more speed . He turns the turret and fires at me instead . So I'm like ok , I can play this game too asshat .
I found some cover so he would think that I was dead . I busted out an anti tank mine and placed like 3 or 4 all around the tank . He got bloweded up real good . I got kicked right away but it was worth it to teach the newbs about respect . His name was Ivanovski . I'll be looking foward to mess with him in the near future Muwahahahahahhaah .

0ktane wrote:

Ghost Town.  SAS side.  Only one bridge to go over.  I spawn and grab the tank, and proceed to cross the bridge.  Just as I get to the bridge...some Spec Ops jumps in front of me...cutting me off on foot, I don't wanna run into him obviously.  I slow down for him til he can get outta my way.  Well, he stops at middle of bridge (the round more or less just started, the other team wasnt even on our side of map yet), Throws down all of his c4...and runs to the end of bridge.  I'm sittin there, not totally on the bridge yet, wondering what he is gonna do.  I tell him not to blow it, I'm comin over, and we need to keep the bridge up if we wanna keep usin the big gun here.  He said I started to cross.  BOOM!  There went the bridge.  Didn't kill me, but he wouldn't stop "Lol'n".  Turns out...if he couldnt drive the tank, noone could...idiot. 
Wich is why you be an engy when you take a tank o.o
okay i was on karkand US side round had just started i had grabbed a jeep and was at market capping it a squad mate spawned on me and we had it at neutral when a tank came it was a real noob driver cuz he missed us both i got mines on him, but he jumps out i promply shoot him with my jackhammer, i figure sweet i just snacthed their tank tank with full armour so i start 2 remove my mines when my noOb squad mate jumps in and trys 2 drive over my mines blowing himself up and me....

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