
CameronPoe wrote:

I think it'll be both scary and exciting for you lowing. I think it might be a good thing that you are going to go and see Iraq with your own eyes.
I agree Cam. I will be keeping a journal of it all. However, I will be on a base and surrounded by well armed soldiers so I doubt I will experience much, as compared to the men and women protecting us.

Keep your head down and be safe.
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6609|The edge of sanity

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Gonna miss you. Your intelligence and my lack there of combined on some views a time or two. Bubbalo will need a new nemesis. Application line starts here......
I would like to RE-claim that title (if bubbalo remembers from way back when...)

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Gonna miss you. Your intelligence and my lack there of combined on some views a time or two. Bubbalo will need a new nemesis. Application line starts here......
I would like to RE-claim that title (if bubbalo remembers from way back when...)
He is all yours, I think ole' bubbalo has me on block. Of course I view this as a victory. The more liberals I can have plugging their ears and scream "I am not listening to youuuuuuuu" instead of trying to defend their rediculous and unrealistic viewpoints, the bigger my grin gets.
Well, another update, ( again for those that are curious)

I will be leaving tomorrow for training for a week to "in process" for my trip to Iraq, this means shots and shit, and classroom instruction about like and customs there. Also IED awareness I guess. I am looking at around the first week in May for a departure.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6643|Menlo Park, CA
Safe travels!

Make sure you keep everybody updated.  Cause we care and are curious as to what happens to you!
Go Cards !!
+196|6847|The Ville

lowing wrote:

To my D&ST friends and foes,

My job will be taking me out of the country in the next few weeks and I will be gone for the better part of this year. I do not foresee much time for this forum while away, if any. Maybe it will even help break my addiction to it.

Anyway, I wanted to wish you all the best.

Take care,

have fun, at least you can consider it a vacation because your leaving this country. I wished I left this country every now and then. It seems like one big massive prison in a good way.
for those that are curious:

Ok, I am back in my hotel room, having finished all of my training for deployment sometime in the first part of May.

A lot of it was shear boredom but their were a few highlights that I found interesting. We spent half a day on rules of engagement, and the law of war and why it exists. We were given examples of situations where these rules and laws were broken, and the results of such behavior. The military goes to great lengths to keep its personnel informed about these incidents and their lack of tolerance for it. I thought of this forum and my conversations in here about this stuff during the entire briefing. I thought of Gunslinger's posts and how hard it must be for our troops to try and operate within confines of these laws and still protect themselves and their buddies, all the while trying to do the right thing and not make bad decisions that will get them in trouble. I came out of the briefing feeling a renewed pride for our troops and the country they serve. Our military has not forgotten the value of life, even an enemies.

It is all over now, nothing left to do, be to load up and go. More to come.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Keep us updated and keep safe...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Ok, I have just been informed that our departure date has just been moved up and we are leaving Monday. Hopfully I will have access to the internet and have something interesting to report.

Oh by the way, as much as I appreciate the karma, there is no need to karma me for this thread. It just feels to much like farming for it. I will however, report my observations and opinions if I am able here.

Last edited by lowing (2007-04-25 14:29:04)


lowing wrote:

Ok, I have just been informed that our departure date has just been moved up and we are leaving Monday. Hopfully I will have access to the internet and have something interesting to report.
were you going? and how long will you be gone?

davidonbf2 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ok, I have just been informed that our departure date has just been moved up and we are leaving Monday. Hopfully I will have access to the internet and have something interesting to report.
were you going? and how long will you be gone?
Iraq for about 6 months if not longer

lowing wrote:

Ok, I have just been informed that our departure date has just been moved up and we are leaving Monday. Hopfully I will have access to the internet and have something interesting to report.

Oh by the way, as much as I appreciate the karma, there is no need to karma me for this thread. It just feels to much like farming for it. I will however, report my observations and opinions if I am able here.
Try and make friends with some muslims. They don't bite (well mostly they don't).

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ok, I have just been informed that our departure date has just been moved up and we are leaving Monday. Hopfully I will have access to the internet and have something interesting to report.

Oh by the way, as much as I appreciate the karma, there is no need to karma me for this thread. It just feels to much like farming for it. I will however, report my observations and opinions if I am able here.
Try and make friends with some muslims. They don't bite (well mostly they don't).
We will see, you yourself said Iraq probably wasn't the ideal place for someone looking for moderation in Islam right now. Thanks though.
this is the best we can do?

King_County_Downy wrote:

Are you coming to Seattle? I know some good bars
Hey, I will be in the seattle area first weekend in May.
you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 

Last edited by davidonbf2 (2007-04-25 14:35:56)


Just saw that your going to Iraq. Sounds cool, if somewhat scary. I'm sure it'll be very eye opening to you in a lot of ways. Hopefully you'll figure out that not all Muslims are like you think they are, although as you said, Iraq probably isn't the best place to learn that. What kinda stuff are you going to be doing over there?

Oh, and don't get your head cut off.

*really hopes this doesn't happen or will feel very bad about this*

davidonbf2 wrote:

you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 
Have a ban. kthxbai.

ghettoperson wrote:

davidonbf2 wrote:

you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 
Have a ban. kthxbai.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

davidonbf2 wrote:

you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 
i doubt lowing would have reported you....he'll prefer to argue with you.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

ghettoperson wrote:

Just saw that your going to Iraq. Sounds cool, if somewhat scary. I'm sure it'll be very eye opening to you in a lot of ways. Hopefully you'll figure out that not all Muslims are like you think they are, although as you said, Iraq probably isn't the best place to learn that. What kinda stuff are you going to be doing over there?

Oh, and don't get your head cut off.

*really hopes this doesn't happen or will feel very bad about this*
My company sending us over working on helicopters. All should be well. I will be on base, never to leave it until we come home. I promise you, you will not find me on TV in an orange jumpsuit. They will just have to go ahead and kill me.
Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon
Wow goodbye I guess.

Getting sick of these "goodbye" and "gonna be gone for a while" threads.

lowing wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Just saw that your going to Iraq. Sounds cool, if somewhat scary. I'm sure it'll be very eye opening to you in a lot of ways. Hopefully you'll figure out that not all Muslims are like you think they are, although as you said, Iraq probably isn't the best place to learn that. What kinda stuff are you going to be doing over there?

Oh, and don't get your head cut off.

*really hopes this doesn't happen or will feel very bad about this*
My company sending us over working on helicopters. All should be well. I will be on base, never to leave it until we come home. I promise you, you will not find me on TV in an orange jumpsuit. They will just have to go ahead and kill me.
you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol

m3thod wrote:

davidonbf2 wrote:

you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 
i doubt lowing would have reported you....he'll prefer to argue with you.
lol, I didn't report him, a mod was watching him in the thread. I woulda prefered to argue be wasn't even doing that.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

davidonbf2 wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

davidonbf2 wrote:

you got me a 3 day temp bann about if gay couples should be allowed to be parents, I hope you're gay ass gets killed by a sniper. lol 
Have a ban. kthxbai.
You don't think that advocating Lowings death will get you a ban? Crack.  Off.  Now.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

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