Raiders of the Lost Bear

PFCStenzel wrote:

I think it is the amount of Bombs that it can carry versus the F-15 or the SU-34's.  Those can hold almost their own entire weight worth of ordinance, look -

up to 16,000 pounds (7,200 kilograms) of mixed ordnance on eight under-wing and three under-fuselage pylon stations, including infrared countermeasure flares; electronic countermeasure chaff; jammer pods; 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets; illumination flares and:
MK-82 (500 pound bomb)
MK-84 (2000 pound bomb)
MK77 incendiary
10 MK20 Rockeye II (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-52 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-58 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-71 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-87 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-89 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 BL755 (4 - 6 standard load)
AGM-65 Maverick missiles
GBU-10 laser-guided bomb
GBU-12 laser-guided bomb

I mean come one one of those is like an Arty barrage from the commander.  That would seriously rock.
Thats.. a lot of Boom Boom. Never heard of any of them, 7.2 tonnes. Quite heavy . I can just hear people screaming NERF THE PLANEZ0RZ now.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-01-18 17:52:13)

bad touch

the A10 is like Chuck Norris, non-nerfable
+0|6781|New Brunswick Canada

PFCStenzel wrote:

Got love this -

The Thunderbolt II's 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling gun can fire 3,900 rounds a minute and can defeat an array of ground targets to include tanks. Some of their other equipment includes an inertial navigation system, electronic countermeasures, target penetration aids, self-protection systems, and AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.

The Thunderbolt II's are now called the Warthogs now.   That is just sickning what it can do.  BUT THEY ROCK!
Yes they fire a shitload of rounds a minute but ( and the techs here can correct me if i'm off) while it fires 3900 rounds a minute it only holds 1300 or so. not sure if that is the exact number but it was only enough for 30 seconds. But yes the A-10 rocks and pwns all planes except my F-15 ( actually am canadian so no F-15 for me only the F-18 for now)
Yeah, the cannon on the A-10 extends like 2/3's the length of the plane. Making it like what, 14 feet long? Yeah, not the same as a phalanx.
Horseman 77
I used to hear them Test The GE Gun The A10 uses when I lived in VT.  Dam !  it sounded like a Fog horn.
at the VT Army Reserve Unit HQ they had a VHS tape of stuff they used to blow up with it for fun, old cars n stuff.
Long Distance Brain Surgeon
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6807|Toronto Canada
speaking of aircraft that should be in this game, how about the little birds? Like the ones used in fuckin' somalia and shit.


Last edited by kessel! (2006-01-18 19:12:02)

"To clear a few things up;
     -The GAU-8 Avenger is not the largest aircraft mounted gun (AC130 M103 105MM
     -The A-10 fleet has been approved to continue service till the year 2026 (25K+flt
       Hours)  Previously built for 4K flt hours
     -The reference to the shot up A-10
       True: but it was over Afganastan, and was limped back to base by a female Capt…
        105lb soaking wet.  (knew her..a phenomenal pilot)"

didah, she piss all over herself or what?

Im pretty sure i saw on discovery channel a video of desert storm where an A-10 was shot to Gouda Cheeze, where he has to fly home on his sights and instinct since his insturments were all f-ed up, where holes as big as basketballs were all over the plane and where mechanics were speech less of how the darn thing kept aflight.

All this well before the two towers went down in ashes.

Last edited by Charmin (2006-01-18 19:36:19)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6717|Canberra, AUS

Corrupt wrote:

Aquastorm wrote:

JesusElSavior wrote:

Not only can they fly with half a wing missing, but an entire engine as well.  Badass jets they are!
Although this has been discussed before, you have your facts wrong, nothing can fly with only half a wing, it can fly with two thirds of its wing missing, not half.
Wrong. One Inranain F15 Jret made it abck to base with the entire wing gone. (the pilot just left the burners on and used it as an impromptu rocket)
That's one good pilot.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

Corrupt wrote:

Aquastorm wrote:

Although this has been discussed before, you have your facts wrong, nothing can fly with only half a wing, it can fly with two thirds of its wing missing, not half.
Wrong. One Inranain F15 Jret made it abck to base with the entire wing gone. (the pilot just left the burners on and used it as an impromptu rocket)
That's one good pilot.
He collided with his instructors A4 Skyhawk, who was totalled but ejected. he was ordered to eject, but other than some stiffniess found the plane was still flyable. So he brke a direct order and used his afterburners to turn the plane into a rocket and fly home.
Demoted for breaking direct order, promoted for getting the plane home.
Oh and It was once asked "COuld the F15 fly with only one wing" to which it was replied "No it is aerodynamically impossible"
Lmao ill see if i can find a link to the article

Edit-Got the link

Last edited by Corrupt (2006-01-19 14:44:32)

+0|6725|New england, USA
Thanks for all the feedback guys!

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