
Do you baserape?

Yes (Because its fun)38%38% - 107
Yes (Because of points)11%11% - 33
Yes (To piss people off)12%12% - 35
Yes (Because I'm pro)8%8% - 23
No (Because I'm bad)0%0% - 0
No (Because I like a fair game)17%17% - 48
No (Because I like competition)10%10% - 30
Total: 276
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
Generally, I don't rape the carrier, but on maps like daquing, or when im USMC, I'll rape their airfield/base because of a few reasons:

- Make people rage
- Have a laugh with my friends on vent
- Because I can
- No chopper up for their team means our team can freely cap flags
- Make people rage.
Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?

Last edited by ScoutStrike (2007-04-24 02:21:02)

Vela Incident
+1,652|6720|NYC / Hamburg

Yes because:
- it's fun
- it gets me points
- it pisses people off
- people try to kick vote me but fail
- I can single handedly win the round for the team (no vehicle support = loosing team)

ScoutStrike wrote:

Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?
usually yes

Last edited by max (2007-04-24 02:26:39)

once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+947|6664|Gold Coast
Baseraping on Aus Internode is illegal, I got banned for 2 weeks for baseraping the Airfield on Oman. But I hate baserapers who own the carrier.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png

max wrote:

ScoutStrike wrote:

Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?
usually yes
So why do you still do it? I find it to be no fun at all, it only leads to more teamstacking (as in, half the team leaves or tries to join the rapers).

If it's allowed on the server I won't stop you, but I'm not joining you either.

Edit - I think we need some kind of 'I give up' vote for the losing team, so they can just end the round immediately without getting killed 2 secs after spawn and waiting for the remaining 200+ tickets to vanish...

Last edited by ScoutStrike (2007-04-24 02:42:18)

You likey leaky?
+433|6831|In You Endo- Stoke
Yes i base rape,but very rarely.

I only ever baserape if its allowed on the server and when they have no flags.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I do what i can to win the fucking fight, same goes for everything i do, i do what it takes to get the job done
On IO never. I get a good enough ratio without having to go for the cheap kills
teh m0nsta
It's always fun if some idiots as MEC on OCS try to make a baseraping run with both of their jets and they fail.
You take off with your F18 and get 'em both down. Afterwards you just plain rape both their hangars and they'll get kicked for baseraping.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6720|NYC / Hamburg

ScoutStrike wrote:

max wrote:

ScoutStrike wrote:

Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?
usually yes
So why do you still do it? I find it to be no fun at all, it only leads to more teamstacking (as in, half the team leaves or tries to join the rapers).

If it's allowed on the server I won't stop you, but I'm not joining you either.

Edit - I think we need some kind of 'I give up' vote for the losing team, so they can just end the round immediately without getting killed 2 secs after spawn and waiting for the remaining 200+ tickets to vanish...
Its rare that you can't break the base rape. For example spawn in the boat bay, and move to the front AA gun. Works nearly every time.
Or when you are raped by a tank: hold off spawning, so you can all spawn simultaneously. 3 spawn as AT and take the tank down the other 3 as medics to revive any dead.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

max wrote:

ScoutStrike wrote:

max wrote:

usually yes
So why do you still do it? I find it to be no fun at all, it only leads to more teamstacking (as in, half the team leaves or tries to join the rapers).

If it's allowed on the server I won't stop you, but I'm not joining you either.

Edit - I think we need some kind of 'I give up' vote for the losing team, so they can just end the round immediately without getting killed 2 secs after spawn and waiting for the remaining 200+ tickets to vanish...
Its rare that you can't break the base rape. For example spawn in the boat bay, and move to the front AA gun. Works nearly every time.
Or when you are raped by a tank: hold off spawning, so you can all spawn simultaneously. 3 spawn as AT and take the tank down the other 3 as medics to revive any dead.
You have a point there, not all baseraping situations are hopeless. I was refering more to the cases where your squad gets owned at the first flag, then beaten back to the carrier/uncap for the rest of the round. But I guess that has more to do with teamstacking than anything else.

Last edited by ScoutStrike (2007-04-24 03:12:59)

Vela Incident
+1,652|6720|NYC / Hamburg

ScoutStrike wrote:

You have a point there, not all baseraping situations are hopeless. I was refering more to the cases where your squad gets owned at the first flag, then beaten back to the carrier/uncap for the rest of the round. But that probably has to do more with teamstacking than anything else.
obviously if I am on a team with privates and corporals and the other team is all officers we are pretty much screwed and I will leave the server, because there is no point to playing then. But if the teams are somewhat balanced you can break the rape pretty easily. I enjoy a challenge once in a while. Maybe thats why my stats are not that great. I have to admit that its near impossible with at least some teamwork (I pretty much only play with my clan/friends nowadays) though.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
sometimes you have to, i was playing on jalalabad as MEC and we were right up to the USMC's base but we stayed away from it but we got no points coz the US people didnt come out or do anything so we got bored and baseraped them
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6456|The | Netherlands
Only for payback, but actually no. Unless I am on a no rules server (which I join sometimes because uncap raping is completely diffirent war then normal bf2 war)
+9|6725|B.C CANADA

Superslim wrote:

Marlboroman82 wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

|TOP| - We come in your base and on your face.
One day I will run into you TOP guys and surely I will teach you a lesson
[TOP] are just a bunch of HOSERS just like the DALLAS STARS.  HAHAHAHAHA GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!!
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6891|Great Wall
I used to love baseraping with ERYX on Daqing Oilfields (chinese airfield)
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6456|The | Netherlands

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

I used to love baseraping with ERYX on Daqing Oilfields (chinese airfield)
Yeah, shooting jets who are about to take off, but with m95 it's more fun because people will keep trying to take off
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Yes, baserape = fun.

max wrote:

ScoutStrike wrote:

You have a point there, not all baseraping situations are hopeless. I was refering more to the cases where your squad gets owned at the first flag, then beaten back to the carrier/uncap for the rest of the round. But that probably has to do more with teamstacking than anything else.
obviously if I am on a team with privates and corporals and the other team is all officers we are pretty much screwed and I will leave the server, because there is no point to playing then. But if the teams are somewhat balanced you can break the rape pretty easily. I enjoy a challenge once in a while. Maybe thats why my stats are not that great. I have to admit that its near impossible with at least some teamwork (I pretty much only play with my clan/friends nowadays) though.
Heh, I actually prefer being on the losing team, it has been that way since my first game of CSS two years ago. A good squad does make the difference, so it's a good thing two of my friends bought the game recently.

hollabackitsobi wrote:

Widow_Warrior wrote:

All the time , its war . Hitler did not say to his troops , do not attack allied main bases
Hi, this is a game called BF2. Games are supposed to be fun. If you want to fight in a war, kindly enlist in the army/marines/AF/navy and gtfo. And Mafia please stoip waving your e-dick. Maybe it's time for you to move on to bigger and better things like life? I'm sure you're good and all but the "pub scrub" and " man I pwn I'm in CAL go play in CAL you'll get owned lololo" is very old.

You don't even get payed for doing this dude. It's just a game. Who cares if you're some incredible BF2 owning machine? All they have to do to get away from you is press ESC, join another server or go outside and live their lives...
LOL I don't even play cal... So go get a girlfriend kthx

elite.mafia wrote:

hollabackitsobi wrote:

Widow_Warrior wrote:

All the time , its war . Hitler did not say to his troops , do not attack allied main bases
Hi, this is a game called BF2. Games are supposed to be fun. If you want to fight in a war, kindly enlist in the army/marines/AF/navy and gtfo. And Mafia please stoip waving your e-dick. Maybe it's time for you to move on to bigger and better things like life? I'm sure you're good and all but the "pub scrub" and " man I pwn I'm in CAL go play in CAL you'll get owned lololo" is very old.

You don't even get payed for doing this dude. It's just a game. Who cares if you're some incredible BF2 owning machine? All they have to do to get away from you is press ESC, join another server or go outside and live their lives...
LOL I don't even play cal... So go get a girlfriend kthx
You don't stop talking about it either

ScoutStrike wrote:

Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?
Depends on the map.. If its kubra and they are raping the airfield I just spawn at abandoned huts and take the linebacker and own the baserapers.. If it's wake I have my ways of getting around the rapers...
+405|6616|A W S M F O X

KuSTaV wrote:

Baseraping on Aus Internode is illegal, I got banned for 2 weeks for baseraping the Airfield on Oman. But I hate baserapers who own the carrier.

FFS man, ive been raping carrier on node for ages, lots of kiddies raging and saying "ooooooo im reporting you!!! youll be banned!"

what will i ever do!
Flamesuit essential

No - I prefer a fair game.

elite.mafia wrote:

ScoutStrike wrote:

Wow, 75% in favour of baseraping... Tell me, do you guys stay in the server when you happen to be on the receiving end?
Depends on the map.. If its kubra and they are raping the airfield I just spawn at abandoned huts and take the linebacker and own the baserapers.. If it's wake I have my ways of getting around the rapers...
Yeah like I said during my discussion with max: it's mainly a problem when the teams are stacked as well. Kubra is boring when the MEC team camps the abandoned huts.

Last edited by ScoutStrike (2007-04-24 04:39:12)

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