+72|6629|UK , Birmingham
i believe EA had every intention of 2142 overtaking BF2 and tbh it clearly hasnt, 2142 has hardly any competitive play, no leagues focus on and is it by no means the featured game. <----Bf2 shows how many are playing bf2 on one time, global server count <---- 2142, NEVER does it have more people online and more than often its more close to half the count of bf2.

so do u think EA has learnt from this because it would be a good thing, they'll see what they did wrong with 2142 and see what is good bout bf2 and im thinking bf3 will be great
+1,352|6626|N. Ireland
They did nothing wrong with 2142. You don't like it? Oh well, but millions do.
+72|6629|UK , Birmingham
thats my millions like it? seems like its not played much. not in xifre top10, not featured at lans or ANYTHING

Last edited by iMPaCT.uK (2007-04-23 08:44:44)


leetkyle wrote:

They did nothing wrong with 2142. You don't like it? Oh well, but millions do.
but his point is more like bf2 than 2142.

i havent even played it and i dont intend to. i can see it would probably be a good game but the point is its not really what most people wanted, or at least wanted at the time. i think people would of been happier with more support for bf2 and another expansion pack or something.
+1,352|6626|N. Ireland
It was Number 1 for several times and has been in the Top 10 for a lot of times.
+72|6629|UK , Birmingham
#1 on xifre most played list...are u sure... have u not seen the amount of WoW hours nothing comes close
+8|6383|New Jersey

leetkyle wrote:

They did nothing wrong with 2142. You don't like it? Oh well, but millions do.
In a way your right, they didnt DO much of anything.  They didnt put much time or effort into this game and it really shows.  The fact is, the OP is right when saying that it is nowhere near as popular as BF2, and hopefully for the next installment of the battlefield series, they do put their heads into it and make a well thought game.

DONT GET ME WRONG, I DO LIKE THE GAME AND I PLAY IT OFTEN. (all caps so you wouldnt miss it and think im just bashing the game without knowing what im talking about)
+72|6629|UK , Birmingham

twiistaaa wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

They did nothing wrong with 2142. You don't like it? Oh well, but millions do.
but his point is more like bf2 than 2142.

i havent even played it and i dont intend to. i can see it would probably be a good game but the point is its not really what most people wanted, or at least wanted at the time. i think people would of been happier with more support for bf2 and another expansion pack or something.
yup, i hope EA takes onboard whats happened here and decide that supporting a current game is more effective than spamming more games trying to get $$$...
+2,382|6811|The North, beyond the wall.

iMPaCT.uK wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

They did nothing wrong with 2142. You don't like it? Oh well, but millions do.
but his point is more like bf2 than 2142.

i havent even played it and i dont intend to. i can see it would probably be a good game but the point is its not really what most people wanted, or at least wanted at the time. i think people would of been happier with more support for bf2 and another expansion pack or something.
yup, i hope EA takes onboard whats happened here and decide that supporting a current game is more effective than spamming more games trying to get $$$...
Take onboard what?

They didn't lose any money...They didn't have to fire a shit load of employees to make money...They didn't get a tiny amount of buyers...

So what are they to take onboard? The fact that no amount of 2142 bashing sigs and sheep will ever loose them money.

Ea is a company, they need to make money, like all companies. Would you have them not charge you for future releases so they go bankrupt and can't make any new games?

Beside's they don't even make BF2/2142.

Last edited by jord (2007-04-23 09:00:21)

16 more years
+877|6658|South Florida

iMPaCT.uK wrote:

i believe EA had every intention of 2142 overtaking BF2 and tbh it clearly hasnt, 2142 has hardly any competitive play, no leagues focus on and is it by no means the featured game. <----Bf2 shows how many are playing bf2 on one time, global server count <---- 2142, NEVER does it have more people online and more than often its more close to half the count of bf2.

so do u think EA has learnt from this because it would be a good thing, they'll see what they did wrong with 2142 and see what is good bout bf2 and im thinking bf3 will be great
That would break there "1942 - 2002 - 2142* thing they had going. I think they should make a game called BF 214542, It would be 214 thousand years in the future and the humans would be living in peace... lol...
15 more years! 15 more years!
+72|6629|UK , Birmingham
2013 release or maybe 2030
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6710|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
After bf2 it will be bf 3142 of course!

And i dont think they feel bad about 2142...they made money so they prolly dont care at all.

BF2142 is a game to be played casually. BF2 is a game to be played either casually or religiously, as many do.
+7|6481|New York
Battlefield Bad Company for PC with the Frostbite graphical engine is gonna be the best game.
+1,230|6976|Alberta, Canada

I might start playing 2142, because frankly, I'm getting bored of BF2, and I can't find a decent map to play that entertains me.
+1,153|6764|Washington, DC

k30dxedle wrote:

BF2142 is a game to be played casually. BF2 is a game to be played either casually or religiously, as many do.
*points to Kain*
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6690|Brisbane, Aus

If there's a next battlefield it might be humans are traveling around in space and fight each other on different worlds, that'd give them the chance to go nuts with map design.

But it's more likely that they'll pull a C&C on the franchise and concentrate on the console games and wait a few years before venturing back to the regular Battlefield style
Goodbye :)
+399|6613|Somewhere else

Roger Lesboules wrote:

After bf2 it will be bf 3142 of course!
Wrong.   1142.   Crossbows, throwing spears, flaming arrows, catapults, trebuchet strikes, alchemists! yay!
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6624|Menlo Park, CA
BF2 is just better. . . .

I own 2142, and have given it a solid chance! However, I have exclusively gone back to BF2, cause frankly it has better players, better maps, and is more fun.  I am not a big sci-fi guy as it is, but still enjoyed 2142, as there is nothing wrong with it gameplay wise.  Its just missed that "thing", the thing that separates games from others.  BF2 has that "thing", where it is a revolutionary game, and is a blast to play.  2142 feels like a polished mod, I dont know how else to say it. . . .

Its just a kinda "been there done that" type feeling when I play it, a feeling I dont get when I play BF2.
BF2142 is a great game, however, the futuristic element makes it dull to me. The game is very bland because of this. The maps, the vehicles, the weapons......etc.

BF2 is set in todays world so its easy to relate to. Maps are most exciting, weapons are realisitic, game play is very smooth.

As fadedsteve said, I too am not a fan of Sci-Fi, I find Sci-Fi boringggg as batshit. Give me something realistic anyday of the week

The next version of BF should be a continuation of BF2. If you have BF2 and add the enhancements of BF2142 gameplay plus a few years of programming improvements, you would have a cracker of a game in your hands
+50|6681|Divided States of America
MECHWARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I think the reason people don't play BF2142 as much is less maps and lower rank requiredments. The uber-ranks should have extremely high pre-requisites and require ownerships of certain awards instead of this dartboard crap.
After playing 2142 for 60 hours it got boring realy fast. Bf2 is just alot more fun whoring helis, jets, and SF.
BF2142 hasn't even been out a year yet.

BF2 has been out A LOT longer than 2142. I know tons of people who are now either just getting the game or are crossing over from BF2. Give it time.
bad touch

EA is probably quite happy with their Battlefield franchise.

Lets look at it this way, when was the last time a patch came out for BF2? I doubt severely that another one will ever be made. Same with 2142. They will patch it occasionally for the next 6 months, and then leave it for dead to promote the bigger and better products of tomorrow. Economics outweighs any opinions im afraid.

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