
Do stats ruin BF2?

Yes32%32% - 90
No67%67% - 191
Total: 281
the "Commander"
+102|6837|the Netherlands
i think the stats still play a big role in BF2 not just for the padders but just also for me and those other guys out there who have had BF2 .... bought BF2 because they ...like me had ALLREADy BF1942 BFV in their PC gaming collection ... bla bla

I like the ranking system (im a Captain soon to be Major * ) i Cant even remember 1st stats before the 1st patch ?? I started in 2005 BF2 HooAH!! yeah stats ... no no im saying it wrong ... heard of the word stats when i came HERE !! D'oh! anyway ... it was a suprise in the beginning to earn things IAR ...now we can look and se what we need to do for a medal or ribbon etc . you can see now that you have achieved something IAR ...
Set GOALS ! GAME ON !! Read up and start earning those shiny pieces of glory!UBAR said so ;)the Internet !! ... provided us with more and more info about games and how to play it fair and UNFAIR (i never played UNFAIR ) Cheat , exploit the game etc . combine that with an award system in bf2 ....D'oh!
I like combining the gameplay with winning awards ,getting promoted ,hook up a squad or create one myself or be Commander to be of some use for the Team , I do lookup my stats to see how many hours i need for some medals or ribbons etc. Hey what the Heck its based on militairy shit !!! they get promoted , earn medals ... thats probably what DICE had in mind when they created BF2 and gave people the change to create websites for them to keep track of their stats (like splatter-ladder for RTCW and ET )
Battlefield 2 is a game , so in a game there is always competition and we all like to win something dont we ?
"We like FPS and we liked singleplayer mode but we wanted more we wanted to play with our buddies and other game freaks like us "YEAH ONLINE ... have fun !! YEAH ......................... 12 year olds !!! go PLAY WITH ... LEGO !!! you freaks !!! and dont come to the MOD section !!!! (didnt mean that )

if you like to discuss my stats >>> http://bf2s.com/player/45269857/ 2 Years been doing this shit

Welcome to duty ! goodgame Ya all
It'll just be our little secret
i don't really care about my stats(KDR etc.),but i like having awards and badges so that i have a goal to work for.they make you try new things so you get better at the game.stats can make certain(a lot of)people get big headed,but i just play for fun.
I'm all up for getting awards and stuff, but all this detailed stat-keeping is doing 2 things.

1.  Slowing down servers (think of it, every shot fired from every player is being stored as a hit/miss for the entire round, kit specific, vehicle specific, not to mention all the deaths/resupplies/ etcetera)

2.  People thinking that they are better than the next player because they can go 70-0 flying a jet having a k/d ratio of say 30+  comparing themselves to an Infantry player who doesn't play IO, having a k/d of around 4-ish.

I love the idea of ranking up, giving different (not always better) guns to choose, but the depth that it goes into is just nuts.  I could care less how many kills someone got with a pistol.  I don't give a dam about you're K/D.  You can have the best K/D ratio in the game, but that doesn't mean you're invulnerable.  That doesn't give you any edge on the competition.
+244|7002|arica harbour
whether i play a good round or play a crappy round... stats dont bother me... i run away from stats like the ebola virus..

people who play for stats or stat padd all day long are the worst human beings on earth. you want to kill yourself for stupid ass number and medals showing who is " l33t"  and thinking that the craptastic clans in the game care about your stats like if its some damn resume AND YET you dont want to sacrifice yourself for something tangible inlife ( school, money, family).

pffft... you bf2 morons out there make me laugh. if you are going to play, play for fun, not for some damn medal..  hell i dont give a rats ass if i get anothe medal or badge,,,here you noobs, you can have them ...LOL
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6641|SHAPE, Belgium
nice post mate +1
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, I only read the first page...stats actually HELP teamwork. If people are obsessed with stats, ie Meritorious Unit Medal. What does that require? 1000 HEALS, 1000 Resupply, 1000 REPAIR (All TEAMWORK actions.) What does Medal of Valor require? 30,000 TEAMPOINTS, 1,000 FLAG DEFENDS, 5,000 DRIVER POINTS. Again, ALL team related actions. Distinguished Service Medal? 100 Commander Hours, 100 Hours Squad Leader, 100 Squad Member, SL / SM...team actions. Commander? Probably the most important job in the game, again all team actions related soley to stats. War College? Again, more commander stuff. Expert Repair / Resupply / First Aid. Team actions...

I think stats help the game. The one thing I disagree with you on, besides the team work part, is Z0MG IT'S ALL ABOUT T3H KD! Given, I have pointed out peoples KD in a round, making fun of them, ok, but, I don't whore the tank for the KD, I don't whore the jet for KD, I don't whore the helis for KD. Why do I use them? 1) See how many hack accustaions I get. 2) To be able to rank up (personally, I HATE vehicles. I would much rather be on the ground using an AK, and bunny hopping ) So whoring helis / tank / jet for me, is torture actually. I mean, it's nice to have a good KD. I think I have a nice one...I think it's 2.4 or something...I don't keep up.

The stat I do take pride in? How many LESS Hours I have than the people who are the same rank as me. Coloenl w/ 165.2k @989hrs? I think that's pretty damn good, thats (most of the time) 4th lowest on the page. That is the stat I take pride in. Oh and not having a purple heart too...that's nice.

I like the stats in the game. Even though it is a game, it gives you something to work to, it's not like CSS or CoD where you just log on to play, and don't get 'anything' out of it.

Last edited by keyoshi (17 years, 11 months ago)

Yes, stats ruin BF2... and here is why:

People are too focused on one thing, points. If there wasn't a point system then people would simply be playing BF2 for "fun" .... whatever that means. Whatever happened to the old FPS days where you just loaded up and joined a server to pub... since BF2 came out people load up because they want to make their next rank....

Now, since people want their next rank or award... they stat pad those points so they can achieve such goals. The only reason people stat pad and "kidnap" people is to take advantage of the point system.

Can anyone think of any other game that has "stat padders" ?? I can't. BF2 is the only game that I can think of one.

Since stat padding is such a problem EA then has to patrol around and take action against these padders. So it creates worthless jobs... if there weren't any stats then obviously we would have this problem.

With having to reset people off their backs then they would have more time to focus on maybe.. making BETTER patches ? ? orrr banning HACkers ?

It's so easy to see that because of a stats system... all these other problems simply domino effect off of it.
its a curse...and i will never get a cure for it........

wanna know why see my stats they explayn it to you
Yeah, Bf2's prequel, Bf 1942, didn't have a ranking system or stats and my dad and I still played for hours at a time. But Stats are what keeps me going on BF2, being able to brag and compare with my friends from school and be able to win commander elections . I think they should come out with another Xpack that ties in with normal Bf2 that comes with even more weapon unlocks. I want to have a better reason to play. Getting a new gun keeps me playing with a point. Also, badges and awards are fun to get too. In fact, I need 2 more hours as Assault to get the Expert badge. Why am I not playing now? That's the question everybody asks themselves. "Why am I not playing now? I'm so close to my new rank/award/unlock. Better start playing." I like the ranking system.
Dropped on request
Null vote, yes and no. It's a double edged sword. Wait, that makes no sense...
Your complaining about stats yet you have made a new account with a 5k/d ratio which obviously means you do care about stats if you have played medic 8 hours and another kits not even one hour, hipocricy is fun isn't it?

Chodda wrote:

Yes, stats ruin BF2... and here is why:

People are too focused on one thing, points. If there wasn't a point system then people would simply be playing BF2 for "fun" .... whatever that means. Whatever happened to the old FPS days where you just loaded up and joined a server to pub... since BF2 came out people load up because they want to make their next rank....

Now, since people want their next rank or award... they stat pad those points so they can achieve such goals. The only reason people stat pad and "kidnap" people is to take advantage of the point system.

Can anyone think of any other game that has "stat padders" ?? I can't. BF2 is the only game that I can think of one.

Since stat padding is such a problem EA then has to patrol around and take action against these padders. So it creates worthless jobs... if there weren't any stats then obviously we would have this problem.

With having to reset people off their backs then they would have more time to focus on maybe.. making BETTER patches ? ? orrr banning HACkers ?

It's so easy to see that because of a stats system... all these other problems simply domino effect off of it.
Nah EA just wipe their stats not ban them which means they can pad over and over again. Strange really you would have thought EA would have been banning mad so more people re-buy BF2.

Stats are good for checking how good your doing, the ranks are a bonus too as it gives you a target to aim for next. I can name people from forums like TBF2 etc that call people J10 whores yet they use it theirself. One who I won't name I was on a server with I was USMC and of coruse he was raping the shit round after round the carrier with the J10. I don't mind base raping to an extent, but there is a limit to when it just gets old and lame.

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