
gene_pool wrote:

im_in_heaven wrote:

do you honestly think you're going to get "true" stories in a forum ? LOL
What are you talking about? I always tell the truth, forum or not.

Anyway, as i was saying, it was me vs. 10 guys right.....
LOL thats not what i heard. I heard it was more like 8 guys. See this forum is full of liars!
oh hai :D
+156|6969|The Netherlands
In real life i like Winney the Poohbear.
no you don't you like bf2 and Dragon ball z
Was ist Loos?
i cut off part of my middle finger with a lawnmower when i was 7... now its as long as my index finger
Goodbye :)
+399|6797|Somewhere else

I'm about 6' 5" tall 260 pounds, and I had surgery on my face, so there is this massive surgical scar than runs across my neck that makes it look like I had my throat slit. then there's a few more aroudn that same area. My teeth were removed, and my bottom teeth are fake and are held in with a steel plate.

I have 17 tattoo's, and another foot long scar on my leg from surgery that has a massive skin graft in the middle of that scar.  I'm not too terribly friendly looking. I'm left pretty well alone.

So, most people don't wanna mess with me.  After the doctors put me through 7 surgeries, one coma, one steel plate, 10 or so screws in my face, a trach, 2,000 stitches, couple dozen staples, my pain threshold is a bit up there.

But, I'm pretty quick to back down from a fight. Just because I'm a big mean looking guy, doesn't mean I have to be macho and prove it.  I'd rather talk it out, rather than risking jail for putting a mean hurt on somebody over something stupid.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-04-13 15:04:09)

+133|6614|Bloomington Indiana
some kid tried to sucker punch a friend of mine while i was in high school...naturally i wasn't going to let that happen...i grabbed the dudes arm and threw him to the ground. thought it was over....but no...moron decided to pull 2 knives on me in public....i laughed at him and told him to look around (broad daylight at the center of town)
then he just left with his other lame friends.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6995|Middle of nowhere
i've only beat up a guy once, like 3 years ago b/c he was giving me shit about playing the flute, and it crossed a line eventually

made him cry, however that's the only fight i've been in, and although the guy was at least twice my size, i question his fighting capabilities, so i don't really know how good i am at fighting
+488|6887|Portland, OR, USA

lt.jpsmith wrote:

Ill call you 20 cent then
your ratio is off.  "fiddy" got shot nine times, thus a 50:9 ratio of cent:gunshot wounds.  He would have an X:2 ratio of cent:gunshot wound.  X~11.  So he would be 11 cent, close, but no cigar...
I got beat up by five guys in a bar and I had a dream about it the night before. Really weird! Been in lotsa fights. won all but two. The five guys don't count does it?  My best friend and I got into a fight over a woman. He kicked my ass cause he had the reach on me. I ended up with the girl. Another guy knocked me down with a chain to my head, It doesn't matter really I bleed so easy that even when I win I am all bloody and look like I lost. Once your out of your teens fights are all but non existant anyway

Because of my job I have had a gun permit for a while now so I cant get in fights and It makes you super polite, you cant give the finger to people who cut you off .
( Think it through "Well officer, he cut me off so I gave him the finger and called him a kunt, he got out of his car and started hitting me so I shot him "....jail ) and you stay a lot cooler when your holding all the cards. Works like magic. People just move on You don't have to even draw it. People just melt when you look at them, I guess you give off a vibe or something.  I don't consider myself a tuff guy or I wouldn't need a gun. My brother doesn't. He don't need one !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-13 17:11:30)


RoosterCantrell wrote:

I'm about 6' 5" tall 260 pounds, and I had surgery on my face, so there is this massive surgical scar than runs across my neck that makes it look like I had my throat slit. then there's a few more aroudn that same area. My teeth were removed, and my bottom teeth are fake and are held in with a steel plate.

I have 17 tattoo's, and another foot long scar on my leg from surgery that has a massive skin graft in the middle of that scar.  I'm not too terribly friendly looking. I'm left pretty well alone.

So, most people don't wanna mess with me.  After the doctors put me through 7 surgeries, one coma, one steel plate, 10 or so screws in my face, a trach, 2,000 stitches, couple dozen staples, my pain threshold is a bit up there.

But, I'm pretty quick to back down from a fight. Just because I'm a big mean looking guy, doesn't mean I have to be macho and prove it.  I'd rather talk it out, rather than risking jail for putting a mean hurt on somebody over something stupid.
I think if I had the empression
I was pissing you off, I would suddenly need to use my cell phone outside were the reception is better. Maybe even down the street.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-13 17:15:07)

I had a guy try to hit me with an oar once, on a river rafting trip at my wifes corporate vacation getaway.

We were just goofing off with water buckets and for some reason he stood up in the raft with an oar over his head and acted like he was going to hit me.

I was in the water and looked up at him and said, If you hit me with that oar, you best kill me, because if you dont, I WILL kill you.

He dropped the oar, and later on at the dinner party it was the big story floating around the party.

Evidently I scared everyone in the whole raft half shitless also.

They said the look in my eyes was pure death and evil.

They were right.

Nobody has ever started a fight with me.

I stared down 3 neighborhood bullies high school foot ball stars known for beating people up who had come to my house because my teen stepdaughter had let a few friends over then it began to steamroll.

once they began showing up with beer, being underage, I told them all to GET THE FUCK OUT, just like that.

They tried to play the bs respect card, like dont disrespect me ....I was like this is my fucking house and I will do anything I damn well please....

They started coming at me, I grabbed my 33 inch louisville slugger grand slam and said bring it on bitches....

They grumbled and mumbled some shit under their breath then turned and walked away..

I am 5 10 200 lbs of pure meaness, they have no idea nor do you of the shit somebody might be doing well just to keep a lid on.

Past traumas and whatnot. Thats why you should never ever fuck with anyone for no reason, You don't know if you might be lighting a 20 year old fuze that just wants to blow the fuck up and take you with it.

My old man used to whip me with a belt till I bled and choke me half to death growing up.

Once I came out of the military, I vowed never to ever let anyone fuck with me again, or pay a very dear price for doing so.

Somebody else might be having the worst day of their fucking life when you bump in to them and say watch the fuck out asshole.

Be polite to strangers, even if the don't deserve it.

Might save your life.

Now if someone is bringing shit your way thats another story.

Both barrells with everything you got.

I have a motto.

I don't "fight".

I will try to kill you or seriously maim you at the least should raise even the slightest hand to me.

If you are with 20 homies all talking shit I very well may run. to my car.

Get in my car and run 20 motherfuckers down.
99 Problems . . .

I was hit with a Left Hook once in my life.

I've been knocked-out-cold once in my life.

Coincidence ?
The biggest fear, is fear its self.

lt.jpsmith wrote:

Ill call you 20 cent then
you made me lol.

genis_man16 wrote:

i've only beat up a guy once, like 3 years ago b/c he was giving me shit about playing the flute, and it crossed a line eventually

made him cry, however that's the only fight i've been in, and although the guy was at least twice my size, i question his fighting capabilities, so i don't really know how good i am at fighting
Awsome lol!
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
I played Full Contact Ice Hockey for 15 years - enough said.

But all you kids that want to hit and call yourself badass mutha's .. think about the jail time, some of this shit I laughed at, because no way some of it is true.

Every fighter has lost, none of those "I've never lost a fight" - because probably you havent been in many. Back in the '70's and 80's it was fists and switches, now its who has the biggest gun and can pull it faster. If you fight over the age nowadays expect some ass raping in jail and your pocketbook gone. But I guess if you kids are still in school.. hell fist fight, its always fun and awesome to watch, especially when girls fight. All us older folk can do is either go to court/jail, go to a mosh pit or play hockey if we want to fight.
Dropped on request
I once got my finger slamed into a locker and didn't cry. Don't fuck with me, I'm bad.
Flamesuit essential

theelviscerator wrote:

I had a guy try to hit me with an oar once, on a river rafting trip at my wifes corporate vacation getaway.

We were just goofing off with water buckets and for some reason he stood up in the raft with an oar over his head and acted like he was going to hit me.

I was in the water and looked up at him and said, If you hit me with that oar, you best kill me, because if you dont, I WILL kill you.

He dropped the oar, and later on at the dinner party it was the big story floating around the party.

Evidently I scared everyone in the whole raft half shitless also.

They said the look in my eyes was pure death and evil.

They were right.

Nobody has ever started a fight with me.

I stared down 3 neighborhood bullies high school foot ball stars known for beating people up who had come to my house because my teen stepdaughter had let a few friends over then it began to steamroll.

once they began showing up with beer, being underage, I told them all to GET THE FUCK OUT, just like that.

They tried to play the bs respect card, like dont disrespect me ....I was like this is my fucking house and I will do anything I damn well please....

They started coming at me, I grabbed my 33 inch louisville slugger grand slam and said bring it on bitches....

They grumbled and mumbled some shit under their breath then turned and walked away..

I am 5 10 200 lbs of pure meaness, they have no idea nor do you of the shit somebody might be doing well just to keep a lid on.

Past traumas and whatnot. Thats why you should never ever fuck with anyone for no reason, You don't know if you might be lighting a 20 year old fuze that just wants to blow the fuck up and take you with it.

My old man used to whip me with a belt till I bled and choke me half to death growing up.

Once I came out of the military, I vowed never to ever let anyone fuck with me again, or pay a very dear price for doing so.

Somebody else might be having the worst day of their fucking life when you bump in to them and say watch the fuck out asshole.

Be polite to strangers, even if the don't deserve it.

Might save your life.

Now if someone is bringing shit your way thats another story.

Both barrells with everything you got.

I have a motto.

I don't "fight".

I will try to kill you or seriously maim you at the least should raise even the slightest hand to me.

If you are with 20 homies all talking shit I very well may run. to my car.

Get in my car and run 20 motherfuckers down.
What if they're all in Humvees and have guns?  And for the sake of argument, what if all their cars are equipped with those flamethrowers that spurt out fire from the bottom of the car?

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I once got my finger slamed into a locker and didn't cry. Don't fuck with me, I'm bad.
I've had that happen to me twice. Once in Kindergarden and once in 2nd grade. Shite. Except, I did cry. And during the 2nd grade incident, it hit my fucking thumbnail. turned blue/black/purple then yellowish, then fell off. Eventually regrew though. It really looked damn nasty. I was a complete idiot both times, putting my hands in and then out of the locker. Both times, some other kid sees me and slams the goddamn door on me. After that, I learned not to play around with lockers like that.

I've never actually been in a fight for two reasons. I'd get my ass handed to me anyway partially due to my frame/size/weight/etc. and my lack of enthusiasm when it comes to real life fighting. And I don't have any enemies, well that I know of anyway.

Last edited by Smithereener (2007-04-14 13:14:33)

I've been in more than my fair share of fights and I never instigate them, I guess I have a face people just like to hit.

My best fight story is probably the time a car ran over my foot and banged into me and my girlfriend. I smacked on the car and shouted at the guy to open his fucking eyes and three scumbags got out of the car and started swinging at me; they were pretty heavy and slow and gave up after they couldn't land any punches and took off but as they left another scumbag who knew them got involved and started swinging at me, I warned him to stop 3 times but he kept going so I let loose and punched him square on the jaw... I had to sit with him for ten minutes until the ambulance came as he was out cold!
oh here in scotland your not aloud guns and dealt with harshley...... so everyone still runs around with swords and knifes, machette's

once i got hit in the back of the head with a hammer randomley, bye 3 men, OH forgot to mention they cant fight themslelfs always 3 or 2 of them at the same time....anyhoo was the biggest mistake they made my freind came out the club just as it happend and gave me some support"I need help over here sir!, i need backup do you copy" and knocked the shit right out of them, as 1 lay Ko'd........ we got arrested and took to hospital "medic!" "first aid!!" to be checked over , considering i had concusion :S with a big gaping wound in my head was funny right enough.

my other freind at another time he was stabbed 8 times and once with a sword wasent very pleasent he survived funny enough and told his family who it was, wich are not to be fucked with i tell yi... never seen those boys again apart rom one who was RUN over and reversed over again yeah shit happens....what gose around comes around, and if you live in scotland i can tell yi now it much more worse than being shot...... not that that dosent happen also but not as common.. like the guy who satyed round the back from me got is arm and leg blown off with a sawed of shotgun.. then the week after a pub was ransacked with 6 men found who they where looking for and plasterd him all over the wall lol.

and my other freinds cut of a pedos arms and legs teehee...

one thing to mention here they all have been cought, coz they are stupid and dont htink things through, coz if your going to do it do it right and not on a drunkin whim

Last edited by [GSF]AFROPUFF (2007-06-22 06:46:39)

I used to bounce at a place called the Odessy and we had about 12 guys on the floor at all times with ear/mic pieces, we used to throw out allot of Americans, too many situations at that place to even start to talk about but it was fun, lol
Scratching my back
I admit, ive lost a couple of fights, but i've also won like 4.

One i lost was too, a kid from my year, it was after school on the street and his gang of like 10 friends and me on my own came up to me and the kid just flipped and started a fight with me. He threw a few punches to my face but then i recovered and hit him a few times and knocked him down, but then his cunt of a friend came to his aid and one pinned me to a wall while the other was punching me in the face for like 5 minutes.

A kid who i was hanging around with me at school was pissing me off so i turns around and grabs him by the throat and literally smashes him against the wall, hitting him with my other hand. He had hold on my tie lol which had no difference, then a sodding teacher came and stopped the circus.

Theres some more but cant remember too much to tell on here.

String3R wrote:

1 word


Do only england have chavs?
nope...theres plenty of the wee bawbags in scotland too.
You likey leaky?
+433|6996|In You Endo- Stoke
I'm that hard,that one time a basecamp i shoot myself in the foot and didn't cry.

I'm so l33t.
Northern numpty
+194|6764|Boulder, CO
I don't generally get into fights, I can only really remember 2 occasions where i got involved.
1) was when a group of people about 2 years younger than me (i was about 14-15 at the time) just completely blocked an alley i needed to go through to get somewhere (i've forgotten where it even was now) and just started saying shit about me, i walked up to the leader and threw him about 6 foot into this wall, then i carried on walking through the gap and walked on, though i did give him a kick to the balls just to make sure he didn't screw with me again. strangely his friends did nothing.

second time a chav stole some money i had in my hand to give to someone, i ran after him and watched as he looked back at me and ran into a pole, i took my money and walked off. not a fight but incredibly funny once i took my money back.

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